On Sunday, 12 March 2000, at 9:30 a.m., in the Patriarchal Vatican Basilica, His Holiness Pope John Paul II will celebrate, together with the Cardinals, the Mass of the First Sunday of Lent, the Day of Pardon of the Holy Year 2000.
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In this celebration we join the Holy Father in praying that our confession and our repentance will be prompted by the Holy Spirit, that our sorrow will not be shallow but conscious and profound, and that in a purification of memory, we may commit ourselves to the path of true conversion.
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The celebration will include certain special ritual moments: a procession from the Braccio di Costantino through the Holy Door in the Vatican Basilica; a statio in front of the Pietà; a penitential procession with the Gospel Book towards the Altar of the Confession; a Liturgy of the Word and the Profession of Faith the Prayer of the Faithful: with the confession of sins and request for forgiveness; the final blessing and dismissal.
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Those who wish to take part are asked to observe the following directives: 1) Cardinals wishing to concelebrate are asked to be present at the Braccio di Costantino at 9:00 in order to vest; they should bring a white damask mitre. 2) All those who, in conformity with the Motu Proprio Pontificalis Domus are members of the Cappella Pontificia and wish to take part in the Liturgical Celebration are asked to be present by 9:00 a.m. at the Altar of the Confession in the Vatican Basilica, where they will take their assigned places. 3) The following indications are given with regard to dress: The Cardinals who will not concelebrate, Patriarchs, Archbishops, and Bishops wear the rochet and mozzetta over their proper choir dress; Abbots and Religous vest in their proper choir dress. Prelates wear the rochet and mantelletta, or the surplice, over the purple cassock and purple sash, according to their rank; Chaplains of His Holiness wear the surplice over the black cassock with purple piping and purple sash. Vatican City, 4 March 2000 By mandate of the Holy Father + Piero Marini Titular Bishop of Martirano Master of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff