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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse
1 Pent, Gen 26: 29| let you depart in peace. Henceforth, 'The LORD'S blessing be 2 Pent, Lev 17: 5| field the Israelites shall henceforth offer to the LORD, bringing 3 His, 1Chr 17: 9| them in it to dwell there henceforth undisturbed; nor shall wicked 4 His, 1Chr 17: 17| you have looked on me as henceforth the most notable of men, 5 His, 1Chr 23: 26| 26 ~Henceforth the Levites need not carry 6 His, 1Mac 10: 41| in the first years, shall henceforth be handed over for the services 7 His, 1Mac 11: 35| other things that would henceforth be due to us, that is, of 8 His, 1Mac 11: 36| 36 ~Henceforth none of these provisions 9 ProphB, Jer 44: 26| Egypt no man of Judah shall henceforth pronounce my name, saying, " 10 ProphB, Eze 48: 35| The name of the City shall henceforth be "The LORD is here." ~ ~ ~

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