The Holy See
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BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA – MINISTERO PER I BENI CULTURALI E AMBIENTALI, ROMA, Vedere i Classici. L'illustrazione libraria dei testi antichi dall'età romana al tardo medioevo, 1996. A cura di Marco Buonocore. "Bimillenario di Cristo – Lettere e Fede". Roma, Fratelli Palombi Editori – Rose srl, 1996.

On the ninth of October 1996 the Vatican Library opened the exhibition "Vedere i Classici (To See the Classics)", a rich documentation of ancient texts from Roman times to the late Middle Ages. The exhibition, that will last until 19th April 1997 and takes place in the "Salone Sistino" of the Vatican Library, presents the chief illustrated manuscripts which have transmitted the works of authors of ancient Greece and Rome.

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Manlio Simonetti, con la collaborazione di Emanuela Prinzivalli, Letteratura cristiana antica. Antologia di testi. Testi originali a fronte. 1: Dalle origini al terzo secolo. 2: Dall'epoca costantiniana alla crisi del mondo antico (IV secolo). 3: La separazione fra Oriente e Occidente (dal V al VII secolo). Casale Monferrato, PIEMME, 1996.

Ces trois volumes offrent un vaste panorama de la littérature appelée "littérature chrétienne antique", en langue grecque et latine. Il s'agit du grand patrimoine théologique et à la fois littéraire des premiers siècles du christianisme. Chaque volume présente un choix de textes d'auteurs tels que Clément de Rome, Ignace, Irénée, Origène, Tertullien, Eusèbe de Césarée, Grégoire de Nysse, Hilaire, Jérôme, Ambroise, Augustin, Grégoire le Grand, Isidore de Séville, pour en citer les plus importants. L'ouvrage s'impose pour sa richesse de références bibliques, bibliographiques, historiques et littéraires. Les textes sont en langue originelle avec la traduction italienne. Chaque auteur est présenté avec sa biographie.

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Faith and Culture in the Irish Context, edited by Eoin G. Cassidy. Dublin, Veritas, 1996, 175 p.

This is a collection of lectures given at the Mater Dei institute in Dublin in 1995. Father Cassidy's introduction to Faith and Culture in the Irish Context hinges on the notion that one's reaction to current religious developments in Ireland – or anywhere, for that matter – needs to be grounded in reality by an accurate perspective. The first talk tries to tease out the relationship between faith and culture. Bishop Donal Murray of Limerick, a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture, sees them as two aspects of the ultimate questions we must all ask, sooner or later. While a religion "ought to be capable of finding expression in every human culture", "it is difficult to show any direct correspondence between the truth or nobility of a religion and the greatness of the culture in which it finds expression". This illustrates the complexity of the relationship, one which has become marked by the rise of a certain contempt, a general contempt for all institutions, part of a typically destructive relationship of the individual to society. What particularly unites faith and culture is "the task of giving a soul to society" – and the moral fibre of society is best served by a contemplative attitude, something which may help us to "create a new European evangelisation and a revitalised European culture".

The hard core of modernity is provided by the natural sciences, whose relationship to theology is the subject of the second talk, by Father Fachtna McCarthy. "How can we not have faith in science when it has produced the technology that underpins everything from our economy,our health and our life-styles?" The talk considers three relationships between science and theology: conflict, separation and interaction or consonance. It is quite clear that this search for some greater unity comes from scientific discoveries, which have called into question some major assumptions. And all of this can be taken as an invitation to theologians to rediscover the mystery of God at work in the cosmos, in a humble and sensitive dialogue.

Father Cassidy's talk centres on Irishness and Catholicism, a link which is changing as much as Irish politics and society. With a newly-emerging Irish identity, religion is not obviously an essential part of the picture: indeed, a modern individual may leave religion for the weak-willed. So Christianity's challenge is to prove itself as "the philosophy par excellence of the human subject".

Father Michael Paul Gallagher sj shows that post-modernity need not always be seen as an enemy. It "looks with deep suspicion at an arrogant sense of reason, at scientism, at naive claims to progress, at insensitive dominance of the earth, at utopian perspectives on history", and it extols the self, the subject – but a lonely, rather isolated subject. A scorn for the self (as myth) comes from the more radical exponents of the –ism, but within post-modernity there are possible dialogue partners for theology: "in simple terms, one school is destructive, and the other constructive". A key insight: "post-modernity in its lived rather than theoretical form manifests a lonely incapacity for roots", which is a kind of cultural amnesia. But it involves a stronger spiritual hunger than modernity, and sensitivity to the earth and to woman, both very much exploited or forgotten in modernity. Despite all the ambiguities and confusions, "critical and creative post-modernity is not only the friend of Christian faith, but a cultural wavelength in which faith can make itself liveable and credible for today".

