The happiness of man consists in this Happiness in life is to be gained by living virtuously, in as much as thus a Christian, whilst despising glory and the favour of men, desires to please God alone in what he does. I. 1."In the first book we spoke of the duties which we thought befitted a virtuous life, whereon no one has ever doubted but that a blessed life, which the Scripture calls eternal life, depends. So great is the splendour of a virtuous life that a peaceful conscience and a calm innocence work out a happy life. And as the risen sun hides the globe of the moon and the light of the stars, so the brightness of a virtuous life, where it glitters in true pure glory, casts into the shade all other things, which, according to the desires of the body, are considered to be good, or are reckoned in the eyes of the world to be great and noble. 2. Blessed, plainly, is that life which is not valued at the estimation of outsiders, but is known, as judge of itself, by its own inner feelings. It needs no popular opinion as its reward in any way; nor has it any fear of punishments. Thus the less it strives for glory, the more it rises above it. For to those who seek for glory, that reward in the shape of present things is but a shadow of future ones, and is a hindrance to eternal life, as it is written in the Scriptures: "Verily, I say unto you, they have received their reward." This is said of those who, as it were, with the sound of a trumpet desire to make known to all the world the liberality they exercise towards the poor. It is the same, too, in the case of fasting, which is done but for outward show. "They have," he says, "their reward." 3. It therefore belongs to a virtuous life to show mercy and to fast in secret; that thou mayest seem to be seeking a reward from by God alone, and not from men. For he who seeks it from man has his reward, but he who seeks it from God has eternal life, which none can give but the Lord of Eternity, as it is said: "Verily, I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise." Wherefore the Scripture plainly has called that life which is blessed, eternal life. It has not been left to be appraised according to man's ideas on the subject, but has been entrusted to the divine judgment. II. 4. The philosophers have made a happy life to depend, either (as Hieronymus) on freedom from pain, or (as Herillus) on knowledge. For Herillus, hearing knowledge very highly praised by Aristotle and Theophrastus, made it alone to be the chief good, when they really praised it as a good thing, not as the only good; others, as Epícurus, have called pleasure such; others, as Callípho, and after him Diodorus, understood it in such a way as to make a virtuous life go in union, the one with pleasure, the other with freedom from pain, since a happy life could not exist without it. Zeno, the Stoic, thought tile highest and only good existed in a virtuous life. But Aristotle and Theophrastus and the other Peripatetics maintained that a happy life consisted in virtue, that is, in a virtuous life, but that its happiness was made complete by the advantages of the body and other external good things. 5. But the sacred Scriptures say that eternal life rests on a knowledge of divine things and on the fruit of good works. The Gospel bears witness to both these statements. For the Lord Jesus spoke thus of knowledge: "This is eternal life, to know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent.' About works He gives this answer: "Every one that hath forsaken house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My Name's sake, shall receive an hundred-fold, and shall inherit everlasting life.'" St. AMBROSE, On the Duties of the Clergy, II, I [1-3] - II [4-5]. Preghiera Ti supplico, Signore, dammi la felicità da sempre cercata, struggente desiderio, inappagato sogno. Felicità che è pace del cuore, frutto di vita onesta, sguardo misericorde sul cosmo. Felicità che è gioia della conoscenza, disvelamento saporoso del mistero, cammino senza inciampo verso la pienezza. Felicità che è bellezza, armonia delle forme, inebriante cascata di luce. Felicità che è amore corrisposto, riposo dell’amante nell’amato, ebbrezza reciproca, parola divenuta silenzio, silenzio mutato in verginale sguardo. Ma, Signore, se tu sei la Pace, se tu, la Sapienza, se tu, la Bellezza, se tu, l’Amore, perché cerco la felicità fuori di te? e se tu sei in me, perché la cerco fuori di me? Ti supplico, Signore, manifestati a me tu che vivi in me: la tua pace inondi il mio cuore, lo rallegri la tua luminosa sapienza, lo diletti la tua trasparente bellezza, arda del tuo amore, che placa e consuma. Manifestati a me tu che vivi in me: perché comprenda che tu sei la sola Felicità, posseduta fin d’ora, seme immarcescibile che fiorirà nei secoli senza confini. ADAMUS, episc. Jennesis sec. XII Prepared by the Pontifical Theological Faculty "Marianum" |