The Holy See
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To work seeking God alone

"Yesterday I was in the room of a good priest and there my eyes alighted on these words: God alone!

My eyes at that moment were full of tiredness and pain, and my mind was recalling many anxious days like yesterday, and on top of the whirl of many worries, and on top of the confused sound of many sighs, it seemed to me as if my angel spoke: God alone!, disconsolate soul, God alone!

On the window-sill there was a cyclamen plant, beyond it a corridor where some priests were piously meditating, and further beyond a crucifix, a dear and venerated crucifix which reminded me of beautiful and unforgettable days, and my tearful eyes rested at the feet of Our Lord. And it seemed as if my soul was lifted up, and that a peaceful comforting voice came down from the pierced heart and invited me to rise up, to confide my sufferings in God, and to pray.

What soft and peaceful silence...! and in the silence God alone! I repeated to myself God Alone!

And I seemed to feel a beneficial atmosphere and calm around my soul!... Then I saw behind me the reason of the present sufferings: I saw how instead of seeking to please God alone! in my work, for years I had been begging for the praise of men; I was continuously seeking, continuously worried about having somebody who could see me, appreciate me, applaud me, and I concluded for myself: here too, I must start a new life: I must work seeking God alone!

The glance of God is like a fortifying dew, a luminous ray which fertilises and expands: let us work without noise and without rest, let us work before God’s eyes, before God alone!

The human glance is a burning ray that fades even the most resistant colours: in our case it would be like a frozen breath of wind that bends, that damages the still fragile stem of the poor little plant.

Every action done to make noise and to be seen, loses its freshness to the eyes of the Lord: it is like a flower passed through many hands, barley presentable. (...)

God alone!oh, how useful and comforting to want God alone for a witness! God alone is holiness at its highest level! God alone is the best security of one day entering Heaven.

God alone, my children, God alone!"

From “The Work of the Divine Providence” by Blessed Luis Orione (1872-1940) (3 September 1899).



Make, oh my God, of this poor life of mine a single canticle to the Divine charity on earth, for I want it to be – through thy grace, oh Lord – a single canticle to the Divine charity in Heaven! (Blessed Luis Orione)

Prepared by the "Focolari Movement"