These talks were all given at a time when the Irish people are recalling the terrible famine of the mid-nineteenth century, something which Father Michael Drumm's talk shows to have had a remarkable influence on Irish Catholic piety and practice. The mix of hunger and Anglican proselytism left a very sour feeling, which partly explains the reaction of Cardinal Cullen, whose pastoral reforms set the seal on a slow process of reform and imprinted themselves on to Irish Catholic life (even far beyond the shores of Ireland) for over 100 years. Father Drumm is convinced the Irish were too preoccupied with survuval to become apostles of the enlightenment, and it was only in the 1960s that the peculiarly Irish "mix of faith and culture hit the rocks of modernity".

The remaining talks are more statistical in nature, and express in great detail the changing face of religion in Ireland over the last 40 years.

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EDITIONS ANNE SIGIER, QUEBEC–FRANCE, Michèle Aumont, Le monde est ma maison. Chemin de vie. Autobiographie, 1996. Les principales étapes d'une existence parmi d'autres et parmi les autres. Un livre de témoignage, de foi et d'espérance.

ASSAS EDITIONS, PARIS, Xavier Ternisien, Les catholiques en France. 1500 après, 1996. Supplément au n° 1 de "Croire Aujourd'hui", février 1996. Ce petit livre, qui paraît à l'occasion du 1500e anniversaire du baptême de Clovis, constitue un regard sur le passé et sur le présent du catholicisme français.

ASSOCIATION D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES OBLATES, ROME, Dictionnaire des valeurs oblates. Ouvrage collectif des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée sous la direction de Fabio Ciardi, OMI, 1996. Un dictionnaire utile aux Oblats et à tous ceux qui s'initient et se forment à vivre cette spiritualité et cette mission.

BAYARD EDITIONS, PARIS, Jacques Brosse, Les maîtres Zen, 1996. Une introduction à l'esprit du zen à travers la longue histoire des maîtres zen des origines à nos jours. – Jean-Joël Duhot, Epictète et la sagesse stoïcienne, 1996. – Alain de Libera, Eckhart, Suso, Tauler ou la divinisation de l'homme, 1996. L'histoire de la "mystique rhénane" et une anthologie qui permet de se familiariser avec les grands thèmes de cette mystique. – Dominique Poirot, Jean de la Croix et l'union à Dieu, 1996. Jean de la Croix en son temps, avec une anthologie de ses écrits et une partie conclusive sur son influence posthume et l'actualité de son message. – Isabelle Robinet, Lao Zi et le Tao, 1996. Un livre sur la seule grande religion d'origine chinoise, issu de la plume d'une grande spécialiste du taoïsme.

FLAMMARION–DESCLEE DE BROUWER, Noël Copin, Je doute, donc je crois, 1996. Un journaliste réfléchit sur ce qui fonde son engagement de chrétien.

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EERDMANS, GRAND RAPIDS (MICHIGAN, USA), George Weigel, Soul of the World. Notes on the Future of Public Catholicism, 1996. An exploration of the rich theological roots of the Roman Catholic Church's public witness, especially as that witness is exemplified by Pope John Paul II.

IGNATIUS PRESS, SAN FRANCISCO, Timothy Terrance O'Donnell, Heart of the Redeemer. An Apologia for the Contemporary and Perennial Value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1992.

THE NATIONAL HELLENIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INSTITUTE FOR BYZANTINE RESEARCH, ATHENS, Trends in Orthodox Monasticism, 9th–20th Centuries. Proceedings of the International Symposium organised within the Programme "The Routes of Orthodox Monasticism: Go ye and learn", Thessaloniki, September 28th – October 2nd 1994. Council of Europe, Cultural Routes – Cultural Relations Division, Ministry of Culture, Athens 1996.

ORBIS BOOKS, MARYKNOLL (NEW YORK), Alan Neely, Christian Mission. A Case Study Approach, 1995. "Contextualization and Case Studies"; "Christians and Other Faiths"; "Current Issues in Christian Mission", these are the three parts of this "useful educational instrument for both understanding and implementing Christian mission".

ST PAULS, BANDRA, BOMBAY, Thomas Menamparampil, Let Your Light Shine, 1994. Sharing your faith with others is possible only when your actions and attitudes reflect your own encounter–experience with the God of Love.

STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK PRESS, Bryan S. Rennie, Reconstructing Eliade. Making Sense of Religion, 1996. An analysis of the thought of Mircea Eliade and a re-evaluation of his analysis of religion.

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BIBLIOTECA DE AUTORES CRISTIANOS, MADRID, Ángel Galindo García, Moral socioeconómica, 1996. "Sapientia Fidei", Serie de Manuales de Teología, n° . 15. La vida socioeconómica tiene necesidad de confrontarse con la instancia moral con el fin de crear un hombre y un mundo nuevos. Este manual hace una oferta de valores y de virtudes como respuesta al proyecto de creación del hombre nuevo.

