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Alphabetical [« »] calls 76 calm 15 calmed 1 calming 3 calmly 1 calms 3 calneh 2 | Frequency [« »] 3 caldron 3 calebites 3 callous 3 calming 3 calms 3 calumnies 3 canal | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances calming |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, 2Mac 13: 26 | over by persuasion. After calming them and gaining their good 2 Gosp, Mat 8: 26(20)| 6:30. Great calm: Jesus' calming the sea may be meant to 3 Gosp, Luk 8: 22(8) | power and authority: (1) the calming of a storm on the lake (