The Jubilee in the World
Jubilee 2000 Search

The Jubilee in the World

Vitality in the Path of preparation of the local Churches towards the Great Jubilee of the year 2000

Less than one year from the last meeting, the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 held, in the Bologna Room in the Vatican, its third plenary assembly. The works opened in the morning of Tuesday 11 March, with a greeting by Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, President of the Central Committee, who underlined, in particular, the climate of fruitful collaboration which exists among the bodies committed to preparations for the Great Jubilee.

Although called to take stock of the path already covered, the assembly constantly maintained a look ahead, focusing its immediate attention, to preparations for the following year dedicated to the Holy Spirit, and - furthermore - to the calendar of the Holy Year, for which a second draft was presented and discussed.

An important issue under discussion regarded the new meeting of the Central Committee with the Presidents of the National Committees, scheduled for the first half of February next year. This will be a decisive appointment for the celebration of the Jubilee in the dioceses all over the world. The National Committees provided a very clear indication of great vitality in the path of preparation towards the Jubilee.

These subjects were at the basis of a report by the Secretary General of the Central Committee, Archbishop Sergio Sebastiani, of which we publish some of the passages referring to the wide "panorama" carried out across the five continents.

Sergio Sebastiani


In general the Churches of the African continent have managed to harmonise the evangelisation plan proposed by the synod document "Ecclesia in Africa" with the perceptions of the TMA.

The recurrent theme is that of "national reconciliation": the Jubilee celebration must be aimed at conversion and reciprocal forgiveness.

- The Episcopal Conference of Angola worked towards the creation of Diocesan Committees all over the country and underlined the issue of conversion in life to ensure moral renewal and true national reconciliation in the country.

Great emphasis was placed on the preparation of pastoral agents through a catechesis focused on Jesus Christ, divided into 12 subjects, that is, a theme for each month, presenting Christ Prince of Peace and Christ Saviour of violence, false idols, profit and egoism, misery, fear, illness, hypocrisy.

- In the islands of the Indian Ocean, each Diocese is carrying out its pastoral activities in harmony with the Jubilee. In Mauritius, a diocesan synod is being prepared for 1997, to coincide with the 150° anniversary of the establishment of the diocese of Port-Louis.

In the Seychelles a special catechesis was elaborated after having promoted a survey among the laity on Jesus of Nazareth.

In Reunion, the Diocese of Saint-Denis will celebrate its 150° anniversary during the year 2000. The bishop prepared a Pastoral Letter (Joie de croire, force d'aimer, avec le Grand Jubilé de l'An 2000) in which he underlined the importance of adhesion to Christ, of the study of faith received by the Apostles, of meditation on the Word of God, of eucharistic life. In addition, using our pastoral guide "Et pour vous qui suis-je?", a pastoral animation "dossier" for parishes was published.

- In the Ivory Coast, the Diocese of Abidjan organised the phase of sensitisation in three parts: thanking, penance and national reconciliation, with various celebrations in the Cathedral. In addition there is a programme by Radio Espoir, which broadcasts a catechesis on Christ and on the spirituality of the Jubilee.

- In Lesotho the preparation for the Jubilee coincided with the application of the pastoral programme inspired to the African Synod. A sort of "Christological school" was organised which was attended by priests, religious and lay people. In this context the need for a better formation of evangelising elements at all levels was noted on the one side, and on the other the importance of a healthy inculturation.

- In Sierra Leone the phase of sensitisation to the Jubilee was inaugurated with a pilgrimage of the young to the national Marian Sanctuary. The Bishops invited catechists to formulate suggestions to elaborate a plan of activity. In addition hopes were expressed for greater involvement on behalf of women in the pastoral.

1997, the year of our faith

Preparations for the Great Jubilee have been the focus of attention by the Church in Sudan for years. The Episcopal Conference stimulated the creation of a special committee for the Jubilee in every diocese and an increased use of suburban centres of ecclesial action, parishes and missions, to avoid one of the main difficulties existing in the country: the lack of efficiency in the ways and means of communication. Nonetheless, the whole Church in Sudan is united in the path towards the third millennium, following the indications provided by Tertio Millennio Adveniente and by the works of the synod "Ecclesia in Africa". This year, in particular, among the themes proposed by the synod, those to be studied will be inculturation in the liturgy and the theme of dialogue. Work groups in all the dioceses and parishes will give their contribution to develop these subjects, chosen for their special closeness to everyday Christian life in the country. A great effort of catechesis, begun by the Central Commissions, has been extended to all co-ordinators for the formation in dioceses, among young people, women, seminars and religious societies. The reflection for 1997 was already begun in December last year, on occasion of the Congress of Catholic Youth, held in Khartoum, and whose central theme was "1997, the year of our faith", and even earlier, in parallel with the beatification celebration of Daniel Comboni, on October 10, considered the "father" of the rebirth of faith in Sudan. 1997 was indeed proclaimed the "year of Comboni", the first step of a three-year period which, beside the Jubilee, will see celebrations for the centenary of evangelisation in the country in 1999-2000. Thus, the traditional celebration of the baptism, has taken on an even more significant meaning. For the past 15 years, hundreds of adult catechumens receive the Sacrament of baptism during the Easter vigil. In every parish, on the day of the resurrection of Christ, the Church resurrects through its children, returned to a new life, seed of hope for the humanity of the third millennium.

The value of catechesis to construct a Church family

The Episcopal Conference of Zimbabwe's plan is to implement over the next three years, in preparation for the year 2000, the conclusions of the African Synod, starting with the authentic Christian witnessing of believers and living the reality of the Church as a single family which experiences love, sharing, co-operation and dialogue.

The pastoral letter and the programme of preparation for the Jubilee, prepared by Father Kyran Murphy, Director of the Pastoral Centre of the Episcopal Conference, highlights and promotes two important aspects: the baptism of adults and the creation of Christian grassroots communities.

