The Holy See
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1. LILLE (F) 28-30/06/1881 Leo XIII   The first 24 International Eucharistic Congresses were mainly Congresses that dealt with activities relating to the Eucharist “Oeuvres eucharistiques” - the cult of adoration, processions, Holy Communion (particularly of children), the Sacrifice of the Mass, eucharistic associations and movements.
2. AVIGNON (F) 13-17/09/1882 "    
3. LIÈGE (B) 05-10/06/1883 "    
4. FRIBOURG (CH) 09-13/09/1885 "    
5. TOULOUSE (F) 20-25/06/1985 "    
6. PARIS (F) 02-06/07/1888 "    
7. ANVERS (B) 16-21/08/1890 "    
8. JERUSALEM  14-21/05/1893 " Cardinal B. Langenieux (Arch. di Reims)  
9. REIMS (F) 25-29/07/1894 "    
10. PARAY-LE-MONIAL (F) 20-24/09/1897 "    
11. BRUXELLES (B) 13-17/07/1898 " Cardinal V. Vannutelli 
(Préf. S.C.Conc.)
12. LOURDES (F) 07-11/08/1899 " Cardinal B. Langenieux (Arch. of Reims)  
13. ANGERS (F) 04-09/09/1901 "    
14. NAMUR (B) 03-07/09/1902 " Cardinal P.L. Goossens (Arch.of Malines)  
15. ANGOULÊME (F) 20-24/06/1904 Pius X    
16. ROMA (I) 01-04/06/1905 " The Pope himself presided  
17. TOURNAI (B) 15-19/08/1906 " Cardinal V. Vannutelli 
(Pref. S.C.Conc.)
18. METZ (F) 06-11/08/1907 "    
19. LONDON (GB) 08-13/09/1908 "    
20. KÖLN (D) 04-08/08/1909 "    
21. MONTRÉAL (CAN) 07-11/09/1910 "    
22. MADRID (E) 23/6-01/7 1911 " Cardinal G. Aguirrey 
(Arch. of Toledo)
23. WIEN (A) 12-15/09/1912 " Cardinal G. Van Rossum  
24. MALTA 23-27/04/1913 " Cardinal D. Ferrata 
(Pref. S.C. Sacr.)
25. LOURDES (F) 22-26/07/1914 " Cardinal G. Pignatelli of Belmonte The Eucharist and the Social Reign of Jesus Christ
26. ROMA (I) 24-29/05/1922 Pius XI The Pope himself presided The Peaceful Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
27. AMSTERDAM (NL) 22-27/06/1924 " Cardinal G. Van Rossum (Pref. Prop. Fidei) The Eucharist and Holland
28. CHICAGO (USA) 20-24/06/1926 " Cardinal G. Bonzano The Peace of Christ in the Reign of Christ
29. SYDNEY (AUS) 06-09/09/1928 " Cardinal B. Cerretti The Madonna and the Eucharist
30. CARTHAGE (TUN) 07-11/05/1930 " Cardinal A.E. Lépicier 
(Pref. Congr. Relig.)
The Eucharist in AfricaÂ’s Testimony
31. DUBLIN (IR) 21-26/06/1932 " Cardinal L. Lauri (Penit.Major) The Eucharist and Ireland
32. BUENOS AIRES (ARG) 10-14/10/1934 " Cardinal E. Pacelli
 (Secretary of State)
The Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Eucharist
33. MANILA (PHIL) 03-07/02/1937 " Cardinal Dougherty 
(Arch. of Philadelphia)
The Eucharistic Apostolate in the Missions
34. BUDAPEST (H) 25-30/05/1938 " Cardinal E. Pacelli 
(Secretary of State)
The Eucharist Bond of Charity
35. BARCELONA (E) 27/05-1/06/1952 Pius XII Cardinal F. Tedeschini (Bursar of the H.See) The Eucharist and Peace
36. RIO DE JANEIRO (BR) 17-24/07/1955 " Cardinal B.A. Massella
 (Pref. S.C. Sacr.)
The Eucharistic Reign of Christ the Redeemer
37. MÜNCHEN (D) 31/07-07/08/1960 John XXIII Cardinal G. Testa 
(Pref. Orient. Churches)
“Pro Mundi Vita”
38. BOMBAY (IND) 28/11-08/12/1964 Paul VI Cardinal Agagianian 
(Pref. Prop. Fidei)
The Eucharist and the New Man
39. BOGATÁ (COLOM) 18-25/08/1968 " Cardinal G. Lercaro 
(Arch. of Bologna)
“Vinculum Charitatis”
40. MELBOURNE (AUS) 18-25/02/1973 " Cardinal L. Shehan 
(Arch. of Baltimore)
“Love one another as I have loved you”
41. PHILADELPHIA (USA) 01-08/08/1976 " Cardinal J. Knox 
(Pref. Sacr. & Divine Worship)
The Eucharist and the Aspirations of the Humain Family
42. LOURDES (F) 16-23/07/1981 John Paul II  Cardinal B. Gantin 
(President Justice & Peace)
Jesus Christ Bread Broken for a New World
43. NAIROBI (KEN) 11-18/08/1985 " Cardinal J. Cordeiro 
(Arch. of Karachi)
The Eucharist and the Christian Family
44. SEOUL (KOR) 05-08/10/1989 " Cardinal R. Etchegary (President Justice & Peace “Christus Pax Nostra”
45. SEVILLA (E) 07-13/06/1993 " Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez (Arch. of S. Domingo) The Eucharist and Evangelisation
46. WROCLAW (PL) 25/05-01/06/1997 " Cardinal A. Sodano (Secretary of State) The Eucharist and Freedom
47. ROMA (I) 18-25/06/2000 " The Pope himself presided Jesus Christ Only Saviour of the World, Bread for New Life
48. GUADALAJARA (MEX) 10-17/10/2004     The Eucharist, light and life of the new millennium


