The Holy See
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Paolo VI, Discorsi ai vescovi italiani, a cura di Carlo Ghidelli. Istituto Paolo VI, Brescia – Edizioni Studium, Roma, 1997, xvii + 348 p.

Ce volume nous offre les discours que le Pape Paul VI a adressés aux Evêques italiens au cours des quinze ans de son pontificat. C'est le riche magistère de Giovanni Battista Montini avec les grands thèmes qui touchent l'Eglise et toute la société de notre temps. Dans ces discours on retrouve le souci pastoral de Paul VI devant les problèmes nouveaux, mais aussi pour les questions toujours actuelles. Parmi les thèmes ecclésiologiques, une place privilégiée est réservée au Concile, cet événement capital pour l'Eglise que le Pape Montini nous exhorte à ne jamais oublier.

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Giovanni Battista Montini (Arcivescovo di Milano), Discorsi e scritti milanesi (1954 – 1963), a cura di Carlo Ghidelli. Istituto Paolo VI, Brescia – Edizioni Studium, Roma, 1997, xxxviii + 5942 p.

Nous avons maintenant l'édition critique des discours et des écrits milanais du futur Pape Paul VI, présentée par le Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Archevêque de Milan. "Tous les Milanais" écrit le Cardinal Martini, "non seulement les catholiques ambrosiens, accueilleront l'édition critique comme une voix inoubliable de leur histoire, qu'on entend de nouveau avec nostalgie, fierté et gratitude... La publication des Discours et écrits milanais doit être considérée comme la découverte d'une des plus riches et prometteuses mines pour connaître Giovanni Battista Montini à la veille de son pontificat". Il s'agit d'un grand travail de recherche, d'une oeuvre de vaste envergure en trois volumes, dans l'ensemble près de six mille pages!

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Douglas Dales, Light to the Isles. Missionary Theology in Celtic and Anglo Saxon Britain. The Lutterworth Press, Cambridge, 1997, 190 p.

1997 was a significant date in the history of Christianity in the British Isles, since it provided the opportunity to commemorate the death of Saint Columba on Iona and the arrival in Kent of Saint Augustine and his companions, sent there by Pope Gregory the Great. This book appeared as part of those celebrations, and is an ambitious treatment of the missionary theology of those ages. It starts by recognizing the influence of Saint Martin of Tours on the people of Wales, from where monastic Christianity spread to Ireland, and almost literally bounced back to exert such a marvellous influence throughout Europe, particularly through Columba and Columbanus. The second part of the book relates how Christianity came to the Anglo-Saxons from Rome, Iona and Gaul: here Saint Bede's historical narrative is seen as an invaluable record of the theology and vision of Saint Gregory the Great. Here the great northern saints – Aidan, Wilfred, Theodore and Cuthbert – emerge as intellectual and spiritual giants in the growth of the English Church. Apart from the treasure-house which is Bede's writings, the second great legacy of the mission to the English was the missionary activity of Saints Willibrord and Boniface and their various companions in the Low Countries and Germany. This missionary thrust was repeated in Scandinavia two centuries later. The book is completed by thorough notes and a selective bibliography.

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Eric Christiansen, The Northern Crusades. Penguin, London, 1997, xxv + 287 p.

This book deals with a complex and fascinating set of phenomena generally unknown in the English-speaking world. It begins at the end of the Viking age, surveying the Northern world as it was in 1100. Then it covers all the crusades of northern Europe, from 1147 to 1505, when Scandinavian rulers and military monks conquered and settled Finland, Estonia and Prussia, turning then on the eastern empires of Novgorod and Lithuania. This is a considerably revised version of the orignial (1980) edition, with correction not only of clear mistakes but also of conclusions drawn by the author on the basis of new information available since great changes in the Baltic states and northern Russia.

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ARCIDIOCESI DI SIENA – COLLE VAL D'ELSA – MONTALCINO, Commissione d'Arte Sacra e dei Beni Culturali, Cappellania degli Artisti, Gli Artisti e l'opera d'arte nella Chiesa di Siena in cammino verso il grande Giubileo del 2000. Atti del 4º Convegno degli Artisti, Siena – San Gimignano 20-28 Settembre 1997. A cura di Sergio Maurizio Soldini e Stefania Severi.

