The Holy See
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understanding 183
understands 27
understood 117
undertake 16
undertaken 10
undertakes 4
undertaking 12
Frequency    [«  »]
16 translate
16 transposed
16 troubles
16 undertake
16 unmarried
16 urges
16 variously
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                                 bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                     grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Num 4: 3 | years of age; these are to undertake obligatory tasks in the 2 Pent, Num 4: 23 | years of age; these are to undertake obligatory tasks in the 3 Pent, Num 4: 30 | years of age; these are to undertake obligatory tasks in the 4 Pent, Num 4: 35 | years of age. These were to undertake obligatory tasks in the 5 Pent, Num 4: 39 | years of age. These were to undertake obligatory tasks in the 6 Pent, Num 4: 43 | years of age. These were to undertake obligatory tasks in the 7 Pent, Num 4: 47 | years of age who were to undertake tasks of service or transport 8 Pent, Deu 14: 29 | bless you in all that you undertake. ~ ~ ~ 9 Pent, Deu 28: 20 | in every enterprise you undertake, until you are speedily 10 His, 1Sam 17: 12(3)| account of how David came to undertake the combat with the Philistine 11 His, 1Sam 26: 25 | succeed in whatever you undertake." David went his way, and 12 His, Ezr 6: 12 | every king or people who may undertake to alter this or to destroy 13 ProphB, Isa 3: 7 | in that day: "I will not undertake to cure this, when in my 14 Gosp, Act Int | commissioned him and Barnabas to undertake the spread of the gospel 15 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 1(1)| the boasting that he will undertake in 2 Cor 11:16-12:10, and 16 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 1(2)| project Paul is about to undertake. He alludes ironically to

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