The Jubilee Library - Readings on the Holy Spirit
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The Jubilee Library - Readings on the Holy Spirit

We can approach the Holy Spirit from numerous points of view, without repeating ourselves or ever exhausting such a vast subject. Here are four books which lead to the Spirit following the paths indicated by Mary, by the Fathers of the Church, by theology and by catechesis. Let us begin however, with an unusual guide to the places of pilgrimage.

The Jubilee is above all a spiritual event which can be lived to the full everywhere without necessarily making a pilgrimage to Rome. This does not mean however, that this pilgrimage is of little importance. The Holy Year was born precisely as an answer to the needs and hopes of pilgrims, who came to Rome not only to see the Pope, or the wonders of the city, but to strengthen their faith by visiting the Christian memorials of the apostles and the martyrs.

An experience of this kind can still be lived by contemporary pilgrims to Rome who, after having passed through the Holy Doors, have at their disposal numerous basilicas, catacombs and memorials of the early Christians. But very often they are unprepared to grasp their historical-religious as well as artistic value. With this in mind we suggest "Pellegrini a Roma. Dalle origini al primo Giubileo del 1300" by Basema Hamarneh and Simona Manacorda (published by S. Paolo 1997, 128 pages, lire 12,000). This is guide to the historical memorials of the early Christians still found in modern Rome, whose pages of historical, archeological and spiritual value enable the reader to visit the ancient basilicas, the catacombs and the places of the martyrs as they appeared from the beginning of the Christian era to the time of the first Jubilee. The book is divided in two sections, devoted respectively to the places of pilgrimage situated within the circle of the Aurelian walls (above all churches) and outside the walls (the catacombs and some important basilicas). The authors have purposely avoided Saint Peter’s basilica, perhaps because given its great importance it would have required special treatment. The book is nevertheless a useful tool: in fact, if many Christian monuments have not altered with time, just as many have been covered with works of restoration and works of art, and they may pass unobserved by the pilgrim or the tourist who has not been told where to look with particular care.

From the past we come to the present in the company of Mary. "Sulle vie dello Spirito con Maria" by mariologist Stefano De Fiores (published by S. Paolo 1997, pages 170, lire 16,000) is a delightful book written to help the men and women of today to pray and meditate the word of God, seeking to model their lives after the example of the Virgin Mary.

The plan used by the author is very simple and easy to follow. In thirty short chapters, he examines a series of attitudes typical of our times. Ranging from difficulty of direction in the intricate contemporary world, to closing in one oneself, to the need to love authentically, to the sadness of many Christians unable to live the beauty of their faith… and social problems such as man-woman relationship, widespread corruption and the temptations of racism. To each of these doubts, which serve to place the reader in an attitude of reflection, De Fiores responds with an opportune and concrete episode taken from the experience of Mary. And after encouraging and stimulating the reader he suggests some action (meditation on the Bible, a gesture of charity) to help them to imitate the behaviour of Mary, a few questions to assess sincerity and finally a moment of prayer, using prayers composed by the author of by other well known writers.

The Holy Spirit is the indirect agent in this book. The reader does not notice it at first, only towards the end. When he comes to realize that, thanks to Mary, he has made a modest, but profound revision of his life-style, which he will find has become nearer to communion with God through the Holy Spirit.

Having meditated on the example of Mary, we can deepen our knowledge of the Holy Spirit through the teachings of the Fathers of the Church. Their work of theological arrangement and explanation of the Christian faith (and in particular precisely regarding the Holy Spirit) to render it comprehensible to the Greek-Roman world, forms still today the basis of our Christianity.

Citta Nuova publishers has offered for some time now a valid series of patristic texts to which another has been recently added: an anthology, significantly entitled "I Padri vivi" – with the intent of bringing these Fathers closer to a wider public. One of this series is a book entitled: "Il dono dello Spirito Santo, testi dei Padri della Chiesa," by Marina Plasmati (1998 pages 144, lire 16,000). It contains interesting pages on the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, in the history of salvation and in the Church, taken from the works of the greatest and best known Fathers of the East and the West, ranging from St Augustine to S. Ambrose, to St John Crisostom. But we find also rare documents such as St Polycarp’s profession of faith in the Holy Spirit, one of the oldest texts on the Third Person of the Trinity.

In her introduction the author explains the context of reference of the selected pieces and summarizes the fundamental lines of thought of the Fathers of the Church on the Holy Spirit.

As many of our readers know, pneumatology is that part of theology which studies the Holy Spirit. A subject not at all easy, since the Third Person of the Trinity is ineffable and indescribable. No wonder then, that pneumatological texts are usually voluminous and complex.

However, Fr Giordano Frosini’s book "Lo Spirito che da la Vita: a summary of pneumatology" (published by Dehoniane, 1997, 232 pages, lire 25,000) is agile in form and complete in its contents while being easy to read. Following the plan already used for his book on Christ last year, the author (who is one of the most attentive promoters of the Jubilee’s preparatory themes) starts with an in-depth picture of the state of the Holy Spirit in the Church today, goes back to its historical roots and exposes systematically the fundamental points. In the Catholic world, Frosini notes, fortunately the times in which many Catholics knew nothing of the Holy Spirit are gone. Nevertheless this knowledge must now be more diffused and above all lived, experienced by every member of the Church. So they may discover that "supplement of Spirit" necessary for reading the signs of the times of the new millennium.

Lastly we conclude our "library" on the Holy Spirit with a volume of a more biblical and catechetical nature: "Lo Spirito Santo, la confermazione, la speranza" by Capuchin Fr Samuele Duranti (Published by Porzuuncola 1997 pages 173, lire 15,000)

Following an ancient preaching tradition of his Order, Fr Duranti did not "write a book" on the Spirit, he offers an explanation by means of catechesis (which could also be used by the reader), just as a good preacher would before an assembly. In fact he commences (and finishes) with a prayer of invocation to the Holy Spirit. Then he shows where and how the Holy Spirit is spoken about in the New testament, the Old Testament, in the Bible and in the profession of faith that we recite every Sunday. Once he has explained the biblical foundations of faith in the Third Person of the Trinity, he explains His work in creation, in revelation, in the Incarnation, in the Redemption and sanctification of mankind. The catechetical aspect of this book is seen also in the opportune space given to two other subjects which accompany the treatise on the Holy Spirit: the sacrament of Confirmation and the theological virtue of hope. The author is right: it will be difficult for a believer to understand the Spirit of whom so much is being said, if he does not rediscover the meaning and value of a sacrament which, as its name indicates, completes and perfects baptism, anointing the baptized person with the Holy Spirit. At the same time, we can never be convincing witnesses of the Spirit unless we cultivate in our heart that hope in the heaven which awaits us. Numerous quotations of examples taken from the life of St, Francis render still more convincing this Cappuchin catechesis by Fr Duranti.
