The word of the Pope
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From the Angelus, 21 September 1997

«Yesterday afternoon the 23rd National Eucharistic Congress began in Bologna and will be solemnly concluded next Sunday. The Congress' theme - "Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, yesterday, today and for ever" - closely links this extraordinary spiritual event with the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, of which it is an important stage. In a certain way, it ends the first year of immediate preparation for the Jubilee event, dedicated to reflection on Jesus».

At the Angelus, during the Marian prayer, after Holy Mass in the Agricultural Food Centre in Bologna, 28 September 1997

«Help us to continue courageously and generously in our commitment to the new evangelization, so that on the threshold of the new millennium we may be authentic witnesses to the infinite riches of God's love, revealed and communicated to the world in the sacrament of the Eucharist».

In Bologna, on the occasion of the National Eucharistic Congress. 27 September 1997

«My third pilgrimage was prepared in spirit by the first two and in some ways completes them. I have come to enrol a son of your people among the ranks of the blesseds: Ven. Fr Bartholomew Mary Dal Monte. I came above all to preside at the conclusion of the National Eucharistic Congress, a privileged stage in the preparations for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000; a preparation which therefore begins with reflection on Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world: yesterday, today, and for ever».

The Holy Father's condolences for the victims of the serious earthquake that has stricken the peoples of Umbria and the Marches

«At this time I must also address an affectionate thought to the dear peoples of Umbria and the Marches who yesterday were stricken several times by a serious earthquake that caused incalculable damage to people and property. I express sincere condolences for the victims and heartfelt sympathy for their families' grief. I am spiritually close to all who have been left homeless and to those who have suffered and are anxious. The extensive damage to the artistic and religious patrimony, especially to the Upper Basilica of St Francis, to the Sacred Convent of Assisi and to other monuments and churches in various localities devastated by the earthquake is also a reason for sorrow.

As I entrust the souls of the deceased to the divine mercy, I ask the Lord to comfort their relatives, to encourage the injured and to support everyone who has been harmed by the earthquake. May this time of suffering and trial be alleviated by the Lord's grace and the solidarity of so many generous persons who, with the effective co-ordination of the public authorities, are making every effort to aid their brothers and sisters in need».