EDITRICE PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITÀ GREGORIANA, ROMA. Tesi Gregoriana, Serie "Diritto Canonico". 3: Yuji Sugawara, Religious Poverty. From Vatican Council II to the 1994 Synod of Bishops, 1997. – 13: Massimo Mingardi, L'esclusione della dignità sacramentale dal consenso matrimoniale nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza recenti, 1997. – 14: Stefan Margelist, Die Beweiskraft der Parteiaussagen in Ehenichtigkeitsverfahren, 1997. – 15: Andrea D'Auria, L'imputabilità nel diritto penale canonico, 1997. – 16: Barbara Zadra, I movimenti ecclesiali e i loro statuti, 1997. – 17: Andrea Migliavacca, La "confessione frequente di devozione". Studio teologico-giuridico sul periodo fra i Codici del 1917 e del 1983, 1997. – 18: David Sereno, Whether the Norm Expressed in Canon 1103 is of Natural Law or of Positive Church Law, 1997. – 19: Giulio Sembeni, Direttorio ecumenico 1993: sviluppo dottrinale e disciplinare, 1997. – 20: Juraj Kavas, The Separation of the Spouses with the Bond Remaining. Historical and Canonical Study with Pastoral Applications, 1997. – 21: Francesco Viscome, Origine ed esercizio della potestà dei vescovi dal Vaticano I al Vaticano II. Contesto teologico-canonico del magistero dei "recenti Pontefici" (Nota Explicativa Praevia 2), 1997. – 22: Grzegorz Kadzioch, Il ministro del sacramento del matrimonio nella tradizione e nel diritto canonico latino e orientale, 1997. – Serie "Teologia". 18: Seán Charles Martin, Pauli Testamentum. 2 Timothy and the Last Words of Moses, 1997. – 19: Ormond Rush, The Reception of Doctrine. An Appropriation of Hans Robert Jauss'Reception Aesthetics and Literary Hermeneutics, 1997. – 20: Jules Mimeault, La sotériologie de François-Xavier Durrwell. Exposé et réflexions critiques, 1997. – 21: Nunzio Capizzi, L'uso di Fil 2,6-11 nella cristologia contemporanea (1965-1993), 1997. – 22: Robert Nandkisore, Hoffnung auf Erlösung. Die Eschatologie im Werk Hans Urs von Balthasars, 1997. – 23: Marinko Perkovi_, "Il cammino a Dio" e "la direzione alla vita". L'ordine morale nelle opere di Jordan Kunicic', O.P. (1908-1974), 1997. – 24: Benoît Domergue, Le réincarnation et la divinisation de l'homme dans les religions. Approche phénoménologique et théologique, 1997. – Pierre-Noël Mayaud, La condamnation des livres coperniciens et sa révocation à la lumière de documents inédits des Congrégations de l'Index et de l'Inquisition. "Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae" 64, 1997.

FONDAZIONE GIOVANNI AGNELLI, TORINO, Tasse religiose e filantropia nell'Islam del Sud-est Asiatico. Dossier "Mondo Islamico", n. 3, 1997. Este volumen es dedicado alla zakat (parte de los haberes de un musulmán destinada para la beneficencia) y a los instituciones caritativas y de solidaridad islámicas en el Sudeste Asiático. – Un'urgenza dei tempi moderni: il dialogo fra gli universi culturali. Documenti del Premio "Senatore Giovanni Agnelli", 1997.

LAS (LIBRERIA ATENEO SALESIANO), ROMA, Enrico dal Covolo – Renato Uglione – Giovanni Maria Vian (a cura di), Eusebio di Vercelli e il suo tempo, 1997. Este volumen recoge las Actas del Congreso Internacional de estudios sobre el primer obispo de Vercelli, que tuvo lugar en esta ciudad del 15 al 17 de diciembre de 1995. – Mario Montani, Filosofia della cultura. Problemi e prospettive. Seconda edizione riveduta e completata, 1996. The aim of this revised and completed text is to inform and steer the reader into problems of the philosophy of culture. The Author intends to offer a concrete working tool for a philosophical discourse about culture.

