The Holy See
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Alphabetical    [«  »]
fervent 9
fervently 6
fervor 3
festal 8
festering 4
festers 1
festival 31
Frequency    [«  »]
8 fasten
8 fatlings
8 favorably
8 festal
8 fiftieth
8 figuratively
8 filthy
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                              bold = Main text
  Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                   grey = Comment text
1 His, 2Kin 5: 5 | thousand gold pieces, and ten festal garments. ~ 2 His, 2Kin 5: 22 | talent of silver and two festal garments.'" ~ 3 His, 2Kin 5: 23 | gave them, with the two festal garments, to two of his 4 WisdB, Psa 89: 17 | your victory they raise the festal shout. ~ 5 ProphB, Isa 30: 33(6) | This is the occasion of festal rejoicing for the Israelites, 6 ProphB, Zec 3: 4 | garments, and clothe him in festal garments." ~ 7 NTLet, Heb 12: 22 | and countless angels in festal gathering, ~ 8 CathL, Rev 2: 18(17)| which may have involved festal meals in pagan temples.~

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