The Holy See Search


1st DAY : Monday, 16 May

New Evangelization of Society:
The Role of the Social Doctrine of the Church

9.00 Opening Prayer and Welcoming Remarks
Card. Peter K. A. Turkson
President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
9.15 New Evangelization of Society and Globalization: The Universal Destination of Goods and Social Justice on a Global Scale in the Face of New Inequalities
Card. Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya
9.55 Common Goods and the Common Good. Governance or Government? Civil Society and National and international Public Authorities
Prof. Raymond Ranjeva
11.00 Bus for the Vatican City
12.00 Audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
14.00 Lunch
15.00 Study, Diffusion, and Experimentation of the Social Doctrine of the Church (SDC): From Mater et Magistra to Caritas in Veritate
Card. Oscar A. Rodríguez Maradiaga
15.45 Social Pastoral Care and Social Action: Links, According to a Distinction and a Unity among Church Communities and Catholic Associations, Organizations of Christian inspiration, and non-denominational Organizations
Rev. Prof. Sergio Bernal Restrepo, SJ


17.00 Coffee Break

The Agents of the SDC: Commissions "Justitia et Pax": Nature and Tasks
H.E. Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi


The Agents of the SDC: Institute Universities or not, Centers of DSC: Nature and Tasks
Rev. Dr. Peter Klasvogt

18.30 Discussion and Conclusions
19.15 Holy Mass

2nd DAY : Tuesday, 17 May

Man and his Environment: Justice and Politics

Coordinators morning session: Coordinators afternoon session:
Africa: Adjahossou, K. Africa: Bp. Barrigah-Benissan, N.
America: Kohler, T. America: Lara Lopéz, C.

Asia: Prakash, L.

Asia: Lovell-Jones, S.
Europe: Beretta, S. Europe: Di Ruzza, T.


The Society of Labor and the Common Good: Which Concept of Work (not just the concept of work passing through the market)?; Which Lifestyles?; Which Paradigm for Development?

Africa: Honny, L.
America: Gregg, S.
Asia: Cludoff, M.
Europe: Martinot-Lagarde, P

9.30 Towards a Social Economy: Plurality of Companies, Participation in the Implementation of the Common Good, Human Dignity and Rights of Workers

Africa :Vaz, B.
America: Ryan, W.
Asia: Irudayam, C.
Europe: Vignon, J.


Valuation and Remuneration of Work, Social Policy: Subsidiarity and Social Justice in the Context of Globalization

Africa: Bujo, B.
America: Clark, C.
Asia: Lawrence, B.
Europe: Pezzotta, S.

10.30 Coffee Break

Active Employment Policies for all and Formation

Africa : Missiaen, V.
America: Larraechea Loeser, I.
Asia: Rathinasamy, A.
Europe: Seifert, H.

11.45 Discussion
13.30 Lunch
15.00 The Earth as a Living Environment: Technology, Economics, and Politics (cultivation, climatic, technological, economic, financial and political conditions)

Africa: Awusabo-Asare, K.
America: Thompson, C.
Asia: Wathanavongs, A.
Europe: Del Campo García, A.


Material Resources, Assets (natural, technological, intellectual resources) and Integral Development

Africa: Muhiya Musabate, H.
America: Escobar Herran, G.
Asia: Seda, F.
Europe: Dacrema, P.


Population Growth: Bioethics, Human Ecology

Africa: Egounlety Toudonou, G.
America: Guerra López, R.
Asia: Fernandes, S.
Europe: Fazio, A.


What Policies are Necessary for a Proper Balance at the Regional, National, and Global Levels, in view of the Production and Distribution of Wealth?

Africa: Henriot, P.
America: Gómez Granados, M.
Asia: Sigamoney, G.
Europe: Beretta, S.

17.00 Coffee Break
17.15 Continental Reports to the General Assembly
18.30 Conclusioni

H. E. Bishop Mario Toso, S.D.B.
Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

19.00 Holy Mass

3rd DAY : Wednesday, 18 May

The Church’s Social Doctrine: Experimentation and Good Practices

9.00 Prayer and Introductory Remarks
9.15 America

Catholic Relief Services (USA): Hackett, K.
Roots of Peace (USA): Kühn, H.
IMDOSOC (Mexico):
Chávez Huitrón, V.
Ficha Limpa (Brasil):
Seidel, D.

10.15 Europe

Progetto Policoro – CEI (Italia): Mons. Casile, A.
Parcours Zachée (France):
Gomez, P.
Pastoral Penitenciaria de la CEE (España):
Segovia Bernabe, J.
Comitato per gli Interventi Caritativi a favore del Terzo Mondo – CEI (Italia)
: Rocca, M.

11.15 Coffee Break
11.45 Discussion
13.30 Lunch
15.00 Asia

Ashankur Women Center (India): Sequeira, D.
Right to food advocacy Program (India):
Mascarenhas, J.
San José Kitchen Cabinets Manifacturing
(Philippines): Chan, O.
Progetto OVCI- La Nostra Famiglia (socio FOCSIV) (China) :
S. Marelli, S. Betto



Institut des Artisans de Justice et de Paix (Bénin) : Goudjo, R.
Programme d’Education civique -Commission « Justice et Paix » (ACEAC)
: Alima, M. – B.
Africa Justice and Peace Working Group - CRS (Ghana):
Pul, H.
Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection (Zambia):
Chiti, L.

17.00 Coffee Break
18.30 Discussion and Conclusions
19.00 Holy Mass
