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Catechism of the Catholic Church IntraText - Frequency word list |
Word Form 100 102 106 109 110 1246 1274 130 1331 1985 431 85 98 abel abounded absolutely abundance accepting acknowledges added address advice affect affirm affirmation agent al almost almsgiving anamnesis anaphora ancestors animate announce announcing answers anticipate apply approval arc arose ascended assist associates assume assured atonement attest attuned awaited aware bestowed bind boldness breaks calumny canticle capital celibacy central changed christmas clothed communicating communications commutative competent comprises condemnation confessions conflict conflicts considers constancy contract contradict contributes contrite conversely corp corresponds cosmic cosmos count credo deeper deepest defined demanded design designate despair determines deuteronomy diminish directing dogmas domestic dove doxology dryness e.g. educate effectively efficacy enabled encounters endure enriched ephesus errors escape establishment evangelization everyday evidence examination excellent exception exhortation exorcism experienced expiation expressive faced fails fast fiat finished first-born forehead former forming foster fosters fraternity frequent garment gate generis gentleness gesture golden gravest handmaid helped hippolytus homes homosexual honorable humani hv icon impede inaugurated incapable include increasing indulgences ineffable inexhaustible inexpressible infant infants inmost inscribed insists institutes instruct integrated introduction invokes involve irrevocable isaac jealous joan judged justifies killing kingly le legal lent letters lifted line lisieux lively longs lordship magi mandate marriages mastery meanings measured mercies merited mirror misery missions multiply mysteriously narrow needy next niceno-constantinopolitan normal normally notion obliges observing obtaining occupy only-begotten openly ordering ordinarily orth pagans painful pardon paths penalty perfected perfections permit permitted physician pilgrimages pontifical pontius possessed post-baptismal potential powerful predestined preferential prefiguring presbyterium presenting prior professing prophecy proportionate protected providing publicly purgatory radical rank ransom reaches readings realm reasonably recover redeem rejecting remarkable repeat representatives rested retain revolt reward ritual road rock rp run safeguarding salutary sancti sancto season self-denial sensitive seriously shadow shape significant simon simplicity solitude solomon solution soon sovereignty spare spirits spiritu spite splendour springs stage stain subjected submit subsists suffers summarizes superstition surrender tables talents tasks te testimony therese thousand threaten titles totalitarian traces transfigured transformation transforming transforms transmits tribes unable unacceptable ut victorious wages weaknesses welcomes willingly wives xiii yourselves zeal