Indeed in Zimbabwe, for every baptised child, three adults come forward to ask for the Sacrament. This is the result of a vigorous path of catechesis, which has been going on for the past two years.

The baptism, conferred during important liturgical feasts, especially on the eve of Easter, is lived in an authentic community dimension; liturgy is particularly attended to and animated, with lasting benefits not only for the baptised but for all believers who give new vigour to their promises of faith.

There are also numerous small Christian communities not linked to parishes or missions, where pastoral programmes are being looked after by the laity.

The Episcopal Conference's intention is thus to concentrate on catechesis during 1997 and to promote a reflection on the life of the believer during 1998.

South Africa
A year of encounter with Christ

In the pastoral letter which the bishops of South Africa addressed to the faithful on the Jubilee year 2000, they present the first year of preparation as "a year to study our relationship with Christ the Saviour".

"A Jubilee is a very important event in the life of the people and in the life of the nation", the bishops wrote. People celebrate their own birthday, couples commemorate their wedding with silver and golden jubilees, priests and religious remember the jubilee of their ordination or profession. Even nations celebrate the stepping stones of their history. A jubilee, in the biblical and ecclesial tradition, is a moment of grace. It's an occasion to reflect on the past, to thank God for all the marvellous gifts which He granted us over the past two thousand years. It is also a time to recognise that we have not shown the authentic face of God, it's a time of purification. So the Jubilee gives birth to a new Advent, it's an invitation to remedy our wrongs as Christians and renew our answer to God who calls us to sanctity and to the mission of evangelisation".

Recalling how the Holy Father invites to turn our eyes and heart this year to Christ, our Saviour, the bishops of South Africa invite everyone "to make 1997 a year of encounter with Jesus". Even though we often speak of Jesus Christ, we know little about Him: 1997 must thus be a year for "meditation, study, prayer and contemplation of the Scriptures and to study our knowledge of Jesus". This must also be the year of reflection on our baptism", the bishops continue, and a period to renew our option in favour of the poor, the hungry, the outcast. 1997 must be a time for stronger adhesion to the spirit of Beatitudes, so that it may become a year dedicated to transformation in society, so that the Kingdom of God described by Christ may become reality.

Another dimension of this Christological year underlined by the bishops of South Africa is that of being missionaries: many have still not heard about Jesus, many others don't consider Him important to their lives, for this reason the call to being, today, missionaries of Jesus Christ is urgent and important and implies a radical style of life. "It means putting oneself more than before at the service of humanity, a service which embraces all people, especially those who are discriminated against, such as children, women and workers; a service, the bishops continued, highlighting the specific values of our African traditions; a service which embraces creation itself; a service giving witness to the Beatitudes: poverty of spirit, humbleness, purity of heart, hunger and thirst for justice; a service of peace, participation and prophetic courage in the face of all structures of abuse no matter who it concerns".

The bishops conclude their letter exhorting the faithful to offer others the possibility of experimenting the presence of Christ through their own testimony of charity and love. The first year of preparation for the Jubilee began last November 24, the feast of Christ King of the Universe, in all the country's dioceses. To underline the themes of the next two years, dedicated to the Holy Spirit and to the Father respectively, liturgical feasts which will be particularly celebrated have already been indicated: Pentecost in 1998 and the Feast of the Holy Trinity in 1999. In the feast of Christ the King, chosen as a start for the first year of preparation, certain liturgical gestures have been identified to make such a path concrete. In the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, in the diocese of Bethlehem, representatives of all the parishes of the dioceses gathered, and at the end of the mass they each received a star for each of the major churches with which their parishes border. Now these stars have been placed near the altar of each church, as a constant reminder of this first year of preparation. In all the parishes of the dioceses of Bethlehem, the bishops' pastoral letter on the Jubilee was read and commented and a poster was exposed with the theme of this first year.

Reconciliation and moral renewal

In Angola, the preparation for the great Jubilee has meant dealing, first of all, with the situation of great poverty being experienced in the country. Having recently come out of a true and proper civil war, which, also due to economic interests and thus the interference of foreign countries, bloodied the nation throughout the Eighties, Angola today is having to deal with a reconstruction which is moving ahead very slowly. Thus, the Episcopal Conference of Angola and Sao Tomé, when it begun the phase of preparation for the Jubilee, in March 1995, - a year after the signing of the Lusaka agreement, which gave the go-ahead to the peace process, - decided to proceed in parallel to the country's path of national reconciliation and moral renewal.

The year focused on the figure of Jesus Christ, saw the preparation of educators for the pastoral of the Jubilee coming from all the parishes of the dioceses. Not all the local Churches, as noted by the Secretary of the National Commission, Father Manuel Goncalves, were able to work in a capillary manner, precisely due to the effects of the civil war and to the urgency of having to deal with primary needs. The twelve themes of the catechesis, however, one per month, were focused on the figure of Christ Liberator: liberator from the temptation of violence, from false idols, from misery, from hypocrisy… the last theme dealt with was that of "Christ, Prince of Peace". Communities gathered in prayer and held study and discussion meetings during the month on the twelve themes chosen, under the guidance of the parish priest. During 1996 other activities were carried out in addition to catechesis, aimed at the preparation of animators for the pastoral of the Jubilee. During Holy Week parishes organised a Way of the Cross on the themes of peace, reconciliation and conversion in life. These same thematic lines were followed for the Marian encounters of the month of May and for the celebrations of Corpus Domini. The diocese of Uije, in view of the year 2000, set itself a double objective: reorganising catechesis activities in all areas of the diocese which were interrupted or slowed down where the threat of war was strongest; and in addition, promoting a marriage pastoral and administering the sacrament to those who have been unable to receive it until now, in order to allow baptised adults to live their faith adequately and participate without any obstacles, and regularly, in the eucharistic celebration.

