The Holy See
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Alphabetical    [«  »]
flourish 19
flourished 3
flourishes 2
flourishing 6
flout 2
flouted 1
flow 44
Frequency    [«  »]
6 fishes
6 fittingly
6 fleshly
6 flourishing
6 flutes
6 folded
6 foolishly
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                              bold = Main text
  Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                   grey = Comment text
1 His, Est E: 16 | maintained the kingdom in a flourishing condition for us and for 2 WisdB, Job 29: 4 | 4 ~As I was in my flourishing days, when God sheltered 3 WisdB, Psa 37: 35 | ruthless scoundrels, strong as flourishing cedars. ~ 4 WisdB, Ecc 2: 6 | myself reservoirs to water a flourishing woodland. ~ 5 WisdB, Sir 40: 19 | Sheepfolds and orchards bring flourishing health; but better than 6 Gosp, Act 16: 11(4)| church at Philippi became a flourishing community to which Paul

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