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                                                                        bold = Main text
     Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                          grey = Comment text
501 WisdB, Psa 79: 9 | pardon our sins for your name's sake. ~ 502 WisdB, Psa 80: 19 | and we will call on your name. ~ 503 WisdB, Psa 83: 1(1) | attempts to wipe out the name of Israel (Psalm 83:1-8). 504 WisdB, Psa 83: 1(1) | until they acknowledge the name of Israel's God (Psalm 83: 505 WisdB, Psa 83: 5 | their nation; let Israel's name be mentioned no more!" ~ 506 WisdB, Psa 86: 9 | and give honor to your name. ~ 507 WisdB, Psa 86: 11 | single-hearted and revering your name. ~ 508 WisdB, Psa 86: 12 | all my heart, glorify your name forever, Lord my God. ~ 509 WisdB, Psa 89: 11(4) | mythological sea monster whose name is used in the Bible mainly 510 WisdB, Psa 89: 13 | and Hermon rejoice in your name. ~ 511 WisdB, Psa 89: 17 | 17 ~In your name they sing joyfully all the 512 WisdB, Psa 89: 25 | be with him; through my name his horn will be exalted. ~ 513 WisdB, Psa 91: 14 | deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high. ~ 514 WisdB, Psa 92: 2 | to sing praise to your name, Most High, ~ 515 WisdB, Psa 94: 20 | who create burdens in the name of law, ~ 516 WisdB, Psa 96: 2 | Sing to the LORD, bless his name; announce his salvation 517 WisdB, Psa 96: 8 | the LORD the glory due his name! Bring gifts and enter his 518 WisdB, Psa 97: 12 | just, and praise his holy name.~ ~ ~ 519 WisdB, Psa 99: 3 | praise your great and awesome name: Holy is God! ~ 520 WisdB, Psa 99: 6 | those who called on God's name; they called on the LORD, 521 WisdB, Psa 100: 4 | thanks to God, bless his name; ~ 522 WisdB, Psa 102: 9 | their rage, they make my name a curse. ~ 523 WisdB, Psa 102: 9(2) | 9] They make my name a curse: enemies use the 524 WisdB, Psa 102: 9(2) | enemies use the psalmist's name in phrases such as, "May 525 WisdB, Psa 102: 16 | nations shall revere your name, LORD, all the kings of 526 WisdB, Psa 102: 22 | 22 ~Then the LORD'S name will be declared on Zion, 527 WisdB, Psa 103: 1 | my being, bless his holy name! ~ 528 WisdB, Psa 104: 35(7) | abbreviated form of the divine name Yah(weh).~ 529 WisdB, Psa 105: 1 | to the LORD, invoke his name; make known among the peoples 530 WisdB, Psa 105: 3 | 3 ~Glory in his holy name; rejoice, O hearts that 531 WisdB, Psa 106: 8 | Yet he saved them for his name's sake to make his power 532 WisdB, Psa 106: 47 | give thanks to your holy name and glory in praising you. ~ 533 WisdB, Psa 109: 13 | posterity be destroyed, his name cease in the next generation. ~ 534 WisdB, Psa 109: 21 | kindly with me for your name's sake; in your great mercy 535 WisdB, Psa 111: 9 | holy and awesome is your name. ~ 536 WisdB, Psa 113: 1 | of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. ~ 537 WisdB, Psa 113: 1(1) | congregation to praise God's name, i.e., the way in which 538 WisdB, Psa 113: 1(1) | present in the world; the name is mentioned three times 539 WisdB, Psa 113: 1(1) | Psalm 113:1-3. The divine name is especially honored in 540 WisdB, Psa 113: 2 | 2 ~Blessed be the name of the LORD both now and 541 WisdB, Psa 113: 3 | sun to its setting let the name of the LORD be praised. ~ 542 WisdB, Psa 115: 1 | LORD, not to us but to your name give glory because of your 543 WisdB, Psa 115: 1(1) | as they invoke the divine name (Psalm 115:12-15), and concludes 544 WisdB, Psa 116: 4 | 4 ~Then I called on the name of the LORD, "O LORD, save 545 WisdB, Psa 116: 13 | salvation and call on the name of the LORD. ~ 546 WisdB, Psa 116: 17 | thanksgiving and call on the name of the LORD. ~ 547 WisdB, Psa 118: 1(1) | very likely speaking in the name of the community) describes 548 WisdB, Psa 118: 10 | surrounded me; in the LORD'S name I crushed them. ~ 549 WisdB, Psa 118: 11 | every side; in the LORD'S name I crushed them. ~ 550 WisdB, Psa 118: 12 | among thorns; in the LORD'S name I crushed them. ~ 551 WisdB, Psa 118: 26 | Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. We bless you 552 WisdB, Psa 119: 55 | at night I remember your name in observance of your teaching, 553 WisdB, Psa 119: 132 | edict for lovers of your name. ~ 554 WisdB, Psa 122: 4 | Israel, to give thanks to the name of the LORD. ~ 555 WisdB, Psa 124: 8 | 8 ~2 Our help is the name of the LORD, the maker of 556 WisdB, Psa 124: 8(2) | 8] Our help is the name: for the idiom, see Exodus 557 WisdB, Psa 129: 8 | you! We bless you in the name of the LORD!"~ ~ ~ 558 WisdB, Psa 135: 1 | Hallelujah! 