The community value in the preparation for the Jubilee

The four dioceses of Lesotho, co-ordinated by the National Committee of the Great Jubilee, have been active for some years in view of the year 2000, involving the small but lively Catholic community in a series of "wide-ranging" initiatives. Priests, religious, young people, married men and women have studied in each parish the themes of the new evangelisation and of liturgical life, placing special attention on inculturation, and in parallel to the 46th National Eucharistic Congress, on the ministry of the Eucharist and on the theme of freedom. The reflection on the value of freedom, in particular, was accompanied by a series of peaceful demonstrations, in the face of attempts, later withdrawn, to suppress Catholic schools.

To further involve the faithful in the path towards the third millennium, a national delegate for the Jubilee translated into the local language the fundamental texts for the preparation: Tertio Millennio Adveniente, first of all, the document of the 46th Eucharistic Congress "Eucharist and Freedom", and the final text of the African synod "Ecclesia in Africa": on these bases, after a period of study and discussion within each parish, local groups will be called to compare the considerations and proposals which emerged. As a further encouragement the Catholic Episcopal Conference of Lesotho distributed a joint pastoral letter, in which it underlines the community value of preparation for the Great Jubilee, also recalling its ecumenical impulse. To this end it is fit to note that 90% of the population in the small African kingdom is Christian and 44% is Catholic; with great simplicity relations between the communities belonging to the different confessions are based on the most open ecumenism, which is substantiated not only during important moments of joint prayer, for particular feasts, but also in the construction of active realities in civilian society, such as the ecclesial Action Group against AIDS, and in the instruction of stable bodies of ecumenical dialogue.

To conclude, there is also an intense activity of preparation in the editorial field, through the weekly bulletin "Moeletsi oa Basotho", which often publishes in-depth articles for further study on the Great Jubilee of the year 2000.


In the American continent the Jubilee is seen as a unique historical moment, both for the strong call of hope and solidarity towards the Latin American populations undergoing difficult socio-economic conditions, and for the spiritual renewal of the Churches in North America, committed to re-propose Jesus Christ as the only Saviour in a society immersed in the most reckless consumerism and materialism.

The significant work carried out by LAMEC deserves special mention.

16 booklets of the series "Tercio Milenio" were published during the first year of sensitisation. Their theological, mariological, biblical, catechestic, liturgical level was good and included themes of spirituality, moral, social doctrine, ecumenism, etc. These books were distributed throughout the Latin American continent.

LAMEC is producing 52 brief radio programmes for each of the three years aimed at accompanying and favouring the personal meditation of prayer groups and community meetings.

- The Bishops of Panama, in the Pastoral Letter of February 1996 (Panama se prepara para vivir y celebrar el Gran Jubileo), in their efforts to put into practice the guidelines of TMA in their own local context, recalled that the year 2000 will also be a significant year for the nation's history, because the Canal will be returned. For this reason they hope that the "sown Verbs" will grow in the heart of the faithful, so that the strength of Jesus Christ may give shape to human initiatives in view of the construction of a Nation which wants to promote and defend truth and solidarity in the spirit of sanctity and peace.

For 1997 a national congress entitled "Bible and catechesis" with an ecumenical perspective is envisaged, and for 1998, a congress on the subject "The action of the Holy Spirit in the Church" and another entitled "Youth pastoral and prayer", with particular attention to themes of education and women.

- The Episcopal Conference of Argentina published, in April 1996, the Pastoral Letter Caminando hacia el Tercer Milenio. Following the suggestion of TMA (n° 33ss.), the Bishops wanted to promote an examination of consciences at a national level, to favour reconciliation among the sons of the Church and among all Argentines, after the sad occurrences of the 60s and 70s.

- The Bishops of Chile announced the opening of the three-year period of preparation to the Jubilee with a Pastoral Letter, distributed through all the means of social communication, in which they recommend to strengthen the missionary zeal and proclaim the Good News of Christ to all the families.

A singular initiative must be noted. The Bishops sent a personal message of good wishes to all the families for Christmas 1996, in the form of a triptych aimed at recovering the Christian sense of Christmas. It was an invitation to carry out a Christmas "para-liturgy" in every family - domestic Church - under the presidency of the head of the family (whether it be man or woman) with the reading of the evangelical passage on the birth of Jesus, a Christmas chant and the universal prayer. The family ceremony which takes place in front of the creche, ends with the exchange of gifts.

- The Episcopal Conference of Colombia launched a message on the first Sunday of Advent 1996, to coincide with the beginning of the three-year period. In the document the Bishops recognise in the preparations for the Jubilee a great opportunity to announce Christ in a context of spiritual emptiness and of a widespread wave of violence and abhorrent uncertainty.

In addition the Bishops invite to the rediscovery of the baptism, with an accurate sacramental pastoral and with the solemn celebration of Easter to renew the baptismal promises with sincerity for a coherent witnessing of Christian life.

- The Episcopal Conference of Mexico, in April 1996, released a pastoral plan inspired to TMA (Jesucristo, vida y esperanza de México/Proyecto pastoral 1996-2000). In the face of the challenges of secularisation, the celebration takes on a decisive role for the preservation of cultural and religious identity. The announcement of Jesus Christ as only Saviour could slow the phenomenon of unemployment, drug trafficking and the violation of human rights.

The Bishops intend to promote, during the three-year period of preparation for the Jubilee, the compilation of a martyrology at a diocesan level. In addition, they have decided to postpone to the year 2000 the celebration of the National Eucharistic Congress, initially planned for 1997.

Even in the United States, the Episcopate sees the preparations for the Jubilee as a favourable opportunity to announce Christ and to study the spiritual life of a materialist and consumerist society.

