The Holy See
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 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 100, April 2006



Index of Subjects



 - A -



Yopougon → Congress and → reports, 1986: 51 (1988) 12-92. 

In South A., → culture and → faith: → popular piety: 51 (1988) 131-132.

South A. and the → pastoral care of → migrants: 51 (1988) 210-223.

The → pastoral care for → refugees in → Asia and A.: 58 (1991) 85-89.

→ Report of the regional meeting of the → Apostleship of the Sea of West and Central A.: 64 (1994) 77-80.

→ Migrants and → refugees in West A.: 64 (1994) 81-87.

→ Refugees in the international year of the → family: a view from Eastern A.: 66 (1994) 9-15.

1998 Maputo Consultation for a more coordinated pastoral response to the → refugee crisis in A.: 76 (1998) 93-94.

→ Final document of the 1998 Consultation for a better pastoral response to the → refugee crisis in A.: 77 (1998) 115-121.

The three Consultations of 1998 to promote a more coordinated response to the → refugee crisis in A.: 79 (1999) 3-12.

Final conclusions of the three Consultations of 1998 to promote a more coordinated pastoral response to the → refugee crisis in A.: 79 (1999) 91-104.

A. → refugees at the fence of → Europe: 82 (2000) 48-50.

→ Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in A.: 85 (2001) 93-101.

Analysis of → migration flows in A., → Europe, → Asia and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55.

The → pastoral care of → human mobility in A.: 91-92 (2003) 305-322.

The situation and challenges of the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees in A. submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 67-70.

→ Pastoral experience of the Jesuit Refugee Service in A.: 93 (2003) 243-245.

Testimony about → human promotion in A., submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 313-317.

→ Tourism industry in East A. in view of its → pastoral care: 96 Suppl. (2004) 99-102.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 119.



Pastoral activities at the a. → chaplaincy of Frankfurt/Main: 61 (1993) 57-65.

Experiences of → refugees at a. in → Germany: 68 (1995) 9-30.

Cooperation between a. → chaplains and directors of → pilgrimages: 71 (1996) 53-62.

Importance and role of the chapel at the a.: 71 (1996) 54-59; 99 (2005) 357-359.

Multiple functions of the a. → chaplaincy: 76 (1998) 31-45; 99 (2005) 357-359.

The a. of Rome and Milan prepare for the Jubilee of the year 2000: 77 (1998) 81-88.

→ Final document of the II Seminar of European Catholic A. → Chaplaincy: 79 (1999) 112-113.

Address at the annual meeting of the National Catholic Conference of a. → Chaplains: 80 (1999) 59-60.

A. may become signs of unity and Catholicism: 81 (1999) 81-89.

Address to the First National Meeting of A. → Chaplains: 81 (1999) 103-106.

Theological (→ Theology) approaches for pastoral contacts in the a. world: 84 (2000) 31-42.

Spiritual (→ spirituality) hints concerning the a. → chaplaincies in → Europe: 86 (2001) 57-62.

→ Welcome speech to the Third European Meeting of Catholic A. → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 99-102.

→ Report of the Third → European Meeting of Catholic A. → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 103-106.

Information from an inquiry about chapels in the a., qualified as “the spiritual heart of the a.”: 94 (2004) 81-95; 97 (2005) 77-88.

Information about the chapel of the International A. of Zaventem-Bruxelles: 94 (2004) 97-98.

A. → chaplains and → Asylum Seekers: 97 (2005) 179-183.

→ Report of the Exodus Meeting on “Non-Access, Refoulement and Deportation in → Europe’s A.”: 97 (2005) 199-204.



→ Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in A., enlightened by the post-synodal document Ecclesia in America: 85 (2001) 103-109.

→ Pastoral experiences of a missionary dedicated to the → pastoral care of → migrants in → South A.: 87 (2001) 201-204.

Synthesis of → reports from → North A. and → South A. National Episcopal Commissions for → Migrants: 88-89 (2002) 45-50.

Analysis of → migration flows in → Africa, → Europe, → Asia and the Pacific and A.: 91-92 (2003) 47-55.

Challenges and perspectives of the → pastoral care of → human mobility in A.: 91-92 (2003) 323-335.

→ Final document of the 2005 Regional Conference of the → Apostleship of the Sea of → North A. and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 279-282.


Amsterdam Treaty

Evaluation of the A. T.: 82 (2000) 46.


Anglican Communion

Statement of the A. C. submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 151-152.



News, reflections and perspectives concerning A.: 80 (1999) 29-35.


Apostleship of the Sea (A.o.S.)

XVIII International → Congress of the A.o.S. (1987), The → People of God and Pastoral of → Labour: 51 (1988) 162-184; 52 (1988) 59-73.

The commitment to the pastoral of → workers in the context of the A.o.S.: 51 (1988) 162-184; 52 (1988) 59-73.

The role of → women in the A.o.S.: 51 (1988) 176-177; 52 (1988) 67-68.

Importance of → education in the context of the A.o.S.: 51 (1988) 177-179; 52 (1988) 68-69.

A.o.S. and → ecumenism: 51 (1988) 180-181; 52 (1988) 69-70.

A.o.S. in → Ghana: 51 (1988) 300-326.

XVIII International → Congress of the A.o.S. (1987): 52 (1988) 7-230.

Human → rights violation and the presence of the → Church, in the context of the A.o.S.: 52 (1988) 149-154.

Maritime activity and presence of the A.o.S. in → Madagascar: 59 (1992) 137-142.

Elements of → ecclesiology in the context of the A.o.S: 61 (1993) 23-38.

→ History and activities of the A.o.S: 61 (1993) 23-26; 74 (1997) 25-27, 123-125.

→ Report of the XIX A.o.S. World → Congress: 61 (1993) 115-120.

→ Report of the regional meeting of the A.o.S. of West and Central → Africa: 64 (1994) 77-80.

Maritime fishing in → India and the A.o.S.: 65 (1994) 71-72.

→ Report of the First International → Congress of the A.o.S. and the → pastoral care of → tourism held in the Caribbean: 67 (1995) 93-94.

1995 → report from the National Director of the Australian A.o.S.: 68 (1995) 87-93.

The A.o.S. enlightened by the → Canon Law and the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter → “Stella Maris”: 74 (1997) 25-45.

→ Final document of the XX World → Congress of the A.o.S.: 76 (1998) 87-91.

The A.o.S. and the Jubilee of the year 2000: 77 (1998) 41-48.

→ Report of the meeting of Regional Coordinators of the A.o.S.: 79 (1999) 105-106.

The work of the A.o.S. according to John Paul II, and particularly to the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter → “Stella Maris”: 82 (2000) 95-104.

Issues, perspectives and challenges to the A.o.S. in a new globalised world: 87 (2001) 37-46.

Opening address to the participants to the XXI World → Congress of the A.o.S.: 90 (2002) 39-42.

The phenomenon of globalisation and the A.o.S.: 90 (2002) 46-53.

Synthesis, with → report, challenges and recommendations, of the XXI World → Congress of the A.o.S.: 90 (2002) 55-66.

→ Final document, and → message to → seafarers, issued by the XXI World → Congress of the A.o.S.: 90 (2002) 67-71.

Address of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the A.o.S. 2005 Regional Coordinators Meeting: 97 (2005) 157-159.

Address of the Secretary of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the A.o.S. 2005 International → Fishing Committee Meeting: 97 (2005) 161-163.

A.o.S. → pastoral care in cruise ships: 99 (2005) 269-271.

Opening address of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the 2005 Regional Meeting of the A.o.S. of Indian Ocean: 99 (2005) 273-276.

Statement issued by the 2005 Meeting of the A.o.S. of → South America and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 277-278.

→ Final document of the 2005 Regional Conference of the A.o.S. of → North → America and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 279-282.


Apostolate of the Road

Proceedings of the First European (→ Europe) Meeting of National Directors of the A.o.R.: 91-92 (2003) 175-211.

Past, present and future perspectives of the A.o.R.: 91-92 (2003) 183-199.

The A.o.R. according to → Church documents: 91-92 (2003) 186-188.

Nature, role and activities of the A.o.R. in → Spain: 91-92 (2003) 188-198.

Elements for a → spirituality of the A.o.R.: 91-92 (2003) 198-199.

→ Final document of the First European (→ Europe) Meeting of National Directors of the A.o.R.: 91-92 (2003) 201-208.

A.o.R. in → Brazil: 99 (2005) 373-376.



A., → Message for → Migration Day, with → Liturgical guide: 51 (1988) 94-152.

A., the → Church and the social phenomenon of migrations: 51 (1988) 118-138. 

and the → history of migration: 51 (1988) 120-124.

→ Tourism and → pilgrimages in A.: 55 (1990) 66-70.

→ Pastoral care of → tourism at Mar del Plata: 57 (1991) 119-124.

Ad limina→ visits of the Bishops of A. and → Brazil: 67 (1995) 97-99.

Appeal in favour of Street → Children in A.: 99 (2005) 369-372.



The → pastoral care for refugees in A. and → Africa: 58 (1991) 85-89.

Role of the → Church in the context of → migration in A.: 63 (1993) 9-33.

Final statement of the symposium on Filipino → migrant → workers in A.: 63 (1993) 95-106.

→ Final document of the Asian Consultation on → Tourism: 69 (1995) 47-56.

→ Final document of the Second Consultation for the → pastoral care of → migrants in A.: 71 (1996) 65-68.

Pastoral strategies promoted and undertaken by the participants to the Second Consultation on the → pastoral care of → migrants in A.: 71 (1996) 69-72.

→ Report of the 1996 Manila Convention on → migrations in countries of East A.: 71 (1996) 85-90.

The situation of → refugees in A., presented to the Second Consultation on the → pastoral care of → migrants in A.: 71 (1996) 91-100.

→ Seafarers of A. belonging to different religious traditions meet Christianity: 80 (1999) 3-10.

→ Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in A. and the Pacific: 85 (2001) 77-91.

The role of → shrines at the service of → evangelisation in A.: 88-89 (2002) 349-353.

Analysis of → migration flows in → Africa, → Europe, A. and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55.

Reality, needs and challenges of the → pastoral care of → human mobility in A.: 91-92 (2003) 337-350.

The situation and challenges of the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees in A. and the Pacific submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 49-53.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in South A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 123-124.

Street → Children in A., and particularly in the → Philippines: 98 Suppl. (2005) 52-62.



Social a. of migrations and → Church in → Argentina: 51 (1988) 132-133.

Spiritual a. of Lithuanian Catholics living outside of → Lithuania: 51 (1988) 372-374.

Bishops of → Austria and the social a. of → refugees and → asylum seekers: 53 (1989) 44-47.

Religious a. to → Italian emigrants according to the vision and initiatives of → Scalabrini: 75 (1997) 15-33.


Asylum (Legal Problems)

Legal → rights of → asylum seekers in → Austria: 53 (1989) 44-47.

Revision and tightening of the → legislation on a. in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1993: 64 (1994) 37-57.

→ Immigration and a. policies in → Europe: 70 (1996) 21-47.

Comments on the communication of the European (→ Europe) Commission “Towards a common a. procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted a.”: 87 (2001) 207-215.


Asylum Seekers

Bishops of → Scandinavia write about → refugees and a. s.: 51 (1988) 392-396.

Bishops of → Austria and the → social assistance of → refugees and a. s.: 53 (1989) 44-47.

Perspectives towards a common → European policy dealing with → migrants and a. s.: 70 (1996) 34-37.

Statement of the Episcopal Commission for → migrations of → France concerning “Welcoming (→ welcome) a. s.”: 88-89 (2002) 283-288.

→ Message from the Catholic → Bishops’ Conference of → Australia on a. s. and → Refugees: 97 (2005) 173-176.

→ Airport → chaplains and a. s.: 97 (2005) 179-183.



→ Message for → Migration Day: 51 (1988) 154-155.

→ Tourism in A.: 57 (1991) 137-140.

→ Immigration → report 1993-1994 of the Australian Federal Catholic Immigration Committee: 67 (1995) 77-80.

→ Report from A. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 57-58.

Testimony of the multicultural → pastoral care of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, A.: 93 (2003) 169-172.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 119-120.

→ Message from the Catholic → Bishops’ Conference of A. on → Asylum Seekers and → Refugees: 97 (2005) 173-176.


Bishops of A. and the → social assistance of → refugees and → asylum seekers: 53 (1989) 44-47.

The presence of the → Church at the B.I.T. in A.: 54 (1989) 237.


- B -



Testimony about reconciliation in the B., submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 303-306.



The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in B.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 256-257.



The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in B.: 56 (1990) 196-202; 93 Suppl. (2003) 258-260.

→ Declaration of the → Bishops’ Conference of B. concerning → migrants and → refugees and the → Church’s commitment: 72 (1996) 103-118.

Specific pastoral → structures for → Foreign Students in B.: 72 (1996) 121-125.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in B.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 219-229.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in B. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 61-66.


Bible (cf. also Holy Scripture)

Biblical foundations of the → pastoral care of → migrants: 51 (1988) 100-117; 61 (1993) 89-94; 65 (1994) 9-15; 72 (1996) 11-37; 93 (2003) 203-210; 98 (2005) 31-38.

→ Report of the Thirty-third National Biblical Week: 66 (1994) 87.

The “foreigner” in the B.: 72 (1996) 12-31; 98 (2005) 31-38.

→ Shrines and their role in the Biblical history of salvation: 81 (1999) 107-109.

Biblical meditation on the parable of the prodigal son of Lk 15:11-32: 83 (2000) 47-52.

The concept of time as → history of salvation in the biblical perspective of St Luke: 85 (2001) 57-66.

The → pilgrimage in the B.: 86 (2001) 12-13.

Investigation and comments concerning references to the sea in the B.: 86 (2001) 51-54.

Biblical and historical (→ history) reflections on the sea and people (→ people of the sea) related to it: 88-89 (2002) 65-73.

Migratory politics to regulate → immigration and the perspectives of Biblical and → Church teachings: 88-89 (2002) 125-136.

Joy and feasts in the B.: 88-89 (2002) 355-367.

Biblical inspirations for a → spirituality of the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 35-40.70-72 and 58-64.82-85.

The B. and Liturgical (→ Liturgy) texts in the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 97 (2005) 89-102.

Remarks on B. and → hospitality: 99 Supp. (2005) 25-30.



The Bishop of B. and his Auxiliary address a → Pastoral Letter entitled “The Third World among Us”: 59 (1992) 101-115.


Bishops’ Conference

Documents of the B. C. of → Germany dealing with → human mobility: 51 (1988) 274-298.

B. C. of → South Africa write about → pastoral care of → immigrants: 51 (1988) 502-506.

B. C. of → Indonesia address a → Pastoral Letter on → tourism: 59 (1992) 131-136.

Pastoral → message of the B. C. of → Canada concerning → welcome and → integration of → migrants and → refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102.

A statement on foreign → workers issued by the Justice and Peace Committee of the Catholic B. C. of → Korea: 62 (1993) 114-116.

Statement of the → United States B. C. on → solidarity towards → immigrants and → refugees: 63 (1993) 91-93.

→ Message of the B. C. of the → Philippines for → Migration Day: 70 (1996) 99.

→ Declaration of the B. C. of → Belgium concerning → migrants and → refugees and the → Church’s commitment: 72 (1996) 103-118.

Greetings to the B. C. of the → U.S.A. at their annual General Meeting in Washington, D.C.: 84 (2000) 67-68.

Competence and accomplishments of the B. C. in favour of → migrants: 90 (2002) 151-162.

Joint → Pastoral Letter of the B. C. of the → United States of America and → Mexico entitled “Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope”: 91-92 (2003) 351-382.

Guidelines for the → pastoral care of → immigrants and related pastoral → structures issued by the B. C. of → Italy: 94 (2004) 155-163.

→ Message from the Catholic B. C. of → Australia on → Asylum Seekers and → Refugees: 97 (2005) 173-176.

Statement issued by the Nordic B. C. on → migration: 99 (2005) 319.

→ Message of the B. C. of → Switzerland concerning → welcoming → migrants: 99 (2005) 325-327.


Bonomelli Geremia

Pastoral commitment towards continental Italian (→ Italy) → migration of B. and Lorenz Werthmann: 73 (1997) 9-44.

Relationships between → Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and B.: 73 (1997) 26-28.


Book Reviews (in chronological order)

FantòP., Uomini in cammino, Piemme, Casale Monferrato 1988: 54 (1989) 280-281.

Larkin T., Faraway Hills (Christian Perspectives on Emigration), ed. Irish Episcopal Commission for Emigrants, Dublin 1990: 58 (1991) 137-138.

Di Liegro L. – Pittau F., Il Pianeta immigrazione: dal conflitto alla solidarietà, Ed. Dehoniane, Roma: 58 (1991) 138-139.

Belotti L., Immigrati: fratelli per un mondo solidale, Ed. Dehoniane, Roma 1991: 58 (1991) 139-140.

Bocklet P., Zu viel Fremde im Land?, Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf 1990: 58 (1991) 140-141.

Comisión Episcopal Transitoria Pro Refugiados – Comisión Episcopal de Migración y Turismo, Migraciones y Refugiados, XLVIII Asamblea del Episcopato Medicano, 12-16 noviembre 1990: 58 (1991) 141-143.

Botinelli M. alii, Psychological Impacts of Exile Salvadorian and Guatemalan Families in Mexico, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. 1990: 58 (1991) 143.

Anson P. F., History of the Sea Apostolate in the Port of London, Apostleship of the Sea for England and Wales, Tilbury 1991: 58 (1991) 144.

International Committee on Seafarers’ Welfare, Seafarers’ Welfare in the Asian Region, International Labour Office, Geneva 1990: 58 (1991) 145-146.

Vogler M., Kirche und touristische Mobilität, Universitätsverlag, Freiburg 1990: 58 (1991) 146-147.

Auza N. T. – Favero L. V., Iglesia e Inmigración, Centro de Estudios Migratorio Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires 1991: 59 (1992) 143-146.

Rossi A.,Integraçao de raças e Nacionalidades, Companhia limitada, São Paulo 1991: 59 (1992) 147-148.

Segafreddo L., Testimoni dell’altra Italia, (Senza Frontiere), Edizioni Messaggero, Padova 1991: 59 (1992) 148.

The Ecumenical Coalition on Third World Tourism, Caught in Modern Slavery: Tourism and Child Prostitution in Asia, Bangkok 1991: 59 (1992) 149.

Conseil Pastoral Diocésain de Rimini, L’Eglise de Rimini: tourisme et développement économique, Rimini 1991 : 59 (1992) 150-151.

Chapman P. K., Trouble on Board: The Plight of International Seafarers, ILR Press, New York 1992: 61 (1993) 127-128.

Piasere L.(ed.), Europa Zingara, (La ricerca folclorica), Grafo Edizioni, Brescia 1991: 61 (1993) 128-129.

Andreatta L. – Marinelli F. (eds.), Il pellegrinaggio. Via della Nuova Evangelizzazione, Ed. Piemme, Roma 1993: 61 (1993) 129-131.

Allievi S. – Dassetto F., Il ritorno dell’Islam. I musulmani in Europa, (ISCOS 22), Edizioni Lavoro, Roma 1993: 62 (1993) 131-132.

Heine I. – Heine P., O ihr Musliminen – Frauen in Islamischen Gesellschaften, Herder Verlag, Freiburg 1993: 62 (1993) 132-133.

Jakobs T.(ed.), Solidarität und Dialog: Katholische Kirche und ausländische Studierende in Deutschland, Paulinus Verlag, Trier 1993: 62 (1993) 133-135.

Renscheide G. – Bhardwaj S. M., Pilgrimage in the United States, (Geographia Religionum N. 5), Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1990: 62 (1993) 135-136.

Seghetto A., Sopravvissuti per raccontare. Testimonianze di minatori italiani in Belgio, CSER, Roma 1993: 63 (1993) 121-122.

Gatz E.(ed.), Geschichte des kirchlichen Lebens in den deutschsprachigen Ländern seit dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Band II Kirche und Muttersprache, Herder Verlag, Freiburg 1992: 63 (1993) 122-123.

Jaeger-Sommer J.(ed.), Asyl – Fremde in der Festung Europa, Benzinger Verlag, Zürich 1993: 63 (1993) 124.

De Florio V., Zingaro moi fratello, Edizioni Paoline, Milano 1986: 63 (1993) 125-126.

Muntarbhorn, V., The Status of Refugees in Asia, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992: 64 (1994) 97-98.

Berlin Institute for Comparative Social Research, Beitrage zur Vergleichenden Sozialforschungen, Edition Parabolis, Berlin 1992: 64 (1994) 99.

Manodori, A. (ed.), Preghiera del Marinaio. La fede e il mare nei segni della Chiesa e nelle tradizioni marinare, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Roma 1992: 64 (1994) 100-101.

UNHCR (ed.), The State of the World’s Refugees: the Challenge of Protection, Penguin Book, 1993: 65 (1994) 81-83.

Scabini, E. – Donati, P.(eds.), La famiglia in una società multi-etnica. Studi interdisciplinari sulla famiglia, (Vita e Pensiero), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Centro di Studi e Ricerche sulla Famiglia, Milano 1993: 66 (1994) 103-105.

Rogers, R. – Copeland, E., Forced Migration Policy Issues in the Post-Cold War World, Tufts University (The Fletcher School of War and Diplomacy), Medford (Massachusetts) 1993: 66 (1994) 105-107.

Hirsch, H., Onkel Sams Hütte – Autobiographisches Garn eines Asylanten in den USA, Leibziger Universitätsverlag 1994: 66 (1994) 107.

Miller, K. – Wagner-Elliott, P., Out of Ireland: The Story of Irish Emigrants to America, Clark Publishing, Washington 1994: 67 (1995) 103.

Karpati, M.(ed.), Zingari ieri e oggi, Ed. Centro Studi Zingari, Roma 1993: 67 (1995) 104-105.

Holkenbrink, G., Die rechtlichen Strukturen für eine Migrantenpastoral, Päpstlicher Rat für die Seelsorge am Migranten und Menschen unterwegs, Vatikan 1995: 68 (1995) 103-105.

Riboldi, M., Zefferino Jiménez Malla: un vero Kaló, La Voce, Milano 1993; Rodrigo, R., Zingaro e Santo, Pontificio Consiglio Migranti, Roma 1995: 68 (1995) 105-106.

Wernicke, M. K., Gescheiterte Rettung: Fünf Franziskanerinnen und der Schiffbruch der Deutschland Jahre 1875, Menschen und Schiffe, Kabel Verlag, Hamburg 1995: 68 (1995) 107.

Stalker, P., Les travailleurs immigrés. Etude des migrations internationales de main-d’œuvre, Bureau international du Travail, Genève 1995: 69 (1995) 81-82.

Fozzard, S., Surviving Violence: A Recovery Programme for Children and Families, International Catholic Child Bureau, Geneva 1995: 69 (1995) 83-84.

Dumont, G.-F., Les migrations Internationales, Sedes, Paris 1995: 69 (1995) 85-88.

Danbakli, M.(ed.), On Gypsies: Text issued by International Institutions, (Collection Interface), Centre de Recherche Tsiganes, Toulouse 1995: 69 (1995) 89-90.

Baadte, G. – Rauscher, A. (eds.), Minderheiten, Migration und Menschenrechte, Verlag Styria, Graz 1995: 70 (1996) 117-118.

Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ECMI), The Pastoral and Social Care of Migrants, (Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines), Manila 1995 (9 booklets): 70 (1996) 119-120.

Kenrick, D., Zingari: dall’India al Mediterraneo. La migrazione degli Zingari, Centro di Ricerche Zingare – Centro Studi Zingari, Anicia 1995: 70 (1996) 121-122.

ISMU, Primo rapporto sulle migrazioni 1995, Franco Angeli, Roma 1995: 71 (1996) 135-137.

Ercolano, F., Liberalizzazione del commercio e del movimento delle persone, Fratelli Palombi Editori, (without indication of place) 1996: 71 (1996) 139-140.

Garatto, G. – Oliviero, F. (eds.), La sfida di una società multi-etnica, Ed. Piemme, Casale Monferrato 1995: 72 (1996) 165-167.

Caritas di Roma, Immigrazione – Dossier statistico 1996, (without indication of publishing house), Roma 1996: 72 (1996) 169-170.

Hien Va Phan, P., The Rights of Refugees with special Reference to Vietnamese Boat People, (doctorate thesis), Accademia Alfonsiana, Roma 1996: 72 (1996) 171-172.

Carniti, P., Noi vivremo del lavoro…, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma 1996: 73 (1997) 149-151.

Sassen, K., Transnational Economies and National Migration Policies, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1996: 73 (1997) 153-154.

IRES, Atteggiamenti e comportamenti verso gli immigrati in alcuni ambienti istituzionali, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 1995: 73 (1997) 155-157.

Lucentini, M., Rom Wege in die Stadt, Pattloch Verlag, Augsburg (without indication of year): 73 (1997) 159-160.

Apostleship of the Sea/Philippines, Ahoy! Manual for Filipino Seafarers, ECMI/CBCP, Manila 1996: 74 (1997) 135.

Bienfait, H., L’autre victime, Siloë, Paris 1995: 74 (1997) 135-136.

Le sann, A. (ed.), Pêcher pour vivre, CRISLA, Paris 1995 : 74 (1997) 136.

Aa. Vv., Mer des hommes, Revue Economie et Humanisme n. 335, Lyon 12/1995: 74 (1997) 137.

Bellec, F., Pêcheurs d’espoir au Sénégal, Les Editions de l’Atelier, Paris 1996: 74 (1997) 137-138.

Rosoli, G., Insieme oltre le frontiere, Ed. Salvatore Sciascia, (without indication of place and year): 75 (1997) 153-155.

Perotti, A. (ed.), L’Eglise et les migrations.Un précurseur Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, CIEMI, L’Harmattan, Paris 1997: 75 (1997) 156-157.

Monaca, G., Come alberi che camminano. Memorie di emigrazione come progetto di dialogo, (without indication of publishing house, place and year): 76 (1998) 105-106.

Ambrogi, M. V. – Belardi, G. – Gagliardoni, I., I cammini del cielo. Memoria. Speranza verso il Giubileo del 2000, (without indication of publishing house), Assisi 1997: 76 (1998) 107.

Donzello, G. – Karpati, B. M., Un ragazzo zingaro nella mia classe, Ed. Centre de Recherche Tsiganes-Centro Studi Zingari, Anicia 1998: 76 (1998) 108-109.

Gioia, F., Pellegrini e Forestieri nel mondo antico, Mondadori, (without indication of place) 1998: 78 (1998) 99-101.

Lavarini, R., Il pellegrinaggio cristiano, Marietti, (without indication of place) 1997: 78 (1998) 102.

Medea, L. A., Silvio Petroro, Ambasciatore degli Emigranti nel mondo, Edizioni Cannarsa, Vasto 1999: 80 (1999) 97-98.

Sisinni, F., In Viaggio. Pellegrinaggi e Giubilei del popolo di Dio, Città Nuova (without indication of place and year): 82 (2000) 117.

Gioia, F., San Francesco i luoghi e le storie, (without indication of publishing house, place and year): 82 (2000) 118.