1 Praise the name of the LORD! Praise, you 559 WisdB, Psa 135: 3 | LORD is good! Sing to God's name; it is gracious! ~ 560 WisdB, Psa 135: 13 | 13 ~O LORD, your name is forever, your renown, 561 WisdB, Psa 138: 2 | holy temple; I praise your name for your fidelity and love. 562 WisdB, Psa 138: 2 | have exalted over all your name and your promise. ~ 563 WisdB, Psa 139: 20 | Deceitfully they invoke your name; your foes swear faithless 564 WisdB, Psa 140: 14 | will give thanks to your name; the upright will dwell 565 WisdB, Psa 142: 8 | may give thanks to your name. Then the just shall gather 566 WisdB, Psa 143: 11 | 11 ~For your name's sake, LORD, give me life; 567 WisdB, Psa 145: 1 | king; I will bless your name forever. ~ 568 WisdB, Psa 145: 2 | you; I will praise your name forever. ~ 569 WisdB, Psa 145: 21 | flesh will bless your holy name forever.~ ~ ~ 570 WisdB, Psa 147: 4 | stars, calls each of them by name. ~ 571 WisdB, Psa 148: 5 | them all praise the LORD'S name; for the LORD commanded 572 WisdB, Psa 148: 13 | them all praise the LORD'S name, for his name alone is exalted, 573 WisdB, Psa 148: 13 | the LORD'S name, for his name alone is exalted, majestic 574 WisdB, Psa 149: 3 | 3 ~2 Let them praise his name in festive dance, make music 575 WisdB, Pro Int | and Christian circles. The name "Proverbs," while not an 576 WisdB, Pro Int | book was also known by the name of "Wisdom," and in the 577 WisdB, Pro 10: 7 | will be blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot. ~ 578 WisdB, Pro 18: 10 | 10 ~1 The name of the LORD is a strong 579 WisdB, Pro 21: 24 | 24 ~Arrogant is the name for the man of overbearing 580 WisdB, Pro 22: 1 | 1 ~A good name is more desirable than great 581 WisdB, Pro 30: 1(2) | not be intended as a place name; it might signify "an oracle," " 582 WisdB, Pro 30: 4 | of the earth? What is his name, what is his son's name, 583 WisdB, Pro 30: 4 | name, what is his son's name, if you know it?" ~ 584 WisdB, Pro 30: 9 | I steal, and profane the name of my God. ~ 585 WisdB, Ecc Int | translation of the Hebrew name Qoheleth meaning, perhaps, " 586 WisdB, Ecc Int | obviously only his literary name. Because he is called "David' 587 WisdB, Ecc 6: 4 | goes into darkness and its name is enveloped in darkness; ~ 588 WisdB, Ecc 6: 10 | was long ago given its name, and the nature of man is 589 WisdB, Ecc 7: 1 | 1 ~1 A good name is better than good ointment, 590 WisdB, Ecc 7: 1(1) | the child at birth; a good name remains even after death. ~ 591 WisdB, Son 1: 3 | 3 ~Your name spoken is a spreading perfume -~ 592 WisdB, Son 1: 5(3) | Syrian desert region whose name suggests blackness; tents 593 WisdB, Son 7: 1(1) | Kings 1:3) or because the name may mean "the peaceful one," 594 WisdB, Son 7: 1(1) | one," and thus recall the name of Solomon. As at the dance 595 WisdB, Son 7: 5(3) | eyes. Bath-rabbim: a proper name which occurs only here; 596 WisdB, Wisd Int | Christ. Its author, whose name is not known to us, was 597 WisdB, Wisd 1: 1(1) | cardinal virtue of that name (cf Wisdom 8:7), but the 598 WisdB, Wisd 1: 5(2) | here and elsewhere, another name for Wisdom; injustice: the 599 WisdB, Wisd 2: 4 | 4 ~Even our name will be forgotten in time, 600 WisdB, Wisd 10: 20 | sang, O LORD, your holy name ~ 601 WisdB, Wisd 13: 1(1) | who is: the Hebrew sacred name of God; cf Exodus 3:14. ~ 602 WisdB, Wisd 14: 21 | conferred the incommunicable Name on stocks and stones. ~ 603 WisdB, Wisd 14: 31(4) | though it be practiced in the name of a lifeless idol.~ 604 WisdB, Wisd 18: 24(7) | Glories . . . grandeur: the name of God and the names of 605 WisdB, Sir Int | Book of Sirach derives its name from the author, Jesus, 606 WisdB, Sir 6: 1 | instead of a friend; A bad name and disgrace will you acquire: " 607 WisdB, Sir 6: 23 | For discipline is like her name, she is not accessible to 608 WisdB, Sir 15: 6 | will find, an everlasting name inherit. ~ 609 WisdB, Sir 16: 22(7) | earth (16:3-4), praise God's name (Sirach 16:8), obey his 610 WisdB, Sir 17: 8 | deeds and praise his holy name. ~ 611 WisdB, Sir 22: 14 | than lead, and what is its name but "Fool"? ~ 612 WisdB, Sir 23: 7(2) | through misuse of the Holy Name, thoughtless swearing which 613 WisdB, Sir 23: 9 | too familiar with the Holy Name. ~ 614 WisdB, Sir 23: 10 | continually by the Holy Name will not remain free from 615 WisdB, Sir 24: 25(6) | understood by some to have been a name for the Nile: cf Genesis 616 WisdB, Sir 36: 11 | the people called by your name; Israel, whom you named 617 WisdB, Sir 36: 14 | prophecies spoken in your name, ~ 618 WisdB, Sir 37: 1 | friends who are friends in name only. ~ 619 WisdB, Sir 37: 25 | heritage of glory, and his name endures forever. ~ 620 WisdB, Sir 39: 9 | through all generations his name will live; ~ 621 WisdB, Sir 39: 15 | Proclaim the greatness of his name, loudly sing his praises, 622 WisdB, Sir 39: 35 | heart proclaim and bless the name of the Holy One. ~ ~ ~ 623 WisdB, Sir 40: 18 | city will preserve one's name, but better than either, 624 WisdB, Sir 41: 1(1) | 41:5-10). Only the good name of the virtuous endures ( 625 WisdB, Sir 41: 11 | fleeting thing, but a virtuous name will never be annihilated. ~ 626 WisdB, Sir 41: 12 | 12 ~Have a care for your name, for it