BIBLIOTECA DE ESTUDIOS PARAGUAYOS, UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA, ASUNCIÓN, Emilio Grasso, Al amanecer del Tercer Milenio. Fuentes perennes y vivencia cotidiana de la misión, 1996. Traducción castellana de All'alba del Terzo Millennio. Sorgenti perenni e vissuto quotidiano della missione (Bologna, EMI, 1993), constituye una invitación a meditar sobre la presencia, el pasado y el futuro de la Iglesia paraguaya.

CONFERENCIA EPISCOPAL ARGENTINA, DELEGACIÓN PARA LOS BIENES CULTURALES DE LA IGLESIA, BUENOS AIRES, Miguel P. Juárez, organista, Censo y estudio de los órganos de la República Argentina, 1996.

EDIBESA, MADRID, Ángel Galindo García, Despertar con Dios. Un canto a la vida y a la esperanza . Ciclo "B": Adviento y Navidad. Cuaresma y Semana Santa. Pascua. Tiempo Ordinario. 1996.

EDUCA (EDICIONES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA ARGENTINA), BUENOS AIRES, Carlos Alberto Scarponi, La filosofía de la cultura en Jacques Maritain. Génesis y principios fundamentales, 1996. Primera parte: Génesis de la filosofía cristiana de la cultura. Segunda parte: La filosofía plenamente tal de la cultura. Principios fundamentales.

INSTITUTO MEXICANO DE DOCTRINA SOCIAL CRISTIANA, MÉXICO, D.F., Carlos Díaz, Como Dios manda, 1996. Buscar, enseñar, actuar como Dios manda. – Thomas V. Morris, Encontrando el sentido de todo. Pascal y el significado de la vida, 1996.

PALABRA, MADRID, Jean–Marie Lustiger, Haceos dignos de la condición humana, 1996. Una síntesis meditada de temas como el derecho a la libertad religiosa, el deber social de la religión y la conciencia moral. – Jesús Ortiz López, Redescubrir hoy la Iglesia, 1996.

PUBLICACIONES OBRA SOCIAL Y CULTURAL CAJASUR, CORDOBA, Paulino Castañeda – Manuel J. Cociña (coordinadores), Los milenarismos en la historia, 1996. Actas del VI Simposio de la Iglesia en España y América: siglos XVI–XX, celebrado en Sevilla el 5 de Mayo de 1995.

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ARCIDIOCESI DI SIENA – COLLE VAL D'ELSA – MONTALCINO, CAPPELLANIA DEGLI ARTISTI CATTOLICI, Sergio Maurizio Soldini, Omaggio a Paolo VI, 1996. Arte e cultura nel pensiero di Papa Paolo VI: l'orizzonte della complessità nel problema della fede e della cultura, con particolare riferimento al mondo dell'arte.

EDIZIONI ARES, MILANO, Vittorio Possenti, Cattolicesimo e modernità. Balbo, Del Noce, Rodano, 1995. Face à la grande question des rapports entre catholicisme et modernité, l'Auteur cherche une réponse dans la pensée de trois savants en la matière.

ARMANDO EDITORE, ROMA, Hernán Fitte, Lavoro umano e redenzione. Riflessione teologica dalla "Gaudium et spes" alla "Laborem exercens", 1996. Studi di Teologia, 4, a cura della Facoltà di Teologia del Pontificio Ateneo della Santa Croce.

CENTRO STUDI S. ANSELMO, ROMA, Andrea De Santis, Metamorfosi dello sguardo. Il vedere fra mistica, filosofia ed arte, 1996.

ED. CIPI, ROMA, La Croce di Cristo unica speranza, 1996. Atti del III Congresso Internazionale La Sapienza della Croce oggi, Roma, 9–13 gennaio 1995.

EDIZIONI DEHONIANE, BOLOGNA, Carlo Borasi, Scienza e teologia: ragioni di un dialogo, 1993.

EDITORIALE ECO, S. GABRIELE (TERAMO), AA.VV., Il linguaggio per la nuova evangelizzazione nella missione al popolo, a cura di Fernando Taccone, 1997.

EMI, BOLOGNA, Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo, Sud/Nord. Nuove alleanze per la dignità del lavoro, 1996. Atti della Conferenza, Pisa, 1–2–3 ottobre 1995. – Angelo Ferrari – Luciano Scalettari, I bambini nella guerra. Le storie, le stragi, i traumi, il recupero, 1996.

