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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                               bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                   grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 10: 2 | descendants of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, 2 Pent, Gen 10: 2(2)| 2] Gomer: the Cimmerians; Madai: 3 Pent, Gen 10: 3 | 3 ~3 The descendants of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and 4 His, 1Chr 1: 5 | descendants of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, 5 His, 1Chr 1: 6 | 6 ~The descendants of Gomer were Ashkenaz, Riphath, 6 WisdB, Son Int | Israel in the adultery of Gomer (Son 1-3). He also represents 7 ProphB, Eze 38: 2(2)| Meshech and Tubal, as well as Gomer and Beth-togarmah (Ezekiel 8 ProphB, Eze 38: 6 | 6 ~Gomer with all its troops, Beth-togarmah 9 ProphB, Hos Int | unfortunate marriage to Gomer, a personal tragedy which 10 ProphB, Hos Int | underwent in his married life.~Gomer, the adultress, symbolized 11 ProphB, Hos 1: 2(2)| not necessarily mean that Gomer was a harlot when Hosea 12 ProphB, Hos 1: 3 | 3 ~So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim; 13 ProphB, Hos 3: 1(1)| Hosea is instructed to take Gomer back, redeeming her from

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