will stand by you 627 WisdB, Sir 41: 13 | limited days, but a good name, for days without number. ~ 628 WisdB, Sir 43: 8 | 8 ~As its name says, each month it renews 629 WisdB, Sir 44: 1(2) | Israel, later mentioned by name, who through various achievements 630 WisdB, Sir 44: 8 | them have left behind a name and men recount their praiseworthy 631 WisdB, Sir 44: 14 | peacefully laid away, but their name lives on and on. ~ 632 WisdB, Sir 45: 15 | bless his people in his name. ~ 633 WisdB, Sir 46: 1 | office, Formed to be, as his name implies, the great savior 634 WisdB, Sir 46: 1(1) | 1-6] Joshua, whose name means "the Lord is savior" ( 635 WisdB, Sir 47: 10 | 10 ~So that when the Holy Name was praised, before daybreak 636 WisdB, Sir 47: 13 | He built a house to the name of God, and established 637 WisdB, Sir 47: 18 | called by that glorious name which was conferred upon 638 WisdB, Sir 47: 23(4) | 23] Expansive: the name Rehoboam means "the people 639 WisdB, Sir 49: 1 | 1 ~1 The name JOSIAH is like blended incense, 640 WisdB, Sir 50: 1(1) | this occasion - the holy name of Yahweh, climax the description 641 WisdB, Sir 50: 20 | would be upon his lips, the name of the LORD would be his 642 WisdB, Sir 51: 1 | I will make known your name, refuge of my life; ~ 643 WisdB, Sir 51: 11 | I will ever praise your name and be constant in my prayers 644 WisdB, Sir 51: 12 | praise him; I bless the name of the LORD. ~ 645 ProphB | them to the people in his name (Deut 18:15-20). The prophets 646 ProphB | promise to declare in God's name events of the near and distant 647 ProphB, Isa 4: 1 | clothing; Only let your name be given us, put an end 648 ProphB, Isa 7: 3(2) | 3] Shear-jashub: this name means "a remnant will return."~ 649 ProphB, Isa 7: 14 | and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. ~ 650 ProphB, Isa 8: 1(1) | Maher-shalal-hash-baz: a symbolic name to be given to another son 651 ProphB, Isa 8: 3 | son. The LORD said to me: Name him Maher-shalal-hash-baz, ~ 652 ProphB, Isa 8: 4 | his father or mother by name, the wealth of Damascus 653 ProphB, Isa 8: 10(5) | thwarted because, as the name "Immanuel" signifies, With 654 ProphB, Isa 9: 5 | shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, 655 ProphB, Isa 10: 21(4) | shear-jashub, an allusion to the name of Isaiah's son, Shear-jashub; 656 ProphB, Isa 12: 4 | to the LORD, acclaim his name; among the nations make 657 ProphB, Isa 12: 4 | proclaim how exalted is his name. ~ 658 ProphB, Isa 14: 12(2) | Vulgate has "Lucifer," a name applied by the Church Fathers 659 ProphB, Isa 14: 22 | and cut off from Babylon name and remnant, progeny and 660 ProphB, Isa 18: 7 | Mount Zion where dwells the name of the LORD of hosts.~ ~ ~ 661 ProphB, Isa 21: 11(4) | 11-12] Seir: another name for Edom. The Edomites ask 662 ProphB, Isa 24: 15 | coastlands of the sea, to the name of the LORD, the God of 663 ProphB, Isa 25: 1 | extol you and praise your name; For you have fulfilled 664 ProphB, Isa 26: 8 | LORD, we look to you; Your name and your title are the desire 665 ProphB, Isa 26: 13 | that we can call upon your name. ~ 666 ProphB, Isa 29: 1(1) | altar) of God," a poetic name for Jerusalem; or perhaps 667 ProphB, Isa 29: 1(1) | foundation of God," an archaic name for the Jebusite city of 668 ProphB, Isa 29: 23 | midst, They shall keep my name holy; they shall reverence 669 ProphB, Isa 30: 27 | 27 ~5 See the name of the LORD coming from 670 ProphB, Isa 30: 27(5) | punishment of Assyria. The name of the LORD: God himself; 671 ProphB, Isa 40: 26 | them, calling them all by name. By his great might and 672 ProphB, Isa 40: 26(6) | note on Genesis 1:1. By name: for he is their Creator.~ 673 ProphB, Isa 41: 25 | the east I summon him by name; He shall trample the rulers 674 ProphB, Isa 42: 8 | am the LORD, this is my name; my glory I give to no other, 675 ProphB, Isa 43: 1 | you; I have called you by name: you are mine. ~ 676 ProphB, Isa 44: 5(2) | of tatooing the owner's name on the hand of his slave; 677 ProphB, Isa 45: 1(1) | translation Christos, we have the name "Christ." Applied to kings, " 678 ProphB, Isa 45: 3 | Israel, who calls you by your name. ~ 679 ProphB, Isa 45: 4 | have called you by your name, giving you a title, though 680 ProphB, Isa 47: 4 | 4 ~Whose name is the LORD of hosts, the 681 ProphB, Isa 48: 1 | house of Jacob called by the name Israel, sprung from the 682 ProphB, Isa 48: 1 | Judah, You who swear by the name of the LORD and invoke the 683 ProphB, Isa 48: 2 | the God of Israel, whose name is the LORD of hosts. ~ 684 ProphB, Isa 48: 9 | 9 ~For the sake of my name I restrain my anger, for 685 ProphB, Isa 48: 19 | stock like its grains, Their name never cut off or blotted 686 ProphB, Isa 49: 1 | mother's womb he gave me my name. ~ 687 ProphB, Isa 49: 1(2) | 1] Gave me my name: designated me for a special 688 ProphB, Isa 49: 16 | hands I have written your name; your walls are ever before 