FONDAZIONE GIOVANNI AGNELLI, TORINO, Andrea Pacini (a cura di), Comunità cristiane nell'Islam arabo. La sfida del futuro, 1996. This volume intends to illustrate the reasons of the present-day difficulties and challenges which Christian Arabs have to face today in the various States of the Middle East.

FONTE EDITORE, MILANO, Giovanni Balconi, Fenomeni culturali. Premessa alla lettura della Bibbia. Prima parte, 1996. Ofrece una base cultural para la lectura de la Biblia.

EDITRICE ITINERARI, LANCIANO, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, La celebrazione della domenica. A cura di Bernardo Razzotti, 1988. – Edward Caird, L'evoluzione della religione. A cura di Bernardo Razzotti, 1995. In "The Evolution of Religion", the English philosopher shows that the religious element permeates any experience.

LIBERILIBRI, MACERATA, Michael Novak, Questo emisfero di libertà. Una filosofia delle Americhe, 1996. The Italian translation of "This Hemisphere of Liberty: A Philosophy of the Americas".

OASI EDITRICE, TROINA (ENNA), Enrico Dal Covolo – Isidoro Giannetto (a cura di), Cultura e promozione umana. Fondamenti e itinerari, 1996. Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Oasi "Maria Santissima" di Troina, 29 ottobre – 1° novembre 1995.


PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITA' GREGORIANA, ROMA. Tesi Gregoriana, Serie "Diritto Canonico". 1: Madeleine Ruessmann, Exclaustration. Its Nature and Use According To Current Law, 1995. – 2: Maurizio Claudio Bravi, Il Sinodo dei Vescovi. Istituzione, fini e natura. Indagine teologico-giuridica, 1995. – 4: M. Cristina Forconi, Antropologia cristiana come fondamento dell'unità e dell'indissolubilità del patto matrimoniale, 1996. – 5: Mirjam Kova_, L'orizzonte dell'obbedienza religiosa. Ricerca teologico-canonica, 1996. – Serie "Filosofia". 2: Donal Clancy, Valor y razón. La constitución de la moralidad en Joseph de Finance y Giuseppe Abbà, 1996. – "Serie Teologia". 10: Andrea Bellandi, Fede cristiana come "stare e comprendere". La giustificazione dei fondamenti della fede in Joseph Ratzinger, 1996. 11: Claudio Bedriñán, La dimensión socio-política del mensaje teológico del Apocalipsis, 1996. – Paul Gwynne, Special Divine Action. Key Issues in the Contemporary Debate (1965–1995), 1996. – 13: Francisco Niño, La Iglesia en la ciudad. El fenómeno de las grandes ciudades en América Latina, come problema teológico y como desafío pastoral, 1996. – 14: Scott Brodeur, The Holy Spirit's Agency in the Resurrection of the Dead. An Exegetico-Theological Study of 1 Corinthians 15, 44b–49 and Romans 8,9–13, 1996.

PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO BIBLICO, ROMA, Guy Lasserre, Les synopses: élaboration et usage. Subsidia Biblica, 19, 1996.

SAN PAOLO, CINISELLO B. (MILANO), Dionigi Tettamanzi – Saverio Gaeta, Lo sguardo di Cristo, 1996. Prefazione del Card. Camillo Ruini. Meditazioni di Mons. Angelo Comastri, 1996. Un livre-interview où sont abordées de nombreuses questions actuelles concernant l'expérience de la foi, la morale, la tâche de l'Eglise dans la société, le rôle des laïcs, l'oecuménisme, les sectes. – Congregazione per il Clero, Fatima, 1996. 1° Incontro Internazionale di Presbiteri, 17–21 giugno 1996.

ED. SCIENTIFICHE ITALIANE, NAPOLI, Bernardo Razzotti (a cura di), Corrispondenza Péguy–Jacques Maritain (1901–1910), 1995.

SOCIETA' EDITRICE INTERNAZIONALE (SEI), TORINO, Gaetano Zito (a cura di), Chiesa e società in Sicilia. Atti del I, II e III Convegno internazionale organizzato dall'Arcidiocesi di Catania il 25–27 novembre 1992, 1993, 24–26 novembre 1994. I vol.: "L'età normanna"; II vol.: "I secoli XII–XVI"; III vol.: "I secoli XVII–XIX".

STUDIO BIBLICO TEOLOGICO AQUILANO – EDIZIONI ISSRA, L'AQUILA, Massimo Lorenzani (a cura di), La morale nella Bibbia, 1996; La natura e l'ambiente nella Bibbia, 1996.

EDIZIONI VIVERE IN, ROMA–MONOPOLI, Bernardo Razzotti, Maritain. Scienza e sapienza, 1992. Chez Jacques Maritain les moments fondamentaux sont l'adhésion inconditio-nnelle au christianisme et la philosophie, la transcendance et la science, la sagesse et la science.
