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New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
1-500 | 501-697

                                                                      bold = Main text
    Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                         grey = Comment text
501 Gosp, Mat 8: 1(1) | arranged in three groups of three, each group followed by 502 Gosp, Mat 8: 18(12)| 57-62). The third of the three sayings found in the source 503 Gosp, Mat 10: 41(18)| followers of Jesus. Probably all three designations are used here 504 Gosp, Mat 12: 40 | in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, 29 505 Gosp, Mat 12: 40 | the whale three days and three nights, 29 so will the Son 506 Gosp, Mat 12: 40 | in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. ~ 507 Gosp, Mat 12: 40 | the earth three days and three nights. ~ 508 Gosp, Mat 12: 40(29)| the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, a 509 Gosp, Mat 12: 40(29)| whale for three days and three nights, a prefigurement 510 Gosp, Mat 13: 33 | woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour 511 Gosp, Mat 13: 33(14)| 1 Cor 5:6-8; Gal 5:9). Three measures: an enormous amount, 512 Gosp, Mat 13: 44(23)| The first two of the last three parables of the discourse 513 Gosp, Mat 14: 1(2) | territory was divided among three of his surviving sons, Archelaus 514 Gosp, Mat 15: 32 | have been with me now for three days and have nothing to 515 Gosp, Mat 15: 32(13)| crowd has been with Jesus three days (Matthew 15:32), seven 516 Gosp, Mat 16: 21(17)| against the Marcan "after three days" (Mark 8:31). Matthew' 517 Gosp, Mat 16: 21(17)| day. Josephus uses "after three days" and "on the third 518 Gosp, Mat 17: 1(2) | 1] These three disciples are also taken 519 Gosp, Mat 17: 4 | If you wish, I will make three tents 5 here, one for you, 520 Gosp, Mat 17: 4(5) | 4] Three tents: the booths in which 521 Gosp, Mat 17: 22(19)| the least detailed of the three and may be the earliest. 522 Gosp, Mat 18: 15(11)| correction before two or three witnesses (Matthew 18:16); 523 Gosp, Mat 18: 16 | the testimony of two or three witnesses.' ~ 524 Gosp, Mat 18: 19(16)| to the prayer of two or three envisages a different situation 525 Gosp, Mat 18: 20 | 20 ~17 For where two or three are gathered together in 526 Gosp, Mat 18: 20(17)| 20] For where two or three . . . midst of them: the 527 Gosp, Mat 19: 12(9) | marriage: literally, "eunuchs." Three classes are mentioned, eunuchs 528 Gosp, Mat 20: 5 | around noon, and around three o'clock, and did likewise. ~ 529 Gosp, Mat 21: 28(23)| controversies is interrupted by three parables on the judgment 530 Gosp, Mat 21: 28(23)| tradition of the parable. Of the three different forms of the text 531 Gosp, Mat 21: 34(28)| servants as against Mark's three sendings of a single servant ( 532 Gosp, Mat 22: 41(25)| opponents in the preceding three controversies, Jesus now 533 Gosp, Mat 26: 34 | crows, you will deny me three times." ~ 534 Gosp, Mat 26: 36(21)| unrelieved by the presence of his three disciples who, though urged 535 Gosp, Mat 26: 57(30)| temple . . . and within three days to rebuild it (Matthew 536 Gosp, Mat 26: 61 | temple of God and within three days rebuild it.'" ~ 537 Gosp, Mat 26: 75 | cock crows you will deny me three times." He went out and 538 Gosp, Mat 27: 39(24)| who would destroy . . . three days; cf Matthew 26:61. 539 Gosp, Mat 27: 40 | temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, if 540 Gosp, Mat 27: 45 | over the whole land until three in the afternoon. ~ 541 Gosp, Mat 27: 46 | 46 ~And about three o'clock Jesus cried out 542 Gosp, Mat 27: 63 | still alive said, 'After three days I will be raised up.' ~ 543 Gosp, Mar Int | he is transfigured before three of the disciples (Mark 9: 544 Gosp, Mar 1: 1(1) | title (Mark 1:1) followed by three events preparatory to Jesus' 545 Gosp, Mar 8: 2 | have been with me now for three days and have nothing to 546 Gosp, Mar 8: 31 | be killed, and rise after three days. ~ 547 Gosp, Mar 8: 31(7) | seventy-one members of these three groups and presided over 548 Gosp, Mar 9: 5 | we are here! Let us make three tents: one for you, one 549 Gosp, Mar 9: 31 | they will kill him, and three days after his death he 550 Gosp, Mar 10: 34 | him to death, but after three days he will rise." ~ 551 Gosp, Mar 14: 5 | been sold for more than three hundred days' wages and 552 Gosp, Mar 14: 30 | crows twice you will deny me three times." ~ 553 Gosp, Mar 14: 58 | made with hands and within three days I will build another 554 Gosp, Mar 14: 72 | crows twice you will deny me three times." He broke down and 555 Gosp, Mar 15: 29 | temple and rebuild it in three days, ~ 556 Gosp, Mar 15: 33 | over the whole land until three in the afternoon. ~ 557 Gosp, Mar 15: 34 | 34 ~And at three o'clock Jesus cried out 558 Gosp, Luk Int | innocent of any wrongdoing three times (Luke 23:4, 14, 22). 559 Gosp, Luk 1: 56 | remained with her about three months and then returned 560 Gosp, Luk 1: 78(22)| The daybreak from on high: three times in the LXX (Jeremiah 561 Gosp, Luk 2: 46 | 46 ~After three days they found him in the 562 Gosp, Luk 4: 25 | when the sky was closed for three and a half years and a severe 563 Gosp, Luk 9: 33 | we are here; let us make three tents, 17 one for you, one 564 Gosp, Luk 9: 33(17)| 33] Let us make three tents: in a possible allusion 565 Gosp, Luk 10: 36 | 36 ~Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor 566 Gosp, Luk 11: 1(1) | 1-13] Luke presents three episodes concerned with 567 Gosp, Luk 11: 5 | and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, ~ 568 Gosp, Luk 12: 52 | of five will be divided, three against two and two against 569 Gosp, Luk 12: 52 | against two and two against three; ~ 570 Gosp, Luk 13: 7 | said to the gardener, 'For three years now I have come in 571 Gosp, Luk 13: 21 | took and mixed (in) with three measures of wheat flour 572 Gosp, Luk 20: 41(10)| successfully answering the three questions of his opponents, 573 Gosp, Luk 22: 34 | this day, you will deny three times that you know me." ~ 574 Gosp, Luk 22: 61 | today, you will deny me three times." ~ 575 Gosp, Luk 23: 44 | over the whole land until three in the afternoon ~ 576 Gosp, Luk 23: 44(7) | 44] Noon . . . three in the afternoon: literally, 577 Gosp, Joh Int | different in character from the three synoptic gospels. It is 578 Gosp, Joh 1: 1(2) | Was: this verb is used three times with different meanings 579 Gosp, Joh 1: 13(8) | God not through any of the three natural causes mentioned 580 Gosp, Joh 2: 6(5) | gallons: literally, "two or three measures"; the Attic liquid 581 Gosp, Joh 2: 12(8) | 2:12-3:21] The next three episodes take place in Jerusalem. 582 Gosp, Joh 2: 19 | Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." ~ 583 Gosp, Joh 2: 19(15)| made with hands and within three days I will build another 584 Gosp, Joh 2: 19(15)| John 2:21 and Rev 21:2). In three days: an Old Testament expression 585 Gosp, Joh 2: 20 | you will raise it up in three days?" ~ 586 Gosp, Joh 6: 19 | When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw 587 Gosp, Joh 10: 22(9) | Hanukkah) held in December, three months after the feast of 588 Gosp, Joh 12: 5 | was this oil not sold for three hundred days' wages 3 and 589 Gosp, Joh 13: 38 | crow before you deny me three times." ~ ~ ~ 590 Gosp, Joh 19: 25(10)| four women are meant, or three (i.e., Mary the wife of 591 Gosp, Joh 19: 38(17)| 38-42] In the first three gospels there is no anointing 592 Gosp, Joh 21: 15(9) | 15-17] In these three verses there is a remarkable 593 Gosp, Act 2: 41 | were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added 594 Gosp, Act 2: 42(8) | 42-47] The first of three summary passages (along 595 Gosp, Act 3: 1 | the temple area for the three o'clock hour of prayer. 2 ~ 596 Gosp, Act 3: 1(2) | 1] For the three o'clock hour of prayer: 597 Gosp, Act 5: 7 | After an interval of about three hours, his wife came in, 598 Gosp, Act 7: 20 | extremely beautiful. For three months he was nursed in 599 Gosp, Act 9: 1(1) | 19] This is the first of three accounts of Paul's conversion ( 600 Gosp, Act 9: 1(1) | with no variation in all three accounts, exerted a profound 601 Gosp, Act 9: 1(1) | narrate this conversion three times is testimony to the 602 Gosp, Act 9: 9 | 9 ~For three days he was unable to see, 603 Gosp, Act 10: 3 | 3 ~One afternoon about three o'clock, 4 he saw plainly 604 Gosp, Act 10: 3(4) | 3] About three o'clock: literally, "about 605 Gosp, Act 10: 16 | 16 ~This happened three times, and then the object 606 Gosp, Act 10: 19 | said (to him), "There are three men here looking for you. ~ 607 Gosp, Act 10: 30 | days ago 11 at this hour, three o'clock in the afternoon, 608 Gosp, Act 11: 10 | 10 ~This happened three times, and then everything 609 Gosp, Act 11: 11 | 11 ~Just then three men appeared at the house 610 Gosp, Act 13: 4(2) | of theirs appears in all three accounts of Paul's missionary 611 Gosp, Act 15: 36(9) | account, it lasted about three years. Paul first visited 612 Gosp, Act 17: 2 | Paul joined them, and for three sabbaths he entered into 613 Gosp, Act 19: 8 | entered the synagogue, and for three months debated boldly with 614 Gosp, Act 20: 3 | 3 ~where he stayed for three months. But when a plot 615 Gosp, Act 20: 31 | vigilant and remember that for three years, night and day, I 616 Gosp, Act 23: 8 | Pharisees acknowledge all three. ~ 617 Gosp, Act 25: 1 | 1 ~Three days after his arrival in 618 Gosp, Act 28: 7 | cordially as his guests for three days. ~ 619 Gosp, Act 28: 11 | 11 ~Three months later we set sail 620 Gosp, Act 28: 12 | Syracuse and stayed there three days, ~ 621 Gosp, Act 28: 15 | the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet us. On seeing 622 Gosp, Act 28: 17 | 17 ~4 Three days later he called together 623 NTLet | at the time of writing. Three others (1-2 Timothy and 624 NTLet | to the catholic letters. Three of them (1-2-3 John) are 625 NTLet | order of length, but the three Johannine letters are kept 626 NTLet, Rom 1: 1(1) | Christian elements. The three basic components are: name 627 NTLet, 1Cor 4: 8(3) | rich . . . kings: these three statements could also be 628 NTLet, 1Cor 5: 1(2) | Cor 5:9-13). Each of these three brief paragraphs expresses 629 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 25(11)| problems of conscience. Three cases are considered. In 630 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13 | hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these 631 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13(5) | well-known triad (cf 1 Thes 1:3), three interrelated (cf 1 Cor 13: 632 NTLet, 1Cor 14: 27 | let it be two or at most three, and each in turn, and one 633 NTLet, 1Cor 14: 29 | 29 ~Two or three prophets should speak, and 634 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 1(1) | His response moves through three steps: a recall of the basic 635 NTLet, 2Cor Int | deals principally with these three topics: (1) a crisis between 636 NTLet, 2Cor 3: 8(8) | the greater" is repeated three times (2 Cor 3:8, 9, 11). 637 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 2(5) | 2] Three more terms are now introduced. 638 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 25 | 25 ~Three times I was beaten with 639 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 25 | rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, 640 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 1(1) | 2:7-10; 3:1-4) speaks of three; God himself dwelt in the 641 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 8 | 8 ~Three times 4 I begged the Lord 642 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 8(4) | 8] Three times: his prayer was insistent, 643 NTLet, 2Cor 13: 1 | the testimony of two or three witnesses a fact shall be 644 NTLet, Gal 1: 18 | 18 ~14 15 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem 645 NTLet, Gal 1: 18(15)| 18] After three years: two years and more, 646 NTLet, Phi Int | composite from parts of three letters by Paul to the Philippians. 647 NTLet, Phi Int | assigned by critics to these three underlying letters, which 648 NTLet, Phi 2: 6(3) | 7d-8, 9, 10, 11) or into three stanzas (Philippians 2:6- 649 NTLet, Phi 2: 10(8) | inserted a reference to the three levels in the universe, 650 NTLet, 1The Int | Thes 1:2-3:13) is a set of three sections of thanksgiving 651 NTLet, 1The 1: 3(2) | Christian literature of the three "theological virtues" (see 652 NTLet, 1The 3: 9(2) | long as the conventional three weeks that Luke assigns 653 NTLet, 2The Int | of the letter falls into three short parts, of which the 654 NTLet, 1Tim Int | Introduction~The three letters, First and Second 655 NTLet, 1Tim Int | in form and contents. All three suggest they were written 656 NTLet, 1Tim Int | Colossians and Ephesians). The three letters are addressed not 657 NTLet, 1Tim Int | Pauline authorship of the three Pastoral Epistles went unchallenged. 658 NTLet, 1Tim 3: 14(6) | Ephesus. It consists of three couplets in typical Hebrew 659 NTLet, 1Tim 5: 19 | it is supported by two or three witnesses. ~ 660 NTLet, 2Tim Int | appears to be the last of the three Pastoral Epistles. The many 661 NTLet, 2Tim Int | Timothy as the earliest of the three and the one most likely 662 NTLet, Tit Int | that of First Timothy as three topics of church life and 663 NTLet, Tit Int | been suggested that, if the three Pastorals once circulated 664 NTLet, Phl | short letter addressed to three specific individuals was 665 NTLet, Heb 2: 5(2) | The author then cites three Old Testament texts as proofs 666 NTLet, Heb 3: 6(2) | words are not found in the three earliest and best witnesses 667 NTLet, Heb 10: 28 | the testimony of two or three witnesses. ~ 668 NTLet, Heb 10: 28(15)| the testimony of two or three witnesses.~ 669 NTLet, Heb 11: 20(7) | 20-22] Each of these three patriarchs, Isaac, Jacob, 670 NTLet, Heb 11: 23 | hidden by his parents for three months after his birth, 671 CathL | contains seven other letters. Three of these are attributed 672 CathL, Jam 5: 17 | might not rain, and for three years and six months it 673 CathL, 2Pet 2: 4(2) | 19:25). Whereas there are three examples in Jude 1:5-7 ( 674 CathL, 2Pet 2: 4(2) | and listed the resulting three examples in their Old Testament 675 CathL, 1Joh 5: 7 | 7 ~So there are three that testify, ~ 676 CathL, 1Joh 5: 8 | and the blood, and the three are of one accord. ~ 677 CathL, Jude 0: 8(7) | applying charges from the three examples in Jude 1:5, 6, 7. 678 CathL, Rev 1: 19(18)| will happen afterwards: the three parts of the Book of Revelation, 679 CathL, Rev 3: 7(4) | heavenly temple, upon which three names will be inscribed: 680 CathL, Rev 6: 6 | costs a day's pay, 6 and three rations of barley cost a 681 CathL, Rev 8: 1(1) | eagle warning of the last three trumpet blasts (Rev 8:13).~ 682 CathL, Rev 8: 13 | trumpet blasts that the three angels are about to blow!" ~ ~ ~ 683 CathL, Rev 8: 13(8) | Woe! Woe! Woe: each of the three woes pronounced by the angel 684 CathL, Rev 9: 18 | 18 ~By these three plagues of fire, smoke, 685 CathL, Rev 10: 6(4) | Heaven and earth and sea: the three parts of the universe. No 686 CathL, Rev 11: 2(2) | 7); this persecution of three and a half years (half of 687 CathL, Rev 11: 5(5) | and closed up the sky for three years (1 Kings 17:1; cf 688 CathL, Rev 11: 9 | gaze on their corpses for three and a half days, and they 689 CathL, Rev 11: 9(8) | the ungodly rejoice for three and a half days, a symbolic 690 CathL, Rev 11: 11 | 11 ~But after the three and a half days, a breath 691 CathL, Rev 14: 6(5) | 6-13] Three angels proclaim imminent 692 CathL, Rev 16: 13 | 13 ~I saw three unclean spirits like frogs 6 693 CathL, Rev 16: 19 | great city 9 was split into three parts, and the gentile cities 694 CathL, Rev 21: 13 | 13 ~There were three gates facing east, three 695 CathL, Rev 21: 13 | three gates facing east, three north, three south, and 696 CathL, Rev 21: 13 | facing east, three north, three south, and three west. ~ 697 CathL, Rev 21: 13 | north, three south, and three west. ~

1-500 | 501-697

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