689 ProphB, Isa 49: 16(7) | 16] Upon the palms . . . name: for continual remembrance; 690 ProphB, Isa 50: 10 | any light, Trusting in the name of the LORD and relying 691 ProphB, Isa 51: 15 | roar; the LORD of hosts by name. ~ 692 ProphB, Isa 52: 5 | the LORD; all the day my name is constantly reviled. ~ 693 ProphB, Isa 54: 5 | husband is your Maker; his name is the LORD of hosts; Your 694 ProphB, Isa 56: 5 | walls, a monument and a name Better than sons and daughters; 695 ProphB, Isa 56: 5 | an eternal, imperishable name will I give them. ~ 696 ProphB, Isa 56: 5(3) | 5] A monument and a name: a memorial inscription 697 ProphB, Isa 56: 6 | ministering to him, Loving the name of the LORD, and becoming 698 ProphB, Isa 57: 15 | living eternally, whose name is the Holy One: On high 699 ProphB, Isa 59: 19 | the west shall fear the name of the LORD, and those in 700 ProphB, Isa 60: 9 | silver and gold, In the name of the LORD, your God, the 701 ProphB, Isa 62: 2 | shall be called by a new name pronounced by the mouth 702 ProphB, Isa 62: 2(1) | 2] New name: figurative expression for 703 ProphB, Isa 63: 14 | bringing glory to your name. ~ 704 ProphB, Isa 63: 19 | rule, who do not bear your name. Oh, that you would rend 705 ProphB, Isa 64: 1 | the water boil! Thus your name would be made known to your 706 ProphB, Isa 64: 6 | none who calls upon your name, who rouses himself to cling 707 ProphB, Isa 65: 1 | that did not call upon my name. ~ 708 ProphB, Isa 65: 15 | shall slay you, and the name you leave Shall be used 709 ProphB, Isa 65: 15 | shall be called by another name ~ 710 ProphB, Isa 66: 5 | brethren who, because of my name, hate and reject you, say, " 711 ProphB, Isa 66: 22 | shall your race and your name endure. ~ 712 ProphB, Jer 1: 11(5) | had not slept. The Hebrew name contains a play on words 713 ProphB, Jer 3: 17 | gathered together to honor the name of the LORD at Jerusalem, 714 ProphB, Jer 4: 2 | shall the nations use his name in blessing, and glory in 715 ProphB, Jer 7: 10 | this house which bears my name, and say: "We are safe; 716 ProphB, Jer 7: 11 | this house which bears my name become in your eyes a den 717 ProphB, Jer 7: 12 | the dwelling place of my name in the beginning. See what 718 ProphB, Jer 7: 30 | the house which bears my name by setting up in it their 719 ProphB, Jer 9: 3(1) | on words. Jacob, as his name indicates ("he supplants"), 720 ProphB, Jer 10: 6 | great and mighty is your name. ~ 721 ProphB, Jer 10: 16 | tribe, LORD of hosts is his name. ~ 722 ProphB, Jer 10: 25 | that call not upon your name; For they have devoured 723 ProphB, Jer 12: 19 | the living, so that his name will be spoken no more." ~ 724 ProphB, Jer 12: 21 | Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD; else you shall 725 ProphB, Jer 12: 16 | custom of swearing by my name, "As the LORD lives," they 726 ProphB, Jer 13: 1(1) | though a spring of the same name, northeast of Anathoth, 727 ProphB, Jer 14: 7 | LORD, for the honor of your name - Even though our rebellions 728 ProphB, Jer 14: 9 | our midst, O LORD, your name we bear: do not forsake 729 ProphB, Jer 14: 14 | these prophets utter in my name, the LORD said to me. I 730 ProphB, Jer 14: 15 | prophets who prophesy in my name, though I did not send them; 731 ProphB, Jer 14: 21 | 21 ~For your name's sake spurn us not, disgrace 732 ProphB, Jer 15: 16 | heart, Because I bore your name, O LORD, God of hosts. ~ 733 ProphB, Jer 16: 21 | they shall know that my name is LORD. ~ ~ ~ 734 ProphB, Jer 20: 3 | of Pashhur, the LORD will name you "Terror on every side." ~ 735 ProphB, Jer 20: 9 | him, I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes 736 ProphB, Jer 22: 11(3) | here. Presumably it was his name at birth, while Jehoahaz 737 ProphB, Jer 22: 11(3) | while Jehoahaz was his royal name.~ 738 ProphB, Jer 22: 24(9) | shortened form of Jeconiah, the name which Jeremiah gives the 739 ProphB, Jer 22: 26(10)| invariably mentioned by name along with the king (1 Kings 740 ProphB, Jer 23: 1(1) | an ironic wordplay on the name of the weak King Zedekiah (" 741 ProphB, Jer 23: 1(1) | reality what Zedekiah's name falsely proclaims him. The 742 ProphB, Jer 23: 6 | in security. This is the name they give him: "The LORD 743 ProphB, Jer 23: 25 | who prophesy lies in my name say, "I had a dream! I had 744 ProphB, Jer 23: 26 | will this continue? Is my name in the hearts of the prophets 745 ProphB, Jer 23: 27 | make my people forget my name, just as their fathers forgot 746 ProphB, Jer 23: 27 | their fathers forgot my name for Baal. ~ 747 ProphB, Jer 25: 29 | city, which is called by my name, I begin to inflict evil, 748 ProphB, Jer 26: 9 | Why do you prophesy in the name of the LORD: 'This house 749 ProphB, Jer 26: 16 | deserve death; it is in the name of the LORD, our God, that 750 ProphB, Jer 26: 20 | man who prophesied in the name of the LORD, Uriah, son 751 ProphB, Jer 27: 15 | they prophesy falsely in my name, with the result that I 752 ProphB, Jer 29: 9 | prophesy lies to you in my name; I did not send them, says 753 ProphB, Jer 29: 21 | prophesy lies to you in my name, Ahab, son of Kolaiah, and 754 ProphB, Jer 29: 23 | wives, and alleging in my name things I did not command. 