Theological-Historical Commission
Jubilee 2000 Search

Theological-Historical Commission
International Symposiums

The theological-historical Commission, composed of 26 members of 16 different nationalities, gathers once a year, while the members resident in Rome hold monthly meetings. The work carried out so far can be outlined in the following three fields of action:

1. Preparation of a volume on the subject of the current year. Monsignor Fisichella, Deputy-President of the theological-historical commission is directly responsible for it.

2. The first volume, Christ Verb of the Father and the second one, The world is filled with your Spirit, Father, are ready and on sale in book stores in various languages: Italian, French, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Polish. The manuscript on "God Father" is currently under study, and the one on the "Eucharist", is in an advanced phase of preparation.

3. The Commission organises international Symposiums focused on Tertio Millennio adveniente (n.33-36). At the end of October 1997, a Symposium was held on the "Roots of anti-Judaism in the Christian field", at Santa Marta. It was attended by catholic theologians as well as a Protestant and an Orthodox observer. The Symposium was very positive, especially in the exegetic and theological section, which highlighted that anti-Judaism does not have roots in the New Testament if its is read correctly. The acts will be published. A second Symposium on the Inquisitions is being prepared. The intention is to supply historical information which is scientifically irreproachable, with the participation also of non-believers.

The Commission is evaluating the possibility of organising a third Symposium on the reception of the Second Vatican Council by theologians.

4. The Rome group of the Commission held two days of study, one onIndulgences, the other on the significance of the Request for Pardon.
