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temporarily 5
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temptation 24
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24 teaches
24 temptation
24 threshold
24 torment
24 transjordan
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                               bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                   grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Deu Int | overcoming the threefold temptation of Satan in the desert ( 2 WisdB, Psa 30: 7(5) | often seen as a source of temptation to forget God. Cf Deut 8: 3 ProphB, Dan Int | men of faith can resist temptation and conquer adversity. The 4 NTPre | be pointed out that the temptation to improve overladen sentences 5 Gosp, Mat Int | Matthew 3:13-17), and the temptation in which he proves his true 6 Gosp, Mat 4: 1(1) | is subjected to a triple temptation. Obedience to the Father 7 Gosp, Mat 4: 1(1) | the old Israel. In the temptation account Matthew is almost 8 Gosp, Mat 16: 22(18)| dismissal of the devil in the temptation account (Matthew 4:10: " 9 Gosp, Mat 26: 41(26)| they may not yield to the temptation of falling away from Jesus 10 Gosp, Mat 27: 39(24)| those of the devil in the temptation of Jesus; cf Matthew 4:3, 6.~ 11 Gosp, Mar Int | a brief reference to the temptation of Jesus and how Satan's 12 Gosp, Mar 1: 1(1) | him (Mark 1:9-11); (3) the temptation of Jesus by Satan (Mark 13 Gosp, Mar 1: 12(7) | radical confrontation and temptation by Satan who attempts to 14 Gosp, Luk 4: 13 | devil had finished every temptation, he departed from him for 15 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 7(3) | or physical disability, a temptation, or a handicap connected 16 NTLet, Gal 6: 1(1) | each maxim. Tensions and temptation within communal life have 17 NTLet, 1Tim 6: 9 | be rich are falling into temptation and into a trap and into 18 CathL, Jam Int | The Value of Trials and Temptation (James 1:2-18) Exhortations 19 CathL, Jam 1: 12 | the man who perseveres in temptation, 6 for when he has been 20 CathL, Jam 1: 12(6) | 12] Temptation: the Greek word used here 21 CathL, Jam 1: 13 | 13 ~7 No one experiencing temptation should say, "I am being 22 CathL, Jam 1: 13 | for God is not subject to temptation to evil, and he himself 23 CathL, Jam 1: 13(7) | to be the author of human temptation (James 1:13). In the commission 24 CathL, Jam 1: 16(8) | good alone, and the evil of temptation does not come from him.~

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