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yawning 1
year 514
year-old 2
yearling 54
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54 standard
54 stronghold
54 whereas
54 yearling
53 bird
53 borne
53 cedar
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                                bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                    grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Exo 29: 38 | offer on the altar: two yearling lambs as the sacrifice established 2 Pent, Lev 12: 6 | entrance of the meeting tent a yearling lamb for a holocaust and 3 Pent, Lev 14: 10 | male lambs, one unblemished yearling ewe lamb, three tenths of 4 Pent, Lev 23: 12 | holocaust an unblemished yearling lamb. ~ 5 Pent, Lev 23: 18 | holocaust of seven unblemished yearling lambs, one young bull, and 6 Pent, Lev 23: 19 | a sin offering, and two yearling lambs as a peace offering. ~ 7 Pent, Num 6: 12 | as a nazirite, bringing a yearling lamb as a guilt offering. 8 Pent, Num 6: 14 | the LORD one unblemished yearling lamb for a holocaust, one 9 Pent, Num 6: 14 | holocaust, one unblemished yearling ewe lamb for a sin offering, 10 Pent, Num 7: 15 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 11 Pent, Num 7: 17 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 12 Pent, Num 7: 21 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 13 Pent, Num 7: 23 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 14 Pent, Num 7: 27 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 15 Pent, Num 7: 29 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 16 Pent, Num 7: 33 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 17 Pent, Num 7: 35 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 18 Pent, Num 7: 39 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 19 Pent, Num 7: 41 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 20 Pent, Num 7: 45 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 21 Pent, Num 7: 47 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 22 Pent, Num 7: 51 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 23 Pent, Num 7: 53 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 24 Pent, Num 7: 57 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 25 Pent, Num 7: 59 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 26 Pent, Num 7: 63 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 27 Pent, Num 7: 65 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 28 Pent, Num 7: 69 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 29 Pent, Num 7: 71 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 30 Pent, Num 7: 75 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 31 Pent, Num 7: 77 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 32 Pent, Num 7: 81 | young bull, one ram, and one yearling lamb for a holocaust; ~ 33 Pent, Num 7: 83 | rams, five goats, and five yearling lambs for a peace offering. 34 Pent, Num 7: 87 | twelve rams, and twelve yearling lambs, with their cereal 35 Pent, Num 7: 88 | sixty goats, and sixty yearling lambs. These, then, were 36 Pent, Num 15: 27 | inadvertently, he shall bring a yearling she-goat as a sin offering, ~ 37 Pent, Num 28: 3 | the LORD: two unblemished yearling lambs each day as the established 38 Pent, Num 28: 9 | shall offer two unblemished yearling lambs, with their cereal 39 Pent, Num 28: 11 | ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 40 Pent, Num 28: 19 | bullocks, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure 41 Pent, Num 28: 27 | bullocks, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure 42 Pent, Num 29: 2 | ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 43 Pent, Num 29: 8 | bullock, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure 44 Pent, Num 29: 13 | two rams, and fourteen yearling lambs that are unblemished, ~ 45 Pent, Num 29: 17 | and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 46 Pent, Num 29: 20 | and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 47 Pent, Num 29: 23 | and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 48 Pent, Num 29: 26 | and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 49 Pent, Num 29: 29 | and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 50 Pent, Num 29: 32 | and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 51 Pent, Num 29: 36 | ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs, ~ 52 ProphB, Eze 46: 13 | the LORD an unblemished yearling lamb; this he shall offer 53 Gosp, Act 21: 24(8)| Nazirite had to present a yearling lamb for a holocaust, a 54 Gosp, Act 21: 24(8)| lamb for a holocaust, a yearling ewe lamb for a sin offering,

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