The Holy See
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Preparatory questionnaire
for the Plenary Assembly: 18-20 November 1999


"Christ fully reveals man to man himself
and makes his supreme calling clear"

(Gaudium et Spes, 22)

In Tertio Millennio Adveniente, John Paul II calls on all Christians to celebrate the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 joyfully: all people are loved by God and invited "to become true images of his Son" (Rom 8,29; T.M.A. 7). This expression of God's will is the core of Christian humanism: I came so that they might have life, and have it in abundance (Jn 10.10).

1. "What must be aimed at is complete humanism. There is no true humanism but that which is open oto the Absolute and is conscious of a vocation which gives life its true meaning" (Populorum Progressio, 42).
When people in your culture are searching for meaning, which currents of thought and spirituality, which organizations and institutions respond by conveying a genuine understanding of complete humanism and the dignity of human life, and promote openness to God and to transcendence? What is being done or could be done - particularly in the media - to instil in young people a vision of humanity which corresponds to our calling from God?

2. "When the Church proclaims God's salvation to man, when she offers and communicates the life of God through the sacraments, when she gives direction to human life through the commandments of love of God and neighbour, she contributes to the enrichment of human dignity" (Centesimus Annus 55).
Which elements and principles of culture can be used to encourage men and women to discover the rich depths of ecclesial life in Jesus Christ, the redeemer of man? What are the best ways of promoting and capitalizing on art and sacred music, and nurturing the creative spirit which comes from faith and authentic popular piety? The common good, solidarity, respect for the human person and the fulfilment of everyone's potential are the fruit of love for God and one's neighbour: how can one best show that this will be the source of a Christian humanism for the new Millennium?

3. "By making the newness of the Gospel of life shine forth, we can also help everyone discover in the light of reason and of personal experience how the Christian message fully reveals what man is and the meaning of his being and existence. We shall find important points of contact and dialogue also with non-believers, in our common commitment to the establishment of a new culture of life" (Evangelium Vitae 82).
Which cultural values and common aspirations in your societies would be a foothold for a profound evangelization of culture and a genuine inculturation of faith? In view of the relativism and indifference to religion which are a feature of so many cultures, what links are there - or could there be - between the Church and academic, legal, social and political institutions? What forms should dialogue with non-believers take to reach people who are far from God or the Church? How can they be helped to know the "infinite treasure of Christ" which will help them respond fully to their vocation as God's children (cf. Eph 3.8 and 4.13)?
