Apostolic Voyage to Zimbabwe,Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique(September 10-19, 1988)
Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of Harare, Zimbabwe (September 10, 1988) [English, Italian]
At the closing session of the Second Plenary Assembly of the Interregional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) (September 10, 1988) [English, Italian]
To the Bishops of Zimbabwe (September 11, 1988)[English, Italian]
Holy Mass at the race course of Borrowdale Park in Harare, Zimbabwe (September 11, 1988)[English, Italian]
Holy Mass at Ascot Race Course in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (September 12, 1988)[English, Italian]
Meeting with the priests and religious in the Cathedral of Bulawayo (September 12, 1988)[English, Italian]
Ecumenical meeting in the Anglican Cathedral of Bulawayo (September 12, 1988)[English, Italian]
Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Harare in Zimbabwe (September 13, 1988) [English, Italian]
Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of Gaborone in Botswana (September 13, 1988) [English, Italian]
Meeting with the priests, religious and laity in the Cathedral of Gaborone (September 13, 1988)[English, Italian]
Eucharistic Celebration in the National Stadium of Gaborone, Botswana (September 13, 1988)[English, Italian]
Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Gaborone in Botswana (September 14, 1988) [English, Italian]
Holy Mass in the Church in Lesotho, on the feast of the Triumph of the Cross (September 14, 1988) [English, Italian]
Address at the Episcopal Conference of Lesotho (September 14, 1988) [English, Italian]
Beatification of Father Joseph Gérard in the Racecourse of Maseru in Lesotho (September 15, 1988)[English, Italian]
Meeting with the youth in "Pitso Grounds" of Maseru (September 15, 1988) [English, Italian]
Meeting with priests, religious and seminarians in the Cathedral of Maseru (September 15, 1988) [English, Italian]
Ecumenical meeting in the Catholic Community Centre of Maseru (September 15, 1988) [English, Italian]
During the visit to King Moshoeshoe II in the Royal Palace of Maseru (September 15, 1988) [English, Italian, Spanish]
Farewell ceremony at the Moshoeshoe I Airport in Maseru (September 16, 1988) [English, Italian]
Holy Mass at the "Somhlolo Stadium" of Mbabane, Swaziland (September 16, 1988)[English, Italian]
Meeting with the priests, religious and sick in the Cathedral of Manzini (September 16, 1988) [English, Italian]
To the President of the Republic of Mozambique during the welcome ceremony (September 16, 1988) [Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Holy Mass at "Largo de Goto" of Beira in Mozambique (September 17, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Celebration of the Word with the faithful in the archdiocese of Nampula in Mozambique (September 17, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Visit to the Central Hospital of Maputo (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Holy Mass in the Stadium of "Machava" in Maputo in Mozambique (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Recital of the Angelus in Maputo - Act of entrustment of Mozambique to the Mother of God (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Ecumenical meeting in Maputo (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Visit to the parish of "Polana Caniço" in Maputo (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Celebration of the Word with the youth in the Cathedral of Maputo in Mozambique (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Meeting with the laity and consecrated in the Church of Saint Anthony in Maputo (Mozambique) (September 18, 1988) [Italian, Portuguese]
Visit to the Parish Community of "Polana Caniço" in Maputo (September 18, 1988) [Italian, Portuguese]
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (September 18, 1988)[Italian, Portuguese]
Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Maputo (September 19, 1988) [Italian, Portuguese]
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