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In collaboration with the Dicastery, the Philatelic Office of Vatican City produced a series of postcards illustrating the work of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. The goal is that they might serve as an instrument to remind the faithful of how the Pope can draw close to those suffering through their own offerings.

In fact, the Holy Father is able to draw close to those who are suffering around in the world through the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. Whenever a natural or manmade disaster occurs, Cor Unum immediately acts in the name of the Pope to help alleviate the suffering of those affected. This solidarity can consist of a visit onsite by Cor Unum or of material assistance provided through the generosity of individuals who share the Pope’s concern for those in difficulty. Cor Unum also works to disseminate the Church’s teachings regarding charity, which the Holy Father considers so important that he dedicated his first encyclical to it, Deus Caritas Est. Cor Unum also oversees two papal foundations. One assists efforts to address the problem of drought in nine countries of Africa’s Sahel region, while the other supports indigenous people, Afro-Americans and farmers of Latin America. Cor Unum also coordinates the work of Catholic aid and assistance organizations, and underscores always the importance of a “formation of the heart” of those working in them. Their work must always spring from Christian faith which is expressed in loving charity.

Postcards are available at the Philatelic Office of Vatican City and at its shops.
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From: Philatelic Office of Vatican City.
