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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                                 bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                     grey = Comment text
1 WisdB, Job 28: 1(1) | not agreed regarding the authorship of this poem, though it 2 ProphB, Zec Int | historical background, date and authorship are extremely difficult 3 Gosp, Mat Int | 1:23).~The questions of authorship, sources, and the time of 4 Gosp, Mat 22: 42(27)| 1 accepting the Davidic authorship of the psalm, a common view 5 Gosp, Joh Int | any theory of eyewitness authorship of the gospel in its present 6 NTLet, 1Cor Int | 1 Cor 15:1-58).~Paul's authorship of 1 Corinthians, apart 7 NTLet, Eph Int | for serious doubt about authorship by Paul. The letter may 8 NTLet, 1Tim Int | the nineteenth, Pauline authorship of the three Pastoral Epistles 9 NTLet, 1Tim Int | the questioners of Pauline authorship hold since the notion of 10 NTLet, 1Tim Int | spite of these problems of authorship and dating, the Pastorals 11 NTLet, 2Tim Int | Introduction~The authorship and date of this letter, 12 NTLet, 2Tim Int | Timothy.~On the theory of authorship by Paul himself, Second 13 NTLet, Tit Int | ignored (Titus 3:9-11).~The authorship and date of the Letter to 14 NTLet, Tit Int | Timothy. Those who assume authorship by Paul himself usually 15 NTLet, Heb Int | held in the East. Pauline authorship was contested in the West 16 NTLet, Heb Int | the reasons why Pauline authorship has been abandoned are the 17 CathL | more clearly between the authorship of a work and its canonicity: 18 CathL, 1Pet Int | incompatible with Petrine authorship in the 60s.~Still other 19 CathL, 2Pet 1: 1(1) | 1] Symeon Peter: on the authorship of 2 Peter, see Introduction; 20 CathL, 2Joh | Presbyter," and their common authorship is further evidenced by

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