In addition to a precise project of harmonisation between the different ethnic groups, in which emerges a distinct ecumenical sense and of common prayer, the National Committee has organised a first symposium (there will be three others) entitled: The Continuing Challenge of Jesus Christ to the World, with theological reflections on the "continuous provocation of Jesus Christ to today's world".

A national theological-pastoral congress of representatives of diocesan and lay movements was held in Chicago recently, aimed at the further study of reflections on Jesus Christ and co-ordinating pastoral initiatives to take during the course of this year.

In the plenary Assembly of July 1996, the Episcopal Conference of Santo Domingo decided to place the preparations for the Great Jubilee in the frame of the new evangelisation. During the course of the three-year period, three theological-pastoral study seminars will be held for priests, pastoral agents, lay movements and family groups.

Special programmes will also be organised for six radio stations in the country and one for the channel "Televida".

Catechesis on the figure and the message of Christ

Guatemala strengthens its commitment in the path of preparation towards the Great Jubilee. Recalling last year's visit by the Holy Father as "pilgrim of peace and hope" in the country. The Archbishop of Guatemala City presented a book for the formation of catechists, young people and parish communities for the current year: "I believe in Jesus Christ - Walking towards the year 2000".

Edited by Father Ramón A. de Linaje, the book is divided into two sections. The first introduces the theme of the Jubilee and highlights the path proposed by Tertio Millennio Adveniente for the three-year period in general and for 1997 in particular. Pope John Paul II's message to catechists in Guatemala provides an occasion to insist once again on the push for a new Evangelisation, to recover the authenticity of the symbol of the Apostles, inserting it in the Church's spirit for the third millennium.

The second part of the book tackles twenty themes of catechesis on the figure and message of Jesus, and five on the Virgin Mary, in her reality as Mother of Jesus and of the Church. Each theme is introduced by a prayer, by a passage drawn from the Bible and by a brief reference to the liturgy linked to the theme in question. The issues studied each time are taken from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and enriched with contributions by famous historians, writers, journalists and scholars. At the end of the reading of the chosen page, a brief questionnaire helps the personal or group reflection of the readers and invites to a debate based on the various answers.

The path of 1997 has been traced

"Hope doesn't betray" (Rm 5,5): these are the opening words of the exhortation by the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, gathered for its LXVII ordinary plenary assembly, the first of the three-year period to prepare for the Great Jubilee. The courage of faith and the hope of renewal are the priorities identified by the bishops, so that the Church may face the serious problems of a "country experiencing a material and spiritual emergency". The document analyses in depth the heavy economic situation of which the country is a victim, but this emerges only as the most evident fruit of a more complex series of elements in crisis, deeply rooted in time. If eight Venezuelans in every ten appear to be living in a state of poverty, more serious ills than the economic difficulties are the sense of frustration and the loss of hope for a better future. A "confused feeling of impotence" which reduces resistance to the temptation of illegality and to the "culture of death". The reforms proposed by the bishops, in the field of public morality, of the welfare state, education, justice and economic programmes, aren't, therefore, but an aftermath, a consequence of the process of personal conversion which every single Christian citizen is called to transform into concrete realities, through the virtues of communion and solidarity.

After over a year from the visit of the Holy Father to the country, his words maintain all its strength and timely drama of the time: "I leave in the hope that Venezuela, with the help of God and with the untiring effort of its children, may have before it a better future… I encourage you to a renewed commitment to live and witness your faith, using those Christian and ethical values, which have turned you into a nation, as factors of social cohesion, progress and peace".

To seal the document a special invocation to the Virgin, Our Lady of Coromoto, that she may accompany Venezuela in the pilgrimage towards the year 2000, which for the country coincides with the fifth centenary of its evangelisation. In addition, in the next few years, celebrations will be held to mark one hundred years since the consecration of the Republic of Venezuela to the Holy Sacrament, the Synod of American Bishops and the National Plenary Council.

In the single dioceses, meanwhile, the guidelines for this year's activities have been identified. Mons. Mario Moronta Rodriguez, bishop of Los Teques released a Pastoral Letter for 1997. The catechesis on Jesus Christ for the preparation to the Great Jubilee, the bishop wrote, will be reason for communion with the universal Church, but also the continuation of the path undertaken until now by the dioceses, which, following the invitation by the Pope and the documents of the Latin American church, such as that of Puebla, has chosen to live the new evangelisation through a missionary dimension based on the "liberation of the whole of man in the service of peace and justice".

The document recalls the figure of the poor and suffering Christ, who so many people refer to in popular demonstrations of religion, through which flows the announcement of the Gospel, the inculturation of the Word, and the expression of sincere attachment of the population to Christian faith.

Examining the forms and ways of evangelical testimony, Mons. Moronta deals with the Trinitarian root of the mystery of incarnation, to go on to, the theme of the new evangelisation in view of the Third Millennium, citing words pronounced by the Pope on occasion of his discourse to the youth during his last apostolic visit, on 11 February 1996: "may the strength of the Gospel penetrate all sectors of society and transform it from within". Finally the upcoming diocesan activities are outlined: the elaboration of an organic pastoral plan, directed to the renewal of parishes according to the model "community of communities"; formation courses for the laity and priests, in particular in the field of the liturgy; pilgrimages and diocesan missions.

Impulse to the knowledge and experience of Christ

The Cuban Episcopal Conference has begun, with a message addressed to the faithful, the three-year period of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. The "Mensaje", which is largely inspired to Tertio Millennio Adveniente, is addressed to the whole People of God in Cuba, but aspires "to offer all our people the announcement of Christ, only Redeemer of Man". The Bishops want to urge believers to a renewal of their faith and missionary spirit in the awareness that the Mystery of Christ reveals the sense of life and "directs" every human development.

