The Jubilee in the World
Jubilee 2000 Search



A common aid to prepare for the Great Jubilee

"The path towards the Great Jubilee of the year 2000" (En marche vers la Grand Jubilé de l'An 2000) is the title of the booklet prepared by the Conference of local Churches of the Indian Ocean. The text, which summarises in general terms the essential points of the Pontiff's apostolic letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, was published in 10,000 copies and distributed in all the islands of the Conference of local Churches of the Indian Ocean to sensitise the faithful to the path of preparation for the Jubilee.

Each individual diocese then gave itself some pastoral guidelines. The diocese of Port-Louis, in the Mauritius Islands, which this year celebrates the 150th anniversary of its existence, has called a Synod whose work will be in strict accordance with the first year of preparations for the Jubilee. Even the island of Rodrigues, which belongs to the same diocese, is associated to this project.

The diocese of Port-Victoria, which includes the Seychelles, has established a national committee for the Great Jubilee and has prepared, for the significant liturgical times of the year, a number of pastoral initiatives, decided following an encounter of sensitisation and confrontation carried out with the whole clergy: during Advent a brief informative test was circulated in all the parishes and a wide-ranging survey was carried out to understand what people think and know about Jesus Christ: using the results of the survey, a solid and qualified catechesis on the figure of Christ was prepared, with the aim of responding to the questions and doubts which emerged from the results of the survey.

The diocese of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion informed and sensitised on the themes of the Great Jubilee during two plenary assemblies: the first involved the diocesan clergy, the second included as protagonists the 270 representatives of parishes, ecclesial aggregations, diocesan services and bodies which constitute the Pastoral diocesan council. Various sessions were organised, which involved the different components of the local Church, at different levels, starting with the parishes. All the religious of one the Congregations of an area met in a parish.

In addition, on occasion of the first Sunday of Advent, the Bishops of Saint Denis, addressed a pastoral letter to the whole diocese entitled "Joie de Croire Force d'aimer, avec le Grand Jubilé de l'An 2000". A booklet for the animation and formation at a parish level was prepared and widely circulated.


Preparation with intense dialogue and communion

The Copt-Catholic of Egypt celebrates a hundred years since its first Synod and also the foundation of its first inter-rite seminary, as it commences the first activities for the three years of preparation for the Jubilee. These activities are divided among seven committees almost all permanent, which are part of the history of the Church in Egypt, pervaded by a strong sense of unity. It is enough to recall a great penitential celebration last December which united Patriarch Stefanos II and the Bishops of the different Catholic rites in an atmosphere truly unique of sincere brotherhood and humility; celebrations for the inauguration of the three-year period, for which the Patriarch Makarios V and the Catholic Bishops of different rites concelebrated a Greek Catholic Celebration of the Eucharist in a Copt Catholic church; or again the ceremony on April 16th for the renewal of baptismal promises with the participation of the Apostolic Nuncio Mons Paolo Giglio and Patriarch Stefanos II and the Catholic Bishops of the different rites.The activities promoted by the Jubilee Committee are characterise by this same sprit of brotherhood and dialogue. For example the activities organised by the committee for prayer and penance, above all on the first Thursdays and Fridays of the month; those of the committee for information and animation which has distributed in all the churches and meeting centres thousands of copies of the Holy Father's Jubilee Prayer and information leaflets. There is then the committee for renewal and education to the Faith which has published the pastoral and missionary guide for 1997 "Who do you say that I am?" in Arabic (a translation of the document issued by the Central Committee's pastoral missionary guide). Another committee is that of the animators of Catholic schools and movements of apostolate which organises artistic exhibitions on the themes indicated for the three-year period.


Reflection on the biblical roots of the Jubilee

The National Commission for the pastoral of Honduras has an intense programme of preparation for the Jubilee in full swing this year. In 1997, the figure of Christ carrier of hope, will be the focus of the Church's reflection, along with the study of the biblical roots of the Jubilee, so that it may, with renewed impulse, give life to a new evangelisation, based on the example of solidarity, dialogue and faith.

Keeping in mind the specific realities present in the Church in Honduras each diocese has presented a detailed programme of initiatives. In the diocese of Tegucicalpa six commissions (Theological, Liturgical, Communications, Catechesis, Theatre, Economy) are charged with studying the themes suggested by Tertio Millennio Adveniente and facilitating their concrete translation. It has been decided to celebrate the baptism of adults during the Easter period, after a special five-month preparation period, during which the whole community actively took part in the reflection of the theme "Mary gives us the gift of Christ" and in the organisation of pilgrimages focused on the figure of the Virgin of Suyapa, which is celebrating its 250th anniversary.