Santarelli, G., La Santa Casa di Loreto. Un’esperienza di fede e di arte attraverso i secoli, (without indication of publishing house, place and year): 82 (2000) 119.

Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti – Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, La solidarietà per i Migranti e gli Itineranti, The Solidarity of the Church with Migrants and Itinerant People, (without indication of publishing house), Roma 2000: 83 (2000) 65-66.

Munari, G., Itinerantibus in Europa et in toto orbe terrarum, 3 voll. (without indication of publishing house, place and year): 87 (2001) 231.

Amalou, P. – Barioulet, H. – Vellas, F. (eds.), Tourisme, éthique et développement, (without indication of publishing house), Paris 2001.

Amirante, C., Stazione Termini. Storie di droga, AIDS, prostituzione, Città Nuova, Roma 2001: 90 (2002) 263264.

Aa. Vv., L’Asile en France. Etat d’urgence, CERF, Paris 2002: 90 (2002) 265.

Tiangco, R. – Jackson, R., Handbook of Rights and Concerns for Mariners, Cornell Maritime Press, Maryland (without indication of year): 94 (2004) 251.

Di Donato, P., Madre Cabrini, la Santa degli emigrati, Il Grappolo, Parco S.Anna, S.Eustachio di Mercato San Severino 2003: 94 (2004) 251-252.

Scevi, P., Manuale di diritto delle migrazioni. La condizione giuridica dello straniero dopo la riforma, La Tribuna, Piacenza 2003: 94 (2004) 253-254.

Fiumi, C., Storia di Arden, immigrato per fare il “badante del tubo”, (without indication of publishing house, place and year): 94 (2004) 255.


Borsa Internazionale del Turismo (B.I.T.)

Acts of the B.I.T. convention of 29-30 November 1988: 54 (1989) 194-260.

The presence of the → Church at the B.I.T. of Milan: 54 (1989) 220-223.

The → Church Forum at the B.I.T. of Berlin: 54 (1989) 224-225.

Relations between the → Church and the B.I.T.: 54 (1989) 234-236.

The presence of the → Church at the B.I.T. in → Austria: 54 (1989) 237.

Proposal for a religious B.I.T. in Ravenna: 54 (1989) 238-241.

The B.I.T. in → Spain: 54 (1989) 242-245.

→ Final document of the B.I.T. convention of 29-30 November 1988, in Italian, German and French: 54 (1989) 251-257.

→ Report of the B.I.T. concerning → tourism: 55 (1990) 130-131.



→ Message for → Migration Day and intervention of the Bishop of Santos at the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 51 (1988) 158-184.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in B.: 56 (1990) 203-206; 93 Suppl. (2003) 261.

Bishops of B. issue a → message entitled “Temporary → Migrants: a challenge to the → Church and the society”: 59 (1992) 117-130.

Ad limina→ visits of the Bishops of → Argentina and B.: 67 (1995) 97-99.

→ Apostleship of the Road in B.: 99 (2005) 373-376.



Asian (→ Asia) → seafarers belonging to B.: 80 (1999) 5-6.


Burkina – Burkina Faso

B. and B. F. → reports to Yopougon → Congress, 1986: 51 (1988) 18-31.


 - C -

Cabrini Francesca

Women and → migration in a letter of Mother C., dated 1908: 94 (2004) 99-108.



→ Report from a → visit to Cambodian → refugees in U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 186-201.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in C.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 120.



Pastoral → message of the → Bishops Conference of C. concerning → welcome and → integration of → migrants and → refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102.

Key trends and developments affecting International → migration to and within the “New World” (→ U.S.A., C. and the Southern Cone American countries and nearby states): 86 (2001) 65-74.


Canon Law

C. L. and → pastoral agents: 51 (1988) 114-116.

The role of pastoral → workers in the new Code of C. L. and according to the mind of the → Church: 54 (1989) 262-279.

The General Directory → Peregrinans in Terra and the 1983 Code of C. L.: 55 (1990) 232-246.

C. L. and the → pastoral care of → migrants and itinerant people: 58 (1991) 7-35; 67 (1995) 45-51; 87 (2001) 133-170.

C. L. and pastoral → structures for → migrants in the → Netherlands: 59 (1992) 29-32.

Matrimonial disparity of cult between Catholics and → Muslims: 59 (1992) 35-67; 66 (1994) 23-34.

The → Apostleship of the Sea enlightened by the C. L. and the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter → “Stella Maris”: 74 (1997) 25-45.

C. L. profile of the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 97-107.

Juridical elements of the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi from the point of view of the C. L. of → Oriental Catholic Churches: 98 (2005) 109-125.


Caritas Internationalis

→ Refugees as a challenge to C. I. and to the → Church: 53 (1989) 20-30.



The role of c. for → migrants: 51 (1988) 41-45.

→ Scalabrini in connection with some relevant topics of his times: c. improvement, charitable deeds, → culture and pastoral activities: 75 (1997) 85-99.

Activities and intuitions of → Scalabrini concerning methods, contents and organization of c.: 75 (1997) 101-116.

Directions in c. with → immigrants in the → United States of America: 97 (2005) 185-190.



The concept of c. in the context of → migrations: 51 (1988) 232-237; 241-262.

→ Migrations may become a chance for living c.: 82 (2000) 55-68.



Role and commitments of the c. for → migrants: 54 (1989) 147-172.

Cooperation between → airport c. and directors of → pilgrimages: 71 (1996) 53-62.

→ Report of the II Seminar for Catholic C. and → Pastoral Agents of → Civil Aviation: 79 (1999) 107-111.

Address at the annual meeting of the National Catholic Conference of → Airport C.: 80 (1999) 59-60.

Address to the First National Meeting of → Airport C.: 81 (1999) 103-106.

→ History, nature, role and activities of the sailing c. in the Finnish Seamen’s → mission: 82 (2000) 29-40.

→ Welcome speech to the Third → European Meeting of Catholic → Airport C. and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 99-102.

→ Report of the Third → European Meeting of Catholic → Airport C. and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 103-106.

→ Report of the XI International Seminar of Catholic → Civil Aviation C. and → Chaplaincy Members: 88-89 (2002) 119-121.

Globalisation and → fishing c.: 88-89 (2002) 181-190.

→ Report of the 35th Annual Conference of the International Association of → Civil Aviation C. (→ I.A.C.A.C.): 90 (2002) 221-224.

→ Report of the IV European (→ Europe) Seminar for Catholic → Civil Aviation C. and → Chaplaincy Members: 91-92 (2003) 227-230.

→ Report of the 36th Annual Conference of the International Association of → Civil Aviation C. (→ I.A.C.A.C.): 94 (2004) 229-231.

→ Airport c. and → Asylum Seekers: 97 (2005) 179-183.



The c. for ethnic groups: 54 (1989) 134; 87 (2001) 159-162.

Meaning and role of the → Personal Parish (and/or → c.) for → migrants: 54 (1989) 89-102; 54 (1989) 130-131; 87 (2001) 150-156.

Pastoral activities at the → airport c. of Frankfurt/Main: 61 (1993) 57-65.

Multiple functions of the → airport c.: 76 (1998) 31-45.

→ Final document of the II Seminar of European Catholic → Airport C.: 79 (1999) 112-113.

Spiritual (→ spirituality) hints concerning the → airport c. in → Europe: 86 (2001) 57-62.

→ Welcome speech to the Third → European Meeting of Catholic → Airport → Chaplains and C. Members: 86 (2001) 99-102.

→ Report of the Third → European Meeting of Catholic → Airport → Chaplains and C. Members: 86 (2001) 103-106.

The → Foreign Students C. in the → Netherlands: 87 (2001) 47-57.

→ Report of the XI International Seminar of Catholic → Civil Aviation → Chaplains and C. Members: 88-89 (2002) 119-121.

→ Report of the IV European (→ Europe) Seminar for Catholic → Civil Aviation → Chaplains and C. Members: 91-92 (2003) 227-230.

→ History, role and activities of Auto Racing C. and Ministries: 99 Suppl. (2005) 83-86.



C. → refugees and their problems: 53 (1989) 11-16; 17; 53 (1989) 61-62.

→ Convention on the → rights of the child: 53 (1989) 110-112.

The role of → family in the → Philippine culture and the impact of → migration in the spiritual and moral → formation of c.: 71 (1996) 9-30.

The problem of child soldiers as a form of forced displacement: 81 (1999) 33-42.

Data and concerns about sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and c.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 115-124.

Proceedings of the First International → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of Street c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 5-162.

Street c. in the light of John Paul II’s recent teachings about c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 5-8.

Analysis and data of the worldwide phenomenon of Street c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 33.51-57.62-66.

The → pastoral care of → welcome for Street c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 9-14.34-38.47-50.57-62.73-77.

Data, causes and dynamics of the phenomenon of Street c., in connection with activities, methods and projects of the → Church concerning their → pastoral care: 98 Suppl. (2005) 15-30.

Contributions for setting up the main lines of a specific → pastoral care for Street c. submitted to the Round Table of the First International → Congress for the → pastoral care of Street c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 33-82.

The question of Street c. and → Portugal: 98 Suppl. (2005) 38-39.

The experience of helping Street c. in Rome (→ Italy): 98 Suppl. (2005) 41-46.

Street c. in → Asia, and particularly in the → Philippines: 98 Suppl. (2005) 52-62.

→ Pastoral experiences of → pastoral agents serving Street c. in → India, in → Romania and in → France: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82.

→ Final document of the First International → Congress for the → pastoral care of Street c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 85-157.

Appeal in favour of Street c. in → Argentina: 99 (2005) 369-372.



→ Pastoral experiences and activities of “Holiday Centres” in C.: 57 (1991) 171-173.

The → pastoral care of human mobility in C.: 58 (1991) 70-72.



Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in C.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 120-122.


Church (cf also Ecclesiology)


The → mission of the C. and → migrants: 51 (1988) 104-105; 54 (1989) 67-79; 67 (1995) 9-34; 77 (1998) 113-114; 82 (2000) 6-8.

Universal C. and the → pastoral care for → migrants: 51 (1988) 106-109; 54 (1989) 79-84; 84 (2000) 3-7.75-93; 90 (2002) 177-182; 91-92 (2003) 289-294; 93 (2003) 115-125.

C. and the social phenomenon of → migrations: 51 (1988) 118-138; 67 (1995) 14-30.

C. and → immigrants in → Italy: 51 (1988) 350-355.

The → pastoral care of migrants is a specific pastoral activity of the C.: 54 (1989) 43-66; 67 (1995) 26-27. 45-48; 84 (2000) 3-7; 87 (2001) 137-147; 93 (2003) 116-120.

Bishops of → Brazil issue a → message entitled “Temporary → Migrants: a challenge to the C. and the society”: 59 (1992) 117-130.

The Japanese (→ Japan) C. facing the problems of → immigration: 62 (1993) 16-22.

The C., → Religious Orders and → Religious Congregations in the context of Italian → migration to → South America: 62 (1993) 25-55.

C. and → immigration in → Scandinavia: 62 (1993) 57-69.

Role of the C. in the context of → migration in → Asia: 63 (1993) 9-33.

The C. facing → irregular immigrants in → Europe and related issues: 63 (1993) 35-44.

C. and → dialogue, in its various perspectives: 64 (1994) 15-18.

The C. in → Italy facing → irregular immigrants: 65 (1994) 25-38.

The commitment of the C. in → Europe in favour of → migrants, victims of violence: 69 (1995) 73-77.

The C. in → Europe challenged by → immigrant → youth: 71 (1996) 45-48.

Concerns of the C. in → Taiwan towards → migrants on irregular situations: 71 (1996) 101-108.

The C. in → Italy and the → pastoral care for → migrants: 72 (1996) 59-64.

→ Culture, → migration and C.: 72 (1996) 69-87.

→ Declaration of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Belgium concerning → migrants and → refugees and the commitment of the C.: 72 (1996) 103-118.

→ Rights and duties in → migration contexts and the commitment of the C.: 76 (1998) 55-67.

→ History of the commitment of the C. to the → pastoral care of itinerant people and the proper missionary role of → migrants in → evangelisation: 82 (2000) 3-5.

Data and pastoral concerns of the C. for → migrants and → refugees in → Oceania: 84 (2000) 8-30.

Commitments of the C. in → Europe towards → migrations: 87 (2001) 101-111.

Migratory politics to regulate → immigration and the perspectives of Biblical (→ Bible) and C. teachings: 88-89 (2002) 125-136.

→ Migration and the social doctrine of the C.: 88-89 (2002) 305-318.

→ Migration trends related to civil institutions and C. in → South American Countries: 91-92 (2003) 395-398.

The C. and her pastoral challenges in the world of → migrants and → refugees: 93 (2003) 39-46.

Commitments of the C. in → Germany towards → migrants and → refugees: 93 (2003) 159-162.

Testimony about the → Liturgy of Eucharist and the cooperation between Churches, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 307-308.

Situation and challenges of the Japanese (→ Japan) C. facing → immigration fluxes: 94 (2004) 193-199.

Experiences of Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) cooperation between the Catholic C. in → Germany and → migrants/ → refugees: 96 (2004) 107-113.

Erga migrantes caritas Christi analysed as a response of the C. to the present → migration phenomenon: 97 (2005) 19-28.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi in reference to some experiences of the Andes Region, namely the pastoral approach of → welcome, the migrant → family, the → rights of → migrants and the concerns of the C.: 97 (2005) 69-76.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi and its guidelines for the C.’s → pastoral care of → migrants: 97 (2005) 135-149.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Oriental Churches on the pastoral concern of the C. towards → migrants and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 89-100.



→ Refugees as a challenge to → Caritas Internationalis and to the C.: 53 (1989) 20-30.

→ Pastoral experiences of the C. in → Taiwan among → refugees: 53 (1989) 48-49.

Responsibility and role of the C. in the → pastoral care of → refugees: 53 (1989) 134-139; 82 (2000) 8-9; 84 (2000) 3-7.


Apostleship of the Sea

Human → rights violation and the presence of the C., in the context of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 52 (1988) 149-154.

The experience of people involved in → fishing activities and the C.’s pastoral concern: 74 (1997) 93-101; 82 (2000) 10.

Press-release of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People concerning the launch of a Study in view of an appropriate presence of the C. in International Sailing Racing Events: 90 (2002) 207-210.


Tourism and Pilgrimages

The commitment of the C. in the context of → tourism: 54 (1989) 196-215; 82 (2000) 9-10; 86 (2001) 5-10; 88-89 (2002) 91-97.293-298.

Dimensions of → tourism and the C. from the point of view of a lay operator: 54 (1989) 216-219.

The presence of the C. at the → B.I.T. of Milan: 54 (1989) 220-223.

The C. Forum at the → B.I.T. of Berlin: 54 (1989) 224-225.

The presence of the C. at the → Salon Mondial du Tourisme et des Voyages: 54 (1989) 226-229.

The presence of the C. at the → B.I.T. in → Austria: 54 (1989) 237.

Perspectives of the C. about → tourism, beauty and arts: 55 (1990) 24-36.

→ Tourism and the protection of world patrimony, including the pastoral commitment of the C.: 80 (1999) 21-28.

Pilgrims (→ pilgrimage) of the year 2000 appeal to the C.: 87 (2001) 25-36.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in the evangelising (→ evangelisation) → mission of the C.: 91-92 (2003) 33-44.

Religious, cultural (→ culture) and social dimensions of → tourism in → India according to the case study of Goa, involving the C.’s role: 96 Suppl. (2004) 91-97.


Apostolate of the Road and Foreign Students

The C.’s respect for the → culture and → faith of → foreign students: 72 (1996) 39-50.

The C. in → France and → Foreign Students from developing countries: 72 (1996) 145-150.

International mobility of → foreign students and scientists becomes a challenge for the pastoral concern of the C.: 82 (2000) 13-27.

C. and university in → Europe: 90 (2002) 203-205.

Data, causes and dynamics of the phenomenon of Street → Children, in connection with activities, methods and projects of the C. concerning their → pastoral care: 98 Suppl. (2005) 15-30.



The → Gypsies’ vocation and → mission in the world and in the C.: 56 (1990) 34-61.

The → Opera Nomadi and → human promotion of the → Gypsies with regard to the duties of the C.: 56 (1990) 123-133.

The C.’s commitment to the → pastoral care of → nomads: 81 (1999) 53-58; 82 (2000) 11.

→ Hospitality of the C. in the → United States of America towards → circus and travelling show people: 99 Supp. (2005) 87-95.


Other Topics

→ Welcome as a traditional → value of the C.: 51 (1988) 483-485; 90 (2002) 93-94.

The role of pastoral → workers in the new Code of → Canon Law and according to the mind of the C.: 54 (1989) 262-279.

Marriages between Christians and → Muslims as a new → pastoral experience for the C. in → Europe: 66 (1994) 19-34.

The international face of the C. in Vienna: 84 (2000) 43-50.

The challenges to the C. of cultural identities in the globalisation era: 86 (2001) 21-29.

The “globalized” expert and the Diaspora, a new paradigm for the C. policy of scholarships and aid to development: 88-89 (2002) 259-266.

The “Charta Œcumenica” of the Churches in → Europe: 91-92 (2003) 231-240.

Vision and guidelines of the C. for the → interreligious dialogue: 93 (2003) 143-148.

Role, challenges and tasks of Portuguese (→ Portugal) Communities in the C. of → France: 94 (2004) 177-180.


Church Documents

C. d. concerning the → pastoral care for → migrants: 54 (1989) 33-43; 67 (1995) 9-34. 43-45; 87 (2001) 133-170; 88-89 (2002) 191-208; 90 (2002) 177-182; 95 (2004) 3-6; 97 (2005) 21-23.

→ Structures of the → pastoral care for → migrants according to C. d.: 54 (1989) 79-102; 67 (1995) 48-51; 87 (2001) 133-170.

The → Apostolate of the Road according to C.: 91-92 (2003) 186-188.

C. d. concerning the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 30-33 and 52-56.

The Apostolic Letter → Exsul Familia and other C. d. as an itinerary leading to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 95 (2004) 3-10.

C. d. on → Ecumenism in connection with the present situation and the opportunities offered by → pilgrimages: 97 Suppl. (2005) 31-42.


Circus and Travelling Show People

→ Report of the VI International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 63 (1993) 109-112.

Short → history of the c.: 80 (1999) 11-19.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, C. and T., people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Testimonies of people who took part in the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the → Migrants and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000, namely → nomads, → gypsies from Oriental countries, faithful, displaced people, C. and T., Italian emigrants: 83 (2000) 28-46.

Address on the occasion of the celebration of the Jubilee of Travelling Show People: 84 (2000) 71-72.

Some questions of → theology concerning the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 88-89 (2002) 325-335.

→ Report of the 2003 National Conference on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 91-92 (2003) 437.

→ Report of the 2003 Meeting of National Directors of the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 94 (2004) 225-228.

→ Report of the General Council of the Forum of Christian Organizations for the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 97 (2005) 195-197.

Proceedings of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 5-194.

Address of Pope John Paul II to the C. and Fairground Artists taking part in their VII International → Congress: 99 Suppl. (2005) 5.

Opening address and presentation of the theme of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 7-14.

Authorities’ greetings to the participants to the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 17-21.

Christian communities are challenged to offer a welcoming (→ welcome) attitude to C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 31-40.79-82.

In the context of C. and T., young persons (→ youth) are challenged to join → culture and → faith: 99 Suppl. (2005) 41-49.

→ Families of C. and T. convey human and Christian → values: 99 Suppl. (2005) 51-57.

The → pastoral care of C. and T. in → Belgium in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 61-66.

The → pastoral care of C. and T. in → France in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 67-70.

The → pastoral care of C. and T. in → Germany in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 71-72.

The → pastoral care of C. and T. in → Italy in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 73-77.

→ Hospitality of the → Church in the → United States of America towards C. and T.: 99 Supp. (2005) 87-95.

Experiences of young people (→ youth) in the context of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 99-108.

Testimonies submitted to the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 111-124.

→ Final document of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of C. and T.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 131-180.


Civil Aviation

C. a. and → pastoral care at the → Airport → Chaplaincy of Frankfurt/Main: 61 (1993) 57-65.

The Internet network may become an instrument of C. Apostolate: 73 (1997) 83-93.

The → pastoral care of C. and the Jubilee of the year 2000: 73 (1997) 135-139.

→ Report of the II Seminar for Catholic → Chaplains and → Pastoral Agents of C.: 79 (1999) 107-111.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages; → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of C.: 83 (2000) 1-8.

→ Report of the XI International Seminar of Catholic C. → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 88-89 (2002) 119-121.

→ Report of the 35th Annual Conference of the International Association of C. → Chaplains (→ I.A.C.A.C.): 90 (2002) 221-224.

Challenges to the → pastoral care of C.: 91-92 (2003) 87-96.

→ Report of the IV European (→ Europe) Seminar for Catholic C. → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 91-92 (2003) 227-230.

→ Report of the 36th Annual Conference of the International Association of C. → Chaplains (→ I.A.C.A.C.): 94 (2004) 229-231.

C. and → Ecumenism: 96 (2004) 93-98.


Comité Catholique International pour les Tsiganes (C.C.I.T.)

The experience of → dialogue of C.C.I.T. in the context of → Gypsies: 96 (2004) 71-75.



Asian (→ Asia) → seafarers belonging to C.: 80 (1999) 4-5.



Role, tasks and challenges of the National Director of the → pastoral care for → migrants in C.: 87 (2001) 177-188.


Congregation for Catholic Education

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the C. on the → pastoral care of → migrants in the → formation of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 193-204.


Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the C. on the pastoral commitment to → migrants, → refugees and other persons involved in → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 123-192.


Congregation for Oriental Churches

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the C. on the pastoral concern of the → Church towards → migrants and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 89-100.


Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the C. on the → pastoral care of → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 101-121.



C. of Yopougon → (Africa) and → reports, 1986: 51 (1988) 12-92.

Tenth C. of → tour operators in Argentina concerning the → pastoral care of tourism: 51 (1988) 139-152.

XVIII International C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987), The → People of God and Pastoral of → Labour: 51 (1988) 162-184; 52 (1988) 59-73.

XVIII International C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 7-230.

Conclusive remarks of the XVIII International C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 167-170.

Suggestions in order to prepare the IV International C. of the Pastoral of → tourism: 55 (1990) 45-64.

First Italian c. of diocesan and regional → pastoral agents of → tourism and leisure time: 55 (1990) 94-99.

→ Final document of the XVI National C. of the → pastoral care of → tourism (Canary): 55 (1990) 127-129.

→ Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the Third International C. on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 10-14.

Suggestions from the working groups of the Third International C. on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 248-255.

Summary and evaluation of the Third International C. on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People, by La Civiltà Cattolica: 56 (1990) 275-285.

→ Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the IV World C. on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 7-9.

→ Final document of the IV World C. on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 191-197.

→ Message of → CELAM to the IV Missionary C. of Latin America: 58 (1991) 133-134.

→ Report of the C. on the → pastoral care of → refugees, at Lusaka, February 1993: 61 (1993) 105-110.

→ Report of the C. on → migrations from and among East European Countries, at Budapest, February 1993: 61 (1993) 111-114.

→ Report of the XIX → Apostleship of the Sea World C.: 61 (1993) 115-120.

→ Report of the VI International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 63 (1993) 109-112.

→ Report of the First International C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea and the → pastoral care of → tourism held in the Caribbean: 67 (1995) 93-94.

Remarks concerning the 1995 International C. of the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 68 (1995) 95-100.

→ Message of the Holy Father to the First World C. of the → pastoral care of → Foreign Students: 72 (1996) 91-93.

→ Final document of the XX World C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 76 (1998) 87-91.

Synthesis and schedule of the 5th World C. of the → Pastoral Care of → Tourism: 77 (1998) 95-112.

Timetable of the 2nd European C. concerning → shrines and → pilgrimages: 77 (1998) 123-125.

→ Report of the 2nd European C. concerning → shrines and → pilgrimages: 78 (1998) 91-95.

Reflections on the → migration phenomenon at the beginning of the Third Millennium, based on the proceedings of the IV World C. of the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 79 (1999) 75-78.

→ Final document of the IV World C. of the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 79 (1999) 79-90.

Communication about the IV World C. on → Migration and International Debt: 81 (1999) 59-68.

Greetings to the 2000 International C. on → Refugees in their homeland: 84 (2000) 73-74.

Address to the 51st International C. of the Association for the World → Refugee Problem: 87 (2001) 113-115.

Opening address to the participants to the XXI World C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 39-42.

Synthesis, with → report, challenges and recommendations, of the XXI World C. of the Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 55-66.

→ Final document, and → message to → seafarers, issued by the XXI World C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 67-71.

Proceedings of the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 9-464.

Address of Pope John Paul II to the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 9-10.

→ Welcome address and timetable presentation of the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 15-20.

→ Final document of the V World C. for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 345-430.

Proceedings of the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 11-428.

→ Welcome addresses to the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 13-20.

Testimonies submitted to a Round Table of the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies, mainly concerning scholarly → education: 93 Suppl. (2003) 231-250.

Final remarks and thanksgivings of the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 323-329.

Opening addresses to the 6th World C. of the → Pastoral Care of → Tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 9-20.

→ Final document of the 6th World C. of the → Pastoral Care of → Tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 237-275.

Proceedings of the 4th European C. on → pilgrimages and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 7-182.

Opening addresses to the 4th European C. on → pilgrimages and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 9-14.

→ Final document of the 4th European C. on → pilgrimages and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 139-170.

Proceedings of the First International C. for the → Pastoral Care of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 5-162.

Contributions for setting up the main lines of a specific → pastoral care for Street → Children submitted to the Round Table of the First International C. for the → pastoral care of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 33-82.

→ Final document of the First International C. for the → pastoral care of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 85-157.

Proceedings of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 5-194.

Address of Pope John Paul II to the → circus and fairground artists taking part in their VII International → Congress: 99 Suppl. (2005) 5.

Opening address and presentation of the theme of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 7-14.

Authorities’ greetings to the participants to the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 17-21.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in → Belgium in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 61-66.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in → France in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 67-70.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in → Germany in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 71-72.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in → Italy in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 73-77.

Testimonies submitted to the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 111-124.

→ Final document of the VII International C. on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 131-180.


Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM)

→ Message of CELAM to the IV Missionary → Congress of Latin America: 58 (1991) 133-134.

Statements issued by Meetings sponsored by CELAM (Buenos Aires 2004 and San José, Costa Rica 2005): 97 (2005) 165-171.



C. on the → rights of the → child: 53 (1989) 110-112.



The commitment of 35 European States in defence of → human rights, namely c., → dialogue and fundamental → freedoms: 53 (1989) 120-131.



The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in C.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 262-266.



Cuban → migrants and Christmas → message from Cuban Bishops: 51 (1988) 226-230.

→ Report of a → visit to C.: 91-92 (2003) 451-453.

→ Report of the 2nd Meeting of the Cuban Commission for the → pastoral care of → human mobility: 94 (2004) 233-238.


Cultural diversity

→ U.N.E.S.C.O. Universal Declaration concerning C.: 88-89 (2002) 341-348.


Cultural Pluralism

C. p. in the → United States of America: 51 (1988) 455-468.

C. p. and → minorities: 61 (1993) 9-21.



C. and → faith, → popular piety in → South America: 51 (1988) 131-132.

The vital link between c. and → faith: 54 (1989) 8.