755 ProphB, Jer 31: 35 | till its waves roar, whose name is LORD of hosts: ~ 756 ProphB, Jer 32: 18 | great and mighty, whose name is LORD of hosts, ~ 757 ProphB, Jer 32: 35(7) | Jeremiah 19:5 he is given the name Baal; see note on Lev 18: 758 ProphB, Jer 33: 2 | form and firmness, whose name is LORD: ~ 759 ProphB, Jer 34: 16 | your mind and profaned my name by taking back your male 760 ProphB, Jer 40: 8(3) | a high official of this name was discovered in 1932 at 761 ProphB, Jer 44: 16 | listen to what you say in the name of the LORD. ~ 762 ProphB, Jer 44: 26 | I swear by my own great name, says the LORD, in the whole 763 ProphB, Jer 44: 26 | henceforth pronounce my name, saying, "As the Lord GOD 764 ProphB, Jer 46: 17 | Pharaoh, king of Egypt, by the name "The noise that let its 765 ProphB, Jer 46: 17(5) | is wordplay here on the name Hophra, who still made a 766 ProphB, Jer 46: 18 | live, says the King whose name is LORD of hosts, Like Tabor 767 ProphB, Jer 48: 15 | King, the LORD of hosts by name. ~ 768 ProphB, Jer 49: 27(8) | least three kings bore this name; cf 1 Kings 15:18; 20.~ 769 ProphB, Jer 50: 2(2) | 2] Bel: originally the name of the god of Nippur in 770 ProphB, Jer 50: 34 | is their avenger, whose name is LORD of hosts; He will 771 ProphB, Jer 51: 19 | tribe, LORD of hosts is his name. ~ 772 ProphB, Jer 51: 57 | awaken, says the King, whose name is the LORD of hosts. ~ 773 ProphB, Jer 52: 1 | Jerusalem. His mother's name was Hamutal, daughter of 774 ProphB, Lam 3: 55 | 55 ~I called upon your name, O LORD, from the bottom 775 ProphB, Lam 5: 6(1) | Mesopotamia is here called by the name it had long borne, Assyria, 776 ProphB, Bar Int | Jeremiah. He expresses in their name sentiments called for by 777 ProphB, Bar Int | exiles, who is assured in the name of God that all her children 778 ProphB, Bar 2: 11 | have made for yourself a name till the present day: ~ 779 ProphB, Bar 2: 15 | his descendants bear your name. ~ 780 ProphB, Bar 2: 26 | the house which bears your name to what it is today, for 781 ProphB, Bar 2: 26(3) | The house which bears your name: the temple of Jerusalem. 782 ProphB, Bar 2: 32 | captivity, and shall invoke my name. ~ 783 ProphB, Bar 3: 5 | fathers, but your own hand and name: ~ 784 ProphB, Bar 3: 7 | that we may call upon your name, and praise you in our captivity, 785 ProphB, Bar 4: 30 | Jerusalem! He who gave you your name is your encouragement. ~ 786 ProphB, Bar 5: 2 | the glory of the eternal name. ~ 787 ProphB, Eze Int | by zeal for his own holy name. The new heart and the new 788 ProphB, Eze 10: 13 | heard the wheels given the name "wheelwork." ~ 789 ProphB, Eze 20: 9 | 9 ~but I acted for my name's sake, that it should not 790 ProphB, Eze 20: 14 | 14 ~but I acted for my name's sake, that it should not 791 ProphB, Eze 20: 22 | stayed my hand, acting for my name's sake, lest it be profaned 792 ProphB, Eze 20: 39 | never again profane my holy name with your gifts and your 793 ProphB, Eze 20: 44 | deal with you thus, for my name's sake, and not according 794 ProphB, Eze 23: 4 | 4 ~1 Oholah was the name of the elder, and the name 795 ProphB, Eze 23: 4 | name of the elder, and the name of her sister was Oholibah. 796 ProphB, Eze 27: 5(1) | 5] Senir: another name for Mount Hermon; cf Deut 797 ProphB, Eze 34: 23(2) | Ezekiel 34:25-31) in the name of the Lord.~ 798 ProphB, Eze 36: 20 | served to profane my holy name, because it was said of 799 ProphB, Eze 36: 21 | relented because of my holy name which the house of Israel 800 ProphB, Eze 36: 22 | for the sake of my holy name, which you profaned among 801 ProphB, Eze 36: 23 | the holiness of my great name, profaned among the nations, 802 ProphB, Eze 38: 2(2) | 2] Gog: the name is almost certainly a symbolic 803 ProphB, Eze 39: 7 | 7 ~I will make my holy name known among my people Israel; 804 ProphB, Eze 39: 7 | no longer allow my holy name to be profaned. Thus the 805 ProphB, Eze 39: 16 | 16 ~(Also the name of the city shall be Hamonah.) 806 ProphB, Eze 39: 25 | will be jealous for my holy name. ~ 807 ProphB, Eze 43: 7 | their kings profane my holy name with their harlotries and 808 ProphB, Eze 43: 8 | us, they profaned my holy name by their abominable deeds; 809 ProphB, Eze 48: 35 | eighteen thousand cubits. The name of the City shall henceforth 810 ProphB, Dan Int | Introduction~This Book takes its name, not from the author, who 811 ProphB, Dan 1: 2(1) | 2] Shinar: ancient name for Babylonia, a deliberate 812 ProphB, Dan 2: 2(2) | sometimes simply called by the name of that people.