He is the only person who can save anyone
Jubilee 2000 Search


Cecil Saunders

I learnt about Jesus when I was a child. My mother taught me to pray on rising in the morning, before every meal and before going to bed at night. For me He has always been the only Saviour of the world, the only Person, in all the religions of the world, who can save anybody. And this He is able to do because he fulfilled His Father's wishes.

His birth, his life, his miracles, his Last Supper, his Passion, death and Resurrection are events which are part of my existence. I never read the Gospel: on the streets, you will agree it would be difficult. At night the light of the street-lamps is too weak and besides, my sight, even in the day-light, is not good. But every Sunday I do listen to it in church. If I am ill, and that is often, when I recover I am sure it is because Jesus wanted it. A meeting with him is a meeting with the supernatural, and it gives me the strength and energy to go on living. I think we men may believe or we may not believe, but we must not go against Jesus because he was never against anyone. Jesus can only be appreciated, never despised. I am poor and Jesus lived the life of a poor man. A monsignor I know, once told me that in the faces of the poor we see the face of Jesus. And so, when and as I am able, I help those around me. I think Jesus is more forgiving to the poor than to the rich who are rather egoistic. Jesus wants us to be happy. Perhaps this is why in Rome there are many places where people like myself can have a meal, talk with people, find help. At the soup-kitchen in Via Dandolo, I have many friends. I know I can count on them. So when I meet someone who is hungry I always take them there. It is good to eat among people who appreciate Jesus.

(Cecil John Saunders was born in London 56 years ago. He has worked in several fields: for the Holy Year of 1975 he came to Rome and never left. In 1987 he was turned out of his rooms and since then he collects cardboard and lives on the streets).