→ Tourism as a world phenomenon, the sign of a change of c.: 57 (1991) 49-52.

Cultural heritage and → tourism in the perspective of a common good to be shared: 65 (1994) 43-51.

The → Church’s respect for the c. and → faith of → foreign students: 72 (1996) 39-50.

C., → migration and → Church: 72 (1996) 69-87.

The maritime c. of the “people of the sea”: 74 (1997) 47-63.

→ Scalabrini in connection with some relevant topics of his times: → catechesis improvement, charitable deeds, c. and pastoral activities: 75 (1997) 85-99.

The connexion between c. and globalisation, especially concerning → Europe: 86 (2001) 22-25.

The → migrants’ experience between equality and diversity of cultures: 86 (2001) 31-50.

Towards an → ecclesiology of → migration, mainly considering c., → dialogue and → evangelisation: 90 (2002) 113-128; 93 (2003) 127-135.

Explanation of terminology, identity, c. and → history concerning → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 23-27 and 45-50.

The role of → mass media in forming a c. of → solidarity and tolerance in a → Gypsy context: 93 Suppl. (2003) 201-228.

Social and cultural dimensions of International → Tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 39-46.

Religious, cultural and social dimensions of → tourism in → India according to the case study of Goa, involving the → Church’s role: 96 Suppl. (2004) 91-97.

→ Pilgrimages and → Gypsies, the encounter of cultures: 97 Suppl. (2005) 113-115.

Aspects of c. and → migration in the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 39-43.

In the context of → circus and travelling show people, young persons (→ youth) are challenged to join c. and → faith: 99 Suppl. (2005) 41-49.


Czech Republic

C. migrants abroad and → pastoral care: 51 (1988) 205-208.

The → migration project of Raphaels-Werk for → Poland, → Slovak Republic and C.: 68 (1995) 31-46.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in C.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 267-268.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in → Germany and C.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 122.

- D -


D. on abolition of all forms of → intolerance and → discrimination on the basis of → religion and belief: 53 (1989) 113-119.

D. of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Belgium concerning → migrants and → refugees and the → Church’s commitment: 72 (1996) 103-118.



→ Migration and d.: 70 (1996) 9-19.


De Pastorali Migratorum Cura

Evaluation of DPMC twenty-five years after its publication: 67 (1995) 59-72.

→ Structures of the → pastoral care of → migrants according to the Instruction DPMC: 67 (1995) 61-66.

Suggestions and recommendations concerning future perspectives of the → pastoral care of → migrants, while updating DPMC: 73 (1997) 45-62.

DPMC and other → Church Documents as an itinerary leading to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 95 (2004) 3-10.



The commitment of 35 European States in defence of → human rights, namely → cooperation, d. and fundamental → freedoms: 53 (1989) 120-131.

→ Church and d., in its various perspectives: 64 (1994) 15-18.

D. as a form of respect: 72 (1996) 43-45.

Towards an → ecclesiology of → migration, mainly considering → culture, d. and → evangelisation: 90 (2002) 113-128; 93 (2003) 127-135.

The topic of d. and the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 95 (2004) 11-14; 97 (2005) 24; 99 (2005) 332-333.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism), → inter-religious and → intercultural d. in most recent documents of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 96 (2004) 25-51.

The → pastoral care of → migrants and itinerant people in the context of d. and → Ecumenism: 96 (2004) 65-69.99-104.

The experience of d. of → Comité Catholique International pour les Tsiganes in the context of → Gypsies: 96 (2004) 71-75.



The evolution of → seamen’s professional job and the d. of human being: 52 (1988) 120-124.

Working toward a more human d., and better general conditions, for → life on board: 52 (1988) 130-133.

For an international → legislation of maritime → labour in conformity with → seafarers’ d.: 52 (1988) 155-159.

Measures to improve the situation and ensure the → human rights and d. of all → migrant → workers: 58 (1991) 121-123.


Diocesan Priest

Role of d. p. in the → pastoral care for → migrants: 54 (1989) 68-73.



D. of John Paul II to the participants of the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 10-14.

Opening d. of the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 21-33.

D. of John Paul II to the participants of the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 7-9.

D. of the representative of E.N.I.T. to the participants of the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 13-16.

Opening d. of the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 19-31.



→ Declaration on abolition of all forms of → intolerance and d. on the basis of → religion and belief: 53 (1989) 113-119.

Commitment of 35 European States to eliminate any form of d.: 53 (1989) 127-129.


Dublin Convention

Evaluating the D. C.: 82 (2000) 45-46.


- E -

Ecclesia in America

Vision and challenges to the → pastoral care of → migrants according to the post-synodal document EA: 91-92 (2003) 97-113.


Ecclesiology (cf also Church)

Elements of e. in the context of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 61 (1993) 23-38.

Towards an e. of → migration, mainly considering → culture, → dialogue and → evangelisation: 90 (2002) 113-128; 93 (2003) 127-135.



E. and → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 180-181; 52 (1988) 51-52.

Ecumenical guidelines for the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees: 93 (2003) 137-141.

Ecumenical, → inter-religious and → intercultural → dialogue in most recent documents of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 96 (2004) 25-51.

The → pastoral care of → migrants and itinerant people in the context of → dialogue and → E.: 96 (2004) 65-69.99-104.

E. and → inter-religious dialogue according to the experience of the → International Christian Maritime Association: 96 (2004) 77-81.

→ Civil Aviation and E.: 96 (2004) 93-98.

Experiences of Ecumenical cooperation between the Catholic → Church in → Germany and → migrants/ → refugees: 96 (2004) 107-113.

Pastoral reflections on → pilgrimage at the beginning of the third millennium, dealing in particular with the topic of E.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 17-25.

→ Church documents on E. in connection with the present situation and the opportunities offered by → pilgrimages: 97 Suppl. (2005) 31-42.

Testimony and reflection concerning the experiences of 50 years of Ecumenical → pilgrimages: 97 Suppl. (2005) 43-50.

→ Pilgrimages and E.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 61-69.91-99.

→ Pilgrimage Ecumenical experiences concerning the Republic of → Ireland and Northern → Ireland: 97 Suppl. (2005) 71-74.

Experiences and pastoral projects of the → shrine of Fatima in an Ecumenical environment: 97 Suppl. (2005) 117-123.

→ History and Ecumenical role of the → shrine of “Madonna del Divino Amore” in Rome, → Italy: 97 Suppl. (2005) 125-131.

The dimension of E. in the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 45-58.



Importance of e. in the context of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 177-179; 52 (1988) 68-69.

E. to → inter-culture in modern society: 64 (1994) 23-26; 93 (2003) 130-134.

E. itineraries challenge modern intercultural (→ inter-culture) societies, mainly in connection with → G: 93 Suppl. (2003) 147-162.

Testimonies submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies, mainly concerning scholarly e.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 231-250.



→ Tourism in the Middle East, particularly in E.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 195-196.

Elderly People

The legal status of e. → refugees: 53 (1989) 62.



→ Pastoral Letter about Irish e. of the Bishops of → Western Ireland: 51 (1988) 328-343.

→ History and data concerning Christian e. from the Jerusalem, Ramallah and Bethlehem areas: 59 (1992) 69-87.

Data about Japanese (→ Japan) e.: 62 (1993) 9.

Data and information about e. from → South Korea: 62 (1993) 111-112.

Mother F. Cabrini and her commitment to e., according to a biography written by G. De Luca: 88-89 (2002) 249-257.

→ Labour movement and e. in → Europe: 90 (2002) 139-149.


England and Wales (cf also Great Britain)

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in E. and W.: 56 (1990) 214-217.


Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi

Text of the Instruction EMCC in various languages and presentation at the Press Office of the Holy See: 95 (2004) 3-460.

The Apostolic Letter → Exsul Familia and other → Church Documents as an itinerary leading to the Instruction EMCC: 95 (2004) 3-10.

The topic of → dialogue and the Instruction EMCC: 95 (2004) 11-14; 97 (2005) 24.

EMCC analysed as a response of the → Church to the present → migration phenomenon: 97 (2005) 19-28.

Presentation of EMCC in reference to some experiences of the Andes Region, namely the pastoral approach of → welcome, the migrant → family, the → rights of → migrants and the concerns of the → Church: 97 (2005) 69-76.

Presentation of EMCC and its guidelines for the → Church’s → pastoral care of → migrants: 97 (2005) 135-149.

Evaluation of the Instruction EMCC one year after its publication: 98 (2005) 3-20.

The interpretation of the phenomenon of current → migrations offered by the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 23-29.

Aspects of → culture and → migration in the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 39-43.

The dimension of → Ecumenism in the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 45-58.

Role and tasks of Priests in the context of → migrations, according to the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 65-75.

Consecrated persons are men and → women of the Gospel at the outpost of love, according to the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 77-84.

Role and tasks of lay faithful (→ Laity) in the context of → migrations, according to the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 85-96.

→ Canon Law profile of the Instruction EMCC: 98 (2005) 97-107.

Juridical elements of the Instruction EMCC from the point of view of the → Canon Law of → Oriental Catholic Churches: 98 (2005) 109-125.

Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to International Catholic Associations on the → pastoral care of → migrants and supporting the Instruction EMCC: 99 (2005) 205-221.


Joint Letters

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Oriental Churches on the pastoral concern of the → Church towards → migrants and supporting the Instruction EMCC: 99 (2005) 89-100.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on the → pastoral care of → human mobility and supporting the Instruction EMCC: 99 (2005) 101-121.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on the pastoral commitment to → migrants, → refugees and other persons involved in → human mobility and supporting the Instruction EMCC: 99 (2005) 123-192.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Catholic Education on the → pastoral care of → migrants in the → formation of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction EMCC: 99 (2005) 193-204.



International → migrations and institutional e.: 71 (1996) 31-40.

Text of the Global Code of E. for → Tourism: 81 (1999) 9-21.

→ History and nature of the Global Code of E. for → Tourism: 81 (1999) 23-32.

→ Tourism and e.: 82 (2000) 105-110; 96 Suppl. (2004) 54-55.

E. of time and creation at the 2000 National Meeting of the Centre for Young → Tourism (CTG, Centro Turistico Giovanile): 84 (2000) 96-99.


Europe (European Union)

→ Pastoral care of → tourism in E.: 58 (1991) 95-102.

The growth of → tourism in E. and some related issues: 61 (1993) 67-79.

The → Church facing → irregular immigrants in E. and related issues: 63 (1993) 35-44.

→ Report of the Meeting of the Bishops in charge of the → pastoral care of → migrants in European countries: 63 (1993) 113-116.

→ Final document of a meeting concerning → irregular immigrants in E.: 65 (1994) 57-66.

Marriages between Christians and → Muslims as a new → pastoral experience for the → Church in E.: 66 (1994) 19-34.

→ Women and → migration in E.: 69 (1995) 9-19.

The commitment of the → Church in E. in favour of → migrants, victims of violence: 69 (1995) 73-77; 91-92 (2003) 295-303.

→ Immigration and → asylum policies in E.: 70 (1996) 21-47.

Perspectives towards a common E. policy dealing with → migrants and → asylum seekers: 70 (1996) 34-37.

→ Family unification in the legal framework of E. and of international → Law: 70 (1996) 49-66.

E. and the challenges of → immigrant → youth: 71 (1996) 41-51.

Pastoral challenges towards → welcome and → integration of → immigrants in E.: 73 (1997) 123-131; 91-92 (2003) 295-303.

Pastoral reflections concerning → refugee law in the EU at the turn of the century: 82 (2000) 41-54.

→ African → refugees at the fence of E.: 82 (2000) 48-50.

The → migration of → Muslims in E. and religious pluralism: 85 (2001) 3-18.

→ Final document of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in E.: 85 (2001) 111-114.

The connexion between → culture and globalisation, especially concerning E.: 86 (2001) 22-25.

Spiritual (→ spirituality) hints concerning the → airport → chaplaincies in E.: 86 (2001) 57-62.

→ Welcome speech to the Third European Meeting of Catholic → Airport → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 99-102.

→ Report of the Third European Meeting of Catholic → Airport → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 103-106.

Commitments of the → Church in E. towards → migrations: 87 (2001) 101-111; 91-92 (2003) 295-303.

Appeal to the EU to → welcome → immigrants and protect people in danger: 87 (2001) 205-206.

Comments on the communication of the European Commission “Towards a common → asylum procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted asylum”: 87 (2001) 207-215.

Contribution to the debate on the communication of the European Commission on a Community → Immigration Policy: 87 (2001) 215-227.

→ Labour movement and → emigration in E.: 90 (2002) 139-149.

→ Church and university in E.: 90 (2002) 203-205.

Analysis of → migration flows in → Africa, E., → Asia and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55.

Proceedings of the First European Meeting of National Directors of the → Apostolate of the Road: 91-92 (2003) 175-211.

→ Final document of the First European Meeting of National Directors of the → Apostolate of the Road: 91-92 (2003) 201-208.

→ Report of the IV European Seminar for Catholic → Civil Aviation → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 91-92 (2003) 227-230.

The “Charta Œcumenica” of the → Churches in E.: 91-92 (2003) 231-240.

International → migrations in E.: 91-92 (2003) 273-276.295-303.

From → welcome to → solidarity in the context of → migrations in E.: 91-92 (2003) 277-285.

→ Final document of the 2002 European Meeting of the Catholic Portuguese-speaking (→ Portugal) Missions: 91-92 (2003) 415-416.

The situation and challenges of the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees in E. submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 71-74.

→ Pastoral care of → human mobility, and → foreign students in particular, in the Universities of E.: 94 (2004) 69-79.

Intercultural (→ Inter-culture) → integration analysed as a challenge for Christian E.: 97 (2005) 29-39.

→ Report of the Exodus Meeting on “Non-Access, Refoulement and Deportation in E.’s → Airports”: 97 (2005) 199-204.

Testimony of a European → pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela held in April 2004: 97 Suppl. (2005) 53-59.

The role of → pilgrimages in the process of → integration of E.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 79-88.



E. and → migrants as promoters: 51 (1988) 105.

An e. project of adult → Gypsies: 56 (1990) 85-90.

→ Pastoral care and e. of → Gypsies: 56 (1990) 91-114; 84 (2000) 69-70; 93 Suppl. (2003) 69-80.

E. and → hospitality: 72 (1996) 40-42.

→ Pilgrimage as a proper occasion for e.: 77 (1998) 91-94.

The Jubilee of the year 2000 as a commitment to e. in the world of → Gypsies: 79 (1999) 47-57.

→ History of the commitment of the → Church to the → pastoral care of itinerant people and the proper missionary role of → migrants in e.: 82 (2000) 3-5.

The task of e. in a multicultural world: 85 (2001) 69-70.

Globalisation, e. and the → pastoral care of → migrants: 85 (2001) 71-74; 91-92 (2003) 257-262.

→ Tourism and e.: 86 (2001) 10.

The role of → shrines at the service of e. in → Asia: 88-89 (2002) 349-353.

Towards an → ecclesiology of → migration, mainly considering → culture, → dialogue and e.: 90 (2002) 113-128; 93 (2003) 127-135.

Renewal movements and the e. of → families in the diaspora: 91-92 (2003) 19-25.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in the evangelising → mission of the → Church: 91-92 (2003) 33-44.


Exiled People

→ Solidarity towards e.: 53 (1989) 85-87.



E. and → trafficking of human beings in the past and in the present of → migration: 88-89 (2002) 35-44.


Exsul Familia

The Apostolic Letter EF and other → Church Documents as an itinerary leading to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 95 (2004) 3-10.


- F -


F. and → culture, → popular piety in → South America: 51 (1988) 131-132.

F. and → family: 51 (1988) 130-131.

The vital link between → culture and f.: 54 (1989) 8.

Communitarian dimension of f. experience in a context of people on the move: 58 (1991) 37-60.

The → Church’s respect for the → culture and f. of → foreign students: 72 (1996) 39-50.

→ Pastoral Letter of the Archbishop of Philadelphia about “Healing → Racism through F. and → Truth”: 76 (1998) 71-79.

Expression and transmission of Christian f. in → shrines: 79 (1999) 59-72.

Respect of the environment and faith in the Creator: 81 (1999) 43-51.

In the context of → circus and travelling show people, young persons (→ youth) are challenged to join → culture and f.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 41-49.



F. and → faith: 51 (1988) 130-131.

F. and Hispanic → migrants: 51 (1988) 438-440.

The status of the f. of the → seaman: 52 (1988) 36-38.

Maritime workers and → f.: 52 (1988) 125-129.

F. and → refugees: 53 (1989) 61.

→ Refugees in the international year of the f.: a view from Eastern → Africa: 66 (1994) 9-15.

The Laothian (→ Laos) f. in exile: 66 (1994) 39-45.

The → Gypsy f.: 66 (1994) 49-60.

→ Tourism as a challenging activity that can both foster or impede f. life: 66 (1994) 65-72.

F. unification in the legal framework of the → European Union and of international → Law: 70 (1996) 49-66.

The role of f. in the → Philippine culture and the impact of → migration in the spiritual and moral → formation of → children: 71 (1996) 9-30.

F. issues among → Indonesian → migrant workers in → Malaysia: 71 (1996) 109-120.

The Filipino → seafarers and their f.: 79 (1999) 19-28.

Tensions between the life of → people of the sea and f.: 84 (2000) 51-61.

→ Women and f. in → migration contexts: 90 (2002) 211-219; 93 (2003) 26-27.

Renewal movements and the → evangelisation of f. in the diaspora: 91-92 (2003) 19-25.

The International Convention on the → rights of → migrant → workers and their f.: 91-92 (2003) 131-136; 253-256.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi in reference to some experiences of the Andes Region, namely the pastoral approach of → welcome, the migrant f., the → rights of → migrants and the concerns of the → Church: 97 (2005) 69-76.

Families of → circus and travelling show people convey human and Christian → values: 99 Suppl. (2005) 51-57.



Report concerning f. and → immigrants in Mali: 51 (1988) 51-56.


Final Documents of Congresses, etc.

F. d. of the Yopougon → Congress, 1986: 51 (1988) 85-92.

F. d. of the meeting of → (Mexico) North Mexican border Catholic Bishops, 1986: 51 (1988) 376-378.

F. d. of the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 171-176.

F. d. of the → B.I.T. convention of 29-30 November 1988, in Italian, German and French: 54 (1989) 251-257.

F. d. of the European (→ Europe) Meeting of → pastoral agents of → tourism: 55 (1990) 37-44.

F. d. of the XVI National → Congress of the → pastoral care of → tourism (Canary): 55 (1990) 127-129.

F. d. of the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990 256-266.

F. d. of the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 191-197.

F. d. of the XI → Plenary Assembly of 9-11 April 1991: 58 (1991) 109-113.

F. d. of the → South American Meeting on the → pastoral care for → migrants (Quito, 26-30 November 1990): 58 (1991) 115-120.

F. d. of the meeting of National Directors of → Migrations of European countries: 63 (1993) 81-90.

F. d. of a meeting concerning → irregular immigrants in → Europe: 65 (1994) 57-66.

F. d. of a meeting concerning the → pastoral care of mountain → tourism: 68 (1995) 75-78.

F. d. of the → Asian Consultation on → Tourism: 69 (1995) 47-56.

F. d. of the Second Consultation for the → pastoral care of → migrants in → Asia: 71 (1996) 65-68.

F. d. of the First World → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Foreign Students: 72 (1996) 95-101.

F. d. of the XX World → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 76 (1998) 87-91.

F. d. of the Third International Consultation Meeting on Filipino ministry overseas: 76 (1998) 95-99.

F. d. of the 1998 Consultation for a better pastoral response to the → refugee crisis in → Africa: 77 (1998) 115-121.

F. d. of the IV World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 79 (1999) 79-90.

F. d. of the II Seminar of European Catholic → Airport → Chaplaincy: 79 (1999) 112-113.

F. d. of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in → Asia and the Pacific: 85 (2001) 77-91.

F. d. of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in → Africa: 85 (2001) 93-101.

F. d. of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in → America, enlightened by the post-synod document Ecclesia in America: 85 (2001) 103-109.

F. d. of the Regional Meeting of National Directors for the → pastoral care of → migration in → Europe: 85 (2001) 111-114.

F. d., and → message to → seafarers, issued by the XXI World → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 67-71.

F. d. of the First European (→ Europe) Meeting of National Directors of the → Apostolate of the Road: 91-92 (2003) 201-208.

F. d. and message of the Meeting of the → Pastoral Care of → Tourism in Middle East and Northern African countries: 91-92 (2003) 215-224.

F. d. of the 3rd → South American Conference on → Migrations: 91-92 (2003) 390-394.

F. d. of the 2002 National Meeting on the → pastoral care of → migrants held at San Salvador de Jujui: 91-92 (2003) 411-414.

F. d. of the 2002 European (→ Europe) Meeting of the Catholic Portuguese-speaking (→ Portugal) Missions: 91-92 (2003) 415-416.

F. d. of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 345-430.

F. d. of the V World C. for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 333-411.

F. d. of the 2003 National Meeting of Diocesan Secretariats for the → pastoral care of → human mobility of → Portugal: 94 (2004) 239-241.

F. d. of the XVI → Plenary Assembly: 96 (2004) 161-193.

F. d. of the 6th World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of → Tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 237-275.

F. d. of the 4th European → Congress on → pilgrimages and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 139-170.

F. d. of the First International → Congress for the → pastoral care of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 85-157.

F. d. of the 2005 Regional Conference of the → Apostleship of the Sea of → North → America and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 279-282.

F. d. of the First World Meeting of Portuguese (→ Portugal) Communities: 99 (2005) 315-317.

F. d. of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 131-180.



The experience of a Third-World industrial f.: 52 (1988) 106-108.

→ Fishing, f., fishing industry and International Organizations caring for them: 85 (2001) 35-49.

The concerns of → I.L.O. for f: 85 (2001) 36-37.

The concerns of → I.M.O. for f.: 85 (2001) 37-38.


Fishing, Fisheries

An analysis of some aspects of world wide fishing: 52 (1988) 74-83.

The experience of people involved in fishing activities and the → Church’s pastoral concern: 74 (1997) 93-101; 82 (2000) 10.

Statement to the 22nd Session of the Committee on fisheries: 74 (1997) 131.

F., → fishermen, fishing industry and International Organizations caring for them: 85 (2001) 35-49.

Globalisation and f. → chaplains: 88-89 (2002) 181-190.

Address of the Secretary of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the → Apostleship of the Sea 2005 International F. Committee Meeting: 97 (2005) 161-163.


Foreign Students

Data, conditions and related issues concerning F. in → Italy: 63 (1993) 45-62.

The → Church’s respect for the → culture and → faith of F.: 72 (1996) 39-50.

→ Message of the Holy Father to the First World → Congress of the → pastoral care of F.: 72 (1996) 91-93.

→ Final document of the First World → Congress on the → pastoral care of F.: 72 (1996) 95-101.

Specific pastoral → structures for F. in → Belgium: 72 (1996) 121-125.

Specific pastoral → structures for F. in → Germany: 72 (1996) 127-133.

The → pastoral care of F. in → Great Britain: 72 (1996) 135-143.

The → Church in → France and F. from developing countries: 72 (1996) 145-150.

F. in non-Christian countries: 72 (1996) 151-155.

The → pastoral care of F. in Moscow: 72 (1996) 157-162.

→ Report of the Third European Meeting of Pastoral and Social Agents for F.: 80 (1999) 91-93.

International mobility of F. and scientists becomes a challenge for the pastoral concern of the → Church: 82 (2000) 13-27.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, F., → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Problems, → structures and challenges to the social and → pastoral care for F.: 85 (2001) 19-33.

The F. → Chaplaincy in the → Netherlands: 87 (2001) 47-57.

→ Pastoral care of F. in the → United States of America: 88-89 (2002) 319-323.

→ Report of the 3rd National Meeting on the → pastoral care of F., held at Bordeaux: 91-92 (2003) 445-448.

→ Pastoral care of → human mobility, and F. in particular, in the Universities of → Europe: 94 (2004) 69-79.

→ Report of the 2003 Convention of CCMA/NADDCM on the → pastoral care of F.: 94 (2004) 243-247.



The character f. program for Filipino → Seafarers: 52 (1988) 153-154.

The role of → family in the → Philippine culture and the impact of → migration in the spiritual and moral f. of → children: 71 (1996) 9-30.

The f. process of → spirituality and → morality in → migration contexts: 71 (1996) 18-23.

Necessity of a proper f. to the → pastoral care of → migrants: 87 (2001) 168-170.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Catholic Education on the → pastoral care of → migrants in the f. of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 193-204.



Documents of the Episcopal Conference of F.: 51 (1988) 232-272.

→ History of immigration and → pastoral care for migrants in F.: 51 (1988) 241-262.

→ Structures of the → pastoral care of migrants in F.: 51 (1988) 250-259.

→ Missions and aumôneries ethniques in F.: 51 (1988) 257-258.

Pastoral of → tourism in F.: 55 (1990) 71-82.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in F.: 56 (1990) 207-209; 93 Suppl. (2003) 278-280.

The → Church in F. and → Foreign Students from developing countries: 72 (1996) 145-150.

→ Report from F. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 54-56.

Statement of the Episcopal Commission for → migrations of F. concerning “Welcoming (→ welcome) → asylum seekers”: 88-89 (2002) 283-288.

→ Inter-religious experience of the Italian Catholic Mission in F.: 93 (2003) 163-167.

Role, challenges and tasks of Portuguese (→ Portugal) Communities in the → Church of F.: 94 (2004) 177-180.

Testimony of support offered by the monks of the Conques Abbey, in F., to pilgrims (→ pilgrimage) on their way to Santiago de Compostela: 97 Suppl. (2005) 75-78.

→ Pastoral experiences of → pastoral agents serving Street → Children in → India, in → Romania and in F.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in F. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 67-70.



The commitment of 35 European States in defence of → human rights, namely → cooperation, → dialogue and fundamental f.: 53 (1989) 120-131.

Analytical Index of International and Regional instruments concerning → human rights and fundamental f.: 53 (1989) 141-211.


- G -


Documents of the → Bishops’ Conference of G. dealing with → human mobility: 51 (1988) 274-298.

→ Refugees in G.: 51 (1988) 286-294.

→ Tourists in G.: 51 (1988) 288-294; 96 Suppl. (2004) 213-217.

→ Nomads in G.: 51 (1988) 288-294.

Activities of the Office for the pastoral care of human mobility of G.: 55 (1990) 83-85.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in G.: 51 (1988) 289-296; 56 (1990) 210-213; 93 Suppl. (2003) 269-271.

Migrations in G. after its reunification: 58 (1991) 75-83.

Experiences of → refugees at → airports in G.: 68 (1995) 9-30.

Specific pastoral → structures for → Foreign Students in G.: 72 (1996) 127-133.

Challenges to the → immigration policies of industrialized countries, from the point of view of G.: 73 (1997) 97-122.

→ Report from G. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 52-54.

The evolution of the → pastoral care of → migrants in the Italian Catholic Missions in G., during the past fifty years: 91-92 (2003) 115-130.

Commitments of the → Church in G. towards → migrants and → refugees: 93 (2003) 159-162.

