The Holy See
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Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People



2002, January 24-27



Tijuana, Mexico

International Conference of Transborder Institute

Migration and Religious Experience in the Context of Globalization

Scalabrinians - The Transborder Institute of the University of San Diego, California

2002, January 29-30

Méxicali, Mexico

Second Joint Consultation of the Migration Commissions of Mexico and the U.S.A.
2002, February 28 - March 2

Lugano, Switzerland

Congresso internazionale in memoria di S.E. Mons. Eugenio Corecco

Per una convivenza tra i popoli. 
Migrazioni e multiculturalità

Amici di S.E. Mons. Eugenio Corecco

2002, March 4-11

Piacenza, Italy

Corso di formazione permanente scalabriniana in Europa

Pastorale migratoria in una società pluriculturale in Europa

European Regional Direction of the Scalabrinian Fathers

2002, March 15-17


Istanbul, Turkey

Meeting of the Migration Commission of the CCEE 

Famiglie e donne emigrate

Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae

2002, April 29-May 1

Vatican City

XV° Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

Maritime Ministry, the Sea and Migration, the Sea and Tourism

2002, July 2-7

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

V° Faith Encounter in Social Action

From Distrust to Respect ... Rejection to Welcome

Office for Human Development of the Federation of Asian Bishop's Conferences

2002, July, 26-29

Penang, Malaysia

Meeting with the Singapore Archdiocesan Commission for Migrants and Itinerants
Meeting with the Penang Diocesan Commission for Migrants and Itinerants
Meeting with the Penang Support Group for Migrant Filipinos
2002, July 29 - August 4

Loreto, Italy

5° Meeting Internazionale sulle Migrazioni

Migranti in Europa: cittadini o forza lavoro?

Missionari e Laici Scalabriniani

2002, October 17-20



IV° International Consultation Meeting on Filipino Ministry Overseas

The pastoral care of migrants, a way of accomplishing the mission of the Church today

Episcopal Commission for Migrants and Itinerants, Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines