The Holy See
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Alphabetical    [«  »]
spoken 175
spokes 1
spokesman 10
spokesmen 4
spoliation 1
sponge 4
sponsor 1
Frequency    [«  »]
4 spitting
4 spittle
4 splayed
4 spokesmen
4 sponge
4 spotless
4 stabbed
New American Bible

2002 11 11
IntraText - Concordances
                                                               bold = Main text
  Part, Book  Chapter:Verse                                    grey = Comment text
1 His, Jdt 3: 5 | 5 ~After the spokesmen had reached Holofernes and 2 ProphB | 15-20). The prophets were spokesmen of God intermediaries between 3 ProphB, Isa 43: 27 | first father sinned; your spokesmen rebelled against me ~ 4 ProphB, Isa 43: 27(7)| collectively "early ancestors." Spokesmen: leaders, priests, prophets.~

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