Ecumenical Commission
Jubilee 2000 Search

Ecumenical Commission
Collaboration underway

The general theme - "Jesus Christ, only Saviour of the world, today, yesterday and always" (TMA, 40) - represents a fundamental confession of faith and at the same time an urgent ecumenical appeal. The Ecumenical Commission wants to face this challenge, pursuing two objectives, which nonetheless cannot be separated. On the one hand, a contributing to ensure that the initiatives of the Catholic Church at different levels are prepared and realised in an ecumenical spirit; on the other, helping to find ways to celebrate the Jubilee year as far as is possible in ecumenical communion. In particular, the testimony and common service will have to be promoted.

Among the 17 members of the Commission there are 6 fraternal delegates: they represent the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Coptic-Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, the Anglican Communion, the World Lutheran and Reformed Federation, the World Council of Methodists. Important results and impulse has been provided thanks to the collaboration of the Fraternal Delegates.

Until now, the Commission has met six times. In addition a number of conferences and minor working groups have held meetings which have led to the preparation of texts elaborated together. Two components of the Commission belong to the ad hoc working group of the Ecumenical Council of Churches.

In addition to the information that was transmitted to the Central Committee, the Commission also approached the national Episcopal Conferences with two documents: Jesus Christ, only Lord and Saviour (1996), and The Holy Spirit and Ecumenism (1997).

A brief ecumenical commentary to "Our Father" is being prepared. Information and ecumenical impulse will be supplied inspired to the single verses of the prayer.

Special attention is being dedicated to the eighth Plenary Assembly of the Ecumenical Council of Churches, which will be held from 3 to 14 December 1998 in Harare, Zimbabwe and will be of significant importance in view of the pan-Christian encounter scheduled by the Holy Father for the Year 2000 (TMA, 55).