Even the diocese of Olancho will give much importance to sanctuaries, in particular the one of "Dolce nome di Culmi"; Choluteca has established an ad hoc diocesan commission, to carry out, among other things, a sort of "saintly mission" for families and the strengthening of grass-roots ecclesial communities. A great effort of catechesis and study of the Bible, will be the focus of the activities of the diocese of Trujillo, as well as the promotion of pilgrimages to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Miracles, in Sonaguera. An analogous contribution will be provided by the dioceses of Santa Rosa de Copan and Comayagua.

But in general all the communities of Honduras will work together, promoting common initiatives, such as the production of pamphlets for radio and television and the organisation of special times for reflection: the month of vocations, the week of the Bible, the missionary month, the month of the family.

In addition, from now to the year 2000, the venerated image of Suyapa, patron of Honduras, will visit all the country's regions, calling on the faithful, with its motherly look, to a renewed attention of the figure of the loved son, Jesus Christ. The first tangible sign of this special relation of devotion took place on occasion of the official inauguration of the three-year period of preparation, which was held on the day of the Feast of the Virgin.


Ecumenical experiences rich in hope

The Bolivian Church, in its path towards the new millennium, intends to re-affirm its nature as communicator of life and hope. The celebration of the Great Jubilee of the incarnation of the Son of God, becomes the occasion for an in-depth and necessary reflection on the reality lived by the Church in Bolivia.

The bishops, aware that the task of the Church cannot limit itself to a sociological analysis, are ensuring that a plan of pastoral intervention is followed, formulated in light of the word of God, which on the one side illuminates us and on the other calls on us. Preparations for the Jubilee begin from the consideration that the Kingdom of God embraces three inter-communicating dimensions: freedom from personal sin; freedom from structural ills for a justice to be realised in history; freedom from death through the Resurrection of Christ. All this makes the Jubilee occasion a time of grace, conversion, reconciliation, forgiveness, justice, pardon, solidarity and peace. The invitation of the pastors, is to celebrate the great gift of incarnation as a new evangelisation which places history and human relations in the perspective of the project of God. This means becoming conscious of the challenges in the political field, such as the lack of an effective democracy. Those in the social-cultural field which highlight the polarisation of society into rich and poor; the distortion and manipulation of communication means; the culture of violence even within the family; the policy of birth-control. The challenge in the environmental sector where hedonism, individualism and the thirst for profit have led to the destruction of nature.

There is no lack of challenges in the religious field, such as the invasion of many sects and movements and the disorientation of Catholics. The bishops also note the many reasons for hope which exist for a new path of human and Christian growth. These include the credibility that the Catholic Church enjoys in public opinion. The need for God in culture is growing. The number of grass-roots ecclesial communities are growing as an area for communion, participation and authentic evangelisation; ecumenical experiences are rich in hope, as is the flourishing of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Also significant is the work of the committed laity; in particular the participation of women in evangelisation, in education, in the pastoral for families. Sacramental life is being renewed. New spaces are opening up for the biblical pastoral, and in a situation of general poverty, the Church is moving with an incisive action in the fields of education, health, social services, for the integral promotion of the most needy. In the face of such complex and difficult problems, the Church reconfirms its faith in Christ, which moves with the men of history, taking part in our anguishes and hopes. Strengthened by its presence, on the threshold of the Third Millennium, it feels in agreement with the men and women of its time.


Recovering the sense and value of life

An invitation to celebrate in hope the Great Jubilee is the central message which the Episcopal Conference of Paraguay has addressed to the Church in the Latin American country.

The Pastoral Letter traces with great clarity the problems experienced by the people of Paraguay in body and in spirit and suggests for every theme a path to be followed in hope and in faith to contrast the widespread sense of uneasiness provoked by lack of trust, by a spiritual void and the lack of great ideals. Recalling the path covered by the population during 35 years of dictatorship, and in the recent years by this young democracy, the Letter recognises merits to the regime correlated to the economic infrastructures, but denounces with strength the monetary culture and the spread of corruption, which have seriously and deeply affected the spirit of many people in Paraguay. Even today, despite the doubtless progresses made in the field of human rights, the sense and true value of life, which is not fully protected at the beginning, or at the end, has still not been recovered. To encourage every person to carry out a deep examination of conscience and a total renewal, the Church in Paraguay recognises the failures and the limits suffered by its action over the years, and is asking sincerely for forgiveness from God and everyone, but also recalls the sacrifices made by so many of its sons, and prays that from their example the entire community may be able to find the strength to turn to the Father, reflecting on the Word of Christ.

