Lumen Fidei - page 26

Those who believe come to see themselves in
the light of the faith which they profess: Christ
is the mirror in which they find their own im-
age fully realized. And just as Christ gathers to
himself all those who believe and makes them
his body, so the Christian comes to see himself
as a member of this body, in an essential rela-
tionship with all other believers. The image of a
body does not imply that the believer is simply
one part of an anonymous whole, a mere cog
in great machine; rather, it brings out the vital
union of Christ with believers, and of believers
among themselves (cf.
12:4-5) Christians are
“one” (cf.
3:28), yet in a way which does not
make them lose their individuality; in service to
others, they come into their own in the highest
degree. This explains why, apart from this body,
outside this unity of the Church in Christ, out-
side this Church which — in the words of Ro-
mano Guardini — “is the bearer within history
of the plenary gaze of Christ on the world”
faith loses its “measure”; it no longer finds its
equilibrium, the space needed to sustain itself.
Faith is necessarily ecclesial; it is professed from
within the body of Christ as a concrete com-
munion of believers. It is against this ecclesial
backdrop that faith opens the individual Chris-
tian towards all others. Christ’s word, once heard,
by virtue of its inner power at work in the heart
“Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung”
(1923), in
terscheidung des Christlichen. Gesammelte Studien 1923-1963
, Mainz,
1963, 24.
1...,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,...88
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