Lumen Fidei - page 71

Hebrews offers an example in this regard when
it names, among the men and women of faith,
Samuel and David, whose faith enabled them to
“administer justice” (
11:33). This expression
refers to their justice in governance, to that wis-
dom which brings peace to the people (cf.
1 Sam
2 Sam
8:15). The hands of faith are raised
up to heaven, even as they go about building in
charity a city based on relationships in which the
love of God is laid as a foundation.
Faith and the family
52. In Abraham’s journey towards the future
city, the Letter to the Hebrews mentions the
blessing which was passed on from fathers to
sons (cf.
11:20-21). The first setting in which
faith enlightens the human city is the family. I
think first and foremost of the stable union of
man and woman in marriage. This union is born
of their love, as a sign and presence of God’s
own love, and of the acknowledgment and ac-
ceptance of the goodness of sexual differenti-
ation, whereby spouses can become one flesh
2:24) and are enabled to give birth to a
new life, a manifestation of the Creator’s good-
ness, wisdom and loving plan. Grounded in this
love, a man and a woman can promise each oth-
er mutual love in a gesture which engages their
entire lives and mirrors many features of faith.
Promising love for ever is possible when we per-
ceive a plan bigger than our own ideas and un-
dertakings, a plan which sustains us and enables
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