Cultures et foi - Cultures and Faith - Culturas y fe - 2/1996 - Libri
The Holy See
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Pedro Rodríguez (a cura di), L'ecclesiologia 30 anni dopo la «Lumen gentium». Popolo di Dio - Corpo di Cristo - Tempio dello Spirito Santo - Sacramento - Comunione, «Studi di Teologia» - 1. Roma, Facoltà di Teologia del Pontificio Ateneo della Santa Croce - - Armando Editore, 1995, 256 p.

Ce volume offre dix interventions présentées au Symposium international, tenu en 1994 à l'Université de Navarre de Pampelune (Espagne), à l'occasion du XXXème anniversaire de la Lumen gentium, la Constitution Dogmatique sur l'Eglise. C'est une analyse de la compréhension de l'Eglise qui «unit prière et travail pour que le monde entier dans tout son être soit transformé en peuple de Dieu, en Corps du Seigneur et Temple du Saint-Esprit...».

Egon Kapellari, Und haben fast die Sprache verloren: Fragen zwischen Kirche und Kunst. Graz - Wien - Köln, Styria, 1995, 200 p.

In this volume the author, Bishop of Gurk in Klagenfurt and head of the Austrian Bishops' Conference department for Culture and Liturgy, presents a set of texts on questions linking church and art. A common characteristic of the essays is their encouragement of creative dialogue, which inevitably involves communication problems, but offers opportunities of a more profound encounter between faith and modern culture. In his reflections on various aspects of this encounter, the author seeks to make the often tense relationship between church and art fruitful for both faith and culture.

Oscar A. Gerometta, Aproximaciones... al fenómeno de las sectas. Una reflexión en torno a la atomización de la experiencia religiosa contemporánea. Buenos Aires, Claretiana, 1995, 256 p.

El autor aporta algunas indicaciones preciosas para clarificar el concepto de secta y para precisar el estado actual de la problemática. En una segunda parte, incluye unos resúmenes muy útiles para conocer las sectas concretas que actualmente operan en América Latina. Por último, los anexos finales recogen algunas tomas de posición por parte de la Iglesia y de otras instituciones políticas, que constituyen una útil documentación esencial de fácil acceso.


BANQUES CIC POUR LE LIVRE, FONDATION D'ENTREPRISE - MINISTÈRE DE LA CULTURE/PAYOT, Patrimoine des bibliothèques de France. Un guide des régions. Volume 8: Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Poitou-Charentes, 1995.

BAYARD EDITIONS - CENTURION, PARIS, Lourdes 1995, Assemblée Plénière des Evêques de France. Vers l'An 2000. Documents d'Eglise, 1996. «Le diaconat», «la proposition de la foi vers une nouvelle étape», «l'Europe», voilà les thèmes choisis par l'Episcopat français lors de la rencontre de Lourdes du 4 au 10 novembre 1995.

CENTRE INTERNATIONAL D'ETUDES ROMANES (CIER), TOURNUS (FRANCE), Saint-Philibert de Tournus. Histoire - Archéologie - Art, 1995. Actes du Colloque du Centre International d'Etudes Romanes, Tournus, 15 - 19 juin 1994.

LES PRESSES DE L'UNIVERSITE' LAVAL, QUEBEC, Jean Hamelin, Histoire de l'Université Laval. Les péripéties d'une idée, 1995. Une histoire de l'Université Laval des origines à nos jours; un récit pour comprendre et apprécier le rôle joué par cette institution dans la société québécoise.

PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE, PARIS, Jean Vernette avec la collaboration de Claire Moncelon, Dictionnaire des groupes religieux aujourd'hui. Religions - églises - sectes, nouveaux mouvements religieux, mouvements spiritualistes, 1995.

EDITIONS DU TRICORNE, GENÈVE, André Legrand, La Suisse de bas en haut, 1995.

ED. UNESCO/LIBRAIRIE GÉNÉRALE FRANÇAISE, PARIS, Roger-Pol Droit, Philosophie et démocratie dans le monde. Une enquête de l'UNESCO. Préface de Federico Mayor, 1995. Un besoin de philosophie commence à se manifester aujourd'hui. Une véritable éducation philosophique peut être un des enjeux de la liberté.


AKADEMIAI KIADO, BUDAPEST, Béla Köpeczi (General Ed.), G. Barta, I. Bóna, L. Makkai, Z. Szász (Eds), History of Transylvania, 1994. An English version of a book published by the Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences about Transylvania, "a special part of Europe, where different nationalities, religions and cultures meet..."

Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, The Challenge of Cultures. Cross-Cultural Relationships, Conflicts, Inculturation. Bandra (Bombay), St Pauls, 1996. This book by Archbishop Menamparampil focuses on the meaning, variety and force of cultures, and on the challenges they throw up.

ETHIOPIAN REVIEW OF CULTURES, ADDIS ABABA, The Future of Religious Studies in Ethiopia and Eritrea. "Ethiopian Review of Cultures", Special Issue vol. IV-V, 1994-1995. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Capuchin Franciscan Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Addis Ababa, February 14 - 19, 1994.

A NATIONAL COLLEGE OF ARTS PUBLICATION, LAHORE (PAKISTAN), Khalid Anis Ahmed (ed.), Intercultural Encounter in Mughal Miniatures (Mughal-Christian Miniatures), 1995. A book about the cross-cultural and artistic exchanges which took place during the 16th and 17th Centuries between the Mughal Court and the West.

ORBIS BOOKS, MARYKNOLL (NEW YORK), S. Mark Heim, Salvations. Truth and Difference in Religion, 1995. This book divided into two parts: I. Pluralisms; II. Salvations, represents a contribution to the debate about religious pluralism. It will be very helpful for those who are interested in this important and topical issue.

PAULINES PUBLICATIONS AFRICA, NAIROBI, Cecil McGarry (ed), What happened at the African Synod, 1995. Eleven chapters about the African Synod and the Church in Africa. A book that helps to deepen the meaning of this event and experience of hope.

PENGUIN BOOKS, LONDON, Gerald Jacobs, Sacred Games, 1995. The story of a Hungarian Jew and his fight to survive. An important contribution to the literature of the Holocaust. - E. P. Sanders, The Historical Figure of Jesus, 1995. - Yuri Stoyanov, The Hidden Tradition in Europe. The secret history of medieval Christian heresy, 1994.

SAINT LEO COLLEGE PRESS, SAINT LEO (FLORIDA), Bishop W. B. Friend et al., Evangelization, Culture and Catholic Identity. Proceedings of a Symposium for Catholic Leaders, 1996. "Catholic identity in today's culture"; "talking with contemporary American culture" and other subjects make up this book that contains a letter from Cardinal Paul Poupard, a greeting message for the Symposium.

UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, D.C., Sects and New Religious Movements. An Anthology of Texts From the Catholic Church, 1986-1994. Edited by the Working Group on New Religious Movements (Vatican City), 1995.

VATICAN OBSERVATORY PUBLICATIONS, VATICAN CITY, Annibale Fantoli, Galileo. For Copernicanism and for the Church. Translation by George V. Coyne. Second Edition, Revised and Corrected, 1996. In this work the Author aims to reconstruct the history of the ideas which were the principal factors in defining the Galileo affair.


SECRETARIADO GERAL DO EPISCOPADO - EDITORA REI DOS LIVROS, LISBOA, Cristianismo e cultura na Europa. Memória - Consciência -Projecto, 1995. Les Actes du Symposium Présynodal (Vatican 28 - 31 octobre 1991) sont également disponibles en langue portugaise.


FUNDACIÓ JOAN MARAGALL - EDITORIAL CRUÏLLA, BARCELONA, Antoni Bentué, La gratuïtat, clau de l'ètica bíblica, 1996.


CONFERENCIA DE RELIGIOSOS DEL PARAGUAY (CONFERPAR), ASUNCIÓN, Emilio Grasso, La vida es la realización de un sueño de juventud. Juan Pablo II a los jóvenes, a los campesinos y a los religiosos de América Latina, 1995.


EL COLEGIO MEXIQUENSE - FONDO DE CULTURA ECONOMICA, MEXICO, Roberto Blancarte, Historia de la Iglesia Católica en México (1929 - 1982), 1993.

HERDER, BARCELONA, Heribert Smolinsky, Historia de la Iglesia moderna, 1995. Esta obra, que completa la «Historia de la Iglesia» en 4 volúmenes de la colección «Biblioteca de teología», nos ofrece un cuadro de la Reforma protestante y sus consecuencias, de la Iglesia católica en los siglos XVII y XVIII, y de la Iglesia como institución universal - en Latinoamérica, en Africa y en Asia - a comienzos de la Edad Moderna.

INSTITUTO DE PASTORAL DE LOS PUEBLOS INDIGENAS (INPPI), ECUADOR, Hna. Victoria Carrasco A., Espiritualidad y fe de los pueblos indígenas. Ensayos.

