The Holy See
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Alphabetical    [«  »]
walls 129
wand 2
wander 12
wandered 12
wanderer 5
wanderers 1
wandering 15
Frequency    [«  »]
12 wagons
12 waits
12 wander
12 wandered
12 warnings
12 watching
12 wells
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                        bold = Main text
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                            grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Deu 2: 3| 3 ~'You have wandered round these highlands long 2 Pent, Jos 5: 6| Now the Israelites had wandered forty years in the desert, 3 His, 1Sam 9: 3| Saul's father, Kish, had wandered off. Kish said to his son 4 His, 1Sam 23: 13| number, left Keilah and wandered from place to place. When 5 His, 1Chr 17: 6| 6 ~as long as I have wandered about with all of Israel. 6 WisdB, Psa 119: 176| 176 ~I have wandered like a lost sheep; seek 7 WisdB, Sir 24: 5| through the deep abyss I wandered. ~ 8 ProphB, Jer 50: 6| From mountain to hill they wandered, losing the way to their 9 ProphB, Lam 4: 15| near!" If they left and wandered among the nations, nowhere 10 ProphB, Eze 34: 6| 6 ~and wandered over all the mountains and 11 Gosp, Mat Int | seeking out those who have wandered from the fold (Matthew 18: 12 NTLet, Heb 11: 38| not worthy of them. They wandered about in deserts and on

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