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Available from the Pontifical Council for the Family or, when indicated, from the Vatican Press (Libreria Editrice Vaticana or LEV), Vatican City, 00120, Fax: +39 06 6988 4716. Available languages indicated after the title.

NEW: Lexicon. Termini ambigui e discussi su famiglia, vita e questioni etiche.
Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna 2003, 867 pp. ISBN 88-10-24109-6, €60

This text contains ambiguous and debatable terms, which are developed by prestigious scholars, often used in international circles to conceal strategies contrary to the dignity of the person, the family, and the protection of human life. The Cardinal President of the Pontifical Council for the Family wrote the Preface in which he explains the genesis and development of the "Lexicon". The Preface was published in advance in L'Osservatore Romano (cf. English weekly edition, N. 6 - 5 February 2003, pp. 8-9). Contacts have already been made with publishing houses in several countries in order to offer the text in different languages.Edited by the Pontifical Council for the Family

Available from: Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, Via Nosadella 6, 40123 Bologna, ITALIA
Tel.: +39 051 330301; Fax: +39 051 331354

La dignità dei bambini e i loro diritti. LEV, 2002, 335 pp., €18,50

This new publication in Italian is the fruit of the initiatives carried out by the Pontifical Council for the Family from 1992-2002 under the Magisterium of the Holy Father John Paul II in favor of the world’s children.  The text contains Discourses and Messages of the Pope, Statements, Conclusions and Recommendations from the international Congresses sponsored by the Dicastery dedicated to different problems regarding children and their rights, and the texts of interventions delivered by various experts at those international Congresses.  As Cardinal A. López, the President of the P. Council, writes in the prologue to the book: “Peoples show the contours of their humanity in the way they treat children…The integral development of families and the realization of spouses’ and parents’ vocation must encourage putting the destiny of children in close-up.  We might say that this will be truly decisive in the future of pastoral care of the family”.

Globalization, Economics, and the Family. Pontifical Council for the Family / Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, LEV, 2002, ISBN 88-209-7134-8, US $20.00

Proceedings in English of the International Conference organized jointly by the Pontifical Council for the Family and Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (USA), on: “Globalization, Economics and the Family” (Vatican City, November 27-29, 2000).  The papers given in the original languages are presented in Familia et Vita 1-2 2001.

Enchiridion de la Familia. Documentos magisteriales y pastorales sobre la familia y la vida 1965 – 1999. Documentos MC, Ed. Palabra, Madrid 2001, 1361 pp.

This is the Spanish version of the original Italian Enchiridion della Famiglia: Documenti magisteriali e pastorali su famiglia e vita 1965-1999 (Ed. Dehoniane, Bologna 2000), now in its second edition.

The text contains the documents regarding the family and life from the Second Vatican Council, the Papal Magisterium, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the Pontifical Council for the Family.

The purpose of this ample publication is to offer to all those who have the institution of the family at heart a useful manual, an instrument to facilitate the consultation of many documents found in different publications on this vast problem which is at the center of the Church’s activity and concern.

For the Spanish edition, contact: Ed. Palabra, S.A., Castellana 210, 28046 Madrid, Spain. Tel: +34 91 3507720; Fax: +34 91 3590230. E-mail:

I figli, primavera della famiglia e della società. LEV, 2001

Souvenir book with photos containing all the discourses of John Paul II delivered during the Jubilee of Families – Third World Meeting of the Holy Father with Families (Rome, October 14-15, 2000).

Morale conjugale et sacrement de pénitence: Réflexions sur le “Vademecum pour les confesseurs".  Téqui, Paris 2001

French edition of the series of comments and in-depth studies presented by professors of various disciplines on the document Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life, published by the Council in 1997 at the express wish of the Holy Father. Original Italian and Spanish editions available (see below).

I figli: famiglia e società nel nuovo millennio. LEV, 2001, € 20

Proceedings in Italian of the International Theological-Pastoral Congress held in Rome, from October 11-13, 2000, in the framework of the Jubilee of Families – Third World Meeting of the Holy Father with Families.

Family, Marriage and “de facto” Unions. LEV, 2000, €2

The purpose of this document is to offer useful guidelines to pastors and to urge politicians and lawmakers to protect the dignity and rights of the family based on marriage in the face of repeated attempts to grant legal status to “de facto” unions.  Available in English, Italian, Spanish and French and on Internet.

Familia, vida y nueva evangelización (EVD, Navarra 2000) and  Famille, vie et nouvelle évangélisation (Ed. Pierre Téqui, Paris 2000)

These are the Spanish and French editions of the book by PCF President Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo originally published in Italian: Famiglia, Vita e Nuova Evangelizzazione (Ed. S. Paolo, 1997).  The text contains a collection of reflections and presentations made by His Eminence from 1990 to 1997 on issues concerning the family and life.