Experiences of Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) cooperation between the Catholic → Church in G. and → migrants/ → refugees: 96 (2004) 107-113.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in G. and → Czech Republic: 96 Suppl. (2004) 122.

Testimonies dealing with the role of → pilgrimages in → Great Britain and G.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 101-110.

Data, analysis and suggestions towards a renewed → pastoral care of Catholic → immigrants in G.: 99 (2005) 293-314.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in G. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 71-72.



G. and the → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 300-326.



G. and human → rights: 53 (1989) 56.


Great Britain

The → pastoral care of → Foreign Students in G. B.: 72 (1996) 135-143.

Testimonies dealing with the role of → pilgrimages in G. B. and → Germany: 97 Suppl. (2005) 101-110.



The G.’ vocation and → mission in the world and in the → Church: 56 (1990) 34-61.

G. facing prejudices and persecutions: 56 (1990) 38-41.

→ Religion and → rites of G.: 56 (1990) 50-54.

G. and → pilgrimages: 56 (1990) 52-56.

An → evangelisation project of adult G.: 56 (1990) 85-90.

→ Pastoral care and → evangelisation of G.: 56 (1990) 91-114; 81 (1999) 55-57; 84 (2000) 69-70; 93 Suppl. (2003) 30-33.69-80.

The → Opera Nomadi and → human promotion of the G. with regard to the duties of the → Church: 56 (1990) 123-133.

The commitment of Saint Egidio Community to G.: 56 (1990) 134-143; 93 Suppl. (2003) 317-319.

→ Pastoral experiences among G.: 56 (1990) 146-191; 93 Suppl. (2003) 253-319.

Religious Sisters among G.: 56 (1990) 155-157.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Belgium: 56 (1990) 196-202; 93 Suppl. (2003) 258-260.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Brazil: 56 (1990) 203-206; 93 Suppl. (2003) 261.

The → pastoral care of G. in → France: 56 (1990) 207-209; 93 Suppl. (2003) 278-280.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Germany: 51 (1988) 289-296; 56 (1990) 210-213; 93 Suppl. (2003) 269-271.

The → pastoral care of G. in → England and Wales: 56 (1990) 214-217.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Ireland: 56 (1990) 218-221.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Italy: 56 (1990) 222-225; 93 Suppl. (2003) 289-290.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Yugoslavia: 56 (1990) 226-229.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Poland: 56 (1990) 230-233; 93 Suppl. (2003) 296-298.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Portugal: 56 (1990) 234-237; 93 Suppl. (2003) 299-305.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Spain: 56 (1990) 238-241; 93 Suppl. (2003) 272-277.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Hungary: 56 (1990) 242-245; 93 Suppl. (2003) 149-152.

The → pastoral care of G. in Trans-Karpat countries: 93 Suppl. (2003) 253-255.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Bangladesh: 93 Suppl. (2003) 256-257.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Croatia: 93 Suppl. (2003) 262-266.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Czech Republic: 93 Suppl. (2003) 267-268.

The → pastoral care of G. in → India: 93 Suppl. (2003) 281-288.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Mexico: 93 Suppl. (2003) 291-295.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Slovak Republic: 93 Suppl. (2003) 306-309.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Slovenian Republic: 93 Suppl. (2003) 310.

The → pastoral care of G. in → Switzerland: 93 Suppl. (2003) 311-314.

The → pastoral care of G. in the → United States of America: 93 Suppl. (2003) 315-316.

Pastoral orientations for the apostolate of G.: 56 (1990 256-266.

The Gypsy → family: 66 (1994) 49-60.

Remarks concerning the 1995 International → Congress of the → pastoral care of G.: 68 (1995) 95-100.

Ceferino Jiménez Malla is the first G. declared as a Blessed: 73 (1997) 141-145.

Introducing the G. Ceferino Jiménez Malla, on the occasion of his declaration as a Blessed: 77 (1998)27-40.

The Jubilee of the year 2000 as a commitment to → evangelisation in the world of G.: 79 (1999) 47-57.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, g., → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Testimonies of people who took part in the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the → Migrants and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000, namely → nomads, g. from Oriental countries, faithful, displaced people, → circus and travelling show people, Italian emigrants: 83 (2000) 28-46.

→ Report of a visit to Slovak Romanies-G.: 84 (2000) 94-95.

Proceedings of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 11-428.

Explanation of terminology, identity, → culture and → history concerning G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 23-27 and 45-50.

Data and conditions of life of G. in → India: 93 Suppl. (2003) 28-30 and 50-52.

→ Church documents concerning the → pastoral care of G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 30-33 and 52-56.

Biblical (→ Bible) inspirations for a → spirituality of the → pastoral care of G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 35-40.70-72 and 58-64.82-85.

A point of view from → Italy concerning policies in support of social and → human promotion of G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 93-145.

→ Education itineraries challenge modern intercultural (→ interculture) societies, mainly in connection with G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 147-162.

The safeguard of the → human rights of G. in the context of → migration and in → integration processes: 93 Suppl. (2003) 163-200.

The role of → mass media in forming a → culture of → solidarity and tolerance in a G. context: 93 Suppl. (2003) 201-228.

Testimonies submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of G., mainly concerning scholarly → education: 93 Suppl. (2003) 231-250.

Final remarks and thanksgivings of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 323-329.

→ Final document of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of G.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 333-411.

The experience of → dialogue of → Comité Catholique International pour les Tsiganes in the context of G.: 96 (2004) 71-75.

The → Bible and Liturgical (→ Liturgy) texts in the → pastoral care of G.: 97 (2005) 89-102.

→ Pilgrimages and G., the encounter of → cultures: 97 Suppl. (2005) 113-115.


- H -

Handicapped People

Legal dispositions concerning h. → refugees: 53 (1989) 62-63.



H. of → migration in → Argentina: 51 (1988) 120-124.

H. of → pastoral care of → migrants in → South America: 51 (1988) 210-223; 62 (1993) 25-46.

H. of → immigration and → pastoral care for migrants in → France: 51 (1988) 241-262.

H. of → immigration to the → United States of America: 51 (1988) 457-461; 54 (1989) 117-125.

H. of the “great immigration” to America and → National Parishes: 54 (1989) 117-121.

H. and data concerning Christian → emigration from the Jerusalem, Ramallah and Bethlehem areas: 59 (1992) 69-87.

H. of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 61 (1993) 23-26; 74 (1997) 25-27.

H., activities and projects of the Parish of → Travelling People in → Ireland: 61 (1993) 39-54.

H. of → immigration to → Canada: 61 (1993) 84-87.

H., nature and activities of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, evaluated on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its constitution: 68 (1995) 81-86.

H. and activities of “Deutscher Caritasverband”: 73 (1997) 9-37.

H. and identity of → I.C.M.A.: 74 (1997) 115-117.

H. and development of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 75 (1997) 35-59; 82 (2000) 3-5.

H., activities and → spirituality of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles (Scalabrinian Sisters): 75 (1997) 61-70.

H. and cultural elements of the → pilgrimage: 78 (1998) 45-53; 97 (2005) 57-68.

Short h. of the → circus: 80 (1999) 11-19.

H. and nature of the Global Code of → Ethics for → Tourism: 81 (1999) 23-32.

H. of the commitment of the → Church to the → pastoral care of itinerant people and the proper missionary role of → migrants in → evangelisation: 82 (2000) 3-5.

H., nature, role and activities of the sailing → chaplain in the Finnish Seamen’s → mission: 82 (2000) 29-40.

Short h. of → Islam: 85 (2001) 4-6.

H., nature and activities of → S.E.C.I.S.: 85 (2001) 20-29.

The concept of time as h. of salvation in the biblical (→ Bible) perspective of St Luke: 85 (2001) 57-66.

Biblical (→ Bible) and historical reflections on the sea and people (→ people of the sea) related to it: 88-89 (2002) 65-73.

Explanation of terminology, identity, → culture and h. concerning → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 23-27 and 45-50.

H. and activities of → P.A.C.N.I.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 33-35.

H. and Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) role of the → shrine of “Madonna del Divino Amore” in Rome, → Italy: 97 Suppl. (2005) 125-131.

Historical vision of the → Second Vatican Council: 99 (2005) 253-257.

H., role and activities of Auto Racing → Chaplaincy and Ministries: 99 Suppl. (2005) 83-86.


Holy Scripture (cf. also Bible)

H. S. and the → Magisterium of the Church enlighten → pastoral care of → migrants: 51 (1988) 100-117; 98 (2005) 31-38.

H. S. and maritime work: 52 (1988) 16-23.

Topics from the H. S. concerning “doing → refugee work”: 76 (1998) 21-29.


Holy See

The contribution of → Scalabrini in the creation of an organism of the H. S. for Catholic → migrants: 75 (1997) 35-53.



Testimony about the → pastoral care of → migrants in H., submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 235-238.


→ Evangelisation and h.: 72 (1996) 40-42.

Reflections, motivations and hints towards a Christian → spirituality for h. professionals: 77 (1998) 63-79.

Remarks on → Bible and h.: 99 Supp. (2005) 25-30.

H. of the → Church in the → United States of America towards → circus and travelling show people: 99 Supp. (2005) 87-95.


Human Mobility

Documents of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Germany dealing with h. m.: 51 (1988) 274-298.

→ Pastoral care of h. m. in → South America: 58 (1991) 62-65.

→ Pastoral care of h. m. in → Mexico: 58 (1991) 65-70.

→ Pastoral care of h. m. in → Chile: 58 (1991) 70-72.

The Holy Father’s → pronouncements on the topics of h. m.: 91-92 (2003) 5-16; 94 (2004) 5-14; 97 (2005) 5-6; 99 (2005) 7-24. 

Globalisation and h. m.: 91-92 (2003) 27-32.

Data, consequences and expectations of flows of h. m. worldwide: 91-92 (2003) 45-71.

The evolution of the → pastoral care of h. m. and its perspectives: 91-92 (2003) 73-85.

The → pastoral care of h. m. in → Africa: 91-92 (2003) 305-322.

Challenges and perspectives of the → pastoral care of h. m. in → America: 91-92 (2003) 323-335.

Reality, needs and challenges of the → pastoral care of h. m. in → Asia: 91-92 (2003) 337-350.

Analysis and appeals concerning → migration fluxes submitted to the Governors of → South America by Catholic Organizations in-charge of the → pastoral care of h. m.: 91-92 (2003) 383-389.

→ Pastoral care of h. m., and → foreign students in particular, in the Universities of → Europe: 94 (2004) 69-79.

Data and pastoral concerns of the Dioceses of the → United States of America towards the → pastoral care of h. m.: 94 (2004) 171-175.

→ Report of the 2nd Meeting of the Cuban (→ Cuba) Commission for the → pastoral care of h. m.: 94 (2004) 233-238.

→ Final document of the 2003 National Meeting of Diocesan Secretariats for the → pastoral care of h. m. of → Portugal: 94 (2004) 239-241.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on the → pastoral care of h. m. and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 101-121.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on the pastoral commitment to → migrants, → refugees and other persons involved in h. m. and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 123-192.

Interventions of the Fathers attending the 11th General Ordinary Assembly of the → Synod of Bishops concerning the topics of h. m.: 99 (2005) 227-233.

Passages taken from the 11th General Ordinary Assembly of the → Synod of Bishops on the topics of h. m. and Eucharist: 99 (2005) 233-252.


Human Promotion

The → Opera Nomadi and h. p. of the → Gypsies with regard to the duties of the → Church: 56 (1990) 123-133.

Testimony about h. p. in → Africa, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 313-317.

A point of view from → Italy concerning policies in support of social and h. p. of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 93-145.


Human Rights

H. r. and → migrants: 51 (1988) 112-114; 93 (2003) 217-227.

H. r. violation and the presence of the → Church, in the context of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 52 (1988) 149-154.

→ Gospel and h. r.: 53 (1989) 56.

H. r. and the → rights of citizens: 53 (1989) 57-58.

The defence of h. r. and the importance of → information: 53 (1989) 104-107.

The commitment of 35 European States in defence of h. r., namely → cooperation, → dialogue and fundamental → freedoms: 53 (1989) 120-131.

Analytical Index of International and Regional instruments concerning h. r. and fundamental → freedoms: 53 (1989) 141-211.

Measures to improve the situation and ensure the h. r. and → dignity of all → migrant → workers: 58 (1991) 121-123.

→ Refugees “de facto” and art. 3 of the European Convention on safeguarding h. r. and fundamental freedoms: 61 (1993) 121-124.

Reflections on h. r. focussing on universality and pluralism: 76 (1998) 9-20.

Smuggling and trafficking in human people are to be considered a h. r. issue: 86 (2001) 75-79.

Letter of Pope John Paul II to Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran on the occasion of the International Conference “Twenty-first century slavery – the h. r. dimension to → trafficking in human beings”: 88-89 (2002) 271-272.

Interventions of Permanent Observers of the Holy See concerning → refugees and h. r.: 90 (2002) 229-239.

The safeguard of the h. r. of → Gypsies in the context of → migration and in → integration processes: 93 Suppl. (2003) 163-200.



The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in H.: 56 (1990) 242-245.

→ Report of a visit to H.: 86 (2001) 107-108.


- I -


I. and migrants without regular documents (→ irregular immigrants): 51 (1988) 124-127.



Report concerning → famine and i. in → Mali: 51 (1988) 51-56.

→ Church and i. in → Italy: 51 (1988) 350-355.

→ Bishops’ Conference of → South Africa write about → pastoral care of i.: 51 (1988) 502-506.

Statement of the → United States → Bishops’ Conference on → solidarity towards i. and → refugees: 63 (1993) 91-93.

→ Europe and the challenges of i. → youth: 71 (1996) 41-51.

Data, → legislation and → pastoral care for i. in → Italy: 72 (1996) 51-67.

Appeal to the → European Union to → welcome i. and protect people in danger: 87 (2001) 205-206.

Welcoming (→ welcome) i. poses a number of questions: a danger or an advantage for the West? A humanitarian duty? A right of the i.?: 88-89 (2002) 137-147.

Testimony of the → pastoral care of i. of Our Lady of Hope Parish in Moscow: 93 (2003) 173-175.

Guidelines for the → pastoral care of i. and related pastoral → structures issued by the → Bishops’ Conference of → Italy: 94 (2004) 155-163.

Irish (→ Ireland) Bishops call on their Government to support i.: 94 (2004) 185-188.

Directions in → catechesis with i. in the → United States of America: 97 (2005) 185-190.

Data, analysis and suggestions towards a renewed → pastoral care of Catholic i. in → Germany: 99 (2005) 293-314.



→ History of i. to → Canada: 61 (1993) 84-87.

Data and → legislation concerning Japanese (→ Japan) i.: 62 (1993) 10-16.

The Japanese (→ Japan) → Church facing the problems of i.: 62 (1993) 16-22.

→ Church and i. in → Scandinavia: 62 (1993) 57-69.

Data and information about i. to → South Korea: 62 (1993) 112-113.

I. → report 1993-1994 of the → Australian Federal Catholic Immigration Committee: 67 (1995) 77-80.

I. and → asylum policies in → Europe: 70 (1996) 21-47.

Challenges to the i. policies of industrialized countries, from the point of view of → Germany: 73 (1997) 97-122.

I. and → inter-religious dialogue: 87 (2001) 19-21.

Contribution to the debate on the communication of the European (→ Europe) Commission on a Community I. Policy: 87 (2001) 215-227.

Migratory politics to regulate i. and the perspectives of Biblical (→ Bible) and → Church teachings: 88-89 (2002) 125-136.

Contemporary i. in → Italy: 94 (2004) 151-154.

Situation and challenges of the Japanese (→ Japan) Church facing i. fluxes: 94 (2004) 193-199.



Data, causes and consequences concerning internal → migration in I.: 62 (1993) 71-91.

Maritime fishing in I. and the → Apostleship of the Sea: 65 (1994) 71-72.

→ Pastoral care of → Syro-Malabar → migrants in I. and abroad: 71 (1996) 125-131.

→ Report from I. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 59.

→ Pastoral care for → nomads, particularly Bhils and other tribes, in I.: 88-89 (2002) 161-179.

Data and conditions of life of → Gypsies in I.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 28-30 and 50-52.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in I.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 281-288.

Religious, cultural (→ culture) and social dimensions of → tourism in I. according to the case study of Goa, involving the → Church’s role: 96 Suppl. (2004) 91-97.

→ Pastoral experiences of → pastoral agents serving Street → Children in I., in → Romania and in → France: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82.



Bishops of I. (→ Bishops Conference) address a → Pastoral Letter on → tourism: 59 (1992) 131-136.

→ Family issues among Indonesian → migrant workers in → Malaysia: 71 (1996) 109-120.

→ Report from I. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 61-62.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in I.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 122-123.


The importance of i. in order to defend → human rights: 53 (1989) 104-107.


I. of the faithful in the Christian community: 58 (1991) 44-45; 99 (2005) 329-333.

Pastoral → message of the → Bishops Conference of → Canada concerning → welcome and i. of → migrants and → refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102.

Pastoral challenges towards → welcome and i. of → immigrants in → Europe: 73 (1997) 123-131.

The itinerary to i. through legality: 88-89 (2002) 337-339.

The safeguard of the → human rights of → Gypsies in the context of → migration and in i. processes: 93 Suppl. (2003) 163-200.

Intercultural (→ Inter-culture) i. analysed as a challenge for Christian → Europe: 97 (2005) 29-39.

The role of → pilgrimages in the process of i. of → Europe: 97 Suppl. (2005) 79-88.



→ Education to i. in modern society: 64 (1994) 23-26; 93 (2003) 130-134.

→ Religion, epochal changes and challenges of i.: 88-89 (2002) 209-248.

→ Education itineraries challenge modern intercultural societies, mainly in connection with → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 147-162.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism), → inter-religious and intercultural → dialogue in most recent documents of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 96 (2004) 25-51.

Intercultural dialogue in the world of → migrants and itinerants, with future prospects: 96 (2004) 125-138.

Intercultural → integration analysed as a challenge for Christian → Europe: 97 (2005) 29-39.


Internally displaced persons (cfr also refugees)

→Visit to i. Camps in → Sudan and to → refugees in → Uganda: 67 (1995) 83-91.

Testimonies of people who took part in the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the → Migrants and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000, namely → nomads, → gypsies from Oriental countries, faithful, → i., → circus and travelling show people, Italian emigrants: 83 (2000) 28-46.


International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplains (I.A.C.A.C.)

→ Report of the 35th Annual Conference of I.A.C.A.C.: 90 (2002) 221-224.

→ Report of the 36th Annual Conference → I.A.C.A.C.: 94 (2004) 229-231.

International Catholic Committee for Gypsies (C.C.I.T.)

Role and activities of C.C.I.T.: 56 (1990) 115-122.

International Catholic Migration Commission (I.C.M.C.)

Address to the 1999 General Assembly of the I.C.M.C.: 80 (1999) 71-74.

Today’s → migrations and the role of I.C.M.C.: 86 (2001) 87-96.

I.C.M.C.’s → inter-religious and multicultural practical experience in serving → refugees: 96 (2004) 83-91.


International Christian Maritime Association (I.C.M.A.)

→ History and identity of I.C.M.A.: 74 (1997) 115-117; 96 (2004) 77-79.

→ Ecumenism and → inter-religious dialogue according to the experience of I.C.M.A.: 96 (2004) 77-81.


International Labour Organization (I.L.O.)

Activities of I.L.O. and maritime → work: 52 (1988) 162-164.

→ Report of the I.L.O. 84th Maritime Session: 74 (1997) 127-129.

The concerns of I.L.O. for → fishermen: 85 (2001) 36-37.


International Maritime Organization (I.M.O.)

The concerns of I.M.O. for → fishermen: 85 (2001) 37-38.


Interregional Meeting of Catholic Bishops in Southern Africa (I.M.B.I.S.A.)

Pastoral activities of I.M.B.I.S.A. in favour of → refugees: 53 (1989) 39-43.


Inter-religious (Dialogue, Perspective, Experience)

The → pilgrimage in an i. perspective: living food for the spirit of → religions: 78 (1998) 55-62.

→ Migrations and i. dialogue, in connection with the Pontifical → Message for the 88th World → Migration Day: 87 (2001) 13-17.

Vision and guidelines of the → Church for the i. dialogue: 93 (2003) 143-148.

I. experience of the Italian Catholic Mission in → France: 93 (2003) 163-167.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism), i. and → intercultural → dialogue in most recent documents of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 96 (2004) 25-51.

→ Ecumenism and i. dialogue according to the experience of the → International Christian Maritime Association: 96 (2004) 77-81.

→ I.C.M.C.’s i. and multicultural practical experience in serving → refugees: 96 (2004) 83-91.

Theological (→ Theology) background, definition and forms of i. dialogue in the world of → migrants: 96 (2004) 115-124; 98 (2005) 59-63.



→ Declaration on abolition of all forms of i. and → discrimination on the basis of → religion and belief: 53 (1989) 113-119.



Documents of Irish Bishops on → migrants: 51 (1988) 328-348.

→ Pastoral Letter about Irish emigration of the Bishops of Western I.: 51 (1988) 328-343.

The Irish Episcopal Commission for Emigrants and the → refugees or “boat people”: 51 (1988) 344-348.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in I.: 56 (1990) 218-221.

→ History, activities and projects of the Parish of → Travelling People in I.: 61 (1993) 39-54.

Irish Bishops call on their Government to support → immigrants: 94 (2004) 185-188.

→ Pilgrimage Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) experiences concerning the Republic of I. and Northern I.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 71-74.


Irregular Immigrants

Migrants without regular documents and → illegality: 51 (1988) 124-127.

The → Church facing i. in → Europe and related issues: 63 (1993) 35-44.

The → Church in → Italy facing i.: 65 (1994) 25-38. 

→ Final document of a meeting concerning i. in → Europe: 65 (1994) 57-66.

I. in connection with → trafficking of human beings and → trafficking of → migrants: 93 (2003) 24-26.


Islam (cf also Muslims)

The role of I. in the context of immigration: 58 (1991) 125-127.

Short → history of I.: 85 (2001) 4-6.



Documents of Italian Bishops on → migrants: 51 (1988) 350-361.

→ Church and → immigrants in I.: 51 (1988) 350-355.

Directives and programmes of the → pastoral care of → tourism in I.: 55 (1990) 106-115; 96 Suppl. (2004) 201-205.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in I.: 56 (1990) 222-225; 93 Suppl. (2003) 289-290.

Data, conditions and related issues concerning foreign students in I.: 63 (1993) 45-62.

The → Church in I. facing → irregular immigrants: 65 (1994) 25-38.

Data, → legislation and → pastoral care for → immigrants in I.: 72 (1996) 51-67.

Pastoral commitment towards continental Italian → migration of → Geremia Bonomelli and Lorenz Werthmann: 73 (1997) 9-44.

Religious → assistance to Italian emigrants according to the vision and initiatives of → Scalabrini: 75 (1997) 15-33.

Data concerning mixed marriages in I.: 80 (1999) 37-44.

Role and commitments of the Diocesan Director of the → pastoral care for → migrants in I.: 87 (2001) 189-200.

Testimony about the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees in Rome, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 231-234.

A point of view from I. concerning policies in support of social and → human promotion of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 93-145.

Contemporary → immigration in I.: 94 (2004) 151-154.

Guidelines for the → pastoral care of → immigrants and related pastoral → structures issued by the → Bishops’ Conference of I.: 94 (2004) 155-163.

→ History and Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) role of the → shrine of “Madonna del Divino Amore” in Rome: 97 Suppl. (2005) 125-131.

The experience of helping Street → Children in Rome: 98 Suppl. (2005) 41-46.

The → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people in I. in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 73-77.


Ivory Coast

I. C. and → migrants: 51 (1988) 32-45.


- J -


Data about Japanese → emigration: 62 (1993) 9.

Data and → legislation concerning Japanese → immigration: 62 (1993) 10-16.

The Japanese → Church facing the problems of → immigration: 62 (1993) 16-22.

→ Report from J. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 62-63.

Situation and challenges of the Japanese → Church facing → immigration fluxes: 94 (2004) 193-199.


Joint Letter

J. of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Oriental Churches on the pastoral concern of the → Church towards → migrants and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 89-100.

J. of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on the → pastoral care of → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 101-121.

J. of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on the pastoral commitment to → migrants, → refugees and other persons involved in → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 123-192.

J. of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Catholic Education on the → pastoral care of → migrants in the → formation of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 193-204.



The “brain drain” as a challenge to j. and international → solidarity: 81 (1999) 69-79.


- K -


→ Migration fluxes related to South K.: 62 (1993) 111-113.

A statement on foreign → workers issued by the Justice and Peace Committee of the Catholic → Bishops’ Conference of K.: 62 (1993) 114-116.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in K.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 123.



Situation an perspectives concerning K.: 80 (1999) 79-82.


- L -

Laborem exercens

The → theology of → work in the light of L.: 52 (1988) 24-39.

→ Tourism in the light of the Encyclicals L. and → Sollicitudo rei socialis: 57 (1991) 47-63.



The Pastoral of L. and the → People of God, XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 162-184; 52 (1988) 59-73.

For an international → legislation of maritime l. in conformity with → seafarers’ → dignity: 52 (1988) 155-159.

Economic development and international l. market: 64 (1994) 61-63.

L. movement and → emigration in → Europe: 90 (2002) 139-149.



Lay people and the → pastoral care of migrants: 51 (1988) 116. 170-177; 52 (1988) 64-67.

The precious support of l. in order to safeguard → faith and → culture of → migrants and → refugees: 54 (1989) 184-188.

Role of Christian lay people in the → Church and in modern society: 64 (1994) 18-20.

Guidelines to help Christian l. to promote communion in a multiracial society: 64 (1994) 11-35.

Role and tasks of lay faithful in the context of → migrations, according to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 85-96.



Pastoral → visit to Laothian → refugees abroad: 51 (1988) 364-369.

The Laothian → family in exile: 66 (1994) 39-45.



→ Family unification in the legal framework of the → European Union and of international L.: 70 (1996) 49-66.



→ Report from L. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 60.

Testimony about the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees in L., submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 239-242.



For an international l. of maritime → labour in conformity with → seafarers’ → dignity: 52 (1988) 155-159.

International l. on → refugees: 53 (1989) 59-70; 88-98.

European l. concerning → refugees “de facto”: 53 (1989) 71-84.

Data and l. concerning Japanese (→ Japan) → immigration: 62 (1993) 10-16.

Revision and tightening of the l. on → asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1993: 64 (1994) 37-57.

L. concerning → family in the context of → migration: 70 (1996) 49-66.

→ Pastoral care and l. concerning → migrant faithful of the → Oriental Catholic Churches: 71 (1996) 122-125.

Data, l. and → pastoral care for → immigrants in → Italy: 72 (1996) 51-67.

National and international l., including political perspectives, should protect → migrants against → racism: 77 (1998) 49-62.


Life on Board

Working toward a more human → dignity, and better general conditions, for l. on board: 52 (1988) 130-133.