~ 813 ProphB, Dan 2: 20 | 20 ~"Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, 814 ProphB, Dan 2: 26 | king asked Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, "Can you 815 ProphB, Dan 3: 1(1) | places in Babylonia bore this name. Probably the present reference 816 ProphB, Dan 3: 26 | glorious forever is your name. ~ 817 ProphB, Dan 3: 34 | 34 ~For your name's sake, do not deliver us 818 ProphB, Dan 3: 43 | and bring glory to your name, O Lord: ~ 819 ProphB, Dan 3: 52 | is your holy and glorious name, praiseworthy and exalted 820 ProphB, Dan 3: 99(9) | It was an ancient divine name used in Canaan; cf Genesis 821 ProphB, Dan 4: 5 | before me Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar after the 822 ProphB, Dan 4: 5 | is Belteshazzar after the name of my god, and in whom is 823 ProphB, Dan 4: 5(1) | 5] After the name of my god: Belteshazzar, 824 ProphB, Dan 4: 5(1) | Belteshazzar, the Babylonian name given to Daniel at the king' 825 ProphB, Dan 4: 5(1) | god Bel, originally the name of the city god of Nippur, 826 ProphB, Dan 4: 5(1) | Babylon. Daniel's use of the name would refer the prayer rather 827 ProphB, Dan 4: 16 | 16 ~Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was appalled 828 ProphB, Dan 5: 2(2) | remote predecessor," or the name Nebuchadnezzar is used for " 829 ProphB, Dan 8: 13(5) | wordplay (shomem) on the name Baal Shamem ("lord of the 830 ProphB, Dan 9: 6 | prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, 831 ProphB, Dan 9: 15 | strong hand, and made a name for yourself even to this 832 ProphB, Dan 9: 18 | the city which bears your name. When we present our petition 833 ProphB, Dan 9: 19 | and your people bear your name!" ~ 834 ProphB, Dan 14: 2(2) | once a priest, Daniel by name, the son of Abal, A favorite 835 ProphB, Hos 1: 4 | said to him: Give him the name Jezreel, for in a little 836 ProphB, Hos 1: 6 | said to him: Give her the name Lo-ruhama; I no longer feel 837 ProphB, Hos 1: 9 | LORD said: Give him the name Lo-ammi, for you are not 838 ProphB, Hos 9: 14(6) | is even signified by the name of his son Ephraim, on whose 839 ProphB, Hos 10: 14(5) | the Moabite king of this name mentioned in an inscription 840 ProphB, Hos 12: 6 | of hosts, the LORD is his name! ~ 841 ProphB, Joe 2: 26 | filled, and shall praise the name of the LORD, your God, Because 842 ProphB, Joe 3: 5 | rescued who calls on the name of the LORD; For on Mount 843 ProphB, Joe 4: 2(1) | Jehoshaphat: a symbolic name of the place of final judgment ( 844 ProphB, Joe 4: 2(1) | judgment (Joel 4:14). The name Jehoshaphat signifies "Yahweh 845 ProphB, Amo 2: 7 | prostitute, profaning my holy name. ~ 846 ProphB, Amo 4: 13 | LORD, the God of hosts by name. ~ ~ ~ 847 ProphB, Amo 5: 9 | upon the fortress; whose name is LORD. ~ 848 ProphB, Amo 5: 27 | LORD, the God of hosts by name. ~ ~ ~ 849 ProphB, Amo 6: 10 | no one must mention the name of the LORD. ~ 850 ProphB, Amo 9: 6 | the earth, I, the LORD by name. ~ 851 ProphB, Amo 9: 11(4) | nations that shall bear my name: the Gentile peoples who 852 ProphB, Amo 9: 11(4) | therefore shall bear his name.~ 853 ProphB, Amo 9: 12 | nations that shall bear my name, say I, the LORD, who will 854 ProphB, Oba 0: 9(4) | Esau: here used as the name of the land.~ 855 ProphB, Jon 1: 1(1) | Amittai: a prophet of this name lived at the time of Jeroboam 856 ProphB, Mic 4: 5 | peoples walk each in the name of its god, But we will 857 ProphB, Mic 4: 5 | But we will walk in the name of the LORD, our God, forever 858 ProphB, Mic 4: 8(2) | flock," an ancient place name (cf Genesis 35:21), here 859 ProphB, Mic 4: 14(4) | maiden," another symbolic name for Jerusalem, then under 860 ProphB, Mic 5: 3 | the LORD, in the majestic name of the LORD, his God; And 861 ProphB, Mic 6: 9 | It is wisdom to fear your name!) Hear, O tribe and city 862 ProphB, Nah 1: 14 | shall come to bear your name; From your temple I will 863 ProphB, Nah 3: 8(2) | No-amon: No was the Egyptian name of the capital of Upper 864 ProphB, Zep 3: 9 | they all may call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him 865 ProphB, Zep 3: 12 | shall take refuge in the name of the LORD; ~ 866 ProphB, Zec 5: 4 | perjures himself with my name; it shall lodge within his 867 ProphB, Zec 6: 11(2) | original text must have had the name of Zerubbabel here, not 868 ProphB, Zec 6: 12 | hosts: Here is a man whose name is Shoot, and where he is 869 ProphB, Zec 10: 12 | and they shall walk in his name, says the LORD. ~ ~ ~ 870 ProphB, Zec 12: 11(3) | others, Hadadrimmon is the name of a place near Megiddo, 871 ProphB, Zec 13: 3 | have spoken a lie in the name of the LORD." When he prophesies, 872 ProphB, Zec 13: 9 | They shall call upon my name, and I will hear them. I 873 ProphB, Zec 14: 9 | be the only one, and his name the only one. ~ 874 ProphB, Mal Int | do this he made a proper name out of the Hebrew expression 875 ProphB, Mal 1: 6 | priests, who despise his name. But you ask, "How have 876 ProphB, Mal 1: 6 | How have we despised your name?" ~ 877 ProphB, Mal 1: 11 | even to its setting, my name is great among the nations; 878 ProphB, Mal 1: 11 | they bring sacrifice to my name, and a pure offering; For 879 ProphB, Mal 1: 11 | offering; For great is my name among the nations, says 880 ProphB, Mal 1: 14 | the LORD of hosts, and my name will be feared among the 881 ProphB, Mal 2: 2 | heart, to give glory to my name, says the LORD of hosts, 882 ProphB, Mal 2: 5 | and stood in awe of my name. ~ 883 ProphB, Mal 3: 16 | the LORD and trust in his name. ~ 884 ProphB, Mal 3: 20 | But for you who fear my name, there will arise the sun 885 Gosp | you may have life in his name" (John 20:31).