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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
   Part, Book  Chapter:Verse
1 His, 1Sam 17: 5| 5 ~He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a bronze 2 His, 1Sam 17: 38| tunic, putting a bronze helmet on his head and arming him 3 WisdB, Psa 60: 9| Manasseh; Ephraim is the helmet for my head, Judah, my own 4 WisdB, Psa 108: 9| Manasseh; Ephraim is the helmet for my head, Judah, my own 5 WisdB, Psa 140: 8| LORD, my strong helper, my helmet on the day of battle. ~ 6 WisdB, Wisd 5: 18| wear sure judgment for a helmet; ~ 7 ProphB, Isa 59: 17| breastplate, salvation, as the helmet on his head; He clothed 8 ProphB, Eze 27: 10| as warriors; shield and helmet they hung upon you, increasing 9 NTLet, Eph 6: 17| 17 ~And take the helmet of salvation and the sword 10 NTLet, 1The 5: 8| of faith and love and the helmet that is hope for salvation. ~

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