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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                                 bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                     grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Jos Int | long and complex process of editing traditional materials. Both 2 ProphB, Eze Int | with the evident marks of editing and addition by the post-exilic 3 Gosp, Mat 5: 1(1) | not due only to Matthew's editing; he seems to have had a 4 Gosp, Mat 9: 18(13)| though there Matthew's own editing is much more evident.~ 5 Gosp, Mat 12: 28(19)| probably due to Matthew's editing, he retains the kingdom 6 Gosp, Mat 24: 1(1) | Both parts show Matthew's editing of his sources by deletions, 7 Gosp, Mat 26: 1(1) | Matthew 27:52). In his editing Matthew also altered Mark 8 Gosp, Joh Int | probably produced by subsequent editing in which homogeneous materials 9 Gosp, Joh Int | because of the development and editing that took place. However, 10 Gosp, Joh Int | John 20:11-18).~The final editing of the gospel and arrangement 11 Gosp, Joh 17: 3(4) | was clearly added in the editing of the gospel as a reflection 12 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 1(1) | it is now integrated, by editing, into the context of 1 Cor 13 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 14(5) | present position during final editing of the letter; appeals to 14 NTLet, 2Cor 13: 2(2) | has influenced the final editing. I will not be lenient:

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