The call of conversion is addressed to individuals, but also to institutions, and particular attention must be paid during this election year, so that the sense of politics may also be fully recovered. In this respect, the bishops underline how the concept of freedom has been erroneously made absolute, becoming a source of libertinism; the invitation is, thus, to make freedom survive, starting with the truth, the Word as the source which directs acts of freedom. The Church renews its own evangelising commitment and summons each individual and institution to its own responsibilities, which are more significant the greater the power available to each one, so that a culture of solidarity may be affirmed in the third millennium.


Renew Communion And Missionary Spirit

Preparation for the Jubilee as an occasion for conversion, in the first place for clergy and Religious: this is the wish coming from Thailand expressed by Fr Michael Adul Guratana, secretary of the National Committee for preparation for the Jubilee of 2000. «After thirty years of missionary work the number of Catholics has not changed. In fact it has considerably decreased because it has remained the same in time - 200 thousand - whereas the population has grown from thirty to sixty million people».The Committee, which held its first meeting in September last year, identified certain missionary initiatives aimed not only at the proclamation of the Gospel to those who are "far away" but also to renew communion and missionary spirit in the Catholic community. First of all there will be a two-monthly bulletin distributed free throughout the country from this year until 2000. A second initiative is the distribution of the Bible to all Catholic families. A group of lay people has begun to meet with families helping them to read the Scriptures and share with others.These two initiatives are also meant as a stimulus for the clergy who are responsible for the present situation in the Church in Thailand. The cause of the crisis seems to be a lack of missionary spirit: the priests are not inclined to go out in search of the lost sheep, they are content with those who come to Church. On the other hand, although the number of Catholics is not high, they are held in high esteem in Thailand especially for their schools, the most famous in the country. «There is the impression in Thailand that Catholic schools are only for the rich and therefore the people think that Catholicism is rich and capitalist. This judgement is extended also to priests and Religious. The Catholic Church in Thailand signifies riches and power. This is why - Fr Guratana says - in order to evangelize, the image of the Church must change. To reach the heart of the people it is necessary to show the real face of our religion, the true face of Christ, poor and humble».


The Pastoral Plan Of the Archdiocese Of Madrid

The Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese of Madrid for the three-years 1996-1999, prepared by Archbishop Antonio Maria Valera, consists first of all in an examination of conscience for the faults and sins which distance the faithful from Christian life and then illustrates the objectives of New Evangelization summarised in the motto «Fortify the Faith and Missionary Witness of the whole People of God».

A study carried out of Spanish society in general, indicated as the most urgent problems, unemployment, drugs, abandoned old people, divorce and immigration. These problems are aggravated by a life of consumerism, impoverished religious life, the loss of moral values, lack of communication and solidarity. Many baptised Catholics no longer practice their faith and have lost interest in the life of the Church.On the other hand, volunteer social work, awareness of problems through the media, a re-distribution of the State income and services have improved. There is growing commitment to defend life and human rights, more desire for justice, concern for the poor; the family, democracy, peace, tolerance and friendship.In the diocese of Madrid, regarding the function of the Church, the believer is in favour of solidarity for the missions, catechesis and education to the faith, participation in the Mass and the celebration of the First Communion for children and a response to the general condition of poverty. But many have renounced the essential elements of Christian life, they do not go to Church or receive the Sacraments. Perhaps this can be blamed on a lack of identification with the Church, on insufficient catechesis or celebrations which are lacking in significance and attraction. Although a positive value is given to Christian life, there is as yet no valid force of transformation; and this is the responsibility of the means of communication which has considerable influence on people's lives. The family has lost its function as school of humanity, delegating to others the responsibility of transmitting religious experience and Christian education. More emphasis is laid on technical formation rather than on human formation.

