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La Curia Romana


Secretaría de Estado Congregationes Tribunales Pontificios Consejos Sínodo de los Obispos Oficinas Pontificias Comisiones Guardia Suiza Instituciones Vinculadas a la Santa Sede Oficina Central para Asuntos Laborales Academias Pontificias


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Publicaciones seleccionadas:

Universal Rights in a World of Diversity
The Case of Religious Freedom

Sixteenth Plenary Session, 29 April-3 May 2011
Acta 17, eds M.A. Glendon and H. Zacher
Vatican City, 2012
pp. 700
ISBN 978-88-86726-28-3


Crisis in a Global Economy - Re-Planning the Journey
Sixteenth Plenary Session, 30 April-4 May 2010
Acta 16, eds J.T. Raga and M.A. Glendon
Vatican City, 2011
pp. 610
ISBN 978-88-86726-27-6


Catholic Social Doctrine and Human Rights
Fifteenth Plenary Session, 1-5 May 2009
Acta 15
Vatican City, 2010
pp. 629
ISBN 978-88-86726-25-2


Pursuing the Common Good: How Solidarity and Subsidiarity Can Work Together
Fourteenth Plenary Session, 1-6 May 2008
Acta 14
Vatican City, 2008
pp. 708
ISBN 978-88-86726-23-8


Pontificia Academia de las Ciencias Sociales
Casina Pio IV, V-00120 Ciudad del Vaticano
Tel. +39 06 69883195 - Fax +39 06 69885218 www.pass.va pass@pass.va


La Curia Romana