La familia y la integración del minusválido en la infancia y en la adolescencia. Documentos MC, Madrid 2000

Proceedings in Spanish of the Congress on: “The Family and the Integration of the Disabled in Childhood and Adolescence” (Vatican, December 2-4, 1999), organized jointly by the PCF, the “Centro de Educación Familiar Especial” (Madrid), and the “Programa Leopoldo” (Venezuela).

Familia y vida: a los 50 años de la declaración universal de derechos humanos. Proceedings of the Third Meeting of Politicians and Lawmakers of America (Buenos Aires, August 3-5, 1999). Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo, Roma 2000, € 13

Proceedings in Spanish of the Third Meeting of Politicians and Lawmakers of America (Buenos Aires, August 3-5, 1999).

Enchiridion della Famiglia. Documenti magisteriali e pastorali su famiglia e vita. 1965-1999.

The text contains the documents regarding the family and life from the Second Vatican Council, the Papal Magisterium, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the Pontifical Council for the Family.

The purpose of this ample publication is to offer to all those who have the institution of the family at heart a useful manual, an instrument to facilitate the consultation of many documents found in different publications on this vast problem which is at the center of the Church’s activity and concern.

Edited by the P. Council for the Family.  EDB, Bologna 2000, 119 pp. + Indexes: biblical, names and sources, analytical. ISBN 88-10-24106-1. Price: € 26, Available from: Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, Via Nosadella 6, 40123 Bologna, Italy (Phone: +39 051 330 031; Fax: +39 051 331 354).

The Family and Human Rights. LEV, 1999, € 2

This publication is the result of a study meeting with experts held at the Council from December 14-16, 1998 in the framework of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Vatican Printing House 1999, € 2). The precise objective of the meeting was to draw up an instrument for reflection addressed not only to Christians but to all people of good will.  The booklet also contains the complete text of the Charter of the Rights of the Family (Holy See, 1983) and the Universal Declaration (UN, 1948). Available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and on Internet.

Diritti dell’uomo: famiglia e politica. LEV, 1999, pp. 326, € 17

Collection of interventions and reports presented at the Second Meeting of European Politicians and Lawmakers  held in Vatican City from October 22-24, 1998, sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family on the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  

Morale coniugale e sacramento della penitenza. LEV, 1998, pp. 221, € 12,40

A series of comments and in-depth studies are presented by professors of various disciplines on the document Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life, published by the Council in 1997 at the express wish of the Holy Father. Translations are available in Spanish: Moral Conyugal y Sacramento de la Penitencia (Ed. Palabra, S.A., Pº de la Castellana 210, 28046 Madrid, Spagna, FAX: 0034 91 359 02 30), and in French (see above).

La Famiglia: dono e impegno, speranza dell’umanità.  LEV, 1998, 119 pp., € 13

Souvenir book illustrated with photos containing all the speeches of John Paul II related to the Second World Meeting with Families (Rio de Janeiro, October 1-5, 1997).

La Famiglia: dono e impegno, speranza dell’umanità: Atti del Congresso teologico-pastorale. LEV, 1998, 551 pp., € 18

The complete Proceedings, in the original languages, of the Congress held in Rio de Janeiro, from October 1-3, 1997, in the framework of the Second World Meeting of the Holy Father with Families.

Alfonso Card. López Trujillo, The Family: Gift and Commitment, Hope for Humanity. Tipografia Città Nuova, Roma 1997, € 2,50

Presentation and reflections on the theme of the Second World Meeting of the Holy Father with Families (Rio de Janeiro, October 1-5, 1997).  Available in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and on Internet.

Vademecum for Confessors Concerning some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life. LEV, 1997, € 1

This document was published by the Pontifical Council for the Family on March 1, 1997 at the express wish of the Holy Father to fill a certain void in the confessional regarding the delicate themes of conjugal morality. It is available in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and German, and on Internet.

La familia ante los desafíos del tercer milenio a la luz de la Evangelium Vitae.
Imprenta del Proceedings in Spanish of the Third Latin American Congress of Pro-Life Movements (Cortines, Luján, Argentina, September 16-18, 1996), sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family. Congreso de la Nación Argentina, Buenos Aires 1997

Proceedings in Spanish of the Third Latin American Congress of Pro-Life Movements (Cortines, Luján, Argentina, September 16-18, 1996), sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family.

La dignidad de la Familia y de la vida en la política y la legislación de América. Ciudad de México, 1996

Proceedings in Spanish of the meeting held in Mexico City from June 6-8, 1996 with politicians and lawmakers of America, organized by the PCF and the Archiepiscopacy of Mexico.  Reflections in the light of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae.