~From the 886 Gosp | of adding a phrase with a name that identified the traditional 887 Gosp, Mat Int | Matthew 28:20), verifying the name Emmanuel, "God is with us" ( 888 Gosp, Mat Int | synoptic gospels; hence the name the "Two-Source Theory" 889 Gosp, Mat 1: 7(3) | witnesses read the latter name; however, Asaph is better 890 Gosp, Mat 1: 17(5) | Hebrew letters forming the name of David. In the second 891 Gosp, Mat 1: 21 | bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, 10 because he 892 Gosp, Mat 1: 21(10)| first-century Judaism the Hebrew name Joshua (Greek Iesous) meaning " 893 Gosp, Mat 1: 23 | bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means " 894 Gosp, Mat 1: 23(11)| is with his people. The name Emmanuel is alluded to at 895 Gosp, Mat 2: 23(12)| remote similarity to the name of that town. Some such 896 Gosp, Mat 3: 2(3) | is a substitute for the name "God" that was avoided by 897 Gosp, Mat 5: 22(18)| e.g., Enoch 90:26) but the name geenna is first given to 898 Gosp, Mat 5: 34(23)| formularies that avoid the divine name is in fact equivalent to 899 Gosp, Mat 6: 9 | heaven, hallowed be your name, ~ 900 Gosp, Mat 6: 9(6) | period. Hallowed be your name: though the "hallowing" 901 Gosp, Mat 6: 9(6) | hallowing" of the divine name could be understood as reverence 902 Gosp, Mat 6: 9(6) | that God hallow his own name, i.e., that he manifest 903 Gosp, Mat 7: 15(9) | claimed to speak in the name of God are called prophets ( 904 Gosp, Mat 7: 21(10)| healing and exorcism in the name of Jesus (Lord) but live 905 Gosp, Mat 7: 22 | we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons 906 Gosp, Mat 7: 22 | drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds 907 Gosp, Mat 7: 22 | do mighty deeds in your name?' ~ 908 Gosp, Mat 9: 9(6) | Levi (Mark 2:14). No such name appears in the four lists 909 Gosp, Mat 10: 22 | hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to 910 Gosp, Mat 10: 25(12)| 12:24. The meaning of the name is uncertain; possibly, " 911 Gosp, Mat 10: 41(18)| prophet: one who speaks in the name of God; here, the Christian 912 Gosp, Mat 12: 21 | 21 ~And in his name the Gentiles will hope." 13 ~ 913 Gosp, Mat 16: 18(13)| into Greek as Kephas is the name by which Peter is called 914 Gosp, Mat 16: 18(13)| petros, the disciple's new name, and the feminine noun petra ( 915 Gosp, Mat 16: 18(13)| feminine noun as the proper name of a male. Although the 916 Gosp, Mat 17: 24(20)| of Peter exercised in the name of Jesus (see Matthew 16: 917 Gosp, Mat 18: 5 | child such as this in my name receives me. ~ 918 Gosp, Mat 18: 20 | gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst 919 Gosp, Mat 19: 29 | lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times 920 Gosp, Mat 21: 9 | blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in 921 Gosp, Mat 21: 9(7) | Blessed is he . . . in the name of the Lord: see Psalm 118: 922 Gosp, Mat 23: 37(19)| not see me . . . in the name of the Lord: Israel will 923 Gosp, Mat 23: 39 | Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'" ~ ~ ~ 924 Gosp, Mat 24: 5 | For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah,' 925 Gosp, Mat 24: 9 | all nations because of my name. ~ 926 Gosp, Mat 26: 36(22)| Gethsemane: the Hebrew name means "oil press" and designates 927 Gosp, Mat 26: 36(22)| note on Matthew 21:1. The name appears only in Matthew 928 Gosp, Mat 26: 65(36)| one had to pronounce "the Name itself," i.e. Yahweh; cf 929 Gosp, Mat 27: 1(1) | Matthew 27:3-10), possibly the name Jesus as the name of Barabbas 930 Gosp, Mat 27: 1(1) | possibly the name Jesus as the name of Barabbas also (Matthew 931 Gosp, Mat 27: 5(4) | betrayal of Jesus and the name given to the field, the 932 Gosp, Mat 27: 5(4) | himself buys the field and its name comes from his own blood 933 Gosp, Mat 27: 16(9) | possible that the double name is the original reading; 934 Gosp, Mat 27: 16(9) | Jesus was a common Jewish name; see the note on Matthew 935 Gosp, Mat 27: 16(9) | reverential reasons. That name is bracketed because of 936 Gosp, Mat 27: 16(9) | attestation. The Aramaic name Barabbas means "son of the 937 Gosp, Mat 28: 19 | nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the 938 Gosp, Mat 28: 19(12)| one, the Church. In the name of the Father . . . holy 939 Gosp, Mat 28: 20(13)| invisible presence echoes the name Emmanuel given to him in 940 Gosp, Mar Int | become in effect a proper name (Mark 1:1; 9:41). Jesus 941 Gosp, Mar 1: 24(12)| that use of the precise name of an opposing spirit would 942 Gosp, Mar 3: 16(7) | Mark indicates that Simon's name was changed on this occasion. 