Faith: a humble faith in God - Brother Roger of Taize
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Brother Roger of Taize

If it was possible to survey a human heart, what would be find? The surprise would be to find the silent wait of a presence. It is in the Gospel where we perceive an answer to this wait. Saint John expresses it with these surprising words: «Amongst you there is One whom you do not know».

Who is He who is amongst us? It is Christ, the Resurrected. Maybe we know him a little bit, but he is close to every human being. Who is the Jesus who is talked about in the Gospel, that Christ, love of all loves? Since before the beginning of the universe, from every eternity, Christ was in God.

From the birth of humanity, he is the living Word. Then, as humble, he came amongst human beings. From the Gospel of Saint John, we understand that he did not come on earth to condemn the world, but so that, through him, every human creature would be saved, reconciled and pushed towards a new road illuminated by him.

If Jesus had not lived amongst us, God would seem far, unreachable. But, through his life, Jesus let it be known who God is. And today, resurrected, Christ lived in us through the Holy Spirit. Even more he is united to every human being without exception.

If he had not resurrected, he would not be present next to us. He would have remained like one of those people who have characterized the history of humanity. But it would not be possible to dialogue with him in prayer. We would not dare to invoke him : Jesus Christ, in every moment I rest on you, even when I do not pray I say to you: you, you are my prayer.

Before leaving them, Christ said to his apostles that he would have sent them the Holy Spirit, to be a support and a consolation. Therefore, we can make this discovery: at the same time that Christ was present on earth next to his disciples, today he continues to be so for us through the Holy Spirit.

More comprehensible for some, more hidden for others, his mysterious presence is always alive. It is as if we could hear him say: «Don't you know that I am here next to you, through the Holy Spirit, I live in you? I will never abandon you».

«God can only give his love» wrote theologian Saint Isaac of Ninive in the VII century. And his love renders faith accessible. But what is faith? Faith is a humble reality, a very humble faith in God. If faith became a spiritual demand, it couldn't from any end. Therefore, we can understand the intuition of Saint Augustine: «If you have the simple desire to know God, you already have faith».

No one comes to know Christ by himself. Everyone can say to themselves: in that sole communion which is the Body of Christ, his Church, that which I don't understand about faith, others understand it and live it. Therefore, I cannot rest solely on my faith, but on that of Christians of every time, those who have preceded us, from the Apostles and the Virgin Mary up to those of today; and, day by day, I will allow myself, within myself, to have faith in the Mystery of Faith. We would not ever want to forget it: Christ is above all, communion. He did not come on earth to create a new religion, but to solicit a communion of love in his Body, the Church. At Taize, we want to remember that the Church is a mystery of communion, actually it is the communion for excellence.

In this communion, through the Holy Spirit, even the fears and the nights of our lives can discover an aurora of reconciliation and the practicing of a simple joy. And in our hearts, which are sometimes fragile, there, a flame of love is lit and we can advance from the doubt towards the clearing of a communion.
