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Alphabetical [« »] edict 11 edicts 19 edification 5 edifice 4 edifying 4 edited 4 editing 14 | Frequency [« »] 4 ebenezer 4 eder 4 edges 4 edifice 4 edifying 4 edited 4 elapsed | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances edifice |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, Ezr 5: 3 | this house and raise this edifice? ~ 2 His, Ezr 5: 9 | this house and raise this edifice?' ~ 3 His, 1Mac 4: 36(5)| temple proper, the oblong edifice with porch, main room and 4 CathL, 1Pet 2: 4(3)| foundation of the spiritual edifice of the Christian community (