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Catechism of the Catholic Church

IntraText - Alphabetical word list
E  =  609 words (5895 occurrences)
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Frequency - Word Form
    1 e
    6 e.g.
  225 each
    5 eager
    4 eagerly
    1 eagle
    1 ear
    2 earlier
    5 earliest
   12 early
    1 earner
    1 earners
    4 earnestly
    5 ears
  194 earth
    1 earthen
   62 earthly
    2 ease
    8 easily
   21 east
   32 easter
   27 eastern
    5 easy
   15 eat
    2 eaten
    3 eating
   11 eats
    5 eccl
    2 ecclesia
    1 ecclesiae
   45 ecclesial
    1 ecclesiam
    1 ecclesiastes
   14 ecclesiastical
    1 ecclesiasticus
    1 echo
    1 echoed
    5 echoes
    2 echoing
    2 ecloga
    1 ecological
   33 economic
   45 economy
   18 ecumenical
    2 ecumenism
    2 ed
    1 edifice
    1 edify
    1 eds
    6 educate
    1 educated
    1 educates
    3 educating
   41 education
    2 educators
    3 efface
   20 effect
    1 effected
    1 effecting
    8 effective
    6 effectively
   18 effects
    1 effficacy
   13 efficacious
    4 efficaciously
    6 efficacy
    1 efficiency
    1 efficient
    1 efficiently
   20 effort
   11 efforts
    1 egeria
    1 egoism
   21 egypt
    1 egyptians
    1 eight
    1 eighteen
    9 eighth
    1 eis
   34 either
    1 eius
    1 ek-ka-lein
    1 ekklesia
    1 elaborated
    2 elder
    2 elderly
    5 elders
    8 elect
    7 election
    1 eleison
   13 element
   33 elements
    1 elevate
    2 elevated
    1 elevates
    1 elevating
    1 elevation
    1 eleven
    1 eleventh
    1 eli
    1 elicit
    1 elicited
    4 elicits
   19 elijah
    1 eliminate
    1 eliminated
    1 eliminates
    1 eliminating
    1 elimination
    1 elisha
    1 elite
    8 elizabeth
   16 else
    5 elsewhere
    3 emanation
    2 emancipation
    1 embodied
    2 embodies
    1 embodiment
    1 embody
    3 embolism
    9 embrace
    2 embraced
    8 embraces
    5 embracing
    7 embryo
    1 embryos
    1 emerge
    1 emerged
    1 emergency
    1 emigrate
    2 eminent
    2 eminently
    2 emissaries
    1 emissary
    2 emmanuel
    1 emmaus
    4 emotion
    1 emotional
    4 emotions
    3 emperor
    3 emphasis
    2 emphasize
    2 emphasized
    7 emphasizes
    2 employ
    1 employed
    4 employees
    4 employers
    4 employment
    2 employs
    1 empowered
    2 emptied
   12 empty
    1 emptying
    1 emulation
   16 en
    8 enable
    6 enabled
   23 enables
    3 enabling
    1 enact
    1 enacted
    1 enamored
    1 enarratio
    2 enc
    1 encapsulating
    1 enchiridion
    1 encompass
    1 encompassed
    2 encompasses
    1 encompassing
   24 encounter
    3 encountered
    6 encounters
   15 encourage
   11 encouraged
    7 encourages
    1 encouraging
    1 encumbent
    4 encyclical
  172 end
    2 end-time
    1 end-times
    1 endanger
    2 endangered
    2 endeavor
    2 ended
    1 endless
    1 endorses
   25 endowed
    1 endowments
   18 ends
    1 endtime
    3 endurance
    6 endure
    5 endured
    9 endures
    2 enduring
   14 enemies
    5 enemy
    1 energies
    3 energy
    8 engage
    5 engaged
    1 engagement
    5 engages
    3 engaging
    1 engender
    1 engendered
    5 engenders
    3 english
    1 engrave
    3 engraved
    1 engraving
    1 enhance
    1 enhances
    1 enigmatic
    1 enjoined
    7 enjoins
    7 enjoy
    2 enjoyed
    4 enjoyment
    7 enjoys
    1 enkindle
    1 enkindled
    2 enkindles
    3 enlighten
   12 enlightened
    1 enlightening
    3 enlightenment
    8 enlightens
    1 enlist
    1 enmity
    2 ennobled
    1 enoch
    2 enormous
    1 enosh
   10 enough
    5 enrich
    6 enriched
    3 enriches
    4 enrichment
    1 enrolled
    1 enrollment
    1 enslaved
    5 enslavement
    1 enslaves
   11 ensure
    2 ensured
    9 ensures
    3 ensuring
    4 entail
    1 entailing
   20 entails
   47 enter
   14 entered
   15 entering
    3 enterprise
    3 enterprises
   11 enters
    1 entertainment
    2 enticed
    1 enticement
   34 entire
   32 entirely
   10 entirety
    4 entitled
    7 entrance
    3 entreat
   10 entrust
   71 entrusted
    3 entrusting
   10 entrusts
   15 entry
    1 enumerated
    1 envied
    4 environment
    1 envisaged
    1 envisioned
   21 envy
    1 eorum
   25 ep
    1 eparchy
  140 eph
    2 ephesians
    6 ephesus
    1 ephrem
    1 epi-ousios
    2 epicleses
   15 epiclesis
    1 epidemics
    1 epiousios
    1 epiphania
    2 epiphanius
    8 epiphany
    1 episcapal
    2 episcopacy
   16 episcopal
    3 episcopate
    1 episcoporum
    1 episode
    3 epist
    2 epistles
    1 epistolam
    2 epitome
