"A Commitment Fully Engaged"
Jubilee 2000 Search


Technical Committee

"A Commitment Fully Engaged"

In 1997, the work of the Technical Committee kicked into high gear. A fifth working group (which is involved in coordinating the national and international volunteer organizations) was just added in recent weeks to the four groups already instituted (reception and spiritual assistance for pilgrims; health services; security; big events). Thus the committee will be able to develop a more articulated plan of action already begun with interesting results in 1996.

For its part, the working group for reception, instituted in December 1996 and coordinated by Bishop Francesco Gioia, Committee co-president, will work for the realization of a pilgrim's aid, treating the nature, finality and modality, from the biblical, theological and pastoral point of view. Among the other objectives of the working group is the drafting of a program relative to the principle pilgrim sites and itineraries in Rome and Lazio and the preparation of a daily agenda, place by place, on the basis of a liturgical Calendar which will be formulated. Particular attention will be paid to the preparation of those who will guide the pilgrims to the sacred places and along the religious itinerary.

The working group for health services has also been given an articulated program, which has among its qualifying points: the predisposition of first aid stations in the areas around the basilicas and other important sacred places; the formation of a volunteer corps to support the medical, paramedic and technical personnel; the coordination of some health structures, to give life to a circuit of assistance which corresponds to the pilgrims' needs; the creation of various services to facilitate medical aid and care for the diverse categories of romei.

The Big Events working group will work on a project which oversees, among other things, the urbanization and organization of services for the areas hosting the big events (ie, the ceremonies and meetings which exceed 300,000 people), for the selection of which a huge process of evaluation and verification is underway.

The security working group came into existence in January 1997, and is now working at forming ties with the Italian institutional forces charged with public security and order. As this progresses, a "Jubilee Security 2000" group will be formed within the working group and with the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior.

The Committee's top priority is, as was already said, to work on everything which concerns the planning of hospitality and reception of the pilgrims who will descend on Rome and Lazio during the Holy Year. To this end, the Committee has gone about the work of sensitizing and soliciting the help of religious houses and institutes, at the same time making note of the structures which need work for requalification and expansion. This survey, conducted with the help of the CISM and the USMI, permitted the gathering of detailed information on the religious houses and institutes of Rome, Lazio and other Italian regions, and to predispose a detailed and summarized prospectus which will allow the Peregrinatio ad Petri sedem to coordinate the requests for lodging.

In this regard it is of primary importance to identify the areas and places best suited to the staging of permanent centers of reception and animation for pilgrims, who will be of every social type and nationality. To this end, close contacts have already been established with the national Churches and international colleges. The goal to be reached is to provide for the reception of those with the most needs (children, sick people, elderly) and of poor pilgrims.

The Technical Committee will also develop its committment in other directions: coming up with a true mobility plan, especially as regards special categories of pilgrims and for the support of exceptional events; the definition of a "Plan for the Basilicas", to examine the areas around them to fit them adequately with services for pilgrims; starting the task of communication and information up to the reception; setting up a Central Information Office and mechanizing the National Committees; planning and realization of useful tools for better coordinating the Agenda of the year 2000; complete development of a Reception Plan to present to the meeting of the Central Committee with the National Committees scheduled for 1998.

Reaching all these objectives presupposes the launching of a dedicated system of informatics and telecommunication, even to enable a profitable exchange between the National Committees. This is being working on with greatest energy, and one should soon be able to harvest its fruits.