The "great objective" of the Church's pastoral action in the next few years will be that of "giving an impulse to the knowledge and experience of Jesus Christ Saviour"; concretely, this will have to be expressed in the promotion of human dignity, reconciliation and a civilisation of justice and love.

In addition to the wide general objective, there is also a "specific objective" for each individual year, following the guidelines of Tertio Millennio Adveniente, and adding other suitable ideas for pastoral action and reflection. Worth mentioning is the attention given here to the Holy Virgin of the Charity of the Heart, virtuous Patroness of the Cuban nation.

In conclusion, the Bishops' Message makes an appeal to personal conversion and Christian unity.


The reports from the Asian continent highlight above all that even in the churches where Christians are a small minority, there is strong involvement in the preparations for the Jubilee event. The Bishops have prepared letters and pastoral plans and favoured the publication and distribution of catechetical-pastoral aids.

- In particular the National Committee of Korea has published three aids on the biblical sense of the Jubilee, on the Christological significance and on the historical perspectives. There is a monthly publication (Samok) dedicated to the Jubilee with an editorial plan extended to the whole of the three-year period of preparation.

Each individual Bishop prepared a Pastoral Letter at the beginning of 1997, while a joint Pastoral Letter is being prepared for the end of 1997.

In the Philippines the beginning of preparations for the Jubilee coincided with the Pope's trip to celebrate World Youth Day in 1995.

The Archdiocese of Manila published three liturgical-homiletic books: the first, with 12 prayers for Eucharist adoration, the second, with homilies for the Advent-Christmas period of 1996; the third for the Lent-Easter period of 1997.

For the inauguration of the three-year period a million faithful participated in the solemn celebration in "Luneta Park", that is, in the same place where the Pope had held his huge meeting with young people.

In all the meetings, symposia, national and regional assemblies, wide space is being given to the role of the laity in the Church.

- The pastoral plan elaborated by the National Committee of India is co-ordinated according to TMA, placing particular attention to the liturgical, catechestic and ecumenical aspects. In 1997 the aim is to highlight the Word of God, personal renewal in light of the Christi series, human dignity and the option for the poor.

During this first year of immediate preparation for the Jubilee special attention is being placed on the rite of Christian initiation of adults in every parish. Pastoral operators are recommended to make use of conciliar documents which should be constantly referred to.

- In Japan the National Committee is editing two publications: one on the general significance of Christian martyrdom and the other on Japanese martyrs, to stimulate the testimony of today's Christians in the path towards the Jubilee. The preparation for the Jubilee has taken on this particular connotation. Indeed, in 1996 a special celebration was held to remember the 26 martyrs of the diocese of Kyoto, and in 1997 the IV centenary of their martyrs will be held in Nagasaki. A great celebration will take place in 1999 for the 450° anniversary of the arrival of S. Francesco Saverio.

The primary commitment of solidarity

From a land which for millennia has been the cradle of civilisation and spirituality, the relationship with time and with the Great Jubilee cannot but be deeply rooted. An expression of such wealth are the initiatives which have seen all the sister churches of Iraq unite in preparation for the third Christian millennium.

A letter on the Jubilee, written by the religious leaders of the Churches in the country was brought to the attention of all the faithful on occasion of the celebrations for the opening of the three year period of preparation, which culminated in a prayer encounter which gathered the authors of the text in Baghdad. This, already due to its genesis characterised by solidarity and dialogue, is an exhortation to live the approaching joy of the Jubilee, with ecumenical spirit, enriched by the contribution that each individual, alone and through numerous community realities, will be able to provide.

Young people mainly are called to become witnesses of hope and life, even among the difficulties of material order currently experienced by the country, turning into concrete facts, to the service of the poor and the outcast, the evangelical exhortation in favour of charity and sharing.

The Church in Iraq invites the whole population, whatever the religion of the individual, to live the celebration of the Jubilee in union and solidarity with the Christian brothers, and to give a contribution of joy to the initiatives which the bishops have already outlined in general terms.

The activities proposed will have spiritual, cultural, social and artistic contents.

Parallel to the prayer meetings, spiritual retreats and pilgrimages towards sites of particular religious significance, debates and conferences of biblical study will be held in large and small institutions, parishes, schools and theatres.

Exhibitions and artistic shows will liven up, with ecumenical enthusiasm, the cultural life of the country. Among the initiatives which have already become concrete, the Patriarch of the Chaldeans of Babylon, through the Catholic committee to prepare the Great Jubilee of the year 2000, which has already met on a number of occasions, organised the meeting in Baghdad for the opening of the three year period, and actively participated in other activities, including the debate on the theme "Christ, the way, truth and life", at the centre of three conferences presided by the bishops of Iraq.

Studies on Christological themes have articulated the Lenten period, during which every diocese also organised exhibitions of religious art and music evenings.

In addition, the Iraqi Church extends to the entire world the invitation to visit the homeland of Abraham, Ur, organising numerous pilgrimages.

To be noted, finally, is an editorial initiative: preparations are being made for the publishing of the magazine "Jubilé Bimillénaire".