LIBRERIA EDITRICE VATICANA, CITTÀ DEL VATICANO, Francesco Di Felice, Vita umana e famiglia cristiana. Insegnamenti magisteriali, patristici e biblici, 1997. In this book, prefaced by Card. López Trujillo, the author emphasizes the doctrine of the Church on family and human life, as expressed by recent Popes, especially by John Paul II.

MONUMENTI, MUSEI E GALLERIE PONTIFICIE – MUSEO GREGORIANO ETRUSCO, CITTÀ DEL VATICANO, La raccolta Giacinto Guglielmi. Parte I: La ceramica, a cura di Francesco Buranelli. Cataloghi, 4/1, 1997.

NUOVA ARGOS EDIZIONI, ROMA, Giuseppe Bonaccorso – Tommaso Manfredi, I Virtuosi al Pantheon, 1700/1758. Con un saggio di Vitaliano Tiberia, 1998. La vida de esta Asociación de artistas en sus manifestaciones más sobresalientes, con una presentación del Cardenal Poupard.

PONTIFICIO CONSIGLIO PER LA FAMIGLIA – LIBRERIA EDITRICE VATICANA, CITTÀ DEL VATICANO, La famiglia: dono e impegno, speranza dell'umanità, 1998. Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Rio de Janeiro, 1-3 ottobre 1997.

SOVRANO MILITARE ORDINE DI MALTA, Commissione Scientifica per gli Approfondimenti Biografici sui Santi e sui Beati dell'Ordine, Atti del Convegno Internazionale (30 settembre 1995). A cura di Danilo Veneruso et al., 1996.

VITA E PENSIERO, MILANO, John Tedeschi, Il giudice e l'eretico. Studi sull'Inquisizione romana, 1997.

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INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE MADAGASCAR, AMBATOROKA – ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar, Eglises instituées et nouveaux groupements religieux, 1997. Les Actes de la Semaine interdisciplinaire organisée par l'Institut Catholique de Madagascar, à Ambatoroka, du 17 au 22 Février 1997.

PIERRE TEQUI, PARIS, Daniel et Odette Germain, Prêtre pour l'éternité. Jean-Paul Hyvernat, 1997. La vie d'un jeune prêtre du diocèse de Versailles qui a trouvé la mort, en 1991, au cours d'une ascension en montagne.

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UNICEF – OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, NEW YORK, The State of the World's Children 1998. "Children have the right, recognized in international law, to good nutrition. The world has the obligation to protect that right...".

Angelo Fernandes, Archbishop Emeritus of Delhi (India), Vatican II Revisited, 1997. Twenty-four lectures given by the author on various topics in different countries. Among other matters: "Some Salient Features of Vatican Two"; "The Holy Eucharist: the Centre and Summit of Christian Life"; "Population and Development: the Moral Dimension"; "The Contribution of Religion to the Culture of Peace".

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CAJASUR PUBLICACIONES, CÓRDOBA, Paulino Castañeda – Manuel J. Cociña y Abella (Coordinadores), Iglesia y poder público. Actas del VII Simposio de Historia de la Iglesia en España y América (Sevilla, 13 de mayo de 1996), 1997. El volumen se divide en cuatro partes. I: la Iglesia y el poder público en la modernidad. II: la Iglesia y el poder público en el siglo XX. III: Iglesia y Estado en la transición política. IV: la Iglesia y la libertad religiosa.

EDITORIAL PLANETA, BARCELONA, Julián Marías, Sobre el cristianismo, 1997. Un ensayo entre la apologética moderna y la reflexión filosófica. Identidad del sacerdote, matrimonio, ateísmo, papado, mundo islámico, Concilio son algunos de los temas desarrollados por el autor.

UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA DE SALAMANCA, SALAMANCA, María Teresa Aubach Guiu (Coord.), Comunicación y pluralismo. Actas del I Congreso Internacional (Salamanca, del 25 al 27 de noviembre de 1993), 1994. – Gerardo Pastor Ramos et al. (Editores), Retos de la sociedad de la información. Estudios de comunicación en honor de la Dra. María Teresa Aubach Guiu, 1997.

Manuel Nieto Cumplido – Luis Enrique Sánchez García, La persecución religiosa en Córdoba, 1931-1939, 1998. La lista de los mártires de la Guerra Civil —sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos— con fechas y lugares de martirio y geografía martirial.
