The Holy See
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The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Programme for Thursday, 4 December 2003

A Day of Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversay of Sacrosanctum Concilium

I. Morning Session

9:00 a.m. - Inaugural Prayer and Greetings by the Prefect, H. E. Francis Card. Arinze

First Theme: Two Conferences

Sacrosanctum Concilium Forty Years after its promulgation: betweeen the past and future

1.     9:30 a.m. – H.E. Francis Eugene Card. George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago (U.S.A.)

2.     10:10 a.m. – Rev. Fr Matias Augé, C.M.F. (Rome)

3.     10:30 a.m. – Coffee break

Second Theme: Four Conferences

Sacred Liturgy during the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II

1.      10:45 – H.E. Joachim Card. Meisner, Archbishop of Köln (Germany)

2.      11:20 – H E. Christian Wiyghan Card. Tumi, Archbishop of Douala (Camerun)

3.      11:45 – H.E. Mons. Stefan Cichy, Auxiliary Bishop of Katowice (Poland)

4.      12:05 – Rev. Fr Alberto Aranda Cervantes, M.Sp.S. (Mexico)

5.   12:25 – Questions and Answers; End of the morning session

II. Afternoon Session

Third Theme: Four Conferences

The Centenary of the Publication of the Motu proprio Tra le sollecitudini of Pope St Pius X: An evaluation and a prospective

1.     16:00 – H.E. Ivan Card. Dias, Archbishop of Bombay (India)

2.     16:40 – Dom Philippe Dupont, O.S.B., Abbot of Solesmes (France)

3.     17:00 – Mons. Giuseppe Liberto, Master and Director of the Pontifical Choir (Vatican City State)

4.     17:20 – Rev. Dr Jo Hermans, Secretary to the National Commission of Liturgy (The Netherlands)

5.     Questions and Answers; Conclusion


1.        The Convention will take place in the Synod Hall of the Pope Paul VI audience hall.

2.        In addition to those formally invited, the participation of those who are involved in the work of the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia and in the Roman Pontifical Universities, Atheneums and Institutes, as well as that of scholars and those responsible for periodicals of Liturgy and Sacred Music is welcomed.

3.        Those interested in attending the programme are requested to send their names to the following address: Congregation for Divine Worship, Palazzo delle Congregazioni, Piazza Pio XII, 10 – 00120 Vatican City State; fax: +39-06-698.83499;