Sri Lanka
Reconciliation with God and with others

The 2000th Anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ represents - as recalled by the Holy Father an "extraordinary" Jubilee. The best way to prepare for the event is to give priority to Reconciliation with God and with others. From the last meeting of the National Commission for the Great Jubilee, presided by Bishop Vianney Fernando, National correspondent of Sri Lanka for the Holy Year, emerged the importance that the ordinaries of each diocese, as well as the priests of the parishes, should avoid every misunderstanding regarding the nature and mission of the Jubilee, with the held of programmes and summaries of the Apostolic Letter "Tertio Millennio Adveniente" in all the languages spoken in Sri Lanka (Sinhalese, Tamil, English). This was followed by summaries and comments which explained the objectives and a project of preparation for the Jubilee published in National Catholic weeklies. In addition some dioceses concluded 1996 as the year dedicated to Penance and Reconciliation. Posters and notices regarding the preparation phase, supplied and designed by the National Secretary, were sent to all the Bishops to be used in their diocesan programmes. An open letter to all parents was posted in every parish. The letter aims to stimulate educators to a responsible teaching of the Catholic doctrine, advising also to their children to read the Holy Father's Apostolic Letter. With respect to an ecumenical discourse this year will be a very important year to look at Christ as only "Lord". Personal contacts and informal meetings have been promoted with the leaders of local religions. Indeed, the Pastors of the other Christian communities will be met as soon as possible to carry out joint services for an illuminated vision on the significance of the Jubilee for all Christians. With the start of 1997, the year dedicated according to Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter to "Jesus Christ, only Saviour of the world, yesterday, today and always", the National Commission outlined the main Christological themes, as well as the other activities proposed by the Holy Father. The Commission suggested three themes in particular: greater attention on the value of Christ, as Saviour and Prophet; deeper examination of the Mystery of Incarnation and of the Birth through Mary; the need of faith in Christ for salvation. Only a renewed return to Baptism, as a basis of Christian living, along with the reading of the Catechism of the Catholic Church can inspire the faithful to the desire of Sanctity, conversion and personal renewal, and the tangible urge for intense prayer.

The nation has a responsability to carry Christ to the new Asia

Over one million people, according to local press reports which gave ample space to the event, took part in a solemn celebration at Luneta Park on the first Sunday of Advent last December; with which the Archdiocese of Manila officially commenced the three-year period of preparation for the Great Jubilee. In his homily, Cardinal Jaime Sin stressed that the advent of the Third Millennium is a challenge of great significance for the Church in the Philippines. As the only Christian nation in Asia, the Philippines has a great responsibility: to carry Jesus Christ to the Asian world.

The December 1st celebration was carefully prepared in the preceding months with a series of meetings involving various religious and civil sectors of the Archdiocese of Manila: clergy, superiors of Religious Institutes, rectors of seminaries, heads of colleges and schools, senators, business men, professionals and young people. All were then invited to take part in a seminar on the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente which concluded with a friendly reception in the presence Cardinal Sin. The Archdiocese has also prepared leaflets, examples of homilies, notices and posters, audio-cassettes with songs composed especially for the Jubilee, which have been distributed in every parish and religious community.

It has had the TMA translated into Tagalog to spread the Holy Father's guidelines among as large a number of people as possible and foster active participation in the three years preparations. All the hand-books prepared, underline in particular spiritual renewal as the primary objective of the Jubilee.

Among preparatory initiatives already undertaken, a National Prayer Congress held in January. The Congress focused on the importance of prayer as the key to the whole journey towards the threshold of the Holy Door.

For this September there will be a meeting of priests, Religious and lay pastoral workers which will centre on their call to the Church's one mission. The first year of preparation, the Year of Jesus Christ will conclude in the archdiocese of Manila with a symposium on "The Immaculate Heart in the Plan of Salvation" to be held in November at the closing of the liturgical year.


Despite the different pastoral situations in western and eastern countries and the different pastoral priorities of the northern and southern regions, growing awareness of the importance of the Great Jubilee is common to all the Churches in the face of the secularising challenges of the opulent, but sad societies of the old continent.

Proof of this are the numerous Letters, Exhortations, Pastorals and messages released over the past few months, as well as the distribution of catechistic and liturgical literature.

- The pastoral plan elaborated by the Episcopal Conference of Germany in September 1996, in view of the Jubilee, begins with a strong call to strengthen the ordinary pastoral work of dioceses, parishes and ecclesial institutions, according to a scheme based on testimony, diakonia and liturgy.

In January 1997 a liturgical book was distributed based on the one elaborated by the Central Committee including prayers of the relevant country.

There are plans for the publication of the Manual 2000, that is, a theological-pastoral text which provides answers to questions on new religious forms, the Church, the relation between faith-science-culture, the martyrs of this century.

The Calendar 2000 is being prepared, which includes the schedule of liturgical celebrations and cultural events, including exhibitions, concerts and symposia.

The German Church also intends to participate in EXPO 2000 in Hanover, to privilege the religious dimension on the subject "Man-Nature-Technology".

- In France the National Committee used the two visits by the Holy Father, for the anniversary of the Baptism of Cloves and for World Youth Day, to launch preparations for the Jubilee, which are being given a marked Christological connotation.

- The document "Les Avents de l'an 2000/En vue du Jubilé" was widely distributed, with catechistic ideas on Christ and the Baptism. It was published in October 1996 by the National Centre for the Pastoral.

For Christmas, the Bishops have suggested that families hold a moment of common prayer in front of the creche or in front of a crucifix or an icon.

During the month of August 1996 a special issue of the magazine Fêtes et Saisons was published, on the figure of Christ, which was widely distributed.

- In November 1996, the Episcopal Conference of Belgium a Pastoral Letter entitled "En route vers l'an 2000/Un nouvel Advent".

For Lent and Easter 1997, the Episcopal Conference elaborated a high-quality liturgical-pastoral "dossier", which includes, among other things, texts of eucharistic adoration for Holy Thursday and practical suggestions to give greater value to the profession of faith during the Easter Vigil.

- In the Polish Church the pre-preparatory phase coincided with the implementation of the 6° year of the pastoral programme of the Second Novena (1990/91 - 1998/99), prepared on occasion of the Millennium marking the death of S. Adalbert, whose relics were taken to all the parishes of the Archdiocese of Gniezno, for special veneration. In the same way the 2° Plenary Synod begun in 1991 is also part of the preparation programme for the Jubilee event.

In particular, the Episcopate plans to insist, during the three-year period, to revive the practice of the Sacrament of Penance.

