Social Commission
Jubilee 2000 Search

Social Commission

The Social Commission, especially through the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, dedicated significant attention to establishing contacts with experts and international institutions responsible for modern economic issues. Important meetings were held with top officials of the World Bank, the Monetary Fund, UNCTAD, the WTO, in Washington, Hong Kong, Geneva and Rome, with the aim of furthering dialogue. Among the results of this dialogue are the following:

- a certain sensitisation on the part of institutions regarding the possibility of applying certain typical themes of the "Biblical Jubilee" to the economic and social realities of today. In the face of the challenge of the great economic and social inequalities, "jubilee" concepts such as the universal destination of goods, the re-establishment of harmony and equity in relations, the respect of creation, take on special significance;

- on different occasions, Cardinal Etchegaray published appeals on the subject of the international debt, which had a certain echo;

- efforts were made to extend dialogue with international organisations also at other levels of the Church, facilitating contacts with the local Churches. With the Mission of the Holy See at the United Nations in New York, it was agreed to introduce during these months references to the Jubilee in various interventions on social issues at the United Nations General Assembly.

On the level of contacts with the ecclesial realities, the Commission held a series of meetings with Catholic groups and organisations currently involved in international campaigns for the pardon of the international debt, and on other themes. Cardinal Etchegaray took part in the Conference organised by the "Office of Human Development" of the FABC (Far East and Asian Bishops Conference), dedicated to the social dimension of the Jubilee, which saw the participation of 150 people including 50 Bishops. Finally, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace published a document on another theme typical of the biblical concept of the Jubilee: the Earth, with the application of the biblical principles and of the social doctrine to the complex problems of agrarian reform.