   21 equal
   11 equality
   12 equally
    1 equals
    1 equilibrium
    1 equinox
    1 equipped
    3 equitable
    2 equity
    4 equivalent
    2 equivocation
    5 era
    1 eradicated
    2 eras
    1 erase
    1 erases
    1 erected
    1 erection
    1 eremitic
    1 eroticism
    1 err
    1 erring
    9 erroneous
   22 error
    6 errors
    1 esau
    1 escalate
    1 escalation
    6 escape
    2 escaped
    1 escapes
   11 eschatological
   99 especially
    1 espoused
    1 espousing
   11 essence
   49 essential
   14 essentially
    1 essentials
    1 est
   12 establish
   55 established
   12 establishes
    2 establishing
    6 establishment
    1 estate
    2 esteem
    1 esth
    3 esther
    1 estranged
   22 et
   24 etc
  168 eternal
    9 eternally
    8 eternity
    1 ethical
    2 ethnic
   45 etml
    1 etymologically
    1 eu-logia
  204 eucharist
    2 eucharisted
    1 eucharistein
    1 eucharistian
   74 eucharistic
    1 eucharisticum
    1 euchologion
    2 eudes
    1 eugenics
    1 eulogein
    1 eulogium
    3 eulogy
    1 eunice
    1 eunomium
    5 eunuchs
    1 europe
    3 euthanasia
    7 ev
    1 evade
    2 evagrius
    1 evaluate
    4 evaluated
    1 evaluating
    4 evaluation
    1 evaluative
   23 evangelical
    1 evangelii
    1 evangelist
    2 evangelists
    1 evangelium
    6 evangelization
    5 evangelize
    1 evangelized
    4 evangelizing
    1 evasion
   26 eve
  246 even
   16 evening
   33 event
   29 events
   73 ever
    1 ever-active
    1 ever-clearer
    1 ever-flowing
    1 ever-living
    3 ever-present
    1 ever-renewed
    1 ever-timely
    4 ever-virgin
   24 everlasting
    1 evermore
  215 every
    1 everybody
    6 everyday
   53 everyone
  105 everything
   17 everywhere
    6 evidence
    2 evidenced
   14 evident
  181 evil
    1 evil-doers
   11 evils
    1 evoke
    3 evokes
    2 evoking
    1 evolution
    1 ewe
   88 ex
    1 exacerbates
    1 exacting
    2 exactly
    1 exaggerated
    2 exalt
    2 exaltation
    1 exaltations
   11 exalted
    1 exalting
    2 exalts
    6 examination
    4 examine
    1 examined
   59 example
    4 examples
    3 exceed
    2 exceeds
    5 excellence
    6 excellent
    1 excels
   30 except
    6 exception
    2 exceptional
    1 exceptions
    3 excess
    1 excesses
    5 excessive
    1 excessively
   11 exchange
    3 exchanged
    2 exchanges
    1 excl
    1 exclaimed
    5 exclaims
    5 exclamation
    1 exclamations
    7 exclude
    5 excluded
    3 excludes
    2 excluding
    2 exclusion
    8 exclusive
    5 exclusively
    1 excommunicate
    5 excommunication
    2 excuse
    1 excused
    3 excuses
    1 execute
    1 executed
    1 execution
    1 exegesis
    1 exegetes
    1 exemplar
    5 exemplary
    3 exempt
   79 exercise
   26 exercised
   17 exercises
    3 exercising
    1 exert
    1 exerted
    1 exeuntium
    2 exhaust
    4 exhausted
    1 exhausting
    1 exhaustion
    1 exhibit
    1 exhibited
    1 exhibiting
    1 exhibition
    2 exhort
    6 exhortation
    3 exhortations
    5 exhorts
   11 exile
    1 exiled
    1 exiles
   25 exist
    5 existed
   44 existence
    1 existent
    5 existing
   26 exists
   15 exodus
    1 exonerated
    1 exoneration
    6 exorcism
    4 exorcisms
    1 exorcizing
    1 exp
    1 expansion
    1 expect
    2 expectancy
    2 expectantes
   20 expectation
    1 expectations
    3 expected
    1 expects
    1 expedient
    1 expediti
    1 expelling
    1 expense
    1 expenses
   35 experience
    6 experienced
    8 experiences
    3 experiencing
    4 experimentation
    1 experiments
    3 expiate
    1 expiated
    1 expiating
    6 expiation
    1 expired
    1 expires
    4 expl
    5 explain
    8 explained
    1 explaining
   10 explains
    4 explanation
    1 explanations
   14 explicit
   11 explicitly
    3 exploitation
    1 explorations
    2 expos
    2 exposed
    1 exposes
    2 exposing
    1 exposition
    2 expound
    3 expounded
    1 expounding
    3 expounds
   47 express
   44 expressed
   55 expresses
   11 expressing
   63 expression
   14 expressions
    6 expressive
    3 expressly
    1 expulsion
    1 exsequamur
    1 exsequiarum
    3 exsultet
   12 extend
    4 extended
   24 extends
    3 extension
   21 extent
    1 extenuate
    1 extermination
   13 external
    1 externally
    1 extinguish
    1 extinguished
    1 extra
    1 extract
    1 extraneous
   10 extraordinary
    3 extreme
    1 extremely
    1 exult
    1 exultant
    2 eye
   33 eyes
    1 eyewitness
    1 ezech
   19 ezek
    1 ezekiel
    2 ezra

E  =  609 words (5895 occurrences)
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