- The Bishops of Slovakia, for their part, considered it a duty to publish a joint Pastoral Letter on the Jubilee. The faithful were invited to prepare for the "joyous and mature reception of Jesus Only Saviour" because only in his message can the answers be found to the basic questions of earthly life.

Also addressed is the situation of so many Christians who unaware live in a totally "a-Christian" way, due to the long period experienced under the communist regime. This led to an initiative to establish, at a national level, special courses of catechesis for adults - for spiritual renewal - accompanied by good monthly educational literature.

This providential initiative is not restricted only to parishes but also extended to factories, barracks, schools, so that those faraway, above all, can be reached.

These courses will be held during the three years of preparation for the Jubilee, so that they may become a sort of "spiritual exercise for the whole Church", as the Holy Father defined the three-year period 1997-1999. This initiative is included among the more pastoral ones, such as parish missions, the times for eucharistic adoration and pilgrimages. All this alternated by cultural events.

For 1997 the Episcopal Conference of Spain indicated the following objectives:

a) promoting not only the knowledge but also personal adhesion to Jesus of Nazareth through a renewed baptismal catechesis (and with that aim a number of "pastoral directions are offered on Christian initiation", considered a basic pillar of the ecclesial community);

b) trying to obtain the evangelisation of culture and the inculturation of the Gospel at the same time, promoting dialogue with artists, scientists and the academic world.

The pastoral plan includes organising in Madrid, during the month of September, a Pastoral Congress on "Jesus Christ and the Good News", to promote appropriate methods of evangelisation suitable to defeat religious indifference and agnosticism. At the same time a large exhibition on sacred art will be held on the figure and message of Jesus.

For 1998, the main objective is that of arousing, preparing and training new local evangelisers docile to the action of the Holy Spirit. From here the importance of community and personal prayer, of the pastoral for the young starting with those confirmed, of the commitment of parents in communicating the faith to children, of the vocational pastoral towards the priesthood and consecrated life.

For 1999 the Bishops urge a renewal of the Ritual of Penance, the re-launching of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, as 1999 is the Compostelan year, and a meeting of young people from all the churches in Europe. In the social sphere, there are hopes to increase education on the Doctrine of the Church in formation centres for priests, religious and the laity. In addition a national collection will be organised in favour of the more needy churches.

In the year 2000 the Episcopal Conference intends to promote Trinitarian spirituality focused on the Eucharist. Before the International Eucharistic Congress a National Congress will be organised. A Mariological Congress is also planned in Zaragoza. Finally, the proclamation of a "year of grace" will be requested from the civilian authorities both for prisoners, migrants and refugees, and for the foreign debt of the poorest nations.

Collective Letter by the Bishops on "A new Advent"

An intense series of initiatives will liven up these years of preparation for the Jubilee in Belgium. The guidelines were clearly outlined in the collective letter by the Bishops "Walking towards the year 2000. A new Advent".

As far as the theme for 1997 is concerned, Jesus Christ, numerous publications already exist: the basic book "Who are you, Jesus?", by Prof. K. Depoorte of the Catholic University of Leuven is addressed mainly to adults who desire to further study their faith, or who are in search of it. For the youth, on the other hand, Father C. Delhez proposes a path of prayer and activities inspired to the Gospel, with his "If you want… 40 meditations following Jesus of Nazareth". The weekly "Dimanche" will also publish articles on Christ, regularly dedicating its "Junior" pages for children to Jesus.

For the Flemish part of the country the book "Weerbaren - Jezusboek voor jongeren" […] by the Abbot N. Bonte is addressed to young people and anybody who desires to activate himself, individually or in a group, to follow the example of Jesus.

For Lent and the Easter Triduum some animation dossiers were prepared, under the direction of Prof. Ch. Van der Planke, of the Lumen Vitae Centre in Brussels.

The Inter-diocesan Commission of the Liturgical Pastoral and the Liturgische Commissie voor Liturgische Zielorg will enrich the diocesan bulletins with practical suggestions to live better the preparation for the Jubilee.

Then, in each diocese, particular initiatives will add to the contributions on the Jubilee contained in the diocesan bulletins. In Louvain-la Neuve an inter-vicarial theological session will be held entitled "Announcing Jesus Christ today", the Archdiocese of Malines-Bruxelles has organised a spiritual retreat for Advent: "Jesus Christ, Master of prayer in the Gospel of Luke". In addition, there will be a series of conferences, meetings, days of theological study on Christ (Gand) and, on 16 March in Brussels, an inter-pastoral and multicultural Way of the Cross.

Finally the Diocese of Namur will provide some basic works for community initiatives: "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and always - Ten meetings in view of the year 2000" by Mons. A.M. Léonard (Paris, Emmanuel), and "Inventing. Speaking. Marching towards the Third Millennium" (Namur, Fidélité).

National meeting of the diocesan representatives for the Great Jubilee

A National Meeting of all the "Diocesan representatives for the Jubilee" to propose an in-depth theological-pastoral reflection on the "Holy Spirit and His sanctifying presence within the Community of the disciples of Christ": this was the first proposal approved by the last assembly of the National Committee for the Jubilee of the Year 2000, which gathered to decide numerous pastoral initiatives to prepare for the Great Jubilee. The Meeting will be characterised by a serious biblical-theological approach and by an intense climate of prayer, in the furrow of the Christian announcement: "for Christ, in the Spirit, to the Father". An important role will also be given to the regional Episcopal Conferences, which, through their regional representatives, will re-propose the meeting in each ecclesial region.