EDICIONES PALABRA, MADRID, Pedro Jesús Lasanta Casero, Los derechos humanos en Juan Pablo II, 1995. En este libro el autor recoge las enseñanzas más relevantes formuladas por Juan Pablo II acerca de los derechos humanos.

EDITORIAL PLANETA, BARCELONA, Jack Miles, Dios. Una biografía, 1996. La versión castellana del libro «God. A biography» (1995).

UNIVERSIDAD RAFAEL LANDIVAR, GUATEMALA, Seminario Internacional sobre Oficialización de los Idiomas de los Pueblos Originarios de América. «Cultura de Guatemala», Enero - Abril 1995 (Año XVI, Vol. I - II).


EMI (EDITRICE MISSIONARIA ITALIANA), BOLOGNA, Emilio Grasso, Il mattino che viene. Comunità cristiane nel postmoderno, 1995. La Iglesia vive para evangelizar; los retos de la misión.

FONDAZIONE DEL MONTE DI BOLOGNA E RAVENNA, BOLOGNA, Marco Poli (a cura di), Un antico e sempre nuovo testimone del francescanesimo: Sant'Antonio di Padova. Atti, 1996. Les Actes de la XIV édition des «Giornate dell'Osservanza» (13 - 14 mai 1995), consacrées à la grande et très populaire figure de Saint Antoine de Padoue, à l'occasion du VIIIe centenaire de sa naissance.

EDIZIONI MESSAGGERO, PADOVA, Donato Valentini (a cura di), La teologia della Rivelazione, 1996. This book contains the proceedings of the III refresher course organized by the «Associazione Teologica Italiana (ATI)», which took place in Rome in January 1993. The theme discussed was "The Theology of Revelation".

MONUMENTI, MUSEI E GALLERIE PONTIFICIE, CITTÀ DEL VATICANO, Ivan Di Stefano Manzella, Index inscriptionum Musei Vaticani: 1. Ambulacrum Iulianum sive «Galleria Lapidaria». Inscriptiones Sanctae Sedis, 1, 1995.

ED. PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITA' GREGORIANA, ROMA, Ivo Muser, Das mariologische Prinzip «gottesbräutliche Mutterschaft» und das Verständnis der Kirche bei M. J. Scheeben, 1995. - Agapit J. Mroso, The Church in Africa and the New Evangelisation. A Theological-Pastoral Study of the Orientations of John Paul II, 1995. - Alfeu Piso, Igreja e Sacramentos. Renovaçao da Teologia Sacramentária na América Latina, 1995.

PONTIFICIO CONSIGLIO DELLA PASTORALE PER I MIGRANTI E GLI ITINERANTI, CITTA' DEL VATICANO, Persone in situazione precaria nella mobilità umana: implicazioni pastorali. Atti della XIII Riunione Plenaria (Vaticano, 24 - 27 ottobre 1995), 1996.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO BIBLICO, ROMA, Gianantonio Borgonovo, La notte e il suo sole. Luce e tenebre nel Libro di Giobbe. Analisi simbolica, 1995. - Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Biblical Commission's Document "The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church". Text and Commentary, 1995. - Antonino Minissale, La versione greca del Siracide. Confronto con il testo ebraico alla luce dell'attività midrascica e del metodo targumico, 1995.

RIZZOLI, MILANO, Michail Novoselov, Lettere agli amici. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli (i libri dello spirito cristiano), 1996. A collection of letters written by Novoselov during his life underground between 1922 and 1927. One of the first models of Christian samizdat born in the dramatic situation of Russia after the October Revolution.

EDIZIONI SAN PAOLO, CINISELLO BALSAMO (MI), F. Malgeri et al., FUCI, coscienza universitaria, fatica del pensare, intelligenza della fede. Una ricerca lunga 100 anni, 1996. A l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de la Fédération Universitaire Catholique Italienne (FUCI), sa Présidence nationale a voulu publier ce livre pour souligner les étapes historiques, le charisme, le style ainsi que la dimension culturelle, ecclésiale et socio-politique de la Fédération.

EDIZIONI STUDIUM, ROMA, Giovanni Benzoni et al., Fede, cultura, società. Vivere la «scelta religiosa». A cura della Presidenza Nazionale FUCI, 1996. Este volumen traza el sentido histórico y teológico de la «opción religiosa» entendida como una vuelta a las fuentes de la fe.