L. of the crew on board of a merchant ship: 74 (1997) 65-80.


List of Participants

L. to the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 223-230.

L. to the Plenary Assembly of 1988: 54 (1989) 189-191.

L. to the → B.I.T. convention of 29-30 November 1988, in Italian, German and Spanish: 54 (1989) 258-260.

L. to the round table on the 20th anniversary of the General Directory → Peregrinans in Terra: 55 (1990) 256-260.

L. to the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 298-307.

L. to the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of → Tourism: 57 (1991) 201-216.

L. to the V World → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 433-464.

L. to the V World → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 415-428.

L. to the 6th World → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 277-291.

L. to the 4th European → Congress on → pilgrimages and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 173-182.

L. to the First International → Congress on the → pastoral care of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 159-162.

L. to the VII International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 183-194.



Spiritual → assistance of L. Catholics living abroad: 51 (1988) 372-374.



Liturgical guide and → message for → Migration Day issued by the Bishops of → Argentina, 1987: 51 (1988) 97-99.

L., preaching, catechesis and Hispanic → migrants: 51 (1988) 428-431.

L., proclamation of the Word and Sacraments in the context of → migrations: 93 (2003) 283-289.

The L. of Eucharist, sign and instrument of unity of Christian communities: 93 (2003) 291-300.

Testimony about the L. of Eucharist and the cooperation between → Churches, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 307-308.

Testimony about L. in a multicultural Parish, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 309-312.

The → Bible and Liturgical texts in the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 97 (2005) 89-102.


Local – receiving and sending – Church

The → pastoral care for migrants and the l. c.: 54 (1989) 23-28; 84-89.



→ Report from L. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 51-52.


- M -


Maritime activity and presence of the → Apostleship of the Sea in M.: 59 (1992) 137-142.


Magisterium of the Church

M. and → Holy Scripture enlighten the → pastoral care of migrants: 51 (1988) 100-117.

→ Solidarity and globalisation according to the → Second Vatican Council, the M. and John Paul II’s teachings: 90 (2002) 86-90.



→ Family issues among → Indonesian → migrant workers in M.: 71 (1996) 109-120.



→ Reports to Yopougon (→ Africa) Congress concerning M., 1986: 51 (1988) 46-59.

Report concerning → famine and → immigrants in M.: 51 (1988) 51-56.


Mass Media

M. m. and the → rights of → refugees: 53 (1989) 66-67.

The role of m. m. in forming a → culture of → solidarity and tolerance in a → Gypsy context: 93 Suppl. (2003) 201-228.



→ Report from M. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 60.



M. of the Holy Father to the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 7-8.

M. of Cardinal A. Casaroli to Cardinal C. M. Martini: 55 (1990) 18-23.

Bishops of → Brazil issue a m. entitled “Temporary → Migrants: a challenge to the → Church and the society”: 59 (1992) 117-130.

Pastoral m. of the → Bishops Conference of → Canada concerning → welcome and → integration of → migrants and → refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102.

M. of the Holy Father for the 81st World → Migration Day: 66 (1994) 81-84.

M. of the → Bishops’ Conference of the → Philippines for → Migration Day: 70 (1996) 99.

M. of Archbishop G. Cheli to the Filipinos in the occasion of their National → Migration Day: 70 (1996) 101-103.

M. of the Holy Father to the First World → Congress of the → pastoral care of → Foreign Students: 72 (1996) 91-93.

The → refugees of the Great Lakes Region and the appeals of a m. issued by the Bishops of that area in December 1996: 77 (1998) 15-25.

M. issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People concerning → “Pilgrimage and the Great Jubilee of the year 2000”: 78 (1998) 1-28.

M. of the Holy Father for the 86th World → Migration Day: 81 (1999) 1-5.

M. issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

M. of the Holy Father John Paul II on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of St Francis Xavier Cabrini: 83 (2000) 17-19.

M. to the 2000 National Conference on the → pastoral care of → nomads: 84 (2000) 65-66.

M. of the Holy Father for the 88th World → Migration Day: 87 (2001) 5-8.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 88th World → Migration Day: 87 (2001) 9-12.

→ Migrations and → inter-religious dialogue, in connection with the Pontifical M. for the 88th World → Migration Day: 87 (2001) 13-17.

2002 M. of the Holy Father to the Diplomatic Corp: 87 (2001) 97.

M. of John Paul II for U.N. year of volunteer work: 88-89 (2002) 273-274.

M. of the Holy Father for the 89th World → Migration Day: 90 (2002) 5-7.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 89th World → Migration Day: 90 (2002) 9-19.

M. of the Holy Father for the 23rd World Day of → Tourism: 90 (2002) 21-24.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 23rd World Day of → Tourism: 90 (2002) 25-32.

→ Final document, and m. to → seafarers, issued by the XXI World → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 67-71.

M. of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People addressed to the First International Seminar of → Pastoral Agents working with Peruvians (→ Peru) abroad: 91-92 (2003) 399-404.

M. of the Holy Father for the 90th World → Migration Day: 94 (2004) 15-30.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 90th World → Migration Day: 94 (2004) 31-37.

M. of the Holy Father for the 24th World Day of → Tourism: 94 (2004) 39-53.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 24th World Day of → Tourism: 94 (2004) 55-59.

M. of the Holy Father for the 25th World Day of → Tourism: 96 (2004) 197-211.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 25th World Day of → Tourism: 96 (2004) 213-217.

M. of the Holy Father for the 91st World → Migration Day: 96 (2004) 221-233.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 91st World → Migration Day: 96 (2004) 235-246.

M. and homily of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the “Simposio Andino-Hispano” of Quito 2005: 97 (2005) 151-156.

M. from the Catholic → Bishops’ Conference of → Australia on → Asylum Seekers and → Refugees: 97 (2005) 173-176.

M. of the Holy Father for the 26th World Day of → Tourism: 99 (2005) 27-38.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the26th World Day of → Tourism: 99 (2005) 39-48.

M. of the Holy Father for the 92nd World → Migration Day: 99 (2005) 51-65.

Presentation of the Pontifical M. for the 92nd World → Migration Day: 99 (2005) 67-86.

M. of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People on the occasion of the Sea Sunday of July 10, 2005: 99 (2005) 259-266.

M. of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Switzerland concerning → welcoming → migrants: 99 (2005) 325-327.



Mexican Bishops’ documents concerning North borders: 51 (1988) 376-388.

→ Final document of the meeting of North Mexican border Catholic Bishops, 1986: 51 (1988) 376-378.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in M.: 55 (1990) 116-121.

The → pastoral care of → human mobility in M.: 58 (1991) 65-70.

Statement of civil organizations concerning → migration fluxes from M. to the → United States of America: 71 (1996) 73-82.

Joint → Pastoral Letter of the → Bishops’ Conferences of the → United States of America and M. entitled “Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope”: 91-92 (2003) 351-382.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in M: 93 Suppl. (2003) 291-295.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in M.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 123.

Statement on actions against → migrants at the borders between M. and the → United States of America: 99 (2005) 321-323.



Pastoral Work

→ Holy Scripture enlightens → pastoral care of m.: 51 (1988) 100-117; 61 (1993) 89-94; 65 (1994) 9-15; 93 (2003) 203-210; 98 (2005) 31-38.

Role of → diocesan priests in the → pastoral care for m.: 54 (1989) 68-73.

Role of → religious congregations in the → pastoral care for m.: 54 (1989) 73-79; 90 (2002) 78-79; 97 (2005) 25-26.

→ Pastoral care of m. and itinerant people according to the → Canon Law: 58 (1991) 7-35.

Specific → structures for the → pastoral care of Syro-Malabar Catholic m.: 63 (1993) 63-77.

→ Report of the Meeting of the Bishops in charge of the → pastoral care of m. in European countries (→ Europe): 63 (1993) 113-116.

→ Theological aspects of the → pastoral care for m.: 65 (1994) 15-19; 73 (1997) 63-82.

→ Structures of the → pastoral care of m. according to the Instruction → De Pastorali Migratorum Cura: 67 (1995) 61-66.

→ Final document of the Second Consultation for the → pastoral care of m. in → Asia: 71 (1996) 65-68.

→ Pastoral care and → legislation concerning m. faithful of the → Oriental Catholic Churches: 71 (1996) 122-125.

Suggestions and recommendations concerning future perspectives of the → pastoral care of m., while updating → De Pastorali Migratorum Cura: 73 (1997) 45-62.

→ Scalabrini encouraged a specific → pastoral care for m.: 75 (1997) 5-11.

The pioneering presence of → Scalabrini in the → pastoral care of m.: 75 (1997) 145-150.

→ Final document of the IV World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of m. and → Refugees: 79 (1999) 79-90.

→ History of the commitment of the → Church to the → pastoral care of itinerant people and the proper missionary role of m. in → evangelisation: 82 (2000) 3-5.

Globalisation, → evangelisation and the → pastoral care of m.: 85 (2001) 71-74; 91-92 (2003) 257-262.

Necessity of a proper → formation to the → pastoral care of m.: 87 (2001) 168-170.

The responsibility of a diocesan Bishop in the → pastoral care of m.: 87 (2001) 171-176.

Role, tasks and challenges of the National Director of the → pastoral care for m. in → Congo-Brazaville: 87 (2001) 177-188.

Role and commitments of the Diocesan Director of the → pastoral care for m. in → Italy: 87 (2001) 189-200.

→ Pastoral experiences of a missionary dedicated to the → pastoral care of m. in Latin → America: 87 (2001) 201-204.

Vision and challenges to the → pastoral care of m. according to the post-synodal document → Ecclesia in America: 91-92 (2003) 97-113.

The evolution of the → pastoral care of m. in the Italian Catholic Missions in → Germany, during the past fifty years: 91-92 (2003) 115-130.

Proceedings of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of M. and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 9-464.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) guidelines for the → pastoral care of m. and → refugees: 93 (2003) 137-141.

→ Final document of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of M. and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 345-430.

Cooperation between the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and SECAM in the → pastoral care of m.: 94 (2004) 139-144.

The → pastoral care of m. and itinerant people in the context of → dialogue and → Ecumenism: 96 (2004) 65-69.99-104.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi and its guidelines for the → Church’s → pastoral care of m.: 97 (2005) 135-149.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Catholic Education on the → pastoral care of m. in the → formation of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 193-204.

Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to International Catholic Associations on the → pastoral care of m. and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 205-221.


Local Reminders

M. and the dioceses of → Ivory Coast: 51 (1988) 32-45.

Situation of m. in → Niger: 51 (1988) 60-62.

Situation of m. in → Togo: 51 (1988) 67-71.

M. from → Cuba and Christmas → message from Cuban Bishops, 1987: 51 (1988) 226-230.

M. and documents of → (Ireland) Irish Bishops: 51 (1988) 328-348.

M. and documents of → (Italy) Italian Bishops: 51 (1988) 350-361.

Documents of Bishops from → Poland concerning m. and → tourism: 51 (1988) 398-413.

Documents of → U.S.A. pastoral agents on m.: 51 (1988) 416-500.

Hispanic m. and → popular religiosity in the → U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 446-447.

Bishops of → Brazil issue a → message entitled “Temporary M.: a challenge to the → Church and the society”: 59 (1992) 117-130.

Pastoral → message of the → Bishops Conference of → Canada concerning → welcome and → integration of m. and → refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102.

→ Popular religiosity and social life of Italian m. in Latin America: 62 (1993) 36-38.

Final statement of the symposium on Filipino m. → workers in → Asia: 63 (1993) 95-106.

M. and → refugees in West → Africa: 64 (1994) 81-87.

Concerns of the → Church in → Taiwan towards m. on irregular situations: 71 (1996) 101-108.

→ Declaration of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Belgium concerning m. and → refugees and the → Church’s commitment: 72 (1996) 103-118.

Data and pastoral concerns of the → Church for m. and → refugees in → Oceania: 84 (2000) 8-30.

Experiences of Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) cooperation between the Catholic → Church in → Germany and m./ → refugees: 96 (2004) 107-113.

Statement on actions against m. at the borders between → Mexico and the → United States of America: 99 (2005) 321-323.

→ Message of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Switzerland concerning → welcoming m.: 99 (2005) 325-327.


Other Topics

The role of → catechesis for m.: 51 (1988) 41-45.

M. promoters of → evangelisation: 51 (1988) 105.

M. and the → mission of the → Church: 51 (1988) 104-105; 54 (1989) 67-79; 67 (1995) 9-34; 90 (2002) 177-182; 91-92 (2003) 289-294; 93 (2003) 115-125.

M. and → human rights: 51 (1988) 112-114; 93 (2003) 217-227.

→ Liturgy, preaching, catechesis and Hispanic m.: 51 (1988) 428-431.

→ Family and Hispanic m.: 51 (1988) 438-440.

Meaning and role of the → Personal Parish (or → chaplaincy) for m.: 54 (1989) 89-102; 87 (2001) 150-156.

Role and commitments of the → chaplain for m.: 54 (1989) 147-172.

Duty of Pastors to offer a proper pastoral assistance to m. and itinerant people: 58 (1991) 14-21.

Measures to improve the situation and ensure the → human rights and → dignity of all m. → workers: 58 (1991) 121-123.

Christian m. and → refugees facing → Muslim perspectives and practices: 58 (1991) 129-132.

→ Spirituality of pastoral sensitivity towards m.: 62 (1993) 117-123.

The commitment of the → Church in → Europe in favour of m., victims of violence: 69 (1995) 73-77.

Perspectives towards a common → European policy dealing with m. and → asylum seekers: 70 (1996) 34-37.

Sending and sharing of → pastoral agents with particular reference to the → Syro-Malabar m.: 71 (1996) 121-131.

The contribution of → Scalabrini in the creation of an organism of the → Holy See for Catholic m.: 75 (1997) 35-53.

The legal protection of m. in the work of → Scalabrini: 75 (1997) 71-83.

National and international → legislation, including political perspectives, should protect m. against → racism: 77 (1998) 49-62.

M. and → religion, evaluating data on religious affiliation: 79 (1999) 39-45.

The m. plight at the end of the Second Millennium: 80 (1999) 63-70.

Data and elements concerning m. and → refugees, and the appeal to → solidarity as universal sharing of common goods: 81 (1999) 97-102.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to m., → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Greeting address of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the Holy Father John Paul II, on the occasion of the M. and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000: 83 (2000) 9-10.

Homily of John Paul II on the occasion of the M. and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000: 83 (2000) 11-16.

→ Report of the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the M. and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000: 83 (2000) 23-27.

Testimonies of people who took part in the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the M. and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000, namely → nomads, → gypsies from Oriental countries, faithful, displaced people, → circus and travelling show people, Italian emigrants: 83 (2000) 28-46.

The m.’ experience between equality and diversity of → cultures: 86 (2001) 31-50.

Synthesis of → reports from the National Episcopal Commissions for M.: 88-89 (2002) 45-63.

→ Migrations considered according to the → rights of m., the duties of those who → welcome them, and the → rights of the countries receiving them: 90 (2002) 90-93.

Competence and accomplishments of the → Bishops’ Conferences in favour of m.: 90 (2002) 151-162.

Appeals to → welcome and respect regular and irregular m.: 90 (2002) 199-202.

The International Convention on the → rights of m. → workers and their → families: 91-92 (2003) 131-136; 253-256.

M. and itinerant people towards a vision of → peace: 91-92 (2003) 263-267.

M. and the Encyclical Pacem in Terris: 91-92 (2003) 269-272.

→ Irregular immigrants in connection with → trafficking of human beings and → trafficking of m.: 93 (2003) 24-26.

The → Church and her pastoral challenges in the world of m. and → refugees: 93 (2003) 39-46.

Theological (→ Theology) background, definition and forms of → inter-religious dialogue in the world of m.: 96 (2004) 115-124; 98 (2005) 59-63.

→ Intercultural dialogue in the world of m. and itinerants, with future prospects: 96 (2004) 125-138.

Synthesis of the analytical → reports of the National Episcopal Commissions for M. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, submitted to the XVI → Plenary Assembly: 96 (2004) 141-159.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi in reference to some experiences of the Andes Region, namely the pastoral approach of → welcome, the migrant → family, the → rights of m. and the concerns of the → Church: 97 (2005) 69-76.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Oriental Churches on the pastoral concern of the → Church towards m. and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 89-100.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on the pastoral commitment to m., → refugees and other persons involved in → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 123-192.



Local Reminders

M. in Latin America: 58 (1991) 61-74.

M. in → Germany after its reunification: 58 (1991) 75-83.

→ Report of the → Congress on m. from and among East European Countries, at Budapest, February 1993: 61 (1993) 111-114.

Data, causes and consequences concerning internal m. in → India: 62 (1993) 71-91.

M. fluxes related to South → Korea: 62 (1993) 111-113.

Role of the → Church in the context of m. in → Asia: 63 (1993) 9-33.

→ Final document of the meeting of National Directors of M. of European countries: 63 (1993) 81-90.

→ Report of the Warsaw seminar on m.: 64 (1994) 89-94.

→ Report of the Moscow meeting on m.: 65 (1994) 69-70.

The m. project of Raphaels-Werk for → Poland, → Slovak and → Czech Republics: 68 (1995) 31-46.

→ Women and m. in → Europe: 69 (1995) 9-19.

The role of → family in the → Philippine culture and the impact of m. in the spiritual and moral → formation of → children: 71 (1996) 9-30.

Statement of civil organizations concerning m. fluxes from → Mexico to the → United States of America: 71 (1996) 73-82.

→ Report of the 1996 Manila Convention on m. in countries of East → Asia: 71 (1996) 85-90.

Decentralized cooperation and the m. → right in the Mediterranean region: 79 (1999) 29-37.

The m. of → Muslims in → Europe and religious pluralism: 85 (2001) 3-18.

Key trends and developments affecting International m. to and within the “New World” (→ U.S.A., → Canada and the Southern Cone American countries and nearby states): 86 (2001) 65-74.

Commitments of the → Church in → Europe towards m.: 87 (2001) 101-111.

Statement of the Episcopal Commission for m. of → France concerning “Welcoming (→ welcome) → asylum seekers”: 88-89 (2002) 283-288.

Analysis of m. flows in → Africa, → Europe, → Asia and the Pacific and → America: 91-92 (2003) 47-55.

International m. in → Europe: 91-92 (2003) 273-276.

From → welcome to → solidarity in the context of m. in → Europe: 91-92 (2003) 277-285.

Analysis and appeals concerning m. fluxes submitted to the Governors of → South America by Catholic Organizations in-charge of the → pastoral care of → human mobility: 91-92 (2003) 383-389.

→ Final document of the 3rd → South American Conference on M.: 91-92 (2003) 390-394.

M. trends related to civil institutions and → Church in → South American Countries: 91-92 (2003) 395-398.

Data and analysis of m. fluxes involving Mediterranean peoples: 97 (2005) 9-17.

Statement issued by the Nordic → Bishops’ Conference on m.: 99 (2005) 319.


Other Topics

The concept of → catholicity in the context of m.: 51 (1988) 232-237; 241-262.

Ethic → values of m.: 59 (1992) 106-110.

Pluralism in the context of m.: 61 (1993) 13-15.

The → Church, → Religious Orders and → Religious Congregations in the context of Italian → migration to → South America: 62 (1993) 25-55.

Worldwide demographic overview and m.: 64 (1994) 59-61.

Theoretical models of m. fluxes: 64 (1994) 64-68.

The consecrated → woman in the → pastoral care of m.: 69 (1995) 33-43.

M. and → demography: 70 (1996) 9-19.

→ Legislation concerning → family in the context of m.: 70 (1996) 49-66.

The → formation process of → spirituality and → morality in m. contexts: 71 (1996) 18-23.

International m. and institutional → ethics: 71 (1996) 31-40.

→ Culture, m. and → Church: 72 (1996) 69-87.

Pastoral commitment towards continental Italian (→ Italy) m. of → Geremia Bonomelli and Lorenz Werthmann: 73 (1997) 9-44.

The m. phenomenon according to the vision of → Scalabrini: 75 (1997) 137-143.

→ Rights and duties in m. contexts and the commitment of the → Church: 76 (1998) 55-67.

Reflections on the m. phenomenon at the beginning of the Third Millennium, based on the proceedings of the IV World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 79 (1999) 75-78.

Communication about the IV World → Congress on M. and International Debt: 81 (1999) 59-68.

M. may become a chance for living → Catholicity: 82 (2000) 55-68.

M. experience considered as a → pilgrimage: 83 (2000) 53-59.

→ Final documents of the Regional Meetings of National Directors for the → pastoral care of m. in → Asia and the Pacific, → Africa, → America and → Europe: 85 (2001) 77-114.

The m. phenomenon considered at the light of the Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America: 86 (2001) 81-86.

Today’s m. and the role of → I.C.M.C.: 86 (2001) 87-96.

M. and → interreligious dialogue, in connection with the Pontifical → Message for the 88th World M. Day: 87 (2001) 13-17.

A general investigation of the main factors concerning international m. fluxes, including data, social and cultural aspects: 87 (2001) 59-84.

The Bishops’ tasks, at the service of the Gospel, in m. contexts: 87 (2001) 99-100.

→ Exploitation and → trafficking of human beings in the past and in the present of m.: 88-89 (2002) 35-44.

M. and collective memory: 88-89 (2002) 149-160.

M. and religious experience in the context of globalisation: 88-89 (2002) 289-291.

M. and the social doctrine of the → Church: 88-89 (2002) 305-318.

M. considered according to the → rights of → migrants, the duties of those who → welcome them, and the → rights of the countries receiving them: 90 (2002) 90-93.

Towards an → ecclesiology of m., mainly considering → culture, → dialogue and → evangelisation: 90 (2002) 113-128; 93 (2003) 127-135.

Descriptive elements of crisis among couples in m. and itinerancy: 90 (2002) 129-137.

Women and → families in m. contexts: 90 (2002) 211-219.

Updated analysis of International m. fluxes submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 23-30.

Analysis and intervention proposals towards → refugees and international m. fluxes: 93 (2003) 31-37.

→ Liturgy, proclamation of the Word and Sacraments in the context of m.: 93 (2003) 283-289.

The safeguard of the → human rights of → Gypsies in the context of m. and in → integration processes: 93 Suppl. (2003) 163-200.

Women and m. in a letter of Mother → Cabrini Francesca, dated 1908: 94 (2004) 99-108.

Resolution 58/298 adopted by the → United Nations General Assembly on International M. and Development: 94 (2004) 205-210.

Erga migrantes caritas Christi analysed as a response of the → Church to the present m. phenomenon: 97 (2005) 19-28.

→ Work, its dignity and m.: 97 (2005) 41-55.

Aspects of → culture and m. in the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 39-43.

Role and tasks of Priests in the context of m., according to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 65-75.

Role and tasks of lay faithful (→ Laity) in the context of m., according to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 85-96.


Migration Day

→ Message for M. D., with → Liturgical guide, → Argentina, 1987: 51 (1988) 94-99. 

→ Message for M. D, → Australia, 1987: 51 (1988) 154-155. 

→ Message for M. D., → Brazil, 1985: 51 (1988) 158-161.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 81st World M. D.: 66 (1994) 81-84.

→ Message of the → Bishops’ Conference of the → Philippines for M. D.: 70 (1996) 99.

→ Message of Archbishop G. Cheli to the Filipinos in the occasion of their National M. D.: 70 (1996) 101-103.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 86th World M. D.: 81 (1999) 1-5.

Third National M. D. in → Taiwan: 81 (1999) 93-95.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 88th World M. D.: 87 (2001) 5-8.

→ Migrations and → inter-religious dialogue, in connection with the Pontifical → Message for the 88th World M. D.: 87 (2001) 13-17.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 89th World M. D.: 90 (2002) 5-7.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 89th World M. D.: 90 (2002) 9-19.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 90th World M. D.: 94 (2004) 15-30.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 90th World M. D.: 94 (2004) 31-37.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 91st World M. D.: 96 (2004) 221-233.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 91st World M. D.: 96 (2004) 235-246.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 92nd World M. D.: 99 (2005) 51-65.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 92nd World M. D.: 99 (2005) 67-86.



Commitment of 35 European States to safeguard and promote the → rights of m.: 53 (1989) 129-131.

→ Cultural pluralism and m.: 61 (1993) 9-21.

The question of religious m.: 61 (1993) 17-19.


Missio cum Cura Animarum

Definition and role of the m.: 54 (1989) 96-97.

→ Personal Parishes and m. in the context of the → pastoral care for migrants and people on the move: 54 (1989) 115-144; 87 (2001) 151-162.

M. linked to a → Territorial Parish: 54 (1989) 132-133.



M. of the → Church and → migrants: 51 (1988) 104-105; 54 (1989) 67-79; 67 (1995) 9-34; 82 (2000) 6-8; 90 (2002) 177-182; 91-92 (2003) 289-294.

M. and aumôneries ethniques in → France: 51 (1988) 257-258.

M. (or quasi-parish) in the context of the → pastoral care for migrants: 54 (1989) 97-98. 132-133.

The → Gypsies’ vocation and m. in the world and in the → Church: 56 (1990) 34-61.

M. and “genius” of migrant → women: 69 (1995) 63-66.

→ History, nature, role and activities of the sailing → chaplain in the Finnish Seamen’s m.: 82 (2000) 29-40.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in the evangelising (→ evangelisation) m. of the → Church: 91-92 (2003) 33-44.



The → formation process of → spirituality and m. in → migration contexts: 71 (1996) 18-23.



Christian → migrants and → refugees facing M. perspectives and practices: 58 (1991) 129-132.

M. and Christians in the → Netherlands: 59 (1992) 18-20.

Matrimonial disparity of cult (→ Canon Law) between Catholics and M.: 59 (1992) 35-67; 66 (1994) 23-34.

Marriages between Christians and M. as a new → pastoral experience for the → Church in → Europe: 66 (1994) 19-34.

The → migration of M. in → Europe and religious pluralism: 85 (2001) 3-18.


- N -

National Parish

→ History of the “great immigration” to America and N. Parishes: 54 (1989) 117-121.

Positive and negative elements of N. Parishes: 54 (1989) 134-142.



Sex → tourism in N. and the activities of Caritas N. to combat it: 96 Suppl. (2004) 131-136.



The → pastoral care of → tourism in the N.: 55 (1990) 122-126.

Historical notes and → pastoral care of human mobility in the N.: 59 (1992) 7-34.

The → pastoral care of foreign → workers in the N.: 59 (1992) 15-34.

→ Muslims and Christians in the N.: 59 (1992) 18-20.

The → Foreign Students → Chaplaincy in the N.: 87 (2001) 47-57.


New Zealand

→ Pastoral care for → migrants in N. Z.: 51 (1988) 390.



Situation of → migrants in N.: 51 (1988) 60-62.



 N. in → Germany: 51 (1988) 288-294.

The → Church’s commitment to the → pastoral care of n.: 81 (1999) 53-58; 82 (2000) 11.

Testimonies of people who took part in the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the → Migrants and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000, namely n., → gypsies from Oriental countries, faithful, displaced people, → circus and travelling show people, Italian emigrants: 83 (2000) 28-46.

→ Message to the 2000 National Conference on the → pastoral care of n.: 84 (2000) 65-66.

→ Pastoral care for n., particularly Bhils and other tribes, in → India: 88-89 (2002) 161-179.

→ Report of the 2003 Meeting of the Little Sisters of Jesus concerning n.: 91-92 (2003) 439-442.


Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

The French Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development NGO and its commitment to the maritime world: 52 (1988) 165-166.


North America

Synthesis of → reports from N. A. and → South America National Episcopal Commissions for → Migrants: 88-89 (2002) 45-50.

The situation and challenges of the → pastoral care of → migrants and → refugees in N. A. submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 55-62.

→ Final document of the 2005 Regional Conference of the → Apostleship of the Sea of N. A. and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 279-282.


- O -


Data and pastoral concerns of the → Church for → migrants and → refugees in O.: 84 (2000) 8-30.


Opera Nomadi

History, role and activities of O.: 56 (1990) 123-133.

The O. and → human promotion of the → Gypsies with regard to the duties of the → Church: 56 (1990) 123-133.


Oriental Catholic Churches

O. C. C. and their → rites: 51 (1988) 258-259.

→ Pastoral care and → legislation concerning → migrant faithful of the O. C. C.: 71 (1996) 122-125.

Juridical elements of the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi from the point of view of the → Canon Law of O. C. C.: 98 (2005) 109-125.


Osservatore Romano (L’)

Reports by O. about the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 286-291.


- P -


→ Report from P. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 59-60.


Papua/New Guinea

→ Report from P. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 58.


Pastoral Agents

P. A. and → Canon Law: 51 (1988) 114-116; 54 (1989) 133-134; 58 (1991) 46-51.

P. A. involved in the → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 162-184; 52 (1988) 49-51.

The presence of p. a. in → refugee camps of Southern Africa Region: 53 (1989) 37-43.

→ Final document of the European Meeting of p. a. of → tourism: 55 (1990) 37-44.

First Italian → congress of diocesan and regional p. a. of → tourism and leisure time: 55 (1990) 94-99.

P. A. of → tourism: 55 (1990) 186-202.

Sending and sharing of p. a. with particular reference to the → Syro-Malabar → migrants: 71 (1996) 121-131.

→ Report of the II Seminar for Catholic → Chaplains and p. a. of → Civil Aviation: 79 (1999) 107-111.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, p. a. of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

→ Message of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People addressed to the First International Seminar of p. a. working with Peruvians (→ Peru) abroad: 91-92 (2003) 399-404.

→ Pastoral experiences of p. a. serving Street → Children in → India, in → Romania and in → France: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82.


Pastoral Care


P. c. for migrants and the importance of → solidarity: 51 (1988) 94-99; 93 (2003) 211-216.

P. c. for migrants enlightened by the → Holy Scripture: 51 (1988) 100-117; 61 (1993) 89-94; 65 (1994) 9-15; 93 (2003) 203-210; 98 (2005) 31-38.

P. c. for migrants and → Church: 51 (1988) 106-109; 58 (1991) 105-107; 82 (2000) 6-9; 84 (2000) 3-7.75-93; 87 (2001) 133-170; 88-89 (2002) 191-208; 90 (2002) 79-81; 90 (2002) 177-182; 91-92 (2003) 289-294; 93 (2003) 115-125.

Commitment of → laity in the p. c. for migrants: 51 (1988) 116. 170-177; 52 (1988) 64-67.

P. c. for → Czech migrants abroad: 51 (1988) 205-208.

→ History of the p. c. for migrants in → South America: 51 (1988) 210-223; 62 (1993) 25-46.

→ History of immigration and p. c. for migrants in → France: 51 (1988) 241-262.

→ Structures of the p. c. for migrants in → France: 51 (1988) 250-259.

P. c. for migrants in → New Zealand: 51 (1988) 390.

→ Bishops’ Conference of → South Africa write about p. c. for → immigrants: 51 (1988) 502-506.

→ Structures and suggestions for a proper p. c. for migrants in the → United States of America: 51 (1988) 493-498.

The p. c. for migrants and the role of the “personal parish” among other pastoral → structures: 54 (1989) 9.

The p. c. for migrants and the → local Churches: 54 (1989) 23-28.

→ Church documents concerning the p. c. for migrants: 54 (1989) 33-43; 67 (1995) 9-34. 43-45; 87 (2001) 133-170; 88-89 (2002) 191-208; 90 (2002) 177-182; 97 (2005) 21-23.

The p. c. for migrants is a specific pastoral activity of the → Church: 54 (1989) 43-66; 67 (1995) 26-27. 45-48; 84 (2000) 3-7; 87 (2001) 137-147; 93 (2003) 116-120.

Role of → diocesan priests in the p. c. for migrants: 54 (1989) 68-73.

Role of → Religious Congregations in the p. c. of → migrants: 54 (1989) 73-79; 90 (2002) 77-79; 97 (2005) 25-26.

→ Structures of the p. c. for migrants according to → Church Documents: 54 (1989) 79-102; 67 (1995) 9-34. 48-51; 87 (2001) 133-170.

→ Personal Parishes and → “missiones cum cura animarum” in the context of the p. c. for migrants and people on the move: 54 (1989) 115-144.

→ Mission (or quasi-parish) in the context of the p. c. for migrants: 54 (1989) 97-98. 132-133.

P. c. for → migrants and itinerant people according to the → Canon Law: 58 (1991) 7-35.

→ Final document of the → South American Meeting on the p. c. for → migrants (Quito, 26-30 November 1990): 58 (1991) 115-120.

Specific → structures for the p. c. of Syro-Malabar Catholic → migrants: 63 (1993) 63-77.

→ Report of the Meeting of the Bishops in charge of the p. c. of → migrants in European countries (→ Europe): 63 (1993) 113-116.

→ Theological aspects of the p. c. for → migrants: 65 (1994) 15-19; 73 (1997) 63-82.

→ Structures of the p. c. of → migrants according to the Instruction → De Pastorali Migratorum Cura: 67 (1995) 61-66.

The consecrated → woman in the p. c. of → migration: 69 (1995) 33-43.

→ Final document of the Second Consultation for the p. c. of → migrants in → Asia: 71 (1996) 65-68.

Pastoral strategies promoted and undertaken by the participants to the Second Consultation on the p. c. of → migrants in → Asia: 71 (1996) 69-72.

P. c. and → legislation concerning → migrant faithful of the → Oriental Catholic Churches: 71 (1996) 122-125.

The → Church in → Italy and the p. c. for → migrants: 72 (1996) 59-64.

Suggestions and recommendations concerning future perspectives of the p. c. of → migrants, while updating → De Pastorali Migratorum Cura: 73 (1997) 45-62.

→ Scalabrini encouraged a specific p. c. for → migrants: 75 (1997) 5-11.

The pioneering presence of → Scalabrini in the p. c. of → migrants: 75 (1997) 145-150.

→ Final document of the IV World → Congress of the p. c. of → Migrants and → Refugees: 79 (1999) 79-90.

Globalisation, → evangelisation and the p. c. of → migrants: 85 (2001) 71-74; 91-92 (2003) 257-262.

→ Final documents of the Regional Meetings of National Directors for the p. c. of → migration in → Asia and the Pacific, → Africa, → America and → Europe: 85 (2001) 77-114.

Necessity of a proper → formation to the p. c. of → migrants: 87 (2001) 168-170.

The responsibility of a diocesan Bishop in the p. c. of → migrants: 87 (2001) 171-176.

Role, tasks and challenges of the National Director of the p. c. for → migrants in → Congo-Brazaville: 87 (2001) 177-188.

Role and commitments of the Diocesan Director of the p. c. for → migrants in → Italy: 87 (2001) 189-200.

→ Pastoral experiences of a missionary dedicated to the p. c. of → migrants in Latin → America: 87 (2001) 201-204.

Vision and challenges to the p. c. of → migrants according to the post-synodal document → Ecclesia in America: 91-92 (2003) 97-113.

The evolution of the p. c. of → migrants in the Italian Catholic Missions in → Germany, during the past fifty years: 91-92 (2003) 115-130.

Proceedings of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 9-464.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) guidelines for the p. c. of → migrants and → refugees: 93 (2003) 137-141.

Testimony about the p. c. of → migrants and → refugees in Rome (→ Italy), submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 231-234.

Testimony about the p. c. of → migrants in → Honduras, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 235-238.

Testimony about the p. c. of → migrants and → refugees in → Lebanon, submitted to a Round Table of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 239-242.

→ Final document of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 345-430.

Cooperation between the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and SECAM in the p. c. of → migrants: 94 (2004) 139-144.

Guidelines for the p. c. of → immigrants and related pastoral → structures issued by the → Bishops’ Conference of → Italy: 94 (2004) 155-163.

The p. c. of → migrants and itinerant people in the context of → dialogue and → Ecumenism: 96 (2004) 65-69.99-104.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Catholic Education on the p. c. of → migrants in the → formation of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 193-204.

Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to International Catholic Associations on the p. c. of → migrants and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 205-221.

Data, analysis and suggestions towards a renewed p. c. of Catholic → immigrants in → Germany: 99 (2005) 293-314.



Specific p. c. for → refugees: 53 (1989) 38.

P. c. for → refugees in → Taiwan: 53 (1989) 48-52.

Responsibility and role of the → Church in the p. c. for → refugees: 53 (1989) 134-139; 84 (2000) 3-7.

P. c. for refugees in → Asia and → Africa: 58 (1991) 85-89.

→ Report of the → Congress on the p. c. of → refugees, at Lusaka, February 1993: 61 (1993) 105-110.

→ Report of the First Polish (→ Poland) Meeting on the p. c. of → refugees: 91-92 (2003) 449-450.


Apostleship of the Sea

Dimensions of maritime p.c., including the isolation of maritime → workers: 51 (1988) 300-326; 58 (1991) 91-94.

P. c. of the various dimensions of maritime → work: 52 (1988) 40-58.

→ Report of the First International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea and the p. c. of → tourism held in the Caribbean: 67 (1995) 93-94.

Vocation of the “people of the sea” to become active agents in the p. c. of their fellows: 74 (1997) 105-108.

Specific p. c. of maritime people, according to the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter → “Stella Maris”: 74 (1997) 109-113.

Data, problems, challenges and p. c. of → people of the sea: 88-89 (2002) 99-111.



→ Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the Third International → Congress on the p. c. of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 10-14.

P. c. and → evangelisation of → Gypsies: 56 (1990) 91-114; 84 (2000) 69-70; 93 Suppl. (2003) 69-80.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Belgium: 56 (1990) 196-202; 93 Suppl. (2003) 258-260.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Brazil: 56 (1990) 203-206; 93 Suppl. (2003) 261.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → France: 56 (1990) 207-209; 93 Suppl. (2003) 278-280.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Germany: 56 (1990) 210-213; 93 Suppl. (2003) 269-271.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → England and Wales: 56 (1990) 214-217.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Ireland: 56 (1990) 218-221.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Italy: 56 (1990) 222-225; 93 Suppl. (2003) 289-290.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Yugoslavia: 56 (1990) 226-229.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Poland: 56 (1990) 230-233; 93 Suppl. (2003) 296-298.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Portugal: 56 (1990) 234-237; 93 Suppl. (2003) 299-305.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Spain: 56 (1990) 238-241; 93 Suppl. (2003) 272-277.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Hungary: 56 (1990) 242-245; 93 Suppl. (2003) 149-152.

P. c. of → Gypsies in Trans-Karpat countries: 93 Suppl. (2003) 253-255.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Bangladesh: 93 Suppl. (2003) 256-257.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Croatia: 93 Suppl. (2003) 262-266.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Czech Republic: 93 Suppl. (2003) 267-268.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → India: 93 Suppl. (2003) 281-288.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Mexico: 93 Suppl. (2003) 291-295.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Slovak Republic: 93 Suppl. (2003) 306-309.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Slovenian Republic: 93 Suppl. (2003) 310.

P. c. of → Gypsies in → Switzerland: 93 Suppl. (2003) 311-314.

P. c. of → Gypsies in the → United States of America: 93 Suppl. (2003) 315-316.

→ Report of the VI International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 63 (1993) 109-112.

Remarks concerning the 1995 International → Congress of the p. c. of → Gypsies: 68 (1995) 95-100.

The → Church’s commitment to the p. c. of → nomads: 81 (1999) 53-58; 82 (2000) 11.

→ M. to the 2000 National Conference on the p. c. of → nomads: 84 (2000) 65-66.

P. c. for → nomads, particularly Bhils and other tribes, in → India: 88-89 (2002) 161-179.

Some questions of → theology concerning the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 88-89 (2002) 325-335.

→ Report of the 2003 National Conference on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 91-92 (2003) 437.

Proceedings of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 11-428.

→ Church documents concerning the p. c. of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 30-33 and 52-56.

→ Final document of the V World → Congress for the p. c. of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 333-411.

→ Report of the 2003 Meeting of National Directors of the p. c. of → Circus and Travelling show people: 94 (2004) 225-228.

The → Bible and Liturgical (→ Liturgy) texts in the p. c. of → Gypsies: 97 (2005) 89-102.

→ Report of the General Council of the Forum of Christian Organizations for the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 97 (2005) 195-197.

Proceedings of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 5-194.

Opening address and presentation of the theme of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 7-14.

Authorities’ greetings to the participants to the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 17-21.

The p. c. of → circus and travelling show people in → Belgium in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 61-66.

The p. c. of → circus and travelling show people in → France in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 67-70.

The p. c. of → circus and travelling show people in → Germany in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 71-72.

The p. c. of → circus and travelling show people in → Italy in a testimony submitted to a Round Table of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 73-77.

Testimonies submitted to the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 111-124.

→ Final document of the VII International → Congress on the p. c. of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 131-180.



Tenth → Congress of → tour operators in Argentina concerning the p. c. of tourism: 51 (1988) 139-152.

The ministry of welcoming in the context of the p. c. of → tourism: 55 (1990) 100-105.

Directives and programmes of the p. c. of → tourism in → Italy: 55 (1990) 106-115; 96 Suppl. (2004) 201-205.

The p. c. of → tourism in → Mexico: 55 (1990) 116-121.

The p. c. of → tourism in → the Netherlands: 55 (1990) 122-126.

→ Final document of the XVI National → Congress of the p. c. of → tourism (Canary): 55 (1990) 127-129.

The p. c. of → tourism according to the General Directory → Peregrinans in Terra: 55 (1990) 142-165.

P. c. of → tourism at Mar del Plata (→ Argentina): 57 (1991) 119-124.

P. c. of → tourism of → World Council of Churches: 57 (1991) 143-150.

P. c. of → tourism in → Europe: 58 (1991) 95-102.

→ Final document of a meeting concerning the p. c. of mountain → tourism: 68 (1995) 75-78.

The p. c. of → tourism in the evangelising (→ evangelisation) → mission of the → Church: 91-92 (2003) 33-44.

→ Final document and message of the Meeting of the P. C. of → Tourism in Middle East and Northern African countries: 91-92 (2003) 215-224.

→ Tourism industry in East → Africa in view of its p. c.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 99-102.

The p. c. for sportsmen on the occasion of the Olimpic Games of Athens: 96 Suppl. (2004) 231-234.

→ Final document of the 6th World → Congress of the p. c. of → Tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 237-275.


Foreign Students

→ Message of the Holy Father to the First World → Congress of the p. c. of → Foreign Students: 72 (1996) 91-93.

The p. c. of → Foreign Students in → Great Britain: 72 (1996) 135-143.

The p. c. of → Foreign Students in Moscow: 72 (1996) 157-162.

Problems, → structures and challenges to the social and p. c. for → Foreign Students: 85 (2001) 19-33.

P. c. of → foreign students in the → United States of America: 88-89 (2002) 319-323.

→ Report of the 3rd National Meeting on the p. c. of → foreign students, held at Bordeaux: 91-92 (2003) 445-448.

P. c. of → human mobility, and → foreign students in particular, in the Universities of → Europe: 94 (2004) 69-79.

→ Report of the 2003 Convention of CCMA/NADDCM on the p. c. of → foreign students: 94 (2004) 243-247.


Apostolate of the Road

Proceedings of the First International → Congress for the p. c. of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 5-162.

The p. c. of → welcome for Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 9-14.34-38.47-50.57-62.73-77.

Data, causes and dynamics of the phenomenon of Street → Children, in connection with activities, methods and projects of the → Church concerning their p. c.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 15-30.

Contributions for setting up the main lines of a specific p. c. for Street → Children submitted to the Round Table of the First International → Congress for the p. c. of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 33-82.

→ Final document of the First International → Congress for the p. c. of Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 85-157.


Human Mobility

P. c. of → human mobility in Latin America: 58 (1991) 62-65.

P. c. of → human mobility in → Mexico: 58 (1991) 65-70.

P. c. of → human mobility in → Chile: 58 (1991) 70-72.

Historical notes and p. c. of → human mobility in the → Netherlands: 59 (1992) 7-34.

→ History of the commitment of the → Church to the p. c. of itinerant people and the proper missionary role of → migrants in → evangelisation: 82 (2000) 3-5.

The evolution of the p. c. of → human mobility and its perspectives: 91-92 (2003) 73-85.

The p. c. of → human mobility in → Africa: 91-92 (2003) 305-322.

Challenges and perspectives of the p. c. of → human mobility in → America: 91-92 (2003) 323-335.

Reality, needs and challenges of the p. c. of → human mobility in → Asia: 91-92 (2003) 337-350.

Analysis and appeals concerning → migration fluxes submitted to the Governors of → South America by Catholic Organizations in-charge of the p. c. of → human mobility: 91-92 (2003) 383-389.

Data and pastoral concerns of the Dioceses of the → United States of America towards the p. c. of → human mobility: 94 (2004) 171-175.

→ Report of the 2nd Meeting of the Cuban (→ Cuba) Commission for the p. c. of → human mobility: 94 (2004) 233-238.

→ Final document of the 2003 National Meeting of Diocesan Secretariats for the p. c. of → human mobility of → Portugal: 94 (2004) 239-241.


Civil Aviation

→ Civil aviation and p. c. at the → Airport → Chaplaincy of Frankfurt/Main: 61 (1993) 57-65.

Challenges to the p. c. of → Civil Aviation: 91-92 (2003) 87-96.


Pastoral Care of Nomads in India (P.A.C.N.I.)

→ Report of the VI National Meeting and Seminar of P.A.C.N.I.: 90 (2002) 225-227.

→ History and activities of P.A.C.N.I.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 33-35.


Pastoral Experiences

P. e. of the → Church in → Taiwan among → refugees: 53 (1989) 48-49.

P. e. among → Gypsies: 56 (1990) 146-191.

P. e. and activities of “Holiday Centres” in → Chile: 57 (1991) 171-173.

Marriages between Christians and → Muslims as a new p. e. for the → Church in → Europe: 66 (1994) 19-34.

P. e. of a missionary dedicated to the → pastoral care of → migrants in Latin → America: 87 (2001) 201-204.

P. e. of the Jesuit Refugee Service in → Africa: 93 (2003) 243-245.

P. e. of working among trafficked (→ trafficking) → women in → Thailand: 93 (2003) 247-251.

P. e. of → pastoral agents serving Street → Children in → India, in → Romania and in → France: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82.


Pastoral Letter

P. L. about Irish → emigration of the Bishops of → Western Ireland, 1987: 51 (1988) 328-343.

P. L. of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops about the Hispanic presence in the → U.S.A. as “challenge and commitment”, 1983: 51 (1988) 416-454.

P. L. on the Christian welcome of the Hmong population among the faithful of the diocese of La Crosse, 1987: 51 (1988) 474-482.

The Bishop of → Bilbao and his Auxiliary address a P. L. entitled “The Third World among Us”: 59 (1992) 101-115.

Bishops of → Indonesia (→ Bishops Conference) address a P. L. on → tourism: 59 (1992) 131-136.

P. L. of the Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart to foreign Catholics: 70 (1996) 95-98.

P. L. of the Archbishop of Philadelphia about “Healing → Racism through → Faith and → Truth”: 76 (1998) 71-79.

Joint P. L. of the → Bishops’ Conferences of the → United States of America and → Mexico entitled “Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope”: 91-92 (2003) 351-382.


Pastoral Visit

P. v. and → report concerning Cambodian → refugees in U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 186-201.



→ Migrants and itinerant people towards a vision of p.: 91-92 (2003) 263-267.

P. and → migrations in the → Message of the Holy Father for the 90th World → Migration Day: 94 (2004) 15-30.


People of God

P. of G. and Pastoral of → Labour, XVIII International C. of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 51 (1988) 163-179; 52 (1988) 59-73.

P. of God and unity: 51 (1988) 488-490.


People of the Sea

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, p. of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Tensions between the life of p. of the sea and → family: 84 (2000) 51-61.

Biblical (→ Bible) and historical (→ history) reflections on the sea and people related to it: 88-89 (2002) 65-73.

Data, problems, challenges and → pastoral care of p. of the sea: 88-89 (2002) 99-111.


Peregrinans in Terra

Round table on the 20th anniversary of P. i. T.: 55 (1990) 135-260.

The → pastoral care of → tourism according to P. i. T.: 55 (1990) 142-165; 88-89 (2002) 91-97.

The General Directory P. i. T. and the 1983 Code of → Canon Law: 55 (1990) 232-246.

Concluding remarks of the Round table on the 20th anniversary of P. i. T.: 55 (1990) 248-253.


Personal Parish

Meaning and role of the p. p. (or → chaplaincy) for → migrants: 54 (1989) 89-102; 54 (1989) 130-131; 87 (2001) 150-156.

P. Parishes and → “missiones cum cura animarum” in the context of the → pastoral care for migrants and people on the move: 54 (1989) 115-144.



→ Message of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People addressed to the First International Seminar of → Pastoral Agents working with Peruvians abroad: 91-92 (2003) 399-404.



→ Message of the → Bishops’ Conference of the P. for → Migration Day: 70 (1996) 99.

The role of → family in the Philippine culture and the impact of → migration in the spiritual and moral → formation of → children: 71 (1996) 9-30.

→ Report from the P. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 58.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in the P.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 117-118.

Street → Children in → Asia, and particularly in the P.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 52-62.



Religious → tourism and p.: 51 (1988) 408-411.

→ Tourism and p. in → Argentina: 55 (1990) 66-70.

→ Gypsies and p.: 56 (1990) 52-56.

Elements of → pastoral care and → theology concerning p. and → shrines: 59 (1992) 89-97.

Cooperation between → airport → chaplains and directors of p.: 71 (1996) 53-62.

P. as a proper occasion for → evangelisation: 77 (1998) 91-94.

Timetable of the 2nd European → Congress concerning → shrines and p.: 77 (1998) 123-125.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People concerning → “The P. and the Great Jubilee of the year 2000”: 78 (1998) 1-28.

P. and pastoral activity: 78 (1998) 31-36; 63-69.

Actuality of the p., with basic references to the document “The Pilgrimage in the Great Jubilee of the year 2000” of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 78 (1998) 37-43.

→ History and cultural elements of the p.: 78 (1998) 45-53; 97 (2005) 57-68.

The p. in an → inter-religious perspective: living food for the spirit of → religions: 78 (1998) 55-62.

Liturgical celebration in the p.: 78 (1998) 77-80.

Protestants discover the p.: 78 (1998) 81-85.

References to the p. in the Papal Bulla announcing the Jubilee 2000 “Incarnationis Mysterium”: 78 (1998) 89-90.

→ Report of the 2nd European C. concerning → shrines and p.: 78 (1998) 91-95.

Presentation of the two official books of the Jubilee Pilgrims in prayer and Pilgrims in Rome: 80 (1999) 87-89.

→ Spirituality of p.: 82 (2000) 111-114; 87 (2001) 127-129; 90 (2002) 195-198; 97 (2005) 57-68; 97 Suppl. (2005) 17-25.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and p., → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

→ Migration experience considered as a p.: 83 (2000) 53-59.

Elements describing pilgrims and p. of the 2000s: 85 (2001) 51-56.

The p. experience in ancient and in modern times: 86 (2001) 11-20; 97 (2005) 57-68.

The p. in the → Bible: 86 (2001) 12-13.

Pilgrims of the year 2000 appeal to the → Church: 87 (2001) 25-36.

Spiritual meditation on → Popular religiosity, p. and devotions to Our Lady: 87 (2001) 85-91.

Address and homily on the occasion of the workshop for P. Coordinators and → Shrine Directors from the Dioceses of the → United States of America: 91-92 (2003) 243-251.

Proceedings of the 4th European → Congress on p. and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 7-182.

Opening addresses to the 4th European → Congress on p. and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 9-14.

Pastoral reflections on p. at the beginning of the third millennium, dealing in particular with the topic of → ecumenism: 97 Suppl. (2005) 17-25.

→ Church documents on → Ecumenism in connection with the present situation and the opportunities offered by p.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 31-42.

Testimony and reflection concerning the experiences of 50 years of Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) p.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 43-50.

Testimony of a European (→ Europe) p. to Santiago de Compostela held in April 2004: 97 Suppl. (2005) 53-59.

P. and → Ecumenism: 97 Suppl. (2005) 61-69.91-99.

P. Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) experiences concerning the Republic of → Ireland and Northern → Ireland: 97 Suppl. (2005) 71-74.

Testimony of support offered by the monks of the Conques Abbey, in → France, to pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela: 97 Suppl. (2005) 75-78.

The role of p. in the process of → integration of → Europe: 97 Suppl. (2005) 79-88.

Testimonies dealing with the role of p. in → Great Britain and → Germany: 97 Suppl. (2005) 101-110.

P. and → Gypsies, the encounter of → cultures: 97 Suppl. (2005) 113-115.

→ Final document of the 4th European → Congress on p. and → shrines: 97 Suppl. (2005) 139-170.


Plenary Assembly    

(of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People)

Acts of the p. a. of 24-26 October 1988: 54 (1989) 8-191.

The p. a. of 1988 reported by the → Vatican Radio: 54 (1989) 180-184, and by the Osservatore Romano: 54 (1989) 184-188.

→ Final document of the XI p. a. of 9-11 April 1991: 58 (1991) 109-113.

→ Report of the XII p. a. of 18-21 October 1993: 62 (1993) 127-128.

→ Report of the XIII p. a. of 24-27 October 1995: 69 (1995) 59-62.

→ Report of the XIV p. a. of 23-25 June 1999: 80 (1999) 83-86.

Proceedings of the XV p. a. of 29 April – 1 May 2002: 88-89 (2002) 7-20.

Address of Pope John Paul II to the participants to the XV p. s.: 88-89 (2002) 21-23.

Address of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the Holy Father on the occasion of the XV p. a.: 88-89 (2002) 25-26.

Opening address of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People on the occasion of the XV p. a.: 88-89 (2002) 27-34.

Conclusions of the XV p. a.: 88-89 (2002) 113-114.

Proceedings of the XVI p. a. of 16-19 May 2004: 96 (2004) 3-193.

Address of Pope John Paul II to the participants to the XVI p. a.: 96 (2004) 3-5.

Address of the President of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People to the Holy Father on the occasion of the XVI p. a.: 96 (2004) 7-8.

Tasks and activities of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People presented on the occasion of the XVI p. a.: 96 (2004) 53-62.

Synthesis of the analytical → reports of the National Episcopal Commissions for → Migrants to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, submitted to the XVI p. a.: 96 (2004) 141-159.

→ Final document of the XVI p. a.: 96 (2004) 161-193.



