PROGRAMME 1st DAY : Monday, 16 May New Evangelization of Society: The Role of the Social Doctrine of the Church
9.00 |
Opening Prayer and Welcoming Remarks Card. Peter K. A. Turkson President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace |
9.15 |
New Evangelization of Society and Globalization: The Universal Destination of Goods and Social Justice on a Global Scale in the Face of New Inequalities Card. Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya |
9.55 |
Common Goods and the Common Good. Governance or Government? Civil Society and National and international Public Authorities Prof. Raymond Ranjeva |
11.00 |
Bus for the Vatican City |
12.00 |
Audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI |
14.00 |
Lunch |
15.00 |
Study, Diffusion, and Experimentation of the Social Doctrine of the Church (SDC): From Mater et Magistra to Caritas in Veritate Card. Oscar A. Rodríguez Maradiaga |
15.45 |
Social Pastoral Care and Social Action: Links, According to a Distinction and a Unity among Church Communities and Catholic Associations, Organizations of Christian inspiration, and non-denominational Organizations Rev. Prof. Sergio Bernal Restrepo, SJ |
16.15 |
Discussion |
17.00 |
Coffee Break |
17.30 |
The Agents of the SDC: Commissions "Justitia et Pax": Nature and Tasks H.E. Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi |
18.00 |
The Agents of the SDC: Institute Universities or not, Centers of DSC: Nature and Tasks Rev. Dr. Peter Klasvogt |
18.30 |
Discussion and Conclusions |
19.15 |
Holy Mass |
2nd DAY : Tuesday, 17 May Man and his Environment: Justice and Politics
Coordinators morning session: |
Coordinators afternoon session: |
Africa: Adjahossou, K. |
Africa: Bp. Barrigah-Benissan, N. |
America: Kohler, T. |
America: Lara Lopéz, C. |
Asia: Prakash, L. |
Asia: Lovell-Jones, S. |
Europe: Beretta, S. |
Europe: Di Ruzza, T. |
9.00 |
The Society of Labor and the Common Good: Which Concept of Work (not just the concept of work passing through the market)?; Which Lifestyles?; Which Paradigm for Development? Africa: Honny, L. America: Gregg, S. Asia: Cludoff, M. Europe: Martinot-Lagarde, P |
9.30 |
Towards a Social Economy: Plurality of Companies, Participation in the Implementation of the Common Good, Human Dignity and Rights of Workers Africa :Vaz, B. America: Ryan, W. Asia: Irudayam, C. Europe: Vignon, J. |
10.00 |
Valuation and Remuneration of Work, Social Policy: Subsidiarity and Social Justice in the Context of Globalization Africa: Bujo, B. America: Clark, C. Asia: Lawrence, B. Europe: Pezzotta, S. |
10.30 |
Coffee Break |
11.15 |
Active Employment Policies for all and Formation Africa : Missiaen, V. America: Larraechea Loeser, I. Asia: Rathinasamy, A. Europe: Seifert, H. |
11.45 |
Discussion |
13.30 |
Lunch |
15.00 |
The Earth as a Living Environment: Technology, Economics, and Politics (cultivation, climatic, technological, economic, financial and political conditions) Africa: Awusabo-Asare, K. America: Thompson, C. Asia: Wathanavongs, A. Europe: Del Campo García, A. |
15.30 |
Material Resources, Assets (natural, technological, intellectual resources) and Integral Development Africa: Muhiya Musabate, H. America: Escobar Herran, G. Asia: Seda, F. Europe: Dacrema, P. |
16.00 |
Population Growth: Bioethics, Human Ecology Africa: Egounlety Toudonou, G. America: Guerra López, R. Asia: Fernandes, S. Europe: Fazio, A. |
16.30 |
What Policies are Necessary for a Proper Balance at the Regional, National, and Global Levels, in view of the Production and Distribution of Wealth? Africa: Henriot, P. America: Gómez Granados, M. Asia: Sigamoney, G. Europe: Beretta, S. |
17.00 |
Coffee Break |
17.15 |
Continental Reports to the General Assembly |
18.30 |
Conclusioni H. E. Bishop Mario Toso, S.D.B. Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace |
19.00 |
Holy Mass |
3rd DAY : Wednesday, 18 May
The Church’s Social Doctrine: Experimentation and Good Practices
9.00 |
Prayer and Introductory Remarks |
9.15 |
America Catholic Relief Services (USA): Hackett, K. Roots of Peace (USA): Kühn, H. IMDOSOC (Mexico): Chávez Huitrón, V. Ficha Limpa (Brasil): Seidel, D. |
10.15 |
Europe Progetto Policoro – CEI (Italia): Mons. Casile, A. Parcours Zachée (France): Gomez, P. Pastoral Penitenciaria de la CEE (España): Segovia Bernabe, J. Comitato per gli Interventi Caritativi a favore del Terzo Mondo – CEI (Italia): Rocca, M. |
11.15 |
Coffee Break |
11.45 |
Discussion |
13.30 |
Lunch |
15.00 |
Asia Ashankur Women Center (India): Sequeira, D. Right to food advocacy Program (India): Mascarenhas, J. San José Kitchen Cabinets Manifacturing (Philippines): Chan, O. Progetto OVCI- La Nostra Famiglia (socio FOCSIV) (China) : S. Marelli, S. Betto |
16.00 |
Africa Institut des Artisans de Justice et de Paix (Bénin) : Goudjo, R. Programme d’Education civique -Commission « Justice et Paix » (ACEAC): Alima, M. – B. Africa Justice and Peace Working Group - CRS (Ghana): Pul, H. Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection (Zambia): Chiti, L. |
17.00 |
Coffee Break |
18.30 |
Discussion and Conclusions |
19.00 |
Holy Mass |