943 Gosp, Mar 5: 9 | asked him, "What is your name?" He replied, "Legion is 944 Gosp, Mar 5: 9 | He replied, "Legion is my name. There are many of us." ~ 945 Gosp, Mar 5: 9(4) | 9] Legion is my name: the demons were numerous 946 Gosp, Mar 9: 14(6) | power when acting in Jesus' name. For Matthew, see the note 947 Gosp, Mar 9: 37 | child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever 948 Gosp, Mar 9: 38 | driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent 949 Gosp, Mar 9: 38(9) | those who teach in Jesus' name do not go unrewarded.~ 950 Gosp, Mar 9: 39 | performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time 951 Gosp, Mar 11: 9 | Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! ~ 952 Gosp, Mar 12: 35(6) | of the Messiah with the name "Lord" (Ps 110, 1). See 953 Gosp, Mar 13: 6 | 6 ~Many will come in my name saying, 'I am he,' and they 954 Gosp, Mar 13: 13 | hated by all because of my name. But the one who perseveres 955 Gosp, Mar 14: 61(16)| surrogate for the divine name, which Jews did not pronounce. 956 Gosp, Mar 14: 61(16)| another surrogate for the name of God.~ 957 Gosp, Mar 16: 17 | those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, 958 Gosp, Luk 1: 5 | daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. ~ 959 Gosp, Luk 1: 13 | you a son, and you shall name him John. ~ 960 Gosp, Luk 1: 13(5) | Luke 1:30; 2:10). You shall name him John: the name means " 961 Gosp, Luk 1: 13(5) | shall name him John: the name means "Yahweh has shown 962 Gosp, Luk 1: 27 | David, and the virgin's name was Mary. ~ 963 Gosp, Luk 1: 31 | bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. ~ 964 Gosp, Luk 1: 49 | for me, and holy is his name. ~ 965 Gosp, Luk 1: 59(18)| Judaism at this time was to name the child at birth; moreover, 966 Gosp, Luk 1: 59(18)| the usual practice was to name the child after the grandfather ( 967 Gosp, Luk 1: 61 | your relatives who has this name." ~ 968 Gosp, Luk 1: 63 | and wrote, "John is his name," and all were amazed. ~ 969 Gosp, Luk 2: 21 | he was named Jesus, the name given him by the angel before 970 Gosp, Luk 2: 25 | a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was 971 Gosp, Luk 6: 13(5) | Jesus the bestowal of the name apostles upon the Twelve. 972 Gosp, Luk 6: 16(8) | 16] Judas Iscariot: the name Iscariot may mean "man from 973 Gosp, Luk 6: 22 | insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the 974 Gosp, Luk 8: 30 | asked him, "What is your name?" 10 He replied, "Legion," 975 Gosp, Luk 8: 30(10)| 30] What is your name?: the question reflects 976 Gosp, Luk 8: 30(10)| knowledge of the spirit's name brought control over the 977 Gosp, Luk 8: 30(10)| foot soldiers; hence the name implies a very large number 978 Gosp, Luk 9: 48 | receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever 979 Gosp, Luk 9: 49 | casting out demons in your name and we tried to prevent 980 Gosp, Luk 10: 17 | subject to us because of your name." ~ 981 Gosp, Luk 10: 38 | village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. ~ 982 Gosp, Luk 11: 2 | Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. ~ 983 Gosp, Luk 13: 35 | Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'" ~ ~ ~ 984 Gosp, Luk 16: 19(13)| A.D. 175-225 records the name of the rich man as an abbreviated 985 Gosp, Luk 19: 38 | the king who comes in the name of the Lord. 7 Peace in 986 Gosp, Luk 19: 38(7) | the king who comes in the name of the Lord: only in Luke 987 Gosp, Luk 20: 24 | denarius; 6 whose image and name does it bear?" They replied, " 988 Gosp, Luk 21: 8 | for many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he,' and ' 989 Gosp, Luk 21: 12 | governors because of my name. ~ 990 Gosp, Luk 21: 17 | hated by all because of my name, ~ 991 Gosp, Luk 24: 47 | would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning 992 Gosp, Joh Int | you may have life in his name."~Critical analysis makes 993 Gosp, Joh 1: 12 | those who believe in his name, ~ 994 Gosp, Joh 1: 42(30)| different tradition for the name of Simon's father. Kephas: 995 Gosp, Joh 1: 42(30)| is attested as a personal name before Christian times.~ 996 Gosp, Joh 1: 47(32)| was the first to bear the name "Israel" (Genesis 32:29), 997 Gosp, Joh 2: 23 | began to believe in his name when they saw the signs 998 Gosp, Joh 3: 18 | has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. ~ 999 Gosp, Joh 5: 2(3) | bet-esdatayin is given as the name of a double pool northeast 1000 Gosp, Joh 5: 43 | 43 ~I came in the name of my Father, but you do

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