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between the Holy See and the Republic of Kazakhstan on mutual relations


The Holy See and the Republic of Kazakhstan, hereafter referred to as the Parties, accept the following as binding both the Holy See and the Republic of Kazakhstan

acknowledging their adherence to the norms of international law

and desiring to develop mutual relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the principles of respect and non-interference in internal affairs

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties acknowledge mutual freedom in the exercise of their rights and powers and commit themselves to respect this principle in their mutual relations and in their cooperation for the good of people.

Article 2

The authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall grant residence permits to members of the Catholic Church from abroad appointed for service in the particular Churches or other institutions of the Catholic Church in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the whole period of their assignment, in conformity with the existing legislation.

Article 3

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes the juridical capacity of legal persons for such entities of the Catholic Church for which provision is made in the Codes of Canon Law, such as Archdioceses, Dioceses (Eparchies) or Apostolic Administrations, Parishes, Religious Communities, Missions, Associations, Seminaries, Colleges, Schools and Educational Institutions, after their registration with the organs of justice.

Article 4

The competent ecclesiastical authorities shall transmit to the competent State organs of the Republic of Kazakhstan an authentic copy of the acts of the establishment of new entities or of the recognition of existing entities of the Catholic Church for their inclusion in the State register of legal personalities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 5

The competent ecclesiastical authorities of the Catholic Church in Kazakhstan shall inform the competent State authorities about the appointment of ecclesiastical ministers.

Article 6

The Republic of Kazakhstan in conformity with its national legislation shall give the Catholic Church the possibility of acquiring through ownership or lease, corresponding to the needs of the Church, buildings and plots of land for the construction of the buildings necessary for the pastoral service of the Church, such as Churches, parish houses, houses of residences for the performance of religious, socio-cultural, catechetical, educational and charitable activities.

The protection of the right of ownership of the Catholic Church shall be guaranteed in conformity with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 7

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes as included under the name of Catholic schools: schools founded and directed by canonical entities with legal capacity or subject to the norms of Canon Law and recognized as such by the competent ecclesiastical authorities in conformity with Article 3 of the present Agreement.

Article 8

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes the right of the Catholic Church to establish its own schools at various levels and for various purposes and to govern them in conformity with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the norms of Canon Law. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan studying in ecclesiastical educational institutions of the Catholic Church enjoy the privileges which are provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Article 9

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes the right of the Catholic Church to organize and support the activity of its own medical and social institutions which are necessary for the discharge of its charitable and spiritual mission; such activities are to be carried out in conformity with the appropriate laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 10

The Republic of Kazakhstan shall facilitate the rendering of spiritual assistance by the Catholic Church to the faithful residing in State-run health and care institutions and places of confinement.

Article 11

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes the right of the Catholic Church to express freely its views and principles, including its right to make use of the mass media in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. .

Article 12

The Parties, acknowledging mutual interest in the development of relations in the field of culture, shall encourage the broadening of ties between institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Catholic institutions in the whole world, and will facilitate the exchange of students between ecclesiastical educational institutions and research centers in accordance with the internal legislation of the Parties.

Article 13

 In case controversies should arise regarding the interpretation or application of the provisions of the present Agreement the Parties will resolve them by way of negotiations and consultations.

Article 14

Changes and additions may be made to the present Agreement by mutual consent of the Parties.

Article 15

This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of reciprocal notification of the fulfillment by the Parties of the procedures necessary for its entrance into force.

This Agreement will remain in force for a period of 10 years and its force will automatically be extended for subsequent five-years periods thereafter, until such time that either Party sends the other, within six months, a written notification of its desire to discontinue the force of this Agreement.

Given in the Vatican on the 24 September 1998, in two duplicates, each in the English, Kazakh and Russian languages, all texts being equally authentic.

In case divergence should arise on the interpretation of the provisions of the present Agreement, the English language text shall prevail.

For the Holy See      For the Republic of Kazakhstan


*A.A.S., vol. XCII (2000), n. 4, pp. 320-324


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