“Evangelium vitae” and Law / “Evangelium vitae” e Diritto. LEV, 1997, € 44

Proceedings in the original languages of the International Symposium organized jointly by the Pontifical Council for the Family, the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts, and the Pontifical Academy for Life, in Rome, from May 23-25, 1996.

Per una cultura della vita. Atti del Congresso Internazionale nel I anniversario della pubblicazione dell’Enciclica “Evangelium vitae”, Roma, 22-24 aprile 1996. LEV, 1997, € 18,60

Proceedings in Italian of the International Congress held on the first anniversary of the publication of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae, Rome, April 22-24, 1996. The Congress was jointly organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family, the Bioethical Institute of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum.

Atti in italiano del Simposio internazionale su “La famiglia e l’economia nel futuro della società”. Roma, 6-9 marzo 1996

Proceedings in Italian of the International Symposium on “The Family and the Economy in the Future of Society” (Rome, March 6-9, 1996). In: La Società, Anno VII, N. 1/97.  Available from: Cooperativa di lavoro e solidarietà sociale “Cercate”, Via T. Da Vica, 14, 37123 Verona, Italy, FAX: 39-045-8009370, € 7,50.  A Polish edition of this review is available from: “Civitas Christiana” Association, Via Mokotowska 43, 00-551, Warsaw, Poland, FAX: 0048 22 29786.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. LEV, 1996, € 1

A guide for the pastoral work of preparation for the sacrament of marriage.  Available in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and on Internet.

The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality. Guidelines for Education within the Family. LEV, 1995, € 1

Guidelines offered to parents to help them in the difficult and delicate task of their children’s formation.  Available in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and on Internet.

Ethical and Pastoral Dimensions of Population Trends. LEV, 1994, € 1

A document on the ethical and pastoral problems connected with world population and demographic policies.  Available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German.

International Conference on Demography and the Family in Asia and Oceania. The Franciscan Gabriel Printing Co., Taipei 1996, € 10

Proceedings in English of the International Conference on demography and the family (Taipei, September 1995).

La acción evangelizadora de la Familia ante el desafío de las sectas. CELAM, Santafé de Bogotá, 1997

Proceedings in Spanish of the meeting (Petropolis, Brazil, August 28-31, 1995), organized jointly by the Pontifical Council for the Family, the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, and the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM).

1994: Anno della Famiglia nella Chiesa. LEV, 1995, € 13

Souvenir book of the First World Meeting of the Holy Father with Families held in Rome in October 1994 in the framework of the International Year of the Family.

Famiglia: cuore della civiltà dell'amore. LEV, 1995, € 26

Proceedings of the Theological-Pastoral Congress held on the occasion of the First World Meeting of the Holy Father with Families (Rome, October 1994) in the framework of the International Year of the Family.

Humanae Vitae: Prophetic Service for Humanity / Humanae Vitae: servizio profetico per l'uomo. Ed. Ave, Roma 1995, € 31

Proceedings of the Theological-Pastoral Congress organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family in collaboration with the John Paul II Institute in November 1993 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical. Text in Italian/English.

Los derechos de la Familia en los umbrales del Tercer Milenio. Ed. Provive, Caracas 1994

Proceedings in Spanish of the Meeting held in Rio de Janeiro from October 29-31, 1993 of Catholic Latin American Politicians and Lawmakers in the perspective of the International Year of the Family.

Cuestiones demográficas en América Latina. Ed. Provive, Caracas 1993

Proceedings in Spanish of the continental meeting held in Mexico, sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family in April 1993.

The Natural Methods for the Regulation of Fertility: The Authentic Alternative / Metodi naturali per la regolazione della fertilità: l’alternativa autentica. Ed. Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1994, € 31

Proceedings of the meeting with experts on the natural regulation of fertility, sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family in December 1992.  Text in Italian/English.

From Despair to Hope: The Family and Drug Addiction. LEV, 1992, € 1

Document on the theme of drug addiction following a meeting of experts on the subject held in June 1991. Available in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German.

In the Service of Life. LEV, 1992, € 1

Document published following a meeting of experts on the defense of human life held in April 1991. Available in Italian, English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese.

Proceedings of Pontifical Council for the Family: General Assemblies (1985-1990). € 5

·        Matrimonio e Famiglia: dottrina e vita. Problemi, orientamenti, esperienze

·        Il Sacramento del Matrimonio e la missione educatrice

·        La Sacramentalità del Matrimonio e la spiritualità coniugale e familiare

·        La Famiglia nella missione dei laici

·        Realtà sacramentale e pastorale delle giovani coppie

·        La formazione del sacerdote e la pastorale della famiglia

·        Donna, sposa e madre nella famiglia e nella società alle soglie del terzo millennio