In this society, the priests, in communion with the Bishop, are called to implement the pastoral plan "Fortify the Faith and Missionary Witness of the whole People of God". Here is an outline of the plan.To proclaim the Gospel to all and to educate in Christian experience: faith imposes a supreme duty: to proclaim God to all, believers and non-believers. It is important to avoid a separation of life preached and lived. Everyone is called to "educate in the faith" since this is the primary task of every Christian and to "take part in the liturgy" in order to receive inner strength. To live in the communion of the Church: in the Eucharist we are educated to feel united in the Church and we belong to her. Communion is fundamental for evangelization: only in this way can the unity of the Church; its institutions, movements and associations be confirmed. To live in communion with the poor: every Christian must always remember the poor and those who have less because life is better without consumerism. To make known the force and life of the Gospel: every baptised person must take an active part in the life of society spreading the Word of the Lord and putting himself at the service of others. All this can only be achieved if there is close cooperation between the clergy and the laity.


Together with Christ for the salvation of mankind

"Church 2005 - Journeying with Jesus Christ, together for the salvation of mankind" is the title of a work document for renewal in view of the Jubilee.The project Church - 2005 commenced on the "Pastoral day" which gathered together the bishops, clergy, religious and laity. The document contains a Letter from the Archbishop introducing the proposals for the new millennium and also the text of a conference given on that occasion by the Bishop of Frankfurt, Mons J. Wanke.A meditation on the passage taken from the Gospel of Saint Luke in which the Risen Christ meets the disciples (Lk 24, 13-53) helps to emphasise the invitation to walk together with the Lord harmonising the three aspects of Christian life: mystical (union with Jesus), community (brotherhood among men) and social (according to the social doctrine of the Church). Particular attention is given to the role of the media in society today and in the Christian community. The document highlights the dangers of the media but also their great potential.The project 2005 aims for a Church which is a communion of communions in which the priests, those who have consecrated their life to God and the laity move in harmony in a pastoral of closeness involving the whole Christian community from its largest institutions down to every individual family and community.The document ends with some examples and suggestions and a series of texts for prayer and reflection. In the first of the four stages planned for 1996-97: each work-group will send the diocese a report with conclusions, questions, problems, and priorities which have emerged. An special commission will examine the material so that by the end of the second period (1998) basic guidelines for pastoral action can be identified. With the third stage (1999) the decisions taken at the local level will be presented to the Archbishop who in the last months of 1999 (the fourth period) will set the guide lines for the life of the commuity in the first steps of the third millennium.


Re-discovering the figure of Christ, the central theme of the Bishops' Pastoral Letter

The Pastoral Letter for the first year of the three-year period of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 was published by the Slovak Episcopal Conference. In the document, the Bishops affirmed the need to re-discover the figure of Christ, through a series of questions on which the preparation of the Slovak Christian community will be developed. What does Jesus Christ mean for us Christians of today? Is it the central point of our lives? Do we accept his truth as a safe direction for all our decisions? Do we believe in his presence in the Church?

An answer is being sought to this and many other questions. Thank God, the Slovak bishops stated, many among us are able to answer in a positive manner. And it is precisely on this basis that the Great Jubilee of the arrival of Christ which is rapidly advancing, represents the true challenge for all those who consider themselves Christians, in order to obtain a deep knowledge of Jesus Christ, to study the faith in Him and to lead one's life in accordance with His truth. With his words the Holy Father - the Slovak bishops continue - invites us to the following: «The first year of the true and proper preparatory phase, 1997, will be dedicated to a reflection of Christ, to the Word of the Father who through the Holy Spirit became man. The main theme will be: Jesus Christ, only Saviour of the world, yesterday, today and always».

From both the themes of the first year of spiritual preparation, Jesus Christ and the Sacrament of the Baptism, arrives «for us also the missionary mandate. We must find ways, with which to mediate the conscience of Jesus Christ even to those brothers and sisters who still do not know Him. Indeed everyone have the right to know He, who out of love created them, redeemed and who calls them to take part in His life».

As far as the concrete implementation of the programmes of preparation are concerned, through the Pastoral Letter, the Slovak Bishops urged the faithful to meet twice a month for a catechetical encounter. Of these two moments of community reflection, one will be dedicated to the theme of "Jesus Christ", the other to the theme of the "Baptism". The bishops naturally hope that the meetings will be attended mainly by young people and adults because they in particular can understand the Christian message in the deepest manner.

The personal conviction of believers on the need to study the faith through catechetical encounters will be decisive. The Holy Father desires that these last three years of our century will have the character of true and proper three-year spiritual exercises for the whole Church. Indeed, catechesis will not be a theory which is uninteresting outside of life but, on the contrary, the most suitable means to reach a true and proper renewal in our lives, in the life of families, in the parish and in all the sectors of society.
