The Holy See
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Archbishop Celestino MIGLIORE,
Statement on Agenda item 94 (a):
Social development including questions relating
to the world social situation and to youth, ageing,
disabled persons and the family

Tuesday, 5 October 2004


Mr. Chairman,

In the United Nations, we often hear about development in general but perhaps more should be made of social development specifically. Once we reflect on the objectives of this noble organization, we come to realize that human beings are at the center of all that we do. Their social development is in line with and has a vital role in establishing peace and security.

In the course of time, some forces of globalization have aggravated the insecurities associated with poverty and vulnerability. The youth, the ageing, disabled persons, indigenous peoples, migrants, women and the family have all been sidelined to varying degrees and have become more prone to poverty. Economic progress does not suffice in itself, but should be accompanied by socio-political progress which will assure that a part of the general benefits have a social purpose. In this sense, policy frameworks and developmental plans, both national and international, should create an enabling environment which in turn will lead to social integration, access to basic social services, education and primary health care, sustenance of the family, the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, so that all become owners of their own development.

We are reminded of the drive to implement social development by some important declarations issued in the UN during the past decade.

My Delegation is gratified to find them throughout the documents from Copenhagen to Johannesburg, because we believe in development focused on the human person and in development which realizes human capacity. Such a vision involves moving from assistentialism to empowerment. It means moving away from a policy in which people or groups are considered the object of intervention, to one in which they become the protagonists of their own development. Making them the center of concern should also include the recognition of their capabilities and potentials.

Mr. Chairman, allow me to focus on some particular issues concerning social development:

The social policies for the protection of vulnerable individuals will make sense and will be effective in so far as they are capable of strengthening natural social groups – the small communities and the family – as well as in the measure that they generate a sense of responsibility in civil society towards vulnerable sectors. One must also recognize the social nature of children, the elderly and the handicapped. Only the creation and empowerment of a diversified social network, which begins with the family and is seen at different levels throughout society, will empower those as yet unprotected.

The Holy See once again calls attention to the protection of the family. My delegation is firmly convinced that: «Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family». In this context, my delegation robustly participated in the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family which it viewed as a most significant occasion to continue the discussions that will help strengthen the role of the family in today’s world.

The Holy See is actively engaged in the current work to draft a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, and looks forward to the drafting of a Convention that will further protect the rights of those concerned. What is at stake is nothing less than the right of those individuals to be full members of society. The work on this Convention must become the vehicle by which we take into account the authentic interests and concerns of disabled persons. In a society rich in scientific and technical knowledge it is now possible to do more in the various ways required by civil coexistence: from biomedical research for preventing disabilities, to treatment, assistance, rehabilitation and a new social integration. This convention is being drafted in favor of the disabled, so that they may fully participate in the right to life, something which must be guaranteed to all.

I can assure delegates that the Holy See will continue to work for a better future for all, through recognition of that human dignity which we all share.

*L’Osservatore Romano, 16.10.2004 p.2.

L'Osservatore Romano. Weekly Edition in English n.44 p.10.



Point 94 de l’ordre du jour : Développement social, y compris les questions relatives à la situation sociale dans le monde et aux jeunes, aux personnes âgées, aux handicapés et à la famille a) Développement social, y compris les questions relatives à la situation sociale dans le monde et aux jeunes, aux personnes âgées, aux handicapés et à la famille**


36. Mgr Migliore (Saint-Siège) déclare que le développement en général fait souvent l’objet d’un débat aux Nations Unies, mais que l’on devrait parler davantage du développement social. Au fil des ans, les forces de la mondialisation ont exacerbé les sentiments d’insécurité qui vont de pair avec la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité, et les groupes vulnérables de la société ont été plus ou moins écartés. Le progrès économique doit s’accompagner d’un progrès sociopolitique. Les cadres politique et les plans de développement doivent créer un environnement qui permette à tous les membres de la société de prendre en mains leur propre développement. A cet égard, sa délégation s’est réjouie des diverses déclarations faites par les Nations Unies au cours des décennies écoulées, notamment de celle de Copenhague et de Johannesburg. Les politiques sociales destinées à protéger les personnes vulnérables ne sont efficaces que si elles réussissent à renforcer les groupes sociaux naturels – les petites collectivités et la famille – et si elles suscitent un sentiment de responsabilité civile de la société à l’égard des secteurs vulnérables. Sa délégation souhaite souligner qu’il faut protéger la famille, aussi a-t-elle participé aux célébrations du dixième anniversaire de l’Année internationale de la famille. Elle s’est aussi activement impliquée dans les travaux effectués actuellement pour rédiger une convention sur les droits et la dignité des handicapés. Ces travaux doivent devenir le moyen qui permettra de tenir compte des préoccupations des handicapés, pour que ces derniers puissent profiter pleinement de leur droit à la vie.

**A/C.3/59/SR.4 par 36.



a) Desarrollo social, incluidas cuestiones relativas a la situación social en el mundo y a los jóvenes, el envejecimiento, las personas con discapacidad y la familia***


36. El Arzobispo Migliore (Santa Sede) dice que en general los debates de las Naciones Unidas se centran en el desarrollo general, pero deberían centrarse más especialmente en el desarrollo social. A través de los años, las fuerzas de globalización aumentaron la inseguridad asociada a la pobreza y la vulnerabilidad, y los grupos vulnerables de la sociedad han sido marginados en diverso grado. El progreso económico debe acompañarse de progreso sociopolítico. Los marcos políticos y los planes de desarrollo deben crear un entorno propicio; para que todos los miembros de la comunidad puedan hacerse cargo de su propio desarrollo. Al respecto, la delegación de la Santa Sede celebra las diversas declaraciones aprobadas por las Naciones Unidas en el último decenio, incluidas las de Copenhague y Johanesburgo. Las políticas sociales para la protección de los individuos vulnerables sólo pueden ser efectivas si logran fortalecer los grupos sociales naturales – las pequeñas comunidades y la familia – y crear un sentido de responsabilidad en la sociedad civil hacia los sectores vulnerables. La delegación de la Santa Sede considera necesario proteger a la familia, por lo cual ha participado en la celebración del décimo aniversario del Año Internacional de la Familia. También participa activamente en la labor que se está realizando para preparar una convención sobre los derechos y la dignidad de las personas con discapacidad. Esa labor debe tener en cuenta los problemas de los discapacitados a fin de que éstos puedan realizar plenamente su derecho a la vida.

***A/C.3/59/SR.4 par 36.