Referring to the precise directive of the Pope on the particular attention which, in the second year of preparation, will have to be reserved to the value of unity within the Church (TMA, 47), the Italian Church is preparing for "an intense and choral period of prayer", which will pervade during the whole period of Pentecost, and "a Pentecost Vigil in each Diocese, to invoke the perfect unity of Christians". A vigil which will be able to take on an ecumenical character, inviting, where possible, representatives of other Christian confessions. For 1998, the Holy Father also invites to "a renewed appreciation of the presence and activity of the Spirit" (TMA, 45), as "sanctifying presence within the Community of Christ's disciples" (TMA, 44): in this respect, the Committee for the Great Jubilee proposes the preparation, under the direction of the national catechistic office, of a book for the catechestic preparation and for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation. In accordance with this deep desire of ecclesial communion, in the belief that the Spirit is "the principal agent of the new evangelisation" (TMA, 45), it has been decided to propose to local churches to promote, accepting and extending the different initiatives already underway, a diocesan Encounter of those to be confirmed and those confirmed during the course of this year, in the presence of the Bishop, catechists, god-fathers and families.

The Eucharistic Congress in Bologna

The XXIII National Eucharistic Congress, scheduled to be held in Bologna from 20 to 28 September represents, "in the path of putting into effect of the indications provided during the Conference in Palermo" and in preparation for the Great Jubilee of the third millennium, a privileged phase. In particular, the bolognese eucharistic meeting will address the Christological themes and aims proposed by the Holy Father to the whole Church, especially "the strengthening of the faith and of the testimony of Christians, starting with the urgent need to further study the truth about Jesus Christ, only Mediator between God and men and only Redeemer in the world" which constitutes the primary objective of the Jubilee.

"Lived with care in the Dioceses which host it and by all the Christian people - Pope John Paul II told the Assembly of Italian bishops on 3 May 1996 - it will represent an invitation to meditate on the central figure of Christ in personal and community life". With this perspective, the congressional event of Bologna is a significant moment of preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress of Rome, called for by the Pope for the year 2000, as the apex of the Jubilee celebrations.

The main commitment in view of the Jubilee of the year 2000 is, for the Archbishop of Bologna Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, precisely that of recovering the centrality and timeliness of Christ. "Sometimes Christ appears to be quoted in a conventional way, as a pretext for talking about something else - the Cardinal warned - but it is necessary to focus once again attention on Him, even for the examination of our pastoral activity". For Cardinal Biffi, "every Christian must be anxious to lead every man to the subjective and explicit knowledge of Christ". Furthermore, "well-read Christians speak only of memory and prophecy - observed the Archbishop of Bologna - forgetting the primacy of the present. They are indispensable concepts, but they become empty if they are not linked to the 'nunc' of ecclesial existence".

The Pastoral Note "Christus hodie" of 1995 is inspired by the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente. The first six reflections aim to keep under control the damages of misinformation and the misunderstandings often caused by communication means, to safeguard the authentic pontifical thought. While the second series of reflections present the congressional theme "Jesus Christ, only Saviour of the world yesterday, today and always" in the vision of a need felt by many today: focusing the attention of Eucharistic Congresses once again on "the primary and omni-comprehensive truth of the Son of God made man".

A doctrinal Commission, which has already approved a document for the further study of the theme of the Congress in the vision of the Eucharist sacrament of all salvation, operates in the sphere of the preparatory Committee. The research work begun some time ago by the Commission for culture of the Congress follows this direction. Its commitment proposes, on the one side, offering an original contribution to the "Cultural project directed in the Christian sense", and on the other, redirecting thought to the light of "Christ Saviour of the world yesterday, today and always". During 1997 a number of common events were proposed, in the context of the liturgical year, the last of which will be in less than a month, on 1 June Feast of Corpus Domini, in view of the final celebrations in September.

(Rita Salerno)

The Synod phase towards the Great Jubilee

The preparation of a Russian-Catholic Encyclopaedia, a Synod in parishes, the printing of the Logo, the introduction of a new style of participation in the life of the Church; these are the essential points of the ecclesial renewal begun by the Apostolic Administration of Russia already in the pre-preparatory phase to the Great Jubilee, which just ended.

The Encyclopaedia, stated Father Bernardo Antonini, in charge of preparations for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, is aimed at increasing the knowledge of faithful and spreading in the world the consistency of Catholic presence in Russia, in the past centuries and in different forms. Another important point refers to the preparation of the synod in parishes, which represents the first stage towards the district synod of 1998 and 1999, the first great synod of the administration following communism, which represents an event of grace and a fruit anticipated by the Jubilee. The work of sensitising the faithful towards a new style of participation in the life of the local Church is also at a good point. In pastoral meetings, and in particular, in the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the activities of the parishes and institutions (such as religious congregations, the seminary, the college of theology for the laity, the Catholic weekly "Sviet Evanghelia", the Christian radio managed with the Orthodox and Caritas) are being defined in the field of catechesis, liturgy, charity and social works. The message to be transmitted is that of a Jubilee understood as a great ecclesial event.

Other initiatives include the translation into the Russian language of the Prayer of the Pope for the Christological Year and the publishing of the "LOGO" tied to the official comment of the Central Committee, with the precise objective of sensitising believers on the deep meaning of the Jubilee.


- The Episcopal Conference of Australia, before undertaking pastoral initiatives suited to the preparation of the three-year period, organised a large national encounter which was attended by over 500 delegates. The most significant point of the programme adopted by the National Committee refers to the ecumenical aspect.

In agreement with the National Council of Churches ecumenical celebrations will be organised during the year 2000 starting with Advent 1999, with moments of prayer and night vigils in all the churches. During the month of May 2000 special celebrations will be held for the Feast of Pentecost, with a week of prayer for Christian unity and a week for reconciliation with aborigines. The churches will begin a "pilgrimage to the heart of Australia", that is, towards the centre of the continent, to involve everyone in the prayer for unity. In the year 2001, from Easter to Pentecost the "pilgrimage" will take on a more concrete profile inviting all Christians to a commitment of mutual help at all levels. The "pilgrimage" will end in Pentecost of the year 2001.