Polish Bishops’ documents concerning → migrants and → tourism: 51 (1988) 398-413.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in P.: 56 (1990) 230-233; 93 Suppl. (2003) 296-298.

The → migration project of Raphaels-Werk for P., → Slovak and → Czech Republics: 68 (1995) 31-46.

→ Report of the First Polish Meeting on the → pastoral care of → refugees: 91-92 (2003) 449-450.

Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

Role of the p. c.: 59 (1989) 15-16).

Activities of the p. c. during 1987-1988: 59 (1989) 16-23.


Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People 

Nature, role and competence of the P. in the Roman Curia: 58 (1991) 21-23; 53-59.

Cardinal A. Sodano (→ Secretariat of State) writes to the P. on the occasion of the meeting of the Bishops in charge of the → pastoral care of → migrants in European countries (→ Europe): 63 (1993) 117-118.

→ Report concerning the 1994 activities of the P.: 66 (1994) 89-100.

→ History, nature and activities of the P., evaluated on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its constitution: 68 (1995) 81-86.

→ History and development of the P.: 75 (1997) 35-59; 82 (2000) 3-5.

→ Message issued by the P. concerning → “Pilgrimage and the Great Jubilee of the year 2000”: 78 (1998) 1-28.

Actuality of the → pilgrimage, with basic references to the document “The Pilgrimage in the Great Jubilee of the year 2000” of the P.: 78 (1998) 37-43.

→ Message issued by the P., on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Greeting address of the President of the P. to the Holy Father John Paul II, on the occasion of the → Migrants and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000: 83 (2000) 9-10.

Address of the President of the P. to the Holy Father on the occasion of the XV → Plenary Assembly: 88-89 (2002) 25-26.

Opening address of the President of the P. on the occasion of the XV → Plenary Assembly: 88-89 (2002) 27-34.

Press-release of the P. concerning the launch of a Study in view of an appropriate presence of the → Church in International Sailing Racing Events: 90 (2002) 207-210.

→ Message of the P. addressed to the First International Seminar of → Pastoral Agents working with Peruvians (→ Peru) abroad: 91-92 (2003) 399-404.

Address of the President of the P. to the Holy Father on the occasion of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 11-12.

Activities of the P. during the year 2003: 94 (2004) 111-137; and during the year 2004: 97 (2005) 105-134.

Cooperation between the P. and SECAM in the → pastoral care of → migrants: 94 (2004) 139-144.

Address of the President of the P. to the Holy Father on the occasion of the XVI → Plenary Assembly: 96 (2004) 7-8.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism), → inter-religious and → intercultural → dialogue in most recent documents of the P.: 96 (2004) 25-51.

Tasks and activities of the P. presented on the occasion of the XVI → Plenary Assembly: 96 (2004) 53-62.

Synthesis of the analytical → reports of the National Episcopal Commissions for → Migrants to the P., submitted to the XVI → Plenary Assembly: 96 (2004) 141-159.

→ Message and homily of the President of the P. to the “Simposio Andino-Hispano” of Quito 2005: 97 (2005) 151-156.

Address of the President of the P. to the → Apostleship of the Sea 2005 Regional Coordinators Meeting: 97 (2005) 157-159.

Address of the Secretary of the P. to the → Apostleship of the Sea 2005 International → Fishing Committee Meeting: 97 (2005) 161-163.

→ Joint Letter of the P. and the → Congregation for Oriental Churches on the pastoral concern of the → Church towards → migrants and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 89-100.

→ Joint Letter of the P. and the → Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on the → pastoral care of → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 101-121.

→ Joint Letter of the P. and the → Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on the pastoral commitment to → migrants, → refugees and other persons involved in → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 123-192.

→ Joint Letter of the P. and the → Congregation for Catholic Education on the → pastoral care of → migrants in the → formation of future priests and permanent deacons and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 193-204.

Letter of the P. to International Catholic Associations on the → pastoral care of → migrants and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 205-221.

→ Message of the P. on the occasion of the Sea Sunday of July 10, 2005: 99 (2005) 259-266.

Opening address of the President of the P. to the 2005 Regional Meeting of the → Apostleship of the Sea of Indian Ocean: 99 (2005) 273-276.


Popular Religiosity

P. r., → culture and → faith in → South America: 51 (1988) 131-132.

P. r. of Hispanic → migrants in the → U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 446-447.

P. r. and social life of Italian → migrants in → South America: 62 (1993) 36-38.

Spiritual meditation on P. r., → pilgrimage and devotions to Our Lady: 87 (2001) 85-91.



The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in P.: 56 (1990) 234-237; 93 Suppl. (2003) 299-305.

→ Report from P. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 56-57.

→ Final document of the 2002 European (→ Europe) Meeting of the Catholic Portuguese-speaking Missions: 91-92 (2003) 415-416.

Role, challenges and tasks of Portuguese Communities in the → Church of → France: 94 (2004) 177-180.

→ Final document of the 2003 National Meeting of Diocesan Secretariats for the → pastoral care of → human mobility of P.: 94 (2004) 239-241.

The question of Street → Children and P.: 98 Suppl. (2005) 38-39.

→ Final document of the First World Meeting of Portuguese Communities: 99 (2005) 315-317.



Modern world facing globalisation, → migrations and p.: 90 (2002) 94-96.

Relevance of → tourism in order to both fight against p. and develop social harmony: 94 (2004) 61-65.



P. review concerning the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 200-222.

P. review concerning the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 96 (1990) 268-297.

Pronouncements of the Holy Father (cf also Magisterium of the Church)

The Holy Father’s p. on the topics of → human mobility: 91-92 (2003) 5-16; 94 (2004) 5-14; 97 (2005) 5-6; 99 (2005) 7-24.


- R -


→ Pastoral Letter of the Archbishop of Philadelphia about “Healing R. through → Faith and → Truth”: 76 (1998) 71-79.

National and international → legislation, including political perspectives, should protect → migrants against r.: 77 (1998) 49-62.



Local Reminders

Cambodian r. in U.S.A., → visit and → report: 51 (1988) 186-201.

R. in → Germany: 51 (1988) 286-294.

R. or “boat people” considered by the Irish (→ Ireland) Episcopal Commission for Emigrants: 51 (1988) 344-348.

Laothian r. abroad: 51 (1988) 364-369.

Bishops of → Scandinavia write about r. and → asylum seekers: 51 (1988) 392-396.

Bishops of → Switzerland on r.: 51 (1988) 508-523.

Initiatives for → young r. and the safeguard of vocations among young r. in the → U.S.A.: 53 (1989) 32-36.

The presence of → pastoral agents in r. camps of Southern Africa Region: 53 (1989) 37-43.

Bishops of → Austria and the → social assistance of r. and → asylum seekers: 53 (1989) 44-47.

→ Pastoral care for r. in → Taiwan: 53 (1989) 48-52.

Pastoral → message of the → Bishops Conference of → Canada concerning → welcome and → integration of → migrants and r.: 61 (1993) 83-102.

→ Report of the → Congress on the → pastoral care of r. at Lusaka, February 1993: 61 (1993) 105-110.

Statement of the → United States → Bishops’ Conference on → solidarity towards → immigrants and r.: 63 (1993) 91-93.

→ Migrants and r. in West → Africa: 64 (1994) 81-87.

R. in the international year of the → family: a view from Eastern → Africa: 66 (1994) 9-15.

Experiences of r. at → airports in → Germany: 68 (1995) 9-30.

The situation of r. in → Asia, presented to the Second Consultation on the → pastoral care of → migrants in Asia: 71 (1996) 91-100.

→ Declaration of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Belgium concerning → migrants and r. and the → Church’s commitment: 72 (1996) 103-118.

1998 Maputo Consultation for a more coordinated pastoral response to the r. crisis in → Africa: 76 (1998) 93-94.

The r. of the Great Lakes Region and the appeals of a → message issued by the Bishops of that area in December 1996: 77 (1998) 15-25.

→ Final document of the 1998 Consultation for a better pastoral response to the r. crisis in → Africa: 77 (1998) 115-121.

The three Consultations of 1998 to promote a more coordinated response to the r. crisis in → Africa: 79 (1999) 3-12.

Final conclusions of the three Consultations of 1998 to promote a more coordinated pastoral response to the r. crisis in → Africa: 79 (1999) 91-104.

Pastoral reflections concerning r. law in the → European Union at the turn of the century: 82 (2000) 41-54.

→ African r. at the fence of → Europe: 82 (2000) 48-50.

Data and pastoral concerns of the → Church for → migrants and r. in → Oceania: 84 (2000) 8-30.

Impressions from a → visit to Kakuma R. Camp in Kenya: 91-92 (2003) 137-146.

→ Report of the First Polish (→ Poland) Meeting on the → pastoral care of r.: 91-92 (2003) 449-450.

Experiences of Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) cooperation between the Catholic → Church in → Germany and → migrants/ r.: 96 (2004) 107-113.

→ Message from the Catholic → Bishops’ Conference of → Australia on → Asylum Seekers and R.: 97 (2005) 173-176.



→ Final document of the IV World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and r.: 79 (1999) 79-90.

Greetings to the 2000 International → Congress on R. in their homeland: 84 (2000) 73-74.

Address to the 51st International → Congress of the Association for the World R. Problem: 87 (2001) 113-115.

Address to the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of R.: 87 (2001) 121-123.

Proceedings of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and R.: 93 (2003) 9-464.

→ Final document of the V World → Congress for the → pastoral care of → Migrants and R.: 93 (2003) 345-430.


Other Topics

→ Children r. and their problems: 53 (1989) 11-16; 17.

R. as a challenge to → Caritas Internationalis and to the → Church: 53 (1989) 20-30.

International → legislation on r.: 53 (1989) 59-70.

Definition of r.: 53 (1989) 60.

→ Rights of r. to homeland, to personal identity, to preserve religion, culture, tradition and language: 53 (1989) 63-66.

European → legislation concerning r. “de facto”: 53 (1989) 71-84.

Strategies to avoid new fluxes of r.: 53 (1989) 99-103.

Responsibility and role of the → Church in the → pastoral care of r.: 53 (1989) 134-139; 82 (2000) 6-8; 84 (2000) 3-7.

Christian → migrants and r. facing → Muslim perspectives and practices: 58 (1991) 129-132.

R. “de facto” and art. 3 of the European Convention on safeguarding → human rights and fundamental freedoms: 61 (1993) 121-124.

R. → women of the “Golden Venture” ship: 69 (1995) 67-72.

The project “Pastors Without Borders” and r.: 70 (1996) 107-114.

Topics from the → Holy Scripture concerning “doing r. work”: 76 (1998) 21-29.

Data and elements concerning → migrants and r., and the appeal to → solidarity as universal sharing of common goods: 81 (1999) 97-102.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, r., → foreign students, → pastoral agents of → tourism and → pilgrimages; → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

Testimony by a politician at the preparatory meeting for the Jubilee of r.: 83 (2000) 60-62.

Relationship between migratory movements and r. protection: 87 (2001) 125-126.

Life-stories about r.: 88-89 (2002) 267-268.

Interventions of Permanent Observers of the Holy See concerning r. and → human rights: 90 (2002) 229-239.

The globalisation of → solidarity in r. contexts: 91-92 (2003) 417-423.

Analysis and intervention proposals towards r. and international → migration fluxes: 93 (2003) 31-37.

The → Church and her pastoral challenges in the world of → migrants and r.: 93 (2003) 39-46.

Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) guidelines for the → pastoral care of → migrants and r.: 93 (2003) 137-141.

I.C.M.C.’s → interreligious and multicultural practical experience in serving r.: 96 (2004) 83-91.

→ Joint Letter of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People and the → Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on the pastoral commitment to → migrants, r. and other persons involved in → human mobility and supporting the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 99 (2005) 123-192.



→ Declaration on abolition of all forms of → intolerance and → discrimination on the basis of r. and belief: 53 (1989) 113-119.

R. and → rites of → Gypsies: 56 (1990) 50-54.

The → pilgrimage in an → inter-religious perspective: living food for the spirit of r.: 78 (1998) 55-62.

Migrants and r., evaluating data on religious affiliation: 79 (1999) 39-45.

R., epochal changes and challenges of → inter-culture: 88-89 (2002) 209-248.


Religious Congregations

Role of R. C. in the → pastoral care of → migrants: 54 (1989) 73-79; 90 (2002) 77-79; 97 (2005) 25-26.

The → Church, → Religious Orders and R. C. in the context of Italian → migration to → South America: 62 (1993) 25-55.


Religious Orders

The → Church, R. O. and → Religious Congregations in the context of Italian → migration to → South America: 62 (1993) 25-55.




R. to Yopougon (→ Africa) → Congress, 1986: 51 (1988) 18-92.

R. of the → B.I.T. concerning → tourism: 55 (1990) 130-131.

R. of the → Congress on the → pastoral care of → refugees, at Lusaka, February 1993: 61 (1993) 105-110.

R. of the → Congress on → migrations from and among East European Countries, at Budapest, February 1993: 61 (1993) 111-114.

R. of the XIX → Apostleship of the Sea World → Congress: 61 (1993) 115-120.

R. of the VI International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 63 (1993) 109-112.

R. of the Meeting of the Bishops in charge of the → pastoral care of → migrants in European countries (→ Europe): 63 (1993) 113-116.

R. of the regional meeting of the → Apostleship of the Sea of West and Central → Africa: 64 (1994) 77-80.

R. of the Warsaw seminar on → migration: 64 (1994) 89-94.

R. of the Moscow meeting on → migration: 65 (1994) 69-70. 

R. of the I.C.S.F. meeting at Cebu: 65 (1994) 73-74.

R. of the seminar concerning → migration in → South America: 65 (1994) 75-78.

R. of the Thirty-third National Biblical (→ Bible) Week: 66 (1994) 87.

R. of the First International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea and the → pastoral care of → tourism held in the Caribbean: 67 (1995) 93-94.

R. of the 1996 Manila Convention on → migrations in countries of East → Asia: 71 (1996) 85-90.

R. of the → I.L.O. 84th Maritime Session: 74 (1997) 127-129.

R. of the 2nd European → Congress concerning → shrines and → pilgrimages: 78 (1998) 91-95.

R. of the meeting of Regional Coordinators of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 79 (1999) 105-106.

R. of the II Seminar for Catholic → Chaplains and → Pastoral Agents of → Civil Aviation: 79 (1999) 107-111.

R. of the Third European Meeting of Pastoral and Social Agents for → Foreign Students: 80 (1999) 91-93.

R. of the Third → European Meeting of Catholic → Airport → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 103-106.

R. of the XI International Seminar of Catholic → Civil Aviation → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 88-89 (2002) 119-121.

Synthesis, with r., challenges and recommendations, of the XXI World → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 55-66.

R. of the 35th Annual Conference of the International Association of → Civil Aviation → Chaplains (→ I.A.C.A.C.): 90 (2002) 221-224.

R. of the VI National Meeting and Seminar of the → Pastoral Care of Nomads in India: 90 (2002) 225-227.

R. of the IV European (→ Europe) Seminar for Catholic → Civil Aviation → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 91-92 (2003) 227-230.

R. of the 2003 National Conference on the → pastoral care of → Circus and Travelling show people: 91-92 (2003) 437.

R. of the 2003 Meeting of the Little Sisters of Jesus concerning → Nomads: 91-92 (2003) 439-442.

R. of the 3rd National Meeting on the → pastoral care of → foreign students, held at Bordeaux: 91-92 (2003) 445-448.

R. of the First Polish (→ Poland) Meeting on the → pastoral care of → refugees: 91-92 (2003) 449-450.

R. of the → workshops of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 77-110.179-198.255-278.321-335.

R. of the 2003 Meeting of National Directors of the → pastoral care of → Circus and Travelling show people: 94 (2004) 225-228.

R. of the 36th Annual Conference of the International Association of → Civil Aviation → Chaplains (→ I.A.C.A.C.): 94 (2004) 229-231.

R. of the 2nd Meeting of the Cuban (→ Cuba) Commission for the → pastoral care of → human mobility: 94 (2004) 233-238.

R. of the 2003 Convention of CCMA/NADDCM on the → pastoral care of → foreign students: 94 (2004) 243-247.

R. of the General Council of the Forum of Christian Organizations for the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 97 (2005) 195-197.

R. of the Exodus Meeting on “Non-Access, Refoulement and Deportation in → Europe’s → Airports”: 97 (2005) 199-204.


Plenary Assembly

R. of the XII → Plenary Assembly of 18-21 October 1993: 62 (1993) 127-128.

R. of the XIII → Plenary Assembly of 24-27 October 1995: 69 (1995) 59-62.

R. of the XIV → Plenary Assembly of 23-25 June 1999: 80 (1999) 83-86.

Synthesis of the analytical r. of the National Episcopal Commissions for → Migrants to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, submitted to the XVI → Plenary Assembly: 96 (2004) 141-159.



R. from a → visit to Cambodian → refugees in U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 186-201.

R. of a visit to Albania: 79 (1999) 114-116.

R. of a visit to Slovak Romanies- → Gypsies: 84 (2000) 94-95.

R. of a visit to → Hungary: 86 (2001) 107-108.

R. of a visit to Kosovo and Macedonia: 90 (2002) 169-174.

R. of a → visit to → Cuba: 91-92 (2003) 451-453.


Other Topics

R. concerning the 1994 activities of the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 66 (1994) 89-100.

→ Immigration r. 1993-1994 of the → Australian Federal Catholic Immigration Committee: 67 (1995) 77-80.

R. of the “Refugees at the Borders” working group meeting: 67 (1995) 95-96.

1995 r. from the National Director of the Australian → Apostleship of the Sea: 68 (1995) 87-93.

R. of the Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the → Migrants and Itinerant People’s Jubilee of the year 2000: 83 (2000) 23-27.

Synthesis of r. from the National Episcopal Commissions for → Migrants: 88-89 (2002) 45-63.



Legal r. of → asylum seekers in → Austria: 53 (1989) 44-47.

→ Human rights and the r. of citizens: 53 (1989) 57-58.

R. of → refugees to homeland, to personal identity, to preserve religion, culture, tradition and language: 53 (1989) 63-66.

→ Convention on the r. of the → child: 53 (1989) 110-112.

Commitment of 35 European States to confirm equal r. of men and → women: 53 (1989) 127-128; and to safeguard and promote the r. of → minorities: 53 (1989) 129-131.

R. of → migrants to a proper pastoral assistance according to the → Canon Law: 58 (1991) 9-14; 67 (1995) 45-48.

R. and duties in → migration contexts and the commitment of the → Church: 76 (1998) 55-67.

Decentralized cooperation and the → migration r. in the Mediterranean region: 79 (1999) 29-37.

→ Migrations considered according to the r. of → migrants, the duties of those who → welcome them, and the r. of the countries receiving them: 90 (2002) 90-93.

The International Convention on the r. of → migrant → workers and their → families: 91-92 (2003) 131-136; 253-256.

The r. of → migrants in the context of globalisation: 93 (2003) 23-24.

Charter of r. and duties towards a pacific cohabitation, issued by the municipality of Bologna: 94 (2004) 165-170.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi in reference to some experiences of the Andes Region, namely the pastoral approach of → welcome, the migrant → family, the r. of → migrants and the concerns of the → Church: 97 (2005) 69-76.



→ Oriental Catholic Churches and their rites: 51 (1988) 258-259.

→ Religion and r. of → Gypsies: 56 (1990) 50-54.



→ Pastoral experiences of → pastoral agents serving Street → Children in → India, in R. and in → France: 98 Suppl. (2005) 67-82.


- S -


Salon Mondial du Tourisme et des Voyages (S.M.T.V.)

The presence of the → Church at the S.M.T.V.: 54 (1989) 226-229.

Nature and activities of the S.M.T.V.: 54 (1989) 230-232.


Scalabrini Giovanni Battista

Relationships between S. and → Geremia Bonomelli: 73 (1997) 26-28.

S. encouraged a specific → pastoral care for → migrants: 75 (1997) 5-11.

Religious → assistance to → Italian emigrants according to the vision and initiatives of S.: 75 (1997) 15-33.

The contribution of S. in the creation of an organism of the → Holy See for Catholic → migrants: 75 (1997) 35-53.

The legal protection of → migrants in the work of S.: 75 (1997) 71-83.

S. in connection with some relevant topics of his times: → catechesis improvement, charitable deeds, → culture and pastoral activities: 75 (1997) 85-99.

Activities and intuitions of S. concerning methods, contents and organization of → catechesis: 75 (1997) 101-116.

→ Spirituality of S.: 75 (1997) 117-128.

Prophetic aspects of S.’s life and activity: 75 (1997) 131-136.

The → migration phenomenon according to the vision of S.: 75 (1997) 137-143.

The pioneering presence of S. in the → pastoral care of → migrants: 75 (1997) 145-150.


Scandinavia (cf also Nordic Bishops’ Conference)

Scandinavian Bishops write about → refugees and → asylum seekers: 51 (1988) 392-396.

→ Church and → immigration in S.: 62 (1993) 57-69.


Schengen Convention

Evaluating the S. C.: 82 (2000) 44-45.



The situation of merchant s.: 52 (1988) 84-90.

Implications for s. of increasing shipboard automation: 52 (1988) 103-105.

A s. on a highly industrialized trawler: 52 (1988) 112-115.

The character → formation program for Filipino s.: 52 (1988) 153-154.

For an international → legislation of maritime → labour in conformity with s.’ → dignity: 52 (1988) 155-159.

→ Message in various languages to s. of the world from the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 177-195.

Reflections concerning some aspects of seafarers’ life and identity: 74 (1997) 81-92.

The S. International Research Centre for safety and occupational health at the University of Cardiff, U.K.: 74 (1997) 119-121.

The Filipino s. and their → families: 79 (1999) 19-28.

Asian (→ Asia) s. belonging to different religious traditions meet Christianity: 80 (1999) 3-10.

→ Final document, and → message to s., issued by the XXI World → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 90 (2002) 67-71.



The status of the → family of the s.: 52 (1988) 36-38.

The experience of a s. waiting embark: 52 (1988) 92-96.

Troubles of s. and the narrative of one of them: 52 (1988) 97-102.

The experience of a Third-World s.: 52 (1988) 109-111.

The evolution of s.’s professional job and the → dignity of human being: 52 (1988) 120-124.

Appeal for the benefit of s. from the XVIII International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea (1987): 52 (1988) 164.

Homilies on the occasion of the feast of St Francis of Paola, Patron of the Italian s.: 88-89 (2002) 299-304.



Pastoral issues concerning S.: 88-89 (2002) 75-89.

Service of European Churches for International Students (S.E.C.I.S.)

→ History, nature and activities of S.E.C.I.S.: 85 (2001) 20-29.


Second Vatican Council

→ Solidarity and globalisation according to the S., the → Magisterium of the Church and John Paul II’s teachings: 90 (2002) 86-90.

The S. and the “Ecclesial Movements”: 90 (2002) 101-111.

Historical (→ history) vision of the S.: 99 (2005) 253-257.


Secretariat of State

Cardinal A. Sodano writes to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People on the occasion of the meeting of the Bishops in charge of the → pastoral care of → migrants in European countries (→ Europe): 63 (1993) 117-118.



Internal migration in S.: 51 (1988) 63-66.



Asian (→ Asia) → seafarers belonging to S.: 80 (1999) 6-7.



Elements of → pastoral care and → theology concerning → pilgrimages and s.: 59 (1992) 89-97.

Timetable of the 2nd European → Congress concerning s. and → pilgrimages: 77 (1998) 123-125.

→ Report of the 2nd European C. concerning s. and → pilgrimages: 78 (1998) 91-95.

Expression and transmission of Christian → faith in s.: 79 (1999) 59-72.

S. as memory, presence and prophecy of the living God: 80 (1999) 76-78.

S. and their role in the Biblical (→ Bible) history of salvation: 81 (1999) 107-109.

The role of s. at the service of → evangelisation in → Asia: 88-89 (2002) 349-353.

Address and homily on the occasion of the workshop for → Pilgrimage Coordinators and S. Directors from the Dioceses of the → United States of America: 91-92 (2003) 243-251.

Proceedings of the 4th European → Congress on → pilgrimages and s.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 7-182.

Opening addresses to the 4th European → Congress on → pilgrimages and s.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 9-14.

Experiences and pastoral projects of the s. of Fatima in an Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) environment: 97 Suppl. (2005) 117-123.

→ History and Ecumenical (→ Ecumenism) role of the s. of “Madonna del Divino Amore” in Rome, → Italy: 97 Suppl. (2005) 125-131.

→ Final document of the 4th European → Congress on → pilgrimages and s.: 97 Suppl. (2005) 139-170.


Slovak Republic

The → migration project of Raphaels-Werk for → Poland, S. and → Czech Republic: 68 (1995) 31-46.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in S.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 306-309.


Slovenian Republic

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in S.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 310.



S. as the key-word for a proper → pastoral care of → migrants: 51 (1988) 94-99; 59 (1992) 110-115; 61 (1993) 93-94; 93 (2003) 211-216.

S. with the → workers in the maritime industry: 52 (1988) 143-148.

S. towards → exiled: 53 (1989) 85-87.

Statement of the → United States → Bishops’ Conference on s. towards → immigrants and → refugees: 63 (1993) 91-93.

The “brain drain” as a challenge to → justice and international s.: 81 (1999) 69-79.

Data and elements concerning → migrants and → refugees, and the appeal to s. as universal sharing of common goods: 81 (1999) 97-102.

Letter of the Secretary of State on the occasion of the Ordinary Assembly of the Organization of the American States “Welcoming (→ welcome) immigrants and social s.”: 88-89 (2002) 275-276.

S. and globalisation according to the → Second Vatican Council, the → Magisterium of the Church and John Paul II’s teachings: 90 (2002) 86-90.

Safety, responsibility and s. on the road: 90 (2002) 241-243.

From → welcome to s. in the context of → migrations in → Europe: 91-92 (2003) 277-285.

The globalisation of s. in → refugees contexts: 91-92 (2003) 417-423.

The role of → mass media in forming a → culture of s. and tolerance in a → Gypsy context: 93 Suppl. (2003) 201-228.


Sollicitudo rei socialis

→ Tourism in the light of the Encyclicals → Laborem exercens and S.: 57 (1991) 47-63.


South Africa

South African → Bishops’ Conference write about → pastoral care of → immigrants: 51 (1988) 502-506.


South America

→ History of the → pastoral care for migrants in S. A.: 51 (1988) 210-223; 62 (1993) 25-46.

→ Pastoral care of → human mobility in S. A.: 58 (1991) 62-65.

→ Final document of the S. A. Meeting on the → pastoral care for → migrants (Quito, 26-30 November 1990): 58 (1991) 115-120.

The → Church, → Religious Orders and → Religious Congregations in the context of Italian → migration to S. A.: 62 (1993) 25-55.

→ Popular religiosity and social life of Italian → migrants in S. A.: 62 (1993) 36-38.

→ Report of the seminar concerning → migration in S. A.: 65 (1994) 75-78.

→ Pastoral experiences of a missionary dedicated to the → pastoral care of → migrants in S. A.: 87 (2001) 201-204.

Analysis and appeals concerning → migration fluxes submitted to the Governors of S. A. by Catholic Organizations in-charge of the → pastoral care of → human mobility: 91-92 (2003) 383-389.

