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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
  Part, Book  Chapter:Verse
1 Pent, Gen 32: 26| over him, he struck Jacob's hip at its socket, so that the 2 Pent, Gen 32: 26| its socket, so that the hip socket was wrenched as they 3 Pent, Gen 32: 32| limped along because of his hip. ~ 4 Pent, Gen 32: 33| sciatic muscle that is on the hip socket, inasmuch as Jacob' 5 Pent, Gen 32: 33| socket, inasmuch as Jacob's hip socket was struck at the 6 Pent, Exo 32: 27| Put your sword on your hip, every one of you! Now go 7 WisdB, Psa 45: 4| Gird your sword upon your hip, mighty warrior! In splendor 8 ProphB, Dan 5: 6| thoughts terrified him, his hip joints shook, and his knees

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