tain cynicism. As a consequence, many pastoral
workers, although they pray, develop a sort of
inferiority complex which leads them to relativ-
ize or conceal their Christian identity and convic-
tions. This produces a vicious circle. They end
up being unhappy with who they are and what
they do; they do not identify with their mission
of evangelization and this weakens their com-
mitment. They end up stifling the joy of mis-
sion with a kind of obsession about being like
everyone else and possessing what everyone else
possesses. Their work of evangelization thus be-
comes forced, and they devote little energy and
very limited time to it.
80. Pastoral workers can thus fall into a rela-
tivism which, whatever their particular style of
spirituality or way of thinking, proves even more
dangerous than doctrinal relativism. It has to do
with the deepest and inmost decisions that shape
their way of life. This practical relativism con-
sists in acting as if God did not exist, making de-
cisions as if the poor did not exist, setting goals
as if others did not exist, working as if people
who have not received the Gospel did not exist.
It is striking that even some who clearly have sol-
id doctrinal and spiritual convictions frequently
fall into a lifestyle which leads to an attachment
to financial security, or to a desire for power or
human glory at all cost, rather than giving their
lives to others in mission. Let us not allow our-
selves to be robbed of missionary enthusiasm!
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