→ Final document of the 3rd S. A. Conference on → Migrations: 91-92 (2003) 390-394.

→ Migration trends related to civil institutions and → Church in S. A. Countries: 91-92 (2003) 395-398.

The situation of → migrants and → refugees in S. A. submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 63-66.

Statement issued by the 2005 Meeting of the → Apostleship of the Sea of S. A. and Caribbean Countries: 99 (2005) 277-278.



The → B.I.T. in S.: 54 (1989) 242-245.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in S.: 56 (1990) 238-241; 93 Suppl. (2003) 272-277.

Nature, role and activities of the → Apostolate of the Road in S.: 91-92 (2003) 188-198.



→ Tourism art and s.: 51 (1988) 356-359.

The s. of people of the maritime world: 52 (1988) 116-119.

S. of → tourism and leisure time: 57 (1991) 33-41; 151-153; 70 (1996) 67-91.

S. of pastoral sensitivity towards → migrants: 62 (1993) 117-123.

The → formation process of s. and → morality in → migration contexts: 71 (1996) 18-23.

→ History, activities and s. of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles (Scalabrinian Sisters): 75 (1997) 61-70.

S. of → Scalabrini: 75 (1997) 117-128.

Reflections, motivations and hints towards a Christian s. for → hospitality professionals: 77 (1998) 63-79.

S. of → pilgrimage: 82 (2000) 111-114; 87 (2001) 127-129; 90 (2002) 195-198; 97 (2005) 57-68.

Spiritual hints concerning the → airport → chaplaincies in → Europe: 86 (2001) 57-62.

Spiritual meditations on Christian life: 91-92 (2003) 157-169.

Elements for a s. of the → Apostolate of the Road: 91-92 (2003) 198-199.

Biblical (→ Bible) inspirations for a s. of the → pastoral care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 35-40.70-72 and 58-64.82-85.

Spiritual and pastoral reflections concerning the relevance of “encountering” in the context of international → tourism: 96 Suppl. (2004) 57-70.143-154.


Sri Lanka

→ Report from S. to the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: 88-89 (2002) 60.


Stella Maris

Text of the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter SM, Latin version and Italian translation: 74 (1997) 9-22.

The → Apostleship of the Sea enlightened by the → Canon Law and the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter SM: 74 (1997) 25-45.

Specific → pastoral care of maritime people, according to the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter SM: 74 (1997) 109-113.

The work of the → Apostleship of the Sea according to John Paul II, and particularly to the Motu Proprio Apostolic Letter SM: 82 (2000) 95-104.



S. of the → pastoral care of → migrants in → France: 51 (1988) 250-259.

S. and suggestions for a proper → pastoral care of → migrants in the → United States of America: 51 (1988) 493-498.

Role of the “personal parish” among other s. for the → pastoral care of →migrants: 54 (1989) 9; 26-28.

S. of the → pastoral care for → migrants according to → Church Documents: 54 (1989) 79-102; 67 (1995) 27-30. 48-51; 87 (2001) 133-170.

Among other s., the faithful is properly assisted in the Christian parochial community: 58 (1991) 45-50.

→ Canon Law and pastoral s. for → migrants in the → Netherlands: 59 (1992) 29-32.

Specific s. for the → pastoral care of Syro-Malabar Catholic → migrants: 63 (1993) 63-77.

S. of the → pastoral care of → migrants according to the Instruction → De Pastorali Migratorum Cura: 67 (1995) 61-66.

Specific pastoral s. for → Foreign Students in → Belgium: 72 (1996) 121-125.

Specific pastoral s. for → Foreign Students in → Germany: 72 (1996) 127-133.

Problems, s. and challenges to the social and → pastoral care for → Foreign Students: 85 (2001) 19-33.

Guidelines for the → pastoral care of → immigrants and related pastoral s. issued by the → Bishops’ Conference of → Italy: 94 (2004) 155-163.



→ Visits to internally displaced people camps in S. and to refugees in → Uganda: 67 (1995) 83-91.



Bishops of S. on → refugees: 51 (1988) 508-523.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in S.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 311-314.

→ Message of the → Bishops’ Conference of S. concerning → welcoming → migrants: 99 (2005) 325-327.


Synod of Bishops

Interventions of the Fathers attending the 11th General Ordinary Assembly of the S. concerning the topics of → human mobility: 99 (2005) 227-233.

Passages taken from the 11th General Ordinary Assembly of the S. on the topics of → human mobility and Eucharist: 99 (2005) 233-252.


Syro-Malabar (Rite)

Sending and sharing of → pastoral agents with particular reference to the S. → migrants: 71 (1996) 121-131.

→ Pastoral care of S. → migrants in → India and abroad: 71 (1996) 125-131.


- T -


→ Pastoral care for → refugees in T.: 53 (1989) 48-52.

Vietnamese boat-people in T.: 53 (1989) 53-54.

Concerns of the → Church in T. towards → migrants on irregular situations: 71 (1996) 101-108.

Third National → Migration Day in T.: 81 (1999) 93-95.



Asian (→ Asia) → seafarers belonging to T.: 80 (1999) 4.



The diocese of T. and → refugees: 51 (1988) 379-388.


Territorial Parish

Missio cum cura animarum linked to a T. P.: 54 (1989) 132-133.



Commitment of 35 European States to the elimination of t.: 53 (1989) 124-125.



→ Pastoral experience of working among trafficked (→ trafficking) → women in T.: 93 (2003) 247-251.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in T.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 124.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in T.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 197-200.



The t. of → work in the light of → Laborem Exercens: 52 (1988) 24-39.

T. of leisure time: 55 (1990) 166-175; 57 (1991) 65-80;70 (1996) 84-87.

Elements of → pastoral care and t. concerning → pilgrimages and → shrines: 59 (1992) 89-97.

Theological foundations of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 61 (1993) 26-33.

Theological aspects of the → pastoral care for → migrants: 65 (1994) 15-19; 73 (1997) 63-82.

The concern for uprooted people and the main courses in t.: 79 (1999) 13-17.

Theological approaches for pastoral contacts in the → airport world: 84 (2000) 31-42.

Some questions of t. concerning the → pastoral care of → circus and travelling show people: 88-89 (2002) 325-335.

Theological background, definition and forms of → inter-religious dialogue in the world of → migrants: 96 (2004) 115-124; 98 (2005) 59-63.



Situation of → migrants in T.: 51 (1988) 67-71.



Local Reminders

Tenth → Congress of → tour operators in Argentina concerning the → pastoral care of t.: 51 (1988) 139-152.

T. in → Germany: 51 (1988) 288-294; 96 Suppl. (2004) 213-217.

Documents of Bishops from → Poland concerning → migrants and t.: 51 (1988) 398-413.

The 1988 feast of t. in Stuttgart: 54 (1989) 246-250.

→ Final document of the European Meeting of → pastoral agents of t.: 55 (1990) 37-44.

T. and → pilgrimages in → Argentina: 55 (1990) 66-70.

→ The pastoral care of t. in → France: 55 (1990) 71-82; 96 Suppl. (2004) 207-209.

Apostolate for t. in Bali: 55 (1990) 86-93.

First Italian → congress of diocesan and regional → pastoral agents of t. and leisure time: 55 (1990) 94-99.

Directives and programmes of the → pastoral care of t. in → Italy: 55 (1990) 106-115; 96 Suppl. (2004) 201-205.

The → pastoral care of t. in → Mexico: 55 (1990) 116-121.

The → pastoral care of t. in → the Netherlands: 55 (1990) 122-126.

→ Final document of the XVI National → Congress of the → pastoral care of t. (Canary): 55 (1990) 127-129.

T. in South Eastern Islands of Indian Ocean: 55 (1990) 203-211.

T. in the Third World: 55 (1990) 212-231.

T. and Euro-Disneyland: 57 (1991) 95-98.

T. activities of the “Club Méditerranée”: 57 (1991) 109-112.

→ Pastoral care of t. at Mar del Plata (→ Argentina): 57 (1991) 119-124.

International t. in the Philippines: 57 (1991) 125-135.

T. in → Australia: 57 (1991) 137-140.

→ Pastoral care of t. of → World Council of Churches: 57 (1991) 143-150.

T. in the Algerian Sahara: 57 (1991) 157-166.

→ Pastoral care of t. in → Europe: 58 (1991) 95-102.

Bishops of → Indonesia (→ Bishops Conference) address a → Pastoral Letter on t.: 59 (1992) 131-136.

The growth of t. in → Europe and some related issues: 61 (1993) 67-79.

Religious, cultural (→ culture) and social dimensions of t. in → India according to the case study of Goa, involving the → Church’s role: 96 Suppl. (2004) 91-97.

T. industry in East → Africa in view of its → pastoral care: 96 Suppl. (2004) 99-102.

T. in the Middle East, particularly in → Egypt: 96 Suppl. (2004) 195-196.

The → pastoral care of t. in → Thailand: 96 Suppl. (2004) 197-200.

The → pastoral care of t. in the → United States of America: 96 Suppl. (2004) 211-212.

The → pastoral care of t. in → Belgium: 96 Suppl. (2004) 219-229.


World Day of Tourism

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 23rd World Day of T.: 90 (2002) 21-24.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 23rd World Day of T.: 90 (2002) 25-32.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 24th World Day of T.: 94 (2004) 39-53.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 24th World Day of T.: 94 (2004) 55-59.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 25th World Day of T.: 96 (2004) 197-211.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the 25th World Day of T.: 96 (2004) 213-217.

→ Message of the Holy Father for the 26th World Day of T.: 99 (2005) 27-38.

Presentation of the Pontifical → Message for the26th World Day of T.: 99 (2005) 39-48.



Suggestions in order to prepare the IV International → Congress of the Pastoral of t.: 55 (1990) 45-64.

→ Report of the → B.I.T. concerning t.: 55 (1990) 130-131.

→ Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of T.: 57 (1991) 7-9.

→ Final document of the IV World → Congress on the Pastoral Ministry of t.: 57 (1991) 191-197.

→ Report of the First International → Congress of the → Apostleship of the Sea and the → pastoral care of t. held in the Caribbean: 67 (1995) 93-94.

→ Final document of a meeting concerning the → pastoral care of mountain t.: 68 (1995) 75-78.

→ Final document of the → Asian Consultation on t.: 69 (1995) 47-56.

Synthesis and schedule of the 5th World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of t.: 77 (1998) 95-112.

→ Ethics of time and creation at the 2000 National Meeting of the Centre for Young T. ( → Final document and message of the Meeting of the → Pastoral Care of T. in Middle East and Northern African countries): 91-92 (2003) 215-224.

Opening addresses to the 6th World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of T.: 96 Suppl. (20→ Final document of the 6th World → Congress of the → Pastoral Care of T.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 237-275.


Other Topics

The → values of t.: 51 (1988) 145-148; 54 (1989) 196-215; 70 (1996) 67-91; 76 (1998) 47-54.

T. art and → spirituality: 51 (1988) 356-359; 70 (1996) 67-91.

T. and religious → pilgrimages: 51 (1988) 408-411.

The commitment of the → Church in the context of t.: 54 (1989) 196-215; 82 (2000) 9-10; 86 (2001) 5-10; 88-89 (2002) 91-97.293-298; 96 Suppl. (2004) 103-105.

Dimensions of t. and the → Church from the point of view of a lay operator: 54 (1989) 216-219.

Perspectives of the → Church about t., beauty and arts: 55 (1990) 24-36.

The ministry of welcoming in the context of the → pastoral care of t.: 55 (1990) 100-105.

The → pastoral care of t. according to the General Directory → Peregrinans in Terra: 55 (1990) 142-165.

Pastoral work with tourist guides: 55 (1990) 176-185.

→ Pastoral Agents of t.: 55 (1990) 186-202.

→ Spirituality of t. and leisure time: 57 (1991) 33-41; 70 (1996) 67-91.

T. in the light of the Encyclicals → Laborem exercens and → Sollicitudo rei socialis: 57 (1991) 47-63.

T. as a world phenomenon, the sign of a change of → culture: 57 (1991) 49-52.

Perspectives and limits of the development of world t.: 57 (1991) 81-92.

The contribution of Family Holiday Villages to t. and holidays: 57 (1991) 99-101.

Remarks towards the new ethics of t.: 57 (1991) 103-106; 82 (2000) 105-110.

T. from the viewpoint of the receiving countries: 57 (1991) 113-117.

Remarks and suggestions concerning sex-t.: 57 (1991) 167-170.

The contribution of the International Secretariat of “Young Christian Workers” in the sector of t., in developed and developing countries: 57 (1991) 175-187.

→ Cultural heritage and t. in the perspective of a common good to be shared: 65 (1994) 43-51.

T. as a challenging activity that can both foster or impede → family life: 66 (1994) 65-72.

T. and business ethics: 68 (1995) 47-72.

Role and tasks of guides in religious t.: 76 (1998) 81-85.

T. and the protection of world patrimony, including the pastoral commitment of the → Church: 80 (1999) 21-28.

Text of the Global Code of → Ethics for T.: 81 (1999) 9-21.

→ History and nature of the Global Code of → Ethics for T.: 81 (1999) 23-32.

→ Welcoming → values, strategies and places concerning religious t. in connection with the Jubilee of the year 2000: 82 (2000) 69-91.

→ Message issued by the → Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the year 2000, addressed to → migrants, → refugees, → foreign students, → pastoral agents of t. and → pilgrimages, → people of the sea, → gypsies, → circus and travelling show people, people of → civil aviation: 83 (2000) 1-8.

T. and → evangelisation: 86 (2001) 10.

The → pastoral care of t. in the evangelising (→ evangelisation) → mission of the → Church: 91-92 (2003) 33-44.

Relevance of t. in order to both fight against → poverty and develop social harmony: 94 (2004) 61-65.

Pastoral outlook on the topic of t. at the service of bringing peoples together: 96 Suppl. (2004) 23-34.73-76.107-111.

Social and cultural (→ culture) dimensions of International T.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 39-46.

T. at the service of development: 96 Suppl. (2004) 47-55.

Spiritual (→ Spirituality) and pastoral reflections concerning the relevance of “encountering” in the context of international t.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 57-70.143-154.

Challenges to t. in the 21st century: 96 Suppl. (2004) 77-90.

Data and concerns about sex t. and → trafficking of → women and → children: 96 Suppl. (2004) 115-124.

Dimensions of sex t. and initiatives to combat it: 96 Suppl. (2004) 125-138.

The → pastoral care of t. challenges the present times: 96 Suppl. (2004) 183-186.

The → pastoral care of t. in the context of Universities: 96 Suppl. (2004) 187-193.


Tourism in Developing Countries

Perspectives for the → pastoral care of → tourism from the point of view of the people visited in the Third World/ Developing Countries: 96 Suppl. (2004) 169-180.


Tour Operators

Tenth → Congress of t. o. in Argentina concerning the → pastoral care of → tourism: 51 (1988) 139-152.

T. o. and concrete holiday offers: 57 (1991) 107-108.


Trafficking (of human beings)

→ Exploitation and t. of human beings in the past and in the present of → migration: 88-89 (2002) 35-44.

Letter of Pope John Paul II to Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran on the occasion of the International Conference “Twenty-first century slavery – the → human rights dimension to t. in human beings”: 88-89 (2002) 271-272.

→ Irregular immigrants in connection with t. of human beings and t. of → migrants: 93 (2003) 24-26.

→ Pastoral experience of working among trafficked → women in → Thailand: 93 (2003) 247-251.

Data and concerns about sex → tourism and t. of → women and → children: 96 Suppl. (2004) 115-124.


Travelling People

→ Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of T.: 56 (1990) 10-14.

A “School of Faith” for T.: 56 (1990) 62-84.

Summary and evaluation of the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of T., by La Civiltà Cattolica: 56 (1990) 275-285.

→ History, activities and projects of the Parish of T. in → Ireland: 61 (1993) 39-54.

The meaning of feasting in the world of T.: 91-92 (2003) 147-156.



→ Pastoral Letter of the Archbishop of Philadelphia about “Healing → Racism through → Faith and T.”: 76 (1998) 71-79.


- U -


→ Visits to internally displaced people camps in → Sudan and to refugees in U.: 67 (1995) 83-91.



U.N.E.S.C.O. Universal Declaration concerning → Cultural diversity: 88-89 (2002) 341-348.


United Nations

Resolution 58/298 adopted by the U.N. General Assembly on International → Migration and Development: 94 (2004) 205-210.


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (U.N.H.C.R.)

Identity and activity of the U.N.H.C.R.: 53 (1989) 18-19.


United States of America (U.S.A.)

Documents of U.S.A. pastoral agents on → migrants: 51 (1988) 416-500.

→ Pastoral Letter of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (→ Bishops’ Conference) about the Hispanic presence in the U.S.A. as “challenge and commitment”, 1983: 51 (1988) 416-454.

Hispanic → migrants and → popular religiosity in the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 446-447.

→ Cultural pluralism in the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 455-468.

→ History of immigration to the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 457-461.

→ Structures and suggestions for a proper → pastoral care of migrants in the U.S.A.: 51 (1988) 493-498.

Initiatives for → young → refugees and the safeguard of vocations among young refugees in the U.S.A.: 53 (1989) 32-36.

Hispanic migration experience in the U.S.A.: 54 (1989) 121-125.

Statement of the U.S.A. → Bishops’ Conference on → solidarity towards → immigrants and → refugees: 63 (1993) 91-93.

Statement of civil organizations concerning → migration fluxes from → Mexico to the U.S.A.: 71 (1996) 73-82.

Greetings to the U.S.A. → Bishops’ Conference at their annual General Meeting in Washington, D.C.: 84 (2000) 67-68.

Key trends and developments affecting International → migration to and within the “New World” (U.S.A., → Canada and the Southern Cone American countries and nearby states): 86 (2001) 65-74.

→ Pastoral care of → foreign students in the U.S.A.: 88-89 (2002) 319-323.

Address and homily on the occasion of the workshop for → Pilgrimage Coordinators and → Shrine Directors from the Dioceses of the U.S.A.: 91-92 (2003) 243-251.

Joint → Pastoral Letter of the → Bishops’ Conferences of the U.S.A. and → Mexico entitled “Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope”: 91-92 (2003) 351-382.

The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in the U.S.A.: 93 Suppl. (2003) 315-316.

Data and pastoral concerns of the Dioceses of the U.S.A. towards the → pastoral care of → human mobility: 94 (2004) 171-175.

Sex → tourism and → trafficking of → women and → children in the U.S.A: 96 Suppl. (2004) 118-119.

The → pastoral care of → tourism in the U.S.A.: 96 Suppl. (2004) 211-212.

Directions in → catechesis with → immigrants in the U.S.A.: 97 (2005) 185-190.

Statement on actions against → migrants at the borders between → Mexico and the U.S.A.: 99 (2005) 321-323.

Interventions concerning → migration fluxes at the borders of the U.S.A.: 99 (2005) 343-348.

→ Hospitality of the → Church in the U.S.A. towards → circus and travelling show people: 99 Supp. (2005) 87-95.


- V -


The v. of → tourism: 51 (1988) 145-148; 54 (1989) 196-215; 70 (1996) 67-91; 76 (1998) 47-54.

→ Welcome as a traditional v. of the → Church: 51 (1988) 483-485; 90 (2002) 93-94.

Ethic v. of → migration: 59 (1992) 106-110.

V., importance and spiritual dimensions (→ spirituality) of spare time, leisure and → tourism: 70 (1996) 67-91.

→ Welcoming v., strategies and places concerning religious → tourism in connection with the Jubilee of the year 2000: 82 (2000) 69-91.

→ Families of → circus and travelling show people convey human and Christian v.: 99 Suppl. (2005) 51-57.


Vatican Radio

V. r. and the → Plenary Assembly of 1988: 54 (1989) 180-184.

V. r. on the 20th anniversary of the General Directory → Peregrinans in Terra: 55 (1990) 254-255.

V. r. and the Third International → Congress on the → pastoral care of → Travelling People: 56 (1990) 268-274.



V. to Cambodian → refugees in U.S.A. and → report: 51 (1988) 186-201.

V. to Laothian → refugees abroad: 51 (1988) 364-369.

V. to internally displaced people camps in → Sudan and to refugees in → Uganda: 67 (1995) 83-91.

Ad limina v. of the Bishops of → Argentina and → Brazil: 67 (1995) 97-99.

Impressions from a v. to Kakuma → Refugee Camp in Kenya: 91-92 (2003) 137-146.

→ Report of a v. to → Cuba: 91-92 (2003) 451-453.


- W -


W. as a traditional and typical → value of the → Church: 51 (1988) 483-485; 77 (1998) 5-13; 90 (2002) 93-94; 96 Suppl. (2004) 155-163.

Pastoral → message of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Canada concerning w. and → integration of → migrants and → refugees: 61 (1993) 83-102.

The message of the → Bible concerning welcoming the foreigner: 72 (1996) 11-37; 96 Suppl. (2004) 156.

Pastoral challenges towards w. and → integration of → immigrants in → Europe: 73 (1997) 123-131.

Welcome of pilgrims, spiritual elements and practical behaviour: 78 (1998) 71-75.

Reflections about modern society approaching the Great Jubilee of the year 2000, mainly focussing on w. and mercy: 80 (1999) 45-55.

W. address to the participants of the meeting of Episcopal Promoters and National Directors of the ministry to → circus and amusement parks people: 80 (1999) 61-62.

Welcoming → values, strategies and places concerning religious → tourism in connection with the Jubilee of the year 2000: 82 (2000) 69-91.

W. speech to the Third → European Meeting of Catholic → Airport → Chaplains and → Chaplaincy Members: 86 (2001) 99-102.

Appeal to the → European Union to w. → immigrants and protect people in danger: 87 (2001) 205-206.

Welcoming → immigrants poses a number of questions: a danger or an advantage for the West? A humanitarian duty? A right of the → immigrants?: 88-89 (2002) 137-147.

Letter of the → Secretary of State on the occasion of the Ordinary Assembly of the Organization of the American States “Welcoming immigrants and social → solidarity”: 88-89 (2002) 275-276.

Statement of the Episcopal Commission for → migrations of → France concerning “Welcoming → asylum seekers”: 88-89 (2002) 283-288.

→ Migrations considered according to the → rights of → migrants, the duties of those who w. them, and the → rights of the countries receiving them: 90 (2002) 90-93.

Appeals to welcome and respect regular and irregular → migrants: 90 (2002) 199-202.

From w. to → solidarity in the context of → migrations in → Europe: 91-92 (2003) 277-285.

W. address and timetable presentation of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 15-20.

W. addresses to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Gypsies: 93 Suppl. (2003) 13-20.

The relevance of welcoming in the context of the → pastoral care of → tourism: 96 (2004) 157-168.

Presentation of → Erga migrantes caritas Christi in reference to some experiences of the Andes Region, namely the pastoral approach of w., the migrant → family, the → rights of → migrants and the concerns of the → Church: 97 (2005) 69-76.

The → pastoral care of w. for Street → Children: 98 Suppl. (2005) 9-14.34-38.47-50.57-62.73-77.

→ Message of the → Bishops’ Conference of → Switzerland concerning welcoming → migrants: 99 (2005) 325-327.

Christian communities are challenged to offer a welcoming attitude to → circus and travelling show people through specific pastoral guidelines: 99 Suppl. (2005) 31-40.79-82.



The role of w. in the → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 176-177; 52 (1988) 67-68.

The → rights of w. in the context of the → refugee question: 53 (1989) 61.

Commitment of 35 European States to confirm equal → rights of men and w.: 53 (1989) 127-128.

W. and → migration in → Europe: 69 (1995) 9-19.

Sinti w. and the world of travelling shows: 69 (1995) 21-32.

The consecrated w. in the → pastoral care of → migration: 69 (1995) 33-43.

→ Mission and “genius” of migrant w.: 69 (1995) 63-66.

→ Refugee w. of the “Golden Venture” ship: 69 (1995) 67-72.

Women and → families in → migration contexts: 90 (2002) 211-219; 93 (2003) 26-27.

→ Pastoral experience of working among trafficked (→ trafficking) women in → Thailand: 93 (2003) 247-251.

Women and → migration in a letter of Mother → Cabrini Francesca, dated 1908: 94 (2004) 99-108.

Data and concerns about sex → tourism and → trafficking of women and → children: 96 Suppl. (2004) 115-124.

Consecrated persons are men and w. of the Gospel at the outpost of love, according to the Instruction → Erga migrantes caritas Christi: 98 (2005) 77-84.



The Theology of w. in the light of Laborem Exercens: 52 (1988) 24-38.

→ Pastoral care of the various dimensions of maritime w.: 52 (1988) 40-58.

Connections between capital and w. in maritime societies: 52 (1988) 134-142.

Activities of the → International Labour Organization and maritime w.: 52 (1988) 162-164.

The → theology of w. in the light of → Laborem Exercens: 52 (1988) 24-39.

W., its dignity and → migration: 97 (2005) 41-55.



Dimensions of maritime → pastoral care, including the isolation of maritime w.: 51 (1988) 300-326; 58 (1991) 91-94.

The commitment to the pastoral of w. in the context of the → Apostleship of the Sea: 51 (1988) 162-184; 52 (1988) 59-73.

The rights of w.: 52 (1988) 33-36.

Maritime w. and → family: 52 (1988) 125-129.

→ Solidarity with the w. in the maritime industry: 52 (1988) 143-148.

The role of pastoral w. in the new Code of → Canon Law and according to the mind of the → Church: 54 (1989) 262-279.

Measures to improve the situation and ensure the → human rights and → dignity of all → migrant w.: 58 (1991) 121-123.

The → pastoral care of foreign w. in the → Netherlands: 59 (1992) 15-34.

A statement on foreign w. issued by the Justice and Peace Committee of the Catholic → Bishops’ Conference of → Korea: 62 (1993) 114-116.

Final statement of the symposium on Filipino → migrant w. in → Asia: 63 (1993) 95-106.

→ Family issues among → Indonesian → migrant w. in → Malaysia: 71 (1996) 109-120.

The International Convention on the → rights of → migrant w. and their → families: 91-92 (2003) 131-136; 253-256.



→ Reports of the w. of the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 77-110.179-198.255-278.321-335.


World Council of Churches (W.C.C.)

→ Pastoral care of → tourism of W.C.C.: 57 (1991) 143-150.

Statement of the W.C.C. submitted to the V World → Congress for the → Pastoral Care of → Migrants and → Refugees: 93 (2003) 153-156.


- X -


Travelling and x. in the German experience: 62 (1993) 93-105.


- Y -


Initiatives for young → refugees and the safeguard of vocations among young refugees in the → U.S.A.: 53 (1989) 32-36.

→ Europe and the challenges of → immigrant y.: 71 (1996) 41-51.

Spiritual meditations delivered on the occasion of the XVII World Y. Day: 90 (2002) 185-194.

Spiritual meditations delivered on the occasion of the XX World Y. Day: 99 (2005) 283-290.

In the context of → circus and travelling show people, young persons are challenged to join → culture and → faith: 99 Suppl. (2005) 41-49.

Experiences of young people in the context of → circus and travelling show people: 99 Suppl. (2005) 99-108.



The → pastoral care of → Gypsies in Y.: 56 (1990) 226-229.

